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Wesley or stivep1 video high voltage&frequency OU

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  • #76

    Wow Stivep That’s a big pill to swallow,a bit disheartening when I get to a bit that someone once spent time and energy drummining into my head and now Its got Wrong wrong wrong stamped all over it in different colours (predominantly red)!. Ah well back to the reading (thanks for posting it) I see from a previous posting that Tariel is Very ill due to poison. I'm sure we have all watched the video of Tariel in his garden Demonstrating an early unit surrounded by friends and relations, Obviously at ease respected by all and everybody is obviously also “having fun” It seems such a shame that the reward for his study experimentation and demonstration should be poison. but alas similar occurrences seem to have happened so very many times before from Tesla to Moray to …. Ah the list is endless the PJ Morgans's are still very much with us..
    Tariel is obviously a clever Man and I have no doubt was well aware of the gambit he was running.
    He seems to have made a decision to “open source” the technique and you gents are doing your best to “put the hammer to the Anvil” for the Tariel.
    You are obviously to a certain extent putting yourself s at no little risk, for which I'd like to thank you. I'd like to think in the same situation I would have the courage to do much the same thing
    And of course my thoughts go to Tariel here demonstrating with friends in happier times Green Box Tariel Kapanadze - part 1 - YouTube I hope he makes a full recovery
    G/luck Tariel … Lets hope we can get a few replications going It makes everyone safer!
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Core View Post
      So yes I agree, Why isn't there more discussion regarding wave mixing.
      I have considered now for some time that harmonics produced by sympathetic resonance might in fact be 'free' energy, but due to the mathematical relationship between the fundamental and harmonics, it is a harder thing to work with. Wave mixing then is a special case of harmonics where the frequencies don't have as tight a relationship, and is therefore easier to isolate the 'free' portion of the energy from the initiating resonance.

      I have also considered that wave mixing allows you to fool Lenz by moving energy from one frequency to another.

      The looming question was whether an electric field acting on a coil would affect charge carriers in such a way as to create a modulating effect on the current flowing through the coil. Obviously we can modulate with transistors, but I don't think that will be particularly helpful. Can we do it passively?

      I took a toroid with two windings and a signal generator hooked to each winding. When the coils are excited single wire in the megahertz range, at a frequency that rings a bit, I am definitely seeing evidence of mixing. When you have found a single wire resonance, say at 10MHz, and both coils are running at exactly 10Mhz, the spectrum analyzer puts out the usual picture...10Mhz, 20MHz, 30Mhz, etc. As soon as you tune one of the generators off of 10Mhz, you get this beautiful 'fan' of frequencies that are the sums and differences of the two source frequencies. Since both generators end up creating harmonics, and all of those harmonics mix, the end result is a complete hash of harmonics...and very clearly mixing is present.

      The only remaining question in my mind is whether loading the mixer output frequencies (or harmonics as well) with a well tuned filter (a bifilar in canceling mode, for instance) has an effect on the originating waves. If not, this may be a ridiculously simple thing to describe, although a bit harder to implement. We'll see.


      • #78
        hi all
        i am wondering something about power as a volume of energy and standing waves.
        is the harmonic a step up in power volume?
        with three frequencies to account for there are only a few field stress points to consider.
        is the actual energy coming from ground or is it within the circuit virtual ground by volume change charge flow points?
        if so how far can this be stressed?


        • #79
          Originally posted by nueview View Post
          hi all
          is the actual energy coming from ground or is it within the circuit virtual ground by volume change charge flow points?
          if so how far can this be stressed?
          Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
          Originally posted by Т-1000 View Post
          Lower frequency is driving frequency (47Hz after slight tuning in our experiment).
          Higher resonant frequency is ferrite exciting frequency(382KHz.)
          Lower frequency signal is stronger than higher frequency signal, hence 15/50 turns just do that because of impedance.
          The HV discharge is not used in experiment - we did not want to break core. But scalar wave is still there because copper plates are connected to capacitor and LC circuit is locked into ferrite resonant frequency (1.66MHz) and oscillation is induced by changing magnetic fields with mix of 15/50 coils signals.
          So you get desired fields manipulation after those steps and complex things are made by simple mixing of signals with right magnetic spin vector angles on right time..


          • #80
            would this hold true in the standard induction motor as well if the windings were reconfigured?


            • #81
              Originally posted by LtBolo View Post
              I have considered now for some time that harmonics produced by sympathetic resonance might in fact be 'free' energy, but due to the mathematical relationship between the fundamental and harmonics, it is a harder thing to work with. Wave mixing then is a special case of harmonics where the frequencies don't have as tight a relationship, and is therefore easier to isolate the 'free' portion of the energy from the initiating resonance.

              I have also considered that wave mixing allows you to fool Lenz by moving energy from one frequency to another.

              The looming question was whether an electric field acting on a coil would affect charge carriers in such a way as to create a modulating effect on the current flowing through the coil. Obviously we can modulate with transistors, but I don't think that will be particularly helpful. Can we do it passively?

              I took a toroid with two windings and a signal generator hooked to each winding. When the coils are excited single wire in the megahertz range, at a frequency that rings a bit, I am definitely seeing evidence of mixing. When you have found a single wire resonance, say at 10MHz, and both coils are running at exactly 10Mhz, the spectrum analyzer puts out the usual picture...10Mhz, 20MHz, 30Mhz, etc. As soon as you tune one of the generators off of 10Mhz, you get this beautiful 'fan' of frequencies that are the sums and differences of the two source frequencies. Since both generators end up creating harmonics, and all of those harmonics mix, the end result is a complete hash of harmonics...and very clearly mixing is present.

              The only remaining question in my mind is whether loading the mixer output frequencies (or harmonics as well) with a well tuned filter (a bifilar in canceling mode, for instance) has an effect on the originating waves. If not, this may be a ridiculously simple thing to describe, although a bit harder to implement. We'll see.
              the difficulty will also be found when choosing the type of wire (thickness , length etc... )

              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              and probably that is why Tesla used to weight his coils too, it is much easier than finding 5.914441183 feet

              ----------------I posted this here:

              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              Just for your Information:

              the ultimate speed limit in the Universe is the speed of light, which is approximately 300,000 kilometers per second / 186 282.397 miles per second.

              Some useful conversions between units are:

              1 mile is 5,280 feet
              1 mile is 1.61 kilometers
              1 kilometer is 1000 meters
              1 Light Year is 9.46 x 10 12 km
              1 Light Year is 5.91 x 10 12 mi

              just read this, and it fits the rule of ten and rule of 6

              30 meter wavelength works out to about 10 MHz

              if you'd like to know more read this post:

              so for instance a 30 meter wire for 10 MHz

              An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
              . a harmonic cascade effect
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-05-2011, 10:54 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #82
                Originally posted by nueview View Post
                would this hold true in the standard induction motor as well if the windings were reconfigured?
                Same answer when you have rotor speed acceleration effect under load - 2 mixed frequencies there: one is magnet oscillation, second is coil induction oscillation.
                Again, everything go back to what N,Tesla said about how to make artificial ball lightning...


                • #83
                  for consideration

                  stivep... Here posted one of your early video's from OU (page 505) TARIEL KAPANADZE EVERYTHING .. WE KNOW FOR NOW..swf - YouTube (yeh I've been reading back friends on an epic trip!) ... Please compare with my post 68 Not at all sure if my conclusions are correct but your machine is doing it too!
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    the difficulty will also be found when choosing the type of wire (thickness , length etc... )
                    The Physics of Magick - the source of words "COHERENCE AT ANY LEVEL IS COHERENCE AT ALL LEVELS." ..


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                      The Physics of Magick - the source of words "COHERENCE AT ANY LEVEL IS COHERENCE AT ALL LEVELS." ..

                      Fifth Way Mystery School
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        Talking about electricity and different frequencies, "COHERENCE AT ANY LEVEL IS COHERENCE AT ALL LEVELS" means resonance between different frequencies
                        Erowid Culture Vaults : Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain is about different research but same principle...

                        Originally posted by Tesla View Post
                        Tesla first realized the massive potential of resonant waves in 1898 when he performed a simple experiment with an electromechanical oscillator the size of an alarm clock. He attached the device to an iron pillar that ran down through the center of his lab into the foundation of his building. His plan was to let it simply tap away until he could produce a significant vibration in the pillar. However, Tesla was unaware that the vibrations from the oscillator were being conducted through the iron pillar down into the substructure of the city. Just as earthquakes are normally the strongest at a short distance from their epicenter, nearby buildings shook and windows shattered while Tesla's lab remained unaffected. Without rapid police intervention, Tesla may have let the oscillator run all night as buildings crumbled around him.

                        In a later experiment using the same principle, Tesla clamped an oscillator to one of the exposed ground floor beams of a half built ten-story steel building. As Tesla told reporters later that day:"In a few minutes, I could feel the beam trembling. Gradually the trembling increased in intensity and extended throughout the whole great mass of steel. Finally, the structure began to creak and weave, and the steel workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Rumors spread that the building was about to fall, and the police reserves were called out. Before anything serious happened, I took off the vibrator, put it in my pocket, and went away. But if I had kept on ten minutes more, I could have laid that building flat in the street. And, with the same vibrator, I could drop the Brooklyn Bridge in less than an hour."

                        "The principle cannot fail," Tesla would say. He understood that a steady frequency of tiny waves would eventually create enormous ripples if they were timed just right. What Tesla demonstrated was a principle of resonance known as entrainment - the ability of a frequency to cause a less powerful frequency to fall into rhythm simply by placing the two frequency emitters in close proximity. In other words, if you take an electrical oscillator with a power rating of 10 watts that is oscillating at a frequency of 1000 cycles per second (cps), and place it next to an oscillator with a power rating of 1000 watts vibrating at a frequency of 5000 cps, eventually the slower oscillator will be entrained to vibrate at 5000 cps because of the more powerful electromagnetic field created by the 1000 watt oscillator.
                        P.S> I strongly recommend to read book "Gerry Vassilatos Secrets of Cold War Technology" (google it). It contains lots of information about Nicola Tesla including quotes I am posting to forums... The one of download sources is here: Gerry Vassilatos - Secrets of Cold War Technology.pdf - - document sharing - download The another book is Valone - Harnessing the wheelwork of nature - Tesla's science of energy: Valone - Harnessing the wheelwork of nature - Tesla's science of energy (2002).pdf - - document sharing - download
                        Last edited by T-1000; 11-06-2011, 03:14 AM.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                          Ok, here is some food for theoretics

                          Corum Ball lightning
                          Corum Ball lightning
                          Originally Posted by N.Tesla
                          " became apparent that the fireballs resulted form the interaction of two frequencies, a stray higher frequency wave imposed on the lower frequency oscillations of the main circuit....
                          This condition acts as a trigger which may cause the total energy of the powerful longer wave to be discharged in a infinitesimally small interval of time and the proportionately tremendously great rate of energy movement which cannot confine itself to the metal circuit and is released into surrounding space with inconceivable violence. It is but a step, from the learning how a high frequency current can explosively discharge a lower frequency current, to using the principle to design a system in which these explosions can be produced by intent." -N. Tesla

                          So, instead of making ball lightning, we're about to use this energy for our electrical circuits ...
                          This tells me that the energy in the longer wave is discharged in a small time
                          period, but it is not describing over unity performance, when the energy is
                          discharged from the longer wave it will take input energy to put energy back
                          into the longer wave. Like discharging a capacitor, it still needs to be
                          recharged, with input.

                          The text tells me the higher frequency wave discharges the energy from the
                          low frequency wave like a capacitor discharge. I don't see how it implies free
                          energy or over unity performance, because all the energy discharged from the
                          lower frequency wave was input.

                          It is interesting nonetheless and probably could be practically useful.



                          • #88
                            I am tempted to say that sounds like a misquote.

                            How can one get a wave that is a function of time both leading and lagging the instance to compress into an instant?

                            That and if so why would anyone think that it would nicely follow a wire and tamely become useful as electricity?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                              I am tempted to say that sounds like a misquote.

                              How can one get a wave that is a function of time both leading and lagging the instance to compress into an instant?

                              That and if so why would anyone think that it would nicely follow a wire and tamely become useful as electricity?
                              When you have 2 waves in resonance to each other, you get net gain in amplitude of outcome wave.

                              Why it would follow with same principles in electricity? The same laws of Nature are everywhere
                              Last edited by T-1000; 11-06-2011, 02:18 AM.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                                When you have 2 waves in resonance to each other, you get net gain in amplitude of outcome wave.

                                Why it would follow with same principles in electricity? The same laws of Nature are everywhere
                                I thought they said different frequncy

