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Wesley or stivep1 video high voltage&frequency OU

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  • Originally posted by Joit View Post
    When i look at the Waveforms above it looks for me that there is only a 50Hz Sinewave Generator needed. Even when i dont have a Circuit for that now.
    The Sawtooth Waves are only Pulses into one Direction.

    I played around with some similar Pulses too, and figured, that its not neccessary to have a Sine wave, it works too when you only have a Pulse into one Direction. It may only works at half Efficency but it should show a Result.
    Also, at a certain Point the Pulses in a Coil change to a Sinewave.
    Right now i think i can do it with 2 555 Timer, what should work until 2 Mhz and may Mosfets like IRF540,640,840, because they are faster at switching and their Performance is better then normal Transistors.
    Thanks Joit, it seems that you have to build whole new driver for that (two 555 and IRF 540 which is very similar to one flyback driver that i used (one of the simplest)), but couldn't you try anything that you already have built, i mean could we use even flyback driver with flyback or without flyback or something similar?

    Farmhand has got many ideas on that, that is for sure, but since he is already sleeping we have to wait a little bit to see what is his best shut at this moment.

    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


    • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
      When you have 2 waves in resonance to each other, you get net gain in amplitude of outcome wave.

      Why it would follow with same principles in electricity? The same laws of Nature are everywhere

      We were experimenting with two coils on a ferrite toroid, looking for wave mixing, and observed a 6db increase when two harmonics of the two coils hit the same frequency. It surprised me. Then I was remembering a rule from speaker design, that for every doubling of speakers at the same power, you get a 6db increase in sound.

      If that same rule does apply to electricity, then that may be the key to what you are doing. Maybe the wave power increases linearly but the result of the summing increases magnetic power by the square. By using resonance to significantly increase the total power present in the coil, and by combining two waves, the resulting energy pushed into the harmonics gets large enough to be useful.

      Further, if tapping a harmonic only doesn't touch the fundamental that produced it, then there could end up being a large amount of useful energy that can actually be extracted.

      The key then would be using the most efficient means of generating two or more waves that were as large as possible, then tapping just the harmonic(s) with something like the bifilar, that would allow you to selectively isolate certain frequencies.


      • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
        Thanks Joit, it seems that you have to build whole new driver for that (two 555 and IRF 540 which is very similar to one flyback driver that i used (one of the simplest)), but couldn't you try anything that you already have built, i mean could we use even flyback driver with flyback or without flyback or something similar?

        Farmhand has got many ideas on that, that is for sure, but since he is already sleeping we have to wait a little bit to see what is his best shut at this moment.

        Something like this probatly?
        POWERLABS' High Voltage Solid State Flyback Driver

        re(updated) Simple flyback driver

        I see a problem with this, that you can not come that high at the Frequency, 1 Mhz is still a bit, and then adjusting it there is may a bit complicated. It may only would work over the Wire Size from the Pickup at this Transformer, but unequal Wires there can cause heat too at one from this Coils. And you could try another adjustable Resistor at the schematic from this page at the Base from the 3055, else, i dont have a lot others schematics at hand, what work without a 555 chip. There are surely some, but i did not look for them now.
        Someone else maybe?
        Last edited by Joit; 11-06-2011, 04:55 PM. Reason: add link
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • Originally posted by thedude View Post
          Hello All. Hi Stivep and T-1000 . Great to have so many good minds here.

          I still need to read and catch up with this thread but just wanted to get these images up. Will follow up with more reading under my belt. Video at my host is finally working. Was my own fault for a poor download of my own from the source. My bad.

          I have assembled my own generator coil and may have to substitute my 150 wind output with heavier guage as i've used some 20 that I had on hand. My 50 and 15 are both 18 guage and my braid came from some heavy RG-6 coaxial cable that i had around. Haven't had a chance to fill a parts list for this project yet, however if I need to rewind my 150 side than so be it. The other is the harder of the two to build. Its a start.

          My generator coil. (too small 20 guage on 150 wind side)

          You will need to remake generator coils,see where copper plates are (I recommend to use it for 1:1 replication):

          It is crucial to have them one next to other for scalar wave. Also are connected to variable capacitor for locking down LC tank freuency into ferriresonant frequency of the core.

          Good luck!


          • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post

            You will need to remake generator coils,see where copper plates are (I recommend to use it for 1:1 replication):

            It is crucial to have them one next to other for scalar wave. Also are connected to variable capacitor for locking down LC tank freuency into ferriresonant frequency of the core.

            Good luck!
            My braid is yanked up to the top to keep wire from rolling off in that picture. it slips down to crotch of ferite in line with other better normally.

            But i would remake it material is wrong. I'm not opposed to rewinding at all. Easy to work on and don't have signal generators sorted out so i will have time to refine my winding.

            Do you suggest that i switch to copper as material instead T-1000? Thanks for you help on this.
            Last edited by thedude; 11-06-2011, 06:54 PM.
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            • Originally posted by thedude View Post
              Do you suggest that i switch to copper as material instead T-1000? Thanks for you help on this.
              Youp, the copper plates should do better than braid. See how wide it is in pic and it is wider than braid.


              • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                Youp, the copper plates should do better than braid. See how wide it is in pic and it is wider than braid.
                Right on. I will do. It will be a negative vacuum occurring there so i can imagine that we want as much surface exposure to the ferite as possible to help translate as much of that radiant potential as we can. Copper has always served best for those primaries and i do agree to change it.

                Thank you so much. The help here is invaluable.
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                • Will this work with a ferrite ring that is separated into two halves?

                  If so speakers are a very good source for these toroids.


                  • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                    Will this work with a ferrite ring that is separated into two halves?

                    If so speakers are a very good source for these toroids.
                    You need to test ring but most likely it won't do as the cone do. In video stivep showed ferrite ring but was not successful to replicate same effect on that time. Probably due too many unknowns what are not documented in conventional science...


                    • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                      See yourself what output you get when you have 3 primary coils in transformer where 1 is driving for transformer action, second is running on natural resonance and third is very low impedance + feeding back scalar waves perpendicularly from induced ferro-resonant frequency in LC tank circuit..
                      to the best of my knowledge scalar is a 0j quantity, now what?


                      • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                        to the best of my knowledge scalar is a 0j quantity, now what?
                        I think Applied Scalar Wave Technology - Tom Bearden interview 1of8 - YouTube is good enough for explanation


                        • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                          well let me put it like this. how can it be a scalar and a wave at the same time?


                          • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                            well let me put it like this. how can it be a scalar and a wave at the same time?
                            Very very simply. You can have sound in tube and it's flowing through air as longitudinal wave. You can have the same sound produced by round transmitter propagating as a 3d sphere around - it is now scalar longitudinal wave. Scalar means it has no direction but scalar valu of intensity from the originator point. But mostly scalar is wrong terminology.It is rather tensor shorted to scalar-like item by symetry case.My personal opinion .


                            • Just did find out our experimental results are on PESN news: Massive OU Claimed in Freaky Pre-Halloween Video

                              Also I left comment for making article look better than in beginning:

                              Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                              While article is focusing on wrong place, the main focus should be on technical aspects behind of working principles.

                              Please see what is common between those quotes:
                              Quote: from Nicola Tesla
                              " became apparent that the fireballs resulted form the interaction of two frequencies, a stray higher frequency wave imposed on the lower frequency oscillations of the main circuit....
                              This condition acts as a trigger which may cause the total energy of the powerful longer wave to be discharged in a infinitesimally small interval of time and the proportionately tremendously great rate of energy movement which cannot confine itself to the metal circuit and is released into surrounding space with inconceivable violence. It is but a step, from the learning how a high frequency current can explosively discharge a lower frequency current, to using the principle to design a system in which these explosions can be produced by intent.
                     became apparent that the fireballs resulted form the interaction of two frequencies, a stray higher frequency wave imposed on the lower frequency oscillations of the main circuit..."
                              Tesla first realized the massive potential of resonant waves in 1898 when he performed a simple experiment with an electromechanical oscillator the size of an alarm clock. He attached the device to an iron pillar that ran down through the center of his lab into the foundation of his building. His plan was to let it simply tap away until he could produce a significant vibration in the pillar. However, Tesla was unaware that the vibrations from the oscillator were being conducted through the iron pillar down into the substructure of the city. Just as earthquakes are normally the strongest at a short distance from their epicenter, nearby buildings shook and windows shattered while Tesla's lab remained unaffected. Without rapid police intervention, Tesla may have let the oscillator run all night as buildings crumbled around him.

                              In a later experiment using the same principle, Tesla clamped an oscillator to one of the exposed ground floor beams of a half built ten-story steel building. As Tesla told reporters later that day:"In a few minutes, I could feel the beam trembling. Gradually the trembling increased in intensity and extended throughout the whole great mass of steel. Finally, the structure began to creak and weave, and the steel workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Rumors spread that the building was about to fall, and the police reserves were called out. Before anything serious happened, I took off the vibrator, put it in my pocket, and went away. But if I had kept on ten minutes more, I could have laid that building flat in the street. And, with the same vibrator, I could drop the Brooklyn Bridge in less than an hour."
                              "The principle cannot fail," Tesla would say. He understood that a steady frequency of tiny waves would eventually create enormous ripples if they were timed just right. What Tesla demonstrated was a principle of resonance known as entrainment - the ability of a frequency to cause a less powerful frequency to fall into rhythm simply by placing the two frequency emitters in close proximity. "

                              "Moreover, even in the absence of the external magnetic field, the hypefine can
                              produce Zeeman splitting of the conduction electron spins, equivalent to that of an
                              external field of several tesla. This is an example of a ''potential'' magnetic field caused by
                              the nuclear spin polarization."

                              So they key to Pandora box is - Nicola Tesla methods for reaching ferro-resonance and atomic spin vectors polarization with the help of multiple resonant oscillations applied at once to the transformer core.

                              Note for the conventional scientists: Unless you do experiment and get results, your theories make wrong model and the truth are only results from successful experiment.

                              So pursue the unknown by actually making experiment!

                              Good luck for everyone in replication!

