Here is a 19 minute video showing the finding and restoration of an 1898 Tesla Coil.
It is worth a view I think, despite the crudeness of a homemade video (that I hope you will excuse).
It shows the original house that Kinraide lived, hidden rooms, artifacts, an original Kinraide Coil, and
what it took to actually restore it to working order. And some sparks too! For me, it was a close to
more than 15 years of insanity on my part - a senseless quest to find info on a man I took interest in
for no apparent reason. It seems to me, some hundreds of Pancake coils later, and finally one of his original
machines: it wasn't time wasted.
The Quest For Kinraide - YouTube
Further photos:
The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library
The video will be played at Jane's conference in NY next week, and I will be via Skype answering questions.
Hope all of my Tesla friends are doing well.