so those who are not formilliar who bob lazar is ... he is a person who has worked on our crafts! he speeks of elment 115
he explains the gravity generator ! as a wave and how it repells the earths gravity wave he also explains there 3 generators .. 1st for low elevation lift ... second the 3 generators aligned properly are as the TURBO COIL ..... where it dirrects the feild to a single point and the craft rides it ...
the eye of the storm ...
this is exactally like a gyro ... where the craft sets up its own gravatitonal feild ..
its all about spinn! the faster it spinns the lighter it gets ... the more cyntrifical force it has .. just like gravity on earth it is a dirrect result of the spinn of earth one force is drawing in from space .. like water going down the drain ... the other force pushes out ...
same with our chracks 1 spinn is powered from outward push .. and the other spinn in our charakas is inward pull .. the wheels are spinning oppsite dirrections... HENCE A BALLANCED GYROSCOPIC PARTICLE
unity ballance happins within us! we are the ballance point between the heavens and the earth !
enjoying our human experience !
i have never seen a gravity wave on a scope other than my own work .. and i suspect the 2 freq ringing collapse to be a gravity wave
he explains the gravity generator ! as a wave and how it repells the earths gravity wave he also explains there 3 generators .. 1st for low elevation lift ... second the 3 generators aligned properly are as the TURBO COIL ..... where it dirrects the feild to a single point and the craft rides it ...
the eye of the storm ...
this is exactally like a gyro ... where the craft sets up its own gravatitonal feild ..
its all about spinn! the faster it spinns the lighter it gets ... the more cyntrifical force it has .. just like gravity on earth it is a dirrect result of the spinn of earth one force is drawing in from space .. like water going down the drain ... the other force pushes out ...
same with our chracks 1 spinn is powered from outward push .. and the other spinn in our charakas is inward pull .. the wheels are spinning oppsite dirrections... HENCE A BALLANCED GYROSCOPIC PARTICLE
unity ballance happins within us! we are the ballance point between the heavens and the earth !
enjoying our human experience !
i have never seen a gravity wave on a scope other than my own work .. and i suspect the 2 freq ringing collapse to be a gravity wave