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Dr Stiffler SEC Replications?

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  • @slider Would I be incorrect to suggest that The Dr. is implying that the first step in a successful PSEC is identifying the SRF of the given coil you have wound, by energizing it at a low P -> P signal strength -close- to where you might expect an anomalous amplitude effect may occur, sighting that on a spectrum analyzer, and then ultimately feeding THAT frequency into the circuit, adjust various distancing (and thus capacitances) such that the energy is then realized? And if so, to start with the frequency, st would be ultimately very difficult, in that it'd require winding the perfect coil, of unknown physical attributes, to match your set-by-the-crystal frequency; going backwards. It would seem, then, (and did he not say himself) an attempt without a spectrum analyzer is possibly impossible? it seems that Raui and Inquorate have made -some- progress in using RF voltmeters & signal gens, however, but if I understand it correctly, it is the same approach, but with instruments that are more obtainable. A method to try to follow procedure with lesser devices in hopes to at least let the effect appear, which is what I thought Raui seemed to do in his video.

    That is my understanding but I encourage any opposition to that, because I am only just trying to understand it better myself.
    Alberta is under attack...

    Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


    • Nothing to oppose there
      Yes, indeed, match the runnings to the frequency of the circuit. SRF calculations still seem to need test equipment though, from what i've seen.
      I don't know of a reliable method of resonant frequency calculation that uses a multimeter, a bit of foil and an LED, or something.
      My L3's are out by miles - 67 turns at the diameter and gauge shown is what i've counted on Dr. Stifflers pics. Got one with 127 turns, one with about 100.
      (a side note - i was overjoyed the other day to find a chapstick on the street LOL, shouted to my wife "hey, it's a nekkid L3")
      The twins that i've built are intended to circumvent that problem, at least partially and to further own understandings.

      4148's will have the numbers in black written on them, just like their larger counterparts.
      Most PCB's have the correct symbols under the components. So a Shottky or a Zener will be shown...not all the time but most of the time.
      Some PCB's feature the bending of legs of the components. You can use a smaller sized utility knife blade to gently lever the leg (and solder) to a straight upward position. Such that, when removed with the soldering iron, the legs come out cleanly.
      The way I remove them, is to use a very thin screwdriver under one leg. Those sets of screwdrivers sometimes called 'optical' or whatever that people use for fixing eyeglasses. Use a constant upward pressure as you apply the soldering iron to the back of the PCB. It'll move out fine enough on nearly all PCB's. The diode itself can then be held with your other hand as the other leg is heated and out it will come


      • Just read some of the links that you posted. Wow, they got my head spinning. The quartz crystal oscillators do seam like a logical choice for what we are after. They can replace the LC type circuit with a simpler and more stable quartz crystal oscillator circuit. The input voltage for that type of oscillator can also be matched to output of the crystal cells, or like my carbon/quartz cell, such as the ones that I make and use.
        Worth seriously looking into...
        My quartz/carbon cells do work better than just the carbon cells without the quartz.
        If I can't get the passive PSEC system to work for me, through just the earth ground, I can make use of the input from my cells to trigger the oscillators, along with the earth ground. It would still be a passive circuit.

        Thanks for the links, great stuff...


        • kcarring:
          Possibly, the frequency sweet spot can be found by using the Docs methods, but once those specs are known a similar coil(s) can be wound by taking the previous coil apart and measuring the wire dimensions, and making another exactly like it. Or by buying the quartz crystal of the same or closest frequency, then further fine tuning using variable caps, and pots.
          My idea is to get past the individually wound coils, that can have many variables, and to use inductors or something like the crystal oscillators with a fixed value, but with adjustable frequency tuning control.
          If it is just too complicated and impractical to get this to work, then we'll just have buy the ready made circuit to experiment with, when available, and just use it as it comes, right out of the box. Plug and play... What no plug?



          • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
            If I can't get the passive PSEC system to work for me, through just the earth ground, I can make use of the input from my cells to trigger the oscillators, along with the earth ground. It would still be a passive circuit. Thanks for the links, great stuff... Nick
            Nick, is it possible that a simple bubba oscillator amplified slightly with an opamp would suffice in conjunction with the crystal? just a thought. To get your sinusoidal wave... i mean.

            Alberta is under attack...

            Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


            • kcarring:
              I'm not familiar with the bubba oscillator, I've made many Hartley type oscillators, and various Jtc, like in the pictures below.
              First pic is on my AA sized quartz/carbon cell running a Hartley.
              Second pic is of various Hartley types, that can all be connected to my different perpetual output cells.
              Third pic is of one of my cement cell banks, that work fine with low draw circuits like what we are working on now. They are now a year old, and still at it.
              Attached Files


              • Creating the Sine Wave

                Thanks Nick.

                In section 8.4 of this document it discusses the basic Bubba oscillator circuit that outputs a sine and cos wave pattern:


                In this document, a great project on how to build a pure sine wave inverter using a DC-DC step up, bubba oscillator, triangle wave generator and PWM, the author(s) go on to explain the bubba oscillator may be tapped at different points, some of higher amplitude, and some of lower, interestingly, P5, of lowest distortion shown in figure 4, page 9:


                I always feel like I'm jumping way ahead of the starting line when discussing this, given that I have not seen The Dr., himself demonstrate a standalone circuit, which, presumably would be ideal - however my hunch is, if it were easy to do, he'd probably already would have demonstrated such a thing. Obviously, it'd be very practicle to have a stand alone device; but can the signal be reproduced with enough quality in as far as total harmonic distorion is concerned, easily... I don't know and don't pretend to. I just got my first scope, and my first signal generator .. neither of which are especially high tech units... and I am still experimenting with "looking at coils" ... but my scope is analog, and I do not have a spectrum analyzer nor an RF voltmeter, so to quote the Dr. himself "I'm still in the dark".

                Then again, I think... "What's inside the box?" (Any signal generator of reasonable quality), and it's fairly likely that it is a Bubba Oscillator or Wein-Bridge ... there are only so many "practicle ways" to go about it... however this really pretty far beyond me and I could be making a gross error in stating such things.


                *PS @Nick Cool Photos A year on those cement cells, huh? Impressive. I'll bet that's how Fred & Barney fired up the lights on their car Never saw them complaining!
                Last edited by kcarring; 12-27-2011, 09:04 AM. Reason: add
                Alberta is under attack...

                Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                • Ok, now you guys are making me jealous. I'm still waiting for Santa, but instead of Costa Rica he may have he ended up in Pueto Rico. I'm going to have to give him better directions... There was also something about him not delivering outside the US.
                  So, If you find the right frequencies and all, maybe I can use those figures to go on. I don't feel that it is impossible to replicate the exact result if using the exact parts. But, I don't want to keep beating the old horse, and may have to get a new bicycle instead.
                  If a tuned coil uses 6.5 feet of 22 gauge wire and is wound on a form that of known dimensions, with known pigtails, could it not be repeated to the tee on another coil. Or close enough to it, then finish off the tuning with variable caps, or pots? I'll guess that I'll just have to answer my own questions... or get accused of killing the poor horse that I couldn't feed...
                  In any case my idea is not to get myself into trouble, but to find solutions that will work for me, instead. And if I can't, then I can't. I'll be the first to admit it. No skin off my nose.
                  There are more ways to skin a cat...

                  I'll check the info that you have sent on the bubba oscillator,

                  Ps. Some how what we are doing reminds me of the Coler circuit, or not?
                  Last edited by NickZ; 04-29-2012, 05:59 AM.


                  • Making the 22 MHz Coil for the Aluminum blocks project.

                    10.83 uH Coil on a form 0.625 inches O.D.
                    # 26 AWG 35 Turns , coil length 0.79 inches long
                    7 feet wire 4 inch pig tail to start.
                    Be sure to secure the windings with coat of varnish.

                    For Metric
                    .625 inches = 15.875 mm
                    .79 inches = 20.009 mm
                    # 26 AWG = 0.40 mm

                    For my setup I use 4.88 pF as a theoretical constant. I use this calculaor:
                    Professor Coyle cylinder HTML Version copyright (C)2005 Darryl Boyd

                    The cable from signal generator is made of RG-58/U with BNC connector, it is 22 " long, single aligator.
                    When using the aluminum blocks at 1 cm gap spacing between blocks the frequency peaks @ 22MHz.
                    When not using any blocks, that is SG direct to coil the frequency peaks @ 18 Mhz. (wrong way)

                    The capacitive blocks adjust the capacitance approximately 3 to 12 pF. ( like an adjustable air capacitor )
                    When the gap is Narrow the capacitance is higher.
                    When the gap is wider the capacitance is lower.
                    The coil will Resonate at a higher frequency when the gap is wider.
                    The coil will resonate at a lower frequency when the gap is narrower.

                    Get the red led to light using only one diode and hopefully your blocks are more than 1 cm.
                    When you move the blocks you can still get the led to light plus or minus 1 MHz.
                    Next decrease the amplitude to 1/4 brightness and readjust coil.
                    continue decreasing amplitude and readjusting the coil.
                    at plus or minus 100 Khz is where frequency stability and stray capacitance
                    become a real fight.
                    Last edited by mikrovolt; 01-02-2012, 04:38 AM.


                    • Mikrovolt:
                      Thanks for the specs of the coil. Would that be like the L1 coil? And the L2 would be matched to the L1, and the L3 also? Three exact same frequency coils at 10.83 MHz?
                      As it looks like the Docs picture of the L3 has many more winds than just 31 turns. Are you referng to the tuning dimensions of the 3 coil PSEC system?

                      I also now understand the purpose of the blocks, acting like adjustable air capacitors. It's interesting how the body can also work as a capacitor of sorts. So, the aluminum blocks are acting as air capacitors then, instead of using adjustable caps to adjust the capacitance.

                      @Slider: thanks for the info on the ceramic caps, as well as the finding the values of the 4148s. I didn't know that they were able to write them on such small glass diodes. I'll look for that ,with a magnifying glass my eyes aren't what they use to be.
                      Thanks guys,


                      • Progress and help needed !

                        Firstly, some good news.
                        I've sucessfully run a new SEC-18 on a 1.2V rechargeable AA, built from parts found on a CRT monitor PCB
                        The Orion 17" monitor had a transistor I wanted for a Bedini wheel and then I noted the large coils sat on the PCB. 150uH and 120uH hmmm.
                        So, everything for the circuit got pulled from that board, including the green power LED lol
                        Only the self wound L3 and breadboard are not from the monitor !
                        L1 - 150uH
                        L2 - 120uH (very strong wireless off top of that, as shown in pic below)
                        L3 - 127 winds of approx 26 gauge on solder tube
                        2x 1N4148's
                        1 Meg resistor
                        473J red ceramic cap
                        10uF 50V electrolytic
                        2x RF beads
                        223 yellow cap
                        STS 5343 transistor (PDF here: )

                        The help that is needed, is to find a manual for my signal generator. It's a Plantronics Wilcom T296 - Programmable Frequency Generator.
                        It arrived from the Ebay seller today
                        Been all over Google and all around everything I could think of, but there's seemingly no manual anywhere.
                        Anyone used one before or could assist in finding a manual ?

                        Here's a pic of the CRT PCB SEC-18, sat on top of the Wilcom.

                        Last edited by Slider2732; 12-30-2011, 03:24 AM.


                        • i can only suggest plugging it straight into your oscope when it arrives and see what happens when you press stuff...
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • Cheers Ben
                            That's kinda what I did...the scope arrived the other day and, apart from a busticated Intensity knob appears perfect. The Intensity control does work, if I push it down and inward, but the screen isn't overly bright at what seems to be a default level, so it's fine.
                            Opened her up and saw that the controls are all on a PCB that would take quite the while to disassemble. So have left it for the moment while there's nothing else wrong.
                            Connected it to the Wilcom and had a play earlier this evening.

                            I've managed a few things with the Wilcom.
                            It would play DTMF tones, after I worked out the rudimentaries of control. Rather put me in mind of listening to Kraftwerk actually
                            Programming is like a Yamaha DX7 synth or similar, if you have experience of electronic music. No idea what's going on until you do something that works !
                            Then, something i've not managed to repeat yet, the selecting of frequencies and out to the scope as waveforms...lovely jubbly.
                            L1 = Level 1, of F1 = Frequency. Same for L2 and F2.
                            However, it seems the range is only 20Hz to 20kHz so audio frequencies only ? or is that just part of what it can do ? I have no idea..but I do know my 42 year old ears now seem to top out at 14100, which was a lot of fun in and of itself to find out.

                            Also fun, was this error message...suiting my Flux Inductor powered DeLorean very well


                            • Tryed a different approach measuring voltage across resistor in place of the led on the aluminum blocks project.
                              ( It is important to do the original aluminum block project to make sure your equipment is correct )

                              I tryed to find the (srf) of the 22MHz coil by using: a signal generator, the aluminum blocks,
                              a coil, a modified avramenko and a voltmeter and a frequency counter.

                              The led just was'nt doing what I wanted, so I replaced the led with a 10K resistor and measured voltage across the resistor which resulted in a curve but no clear peak. For example as you increase the frequency the voltage climbs along a voltage curve seen on the multimeter. No peak so not helpful. Next I tried a 100K ohm resistor which was a little improvement !, so finally I tryed a 1 M resistor and what I found was there was peak but not sharp but when I reduced the amplitude to 850 mV or less the darn thing found what I believe is the (srf)

                              Again, the setup is identical to the video except the led is replaced by a 1 Mega Ohm resistor and the SA is replaced with a frequency counter but uses a coax cable like the SA.
                              Turn the frequency adjustment back and forth a few hundred Khz and the coil reacts sharply to AC potential. Amazingly this coil that Q's up so nicely at 22 MHz is now doing it somewhere past 24 MHz and putting another coil beside it changes it again. It is this effective peak that makes me think that there is another way to match coils without a SA.

                              Re: finding a sweet spot: Certain frequency sets were found that stimulate. The SEC was adjusted at a tower at the right distance and these frequencies could be found after long hours of successive approximations, fortunately there are a few of these frequencies are documented. This would be building the coil to a frequency unless of course you own a spectrum analyzer.
                              Last edited by mikrovolt; 01-01-2012, 04:33 AM.


                              • Slider,

                                Do you remember where you did that table of known good, high gain signal transistors? I saw it once and forgot it. I did my first "play" with a Dr. Stiffler inspired circuit, a replication of jonnydavro's variant, anyway. It was a lot of fun, but I noticed that of 36 transistors, 3 worked. They are not all dead... possibly the circuit is very fussy and demanding of high gain, The Slayer Exciter can be like that too. I'm going to assume that given the Dr. stated that in regards to PSEC, itself, NO off the shelf transistor would work, only his proprietary. I did manage to find a pretty decent configuration, eventually, and even had plasma arcing, good output, low draw, if compared to the same coil used in the Slayer Exciter circuit, using the same transistor...
                                Alberta is under attack...

                                Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P

