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Dr Stiffler SEC Replications?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
    I'll keep my eyes on your channel too Raui
    Would have checked before now, but have been uploading a progress vid too, comp gets slow if I open too much.

    Things are looking better over here, after I really took a good look at what Dr. Stiffler was doing in his PSEC videos. I don't have the test equipment and so, unfortunately, have had to go down a different route.
    It revolves around using phenomenon that I know from 'traditional' Slayer exciter builds.
    A better version of an actual PSEC looking (and seemingly partially performing) device has been built. Wiring has been guessed no real point in a circuit diagram, unless folks like what they see at this point.
    It uses the HV output from the unit I showed in the previous page, so giving a source of known energy with which to work.
    Voltage used is down to less than 3V, so the next stage is to bring the seen effects from a single AA.

    Here's the video:
    SEC replication progress - YouTube

    Since the start of the upload, it has been found that the reason for some of the initial slow startup of the device has been because of the 1000uF cap charging ! All of that side looks to be fine in retrospect.
    15 LED's are now on the 'power meter' seen on the video and it gives a great idea of what sort of energy levels are flying around
    I subscribed to your channel, Looks great Slider! Keep up the good work

    Scribd account;


    • #32
      here are my lame vids if interested:

      Occupy SEC and 99 what - YouTube

      Occupy the SEC - The People, United... - YouTube

      SEC - cap dump method to charge battery - YouTube

      been working on creating the light while charging a second battery.
      so far I have 196 leds at almost full brightness using 48 mA while charging a second battery not quite as fast. work is slow these last couple of weeks - family first. Seems I can keep adding LED's at no cost so far - other than time and pain of soldering


      • #33
        Although I hope to not step on any ones toes here... Please excuse me if I do...
        I also agree that the Doc should be allowed to post here if he chooses.
        We all can benefit from his experience and dedicated work. I vote to this end, if it can make any difference. Not that he or others may care what I think, but I hope that he does, as well as the rest of you, as I respect and appreciate him greatly.

        There is however the idea that what is made "public" is for the use of all, in anyway it can be used, so long as we don't claim it as being our own ideas or experiments. That is how I see it, and if I am wrong, please do correct me, as the Doc has corrected me before, I do not take that personally, but in a positive light, instead. I do not know what copyrighted material actually means in this case, but would really like to know, so that I don't make a mistake due in my ignorance on the subject. As it is said that Ignorance is no excuse...


        • #34
          Before I am further corrected... If what Joit has just said is true, I do not know who is or is not banned here, but I can now only assume that the Doc is not posting here from his own decision. I can't blame him, with idiots like me.
          More bad information will not help, we are certainly good at that.
          So, Doc please excuse my flaming ignorance and previous remarks, I though I was being helpful.
          Like I said, trying not to step on any ones toes...


          • #35
            @Raui - thanks and I subscribed back. In fact I hadn't seen your channel before and exclaimed 'woah cool'. Said the same when looking at your uploaded scribd documents !

            There are some great builders on this thread and indeed on the forum...replicators, innovators. Dr. Stiffler has created such a wonderful and intriguing system that naturally many of us wish to explore the phenomenon.
            In my opinion, a straight out replication, down to the same components and placements can only go so far. It won't just work like that. The tuning is as complex as a Muller dynamo !
            He has made the complete systems available for I believe just $43 on a SEC 18X and noone should take the view of removing that small reward away from years of diligent work. He aint China. He then even discusses at length, right there in videos, which changes can be made to such a board to create a PSEC
            I'm penniless, got no budget and everything I do is with old busted salvaged circuit the theory, implementation and increase in knowledge is my own drive.
            Ideally, everyone would just buy a SEC 18X and mod away, to hopefully bring about a confirmation of the units ability to work with and ramp up the 13MHz energy. From there, developments would be with the Doc and of assistance to him.
            Just wanted to get that straight, in case anyone thought I was attempting anything else.

            Working with Dr. Stiffler on this whole method of spacial cohesion would be the best result, but, it would appear that he probably won't be around this forum for such a thing. Which way do we go ? What's the general opinion ?
            Last edited by Slider2732; 11-10-2011, 10:48 PM.


            • #36
              Can you explain that theory a bit more ?
              I'm building what you posted right now. Probably not got the 180pF tunable but i'll have a search. Same for the 26uH choke, i'll wind something that works.
              The feedback voltage control is interesting...but 10V ?
              So, if this oscillates, i'll detect it with my AM radio. The SEC type circuit should interact with it ? Ideally, then the var cap allows interacting with 13MHz ?
              Last edited by Slider2732; 11-10-2011, 11:11 PM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by mikrovolt
                This is a clapp oscillator.
                The reason I am posting this is in case there is someone out there who
                can become familiar with it's nature. A real accomplishment would be
                to let it interact as an open system while enhancing the harmonic content.

                you need a pll so you can lock it in, but before that you need to know how to trigger it to maintain those harmonics imo.

                The PLL is a very interesting and useful building block available as a single integrated circuits from several well known manufacturers. It contains a phase detector, amplifier, and VCO, see Fig. 1 and represents a blend of digital and analog techniques all in one package. One of of its many applications and features is tone-decoding.
                There has been traditionally some reluctance to use PLL's, partly because of the complexity of discrete PLL circuits and partly because of a feeling that they cannot be counted on to work reliably. With inexpensive and easy-to-use PLL's now widely available everywhere, that first barrier of acceptance has vanished. And with proper design and conservative application, the PLL is as reliable a circuit element as an op-amp or flip-flop.

                Phase-Locked Loop Tutorial, PLL




                • #38
                  While looking for bits for the oscillator, I found a variable cap and, having just seen a video where the trimmer was used quite extensively, decided to put it on the SEC type circuit. It made a huge difference, so it's staying on for now !

                  Changes today:
                  The variable cap.
                  47pF cap, across the var cap which killed the effectiveness, so was disconnected again.
                  30pF bridging cap, from L1 to Base of transistor - output increased.
                  New L3 was wound, 22-24 gauge, around a part piece of a solder tube.
                  White LED replaces red on power input.
                  Extra 6 LED's on the output 'meter' LED bank.

                  What makes the video of the progress hopefully interesting, is one effect noticed when putting a ferrite rod in the L3. By clicking a piezo BBQ lighter at one end, the output decreased and stayed decreased. Until clicking the lighter at the other end, when it would return to full brightness on the LED's.
                  Very weird...what is happening there ?

                  SEC progress 2 - YouTube


                  • #39
                    In replication and not having all the equipment you have to approximate
                    Here is a useful tool to check harmonics.
                    Electrical Harmonics Calculator

                    I recommend building a spreadsheet to determine all the values. For example the frequency adjustment.
                    This formula is easy by itself that is the parallel capacitance is ( total capacitance = C1 + C2) this is between the base and the L3
                    if you do this you will soon have something solid to work with. Alway record your results
                    ************************************************** ************************************************** *

                    On a whole different project that uses the aluminum blocks. (and there are many different secs to keep straight)

                    calculate aluminum blocks. It is useful to contrast experimental data vs theoretical
                    there is much variability. The capacitance should be 10 pF the measured value, however the given dimensions
                    using the formula gives 3.15 pF

                    5.800 cm ~ 2.28 inches
                    6.200 cm ~ 2.44 inches
                    1.905 cm ~ 0.75 inches

                    in fact, 9.5cm X 12cm would be 10.09pF and would be the theoretical according to the formula.
                    If the standard formula does'nt work then use a spread sheet make a table to look up, don't worry about textbooks they don't seem to help here.
                    Parallel Plate Capacitor Design Equations Formulas Calculator Capacitance
                    Last edited by mikrovolt; 12-08-2011, 08:01 PM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by kcarring

                      I agree with Inquorate, please do not copy/paste Ronald's copyrighted texts, afterall, if he ever reads this thread, it'd be nice to be professional and courteous towards his efforts. Please remove it, if you are still able to edit?



                      Could you post a link to (any info/vids) re: your DIY RF Voltmeter that raui mentioned to me in a PM? Thanks.
                      Simple Field Strength Meter

                      there's lots all over the internet it's just a simple rf voltmeter.

                      i also found this one works brilliantly with the sec;
                      Heretical Builders - View Single Post - Exploring Dr Stiffler's Spatial Energy Coherence and Spatial Resonance effects.

                      i was going to do things with the diodes but never got around to it.
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #41
                        I'm indebted to both of you guys especially. Been reading the Heretical threads and must say, the understandings and personal clicks of realisation have occurred on every page.

                        Last night, I set about another route, with the hopes of furthering things, but cohering knowledge via different circuits.
                        Jonnydavro recently posted his own SEC circuit and his work in this area is something else I admire.
                        So, I built up a version of his circuit for low voltage, 1.2V instead of 16V. A 2SC2785 transistor was used (0.15V switch on but otherwise fairly middling performance, with smaller form factor than TO-92). All ended up about the size of a couple of pennies when placed side by side.
                        The series wired AV plug LED bank that I use for output, was connected to the end of the pigtail on the L3.
                        It runs very well for such a low voltage, and, had the bonus of lighting 5 green LED's quite well off a Ground wire to the earth outside, with no battery.
                        In fact, the pic at the end of the video shows that all 16 LED's were partially on, when the room lights were turned off. Whether that is house mains currents being collected i'm unsure about, encouraging though

                        Jonnydavro SEC - low voltage - YouTube


                        • #42
                          The latest video on how to make a psec is encouraging.
                          PSEC via 3-Coil Help - YouTube

                          This replication video should have some discussion on a thread that is for replication.
                          Last edited by mikrovolt; 12-06-2011, 12:40 AM.


                          • #43
                            To think that science as we know it, is STILL to this day teaching our kids in schools, that they are attributing all this "static" and everything else, to come from some infantile and unproven idea known as the BIG BANG theory. That CLAIMS that everything in the whole univers just suddenly exploded instantly out of nowhere then developed and became what it is today, is nothing less than ridiculous, and absurd.
                            But, no less so, than thinking that the world is flat... WE have been wrong before, and are still wrong about this Big Bang idea, now...

                            So, yes there is "static", but what is really causing it? As well as all the other unseen and as yet unknown things and non-things, such as light, as well as non-electromagnetic sources, that are present in this neck of the woods.
                            Light does not "travel", it polarizes at a certain rate.
                            Waves don't travel, nor does light "bend" as we think.
                            There is no light coming from our Sun to this or other planets. Light is manufactured by the photosphere of each individual planets, on the side facing the Sun. There is no light in space, or heat as we know it, outside the Vortex field of this and other planets, even between the Sun and Earth.
                            THEY are lying to us for a reason. And we'll soon see what that reason is. Space is not just empty nothingness, with us being the only proven beings in existence. Come on...

                            NASA has not been back to the moon in 40 years. Right! Ok, if they say so.

                            My question is: why in this day and age are we still giving preference to such simplistic and ridiculous claims. Which are nothing more than BS.

                            Some things just plain bother me, sorry.
                            YOU can believe that if you want. I look for the true cause of causes...
                            and not fairly tales...
                            No need to answer me, I've already heard it all before.


                            • #44
                              Lovely work slider! Thanks for the vids.

                              Im looking forward to joining you - just waiting for my microhenry inductors, pikofarad caps and MPSA06 to come through the post. I'll start by trying Jonnys circuit. Have you got a diagram for your setup? I realise that you are making constant changes, but it would be lovely if I could see what you are doing on a drawing. I have no idea what a SEC is, as I didnt follow stifflers threads when he was on here. But I can see what Jonny is doing - yours looks a little different though.

                              Great result with the LEDs running off no battery! Very encouraging.

                              Good luck


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                                To think that science as we know it, is STILL to this day teaching our kids in schools, that they are attributing all this "static" and everything else, to come from some infantile and unproven idea known as the BIG BANG theory. That CLAIMS that everything in the whole univers just suddenly exploded instantly out of nowhere then developed and became what it is today, is nothing less than ridiculous, and absurd.
                                But, no less so, than thinking that the world is flat... WE have been wrong before, and are still wrong about this Big Bang idea, now...

                                So, yes there is "static", but what is really causing it? As well as all the other unseen and as yet unknown things and non-things, such as light, as well as non-electromagnetic sources, that are present in this neck of the woods.
                                Light does not "travel", it polarizes at a certain rate.
                                Waves don't travel, nor does light "bend" as we think.
                                There is no light coming from our Sun to this or other planets. Light is manufactured by the photosphere of each individual planets, on the side facing the Sun. There is no light in space, or heat as we know it, outside the Vortex field of this and other planets, even between the Sun and Earth.
                                THEY are lying to us for a reason. And we'll soon see what that reason is. Space is not just empty nothingness, with us being the only proven beings in existence. Come on...

                                NASA has not been back to the moon in 40 years. Right! Ok, if they say so.

                                My question is: why in this day and age are we still giving preference to such simplistic and ridiculous claims. Which are nothing more than BS.

                                Some things just plain bother me, sorry.
                                YOU can believe that if you want. I look for the true cause of causes...
                                and not fairly tales...
                                No need to answer me, I've already heard it all before.
                                Amen brother! Most just cannot accept the truth. They will say that energy only flows downhill but the fact the Earth and it's various forms present the amount of form/complexity that they do is certainly not 'the easiest way for the energy to travel' as they say.

                                Scribd account;

