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Dr Stiffler SEC Replications?

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    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • Thanks ! and thanks for posting
      I wonder, do you know if the size of the circuit makes a large difference to the functionality ?
      This replication of mine seems to be a lot smaller than the original and, i'd probably want to go smaller again at some point.
      Been wondering about interactions between the coils and how they may amplify each other at the right frequency. Smaller and such a frequency may lose that wonderful animation type of effect of the photon, larger and the interactions won't happen.
      Hence the thought and possible reasoning for some values on Dr. Stiffler's original.
      Also, thoughts turn to the L1, L2 and L3 sitting in a line or at 90 degrees to each other. I read about the L3 sitting at 90 degrees to the L2, but I haven't found research into field effects of all 3 and frequencies of all 3.


      • yeah you don't want the coils magnetically coupled.

        and the capacity between components is very important, therefore size nd shape.

        the longer you work on it the closer you'll get to dr stiffler's board.
        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • Alrighty, thanks.
          Hence, I presume, the L1 at the bottom of his SEC 18X, L2 at the top and L3 is 90 degrees and often quite a ways away.


          • The thread was started as a topic to build a working SEC.
            In doing so there is a learning process and where you are in the learning curve.

            A high voltage RF exciter can be a stepping stone in learning about the SEC.
            I must confess the first sec exciter I built was made by GBluer plans.
            There is nothing wrong with step by step learning, this type learning is mostly
            trial and error. Where as if you are a pure SEC replicator ( purchase it ready made )
            you may end up with trial and error and possibly will have learned even less.
            This is the nature of electronics in fields not well explored and not well documented.

            Regarding the use of different types of signal generators:
            I looked into this as regarding the use of less expensive signal generators.
            I tried the aluminum block project, it looked promising.
            Wth a cheap function generator based on Maxim 038 and a video VCA,
            I was able to light a single red led at 22 Mhz. voltage across led 1.743 volts
            the coil is 20 uH, #26AWG, 1.25"coil length, standard L3 form.

            I will be trying the LTC1799 in the weeks to follow.
            My opinion about using these is that better success will be had by using a second stage
            It uses an LT1227 and a 2N3866.
            More specifically I refer to is the second schematic on this pdf.
            (Also note, The late Doug Demaw published " QRP notebook" a good primer for low power RF.
            James Haggerty, did improve this design and made output quieter. )


            You may have the opinion that this is too much power but it is just a matter of attenuating so that your output is in milliWatts and not just volts.
            It is a goal that you will get your coils closer and closer, higher Q as you advance in your skills and have a few nice coils working you will find
            it is not impossible to use less power with a sensitive meter, this will improve your abilities at low level RF.

            Lighting a small red led is only a start,
            you can use 1/16 aluminum sheet that has an area of 5.5 inches square, even wrap a wooden block in foil,
            This will demonstrate improvement over the small ceramic capacitor
            because of the surface area between the blocks.

            You may want know what about the thick aluminum blocks ?

            In the SEC the aluminum blocks can be used in different ways.
            As part of an RF load matching network.
            As a way to gauge the optimal capacitance determined by the gap.
            As a resonator or "tower" in a circular loop.
            As a capacitive link.
            As a ground.

            In going further with the one wire method used in the
            aluminum block project, try to fill a small 10uF capacitor by
            using a wireless transfer.
            Last edited by mikrovolt; 12-24-2011, 02:11 AM.


            • Hello everyone,
              I was playing with SEC exciter and noticed something interesting. I was driving ~40 white LEDs placed on a breadboard and turned exciter off. And when I touched breadboard all LEDs flashed. After I didn't turn exciter anymore but I've got zapped multiple times from breadboard. And now when I touch breadboard every 2-3 min I'm getting LEDs flash. I did touch ground prior touching breadboard still getting flash, so it doesn't look like I'm caring static charge.
              If someone can replicate it or can give some explanation I would real appreciate it.
              To replicate: Connect aluminum block to AV plug and ~40 LEDs all placed on a breadboard. To get a flash touch AV plug. (It works when air is dry, doesn't when humid.)
              P.S. Intensity of flashes changes with time from barely visible to fairly bright.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by mlurye; 12-22-2011, 01:53 AM.


              • It appears that the line of leds are making their own output. This is what other are finding also. Remember to raise the component off of the table, or they will pick up stray Ac, that we had discussed earlier on this thread. When you touch anything with your hand leached Ac from the house grounds wiring will also affect things.


                • Neat effect Mike !
                  I'm using aluminium blocks (PC heatsinks) and aim to find out how much is environment 'contamination' or really some weird effect of worth. I do wonder if the known voltage build in diodes that sit for ages in one spot may apply here.

                  News from over here is that i've made some Christmas buys on Ebay. Protek 6502 oscilloscope and a Wilcom T296 signal generator
                  Looking forward to really getting to grips with this....and to finding a manual for the Wilcom.


                  • Slider and All:
                    I wish that I could do the same, so I wouldn't get kicked out of the game, for not having all the toys. However I'll plug along in my own way.
                    Good to hear that you got Santa coming...


                    • Hey don't worry Nick, if all goes to plan then whatever is found through using them will be forwarded
                      (still looking for even a broken repairable spectrum analyser and missed one at $72...lucky other bidder eh).
                      These are only second hand bargains ($50 and $150) but they apparently work. Calibration is likely to be upside down and back to front, which needs to be considered and probably looked into.
                      What i'm intending to do, is match coils, see waveshape changes, modify this and that and work along giving hopefully decent pointers as I go.

                      Any wished tests or experiments will be done and video'd/reported.


                      • Much appreciated Slider.

                        Merry Christmas to All.


                        • Got a small problem here.
                          Tonight, I built up 2 identical SEC 18-1 circuits. They're the same as the first, that now runs from 1.5V, but of completely matched components.
                          Well, neither of them will latch to a running condition. They fire great when touching the L3 to a metal mass, the LED illuminating to a very bright level, but straight away they quit again.

                          My idea, is to run one SEC from the output of the other. In such a way, if one is powered then it may feed the second, which feeds back to the first and...well...i'd like to find out what sort of energy could ring around like that

                          Anyone know how important the ferrite beads type are ?
                          The running circuit has what appear to be the same ones as an original SEC-18X, these other circuits have had to have different ones, found on junker PCB's.

                          Pic below of what i'm talking about.
                          The top 2 are the same ones, bottom left is a non runner (yet) and bottom right is the one that runs fine.

                          Merry Christmas to you too Nick
                          Last edited by Slider2732; 12-24-2011, 12:08 PM.


                          • Basic questions for evaluation

                            Hi, everybody! And Mary Christmas!

                            I'm here to ask you questions!

                            I'm French and if I'm used to read all the posts of a topic before to post myself but sorry, en english it would take months to me! lol

                            Ok, I'm trained electrician and have my own business. I'm very interested to develop overunity systems for free electricity.

                            Before to spend time on a system, I would like so to evaluate the different ones.

                            Could your tell me here until which power Dr Stiffer systems you already made here, was able to produce, and to confirm that if there is any battery in the circuit, this one never lose its load?

                            Trying to understand perfectly something, observing by one's self to check the truth, is the only way to skills and to protect oneself from false data and rumors.


                            • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                              Slider and All:
                              One thing that has me puzzled is, why are people still using the AC ground connection, that goes to through the whole AC ground wiring system????? Isn't that cheating oneself. Or is that because that has been the only way they can get any light out of an led. It's hard to believe that that is not going to have an affect the output.
                              Hi NickZ!

                              For my viewpoint, it's quiet normal to use a ground connection in such systems as they are built at first on Tesla theories which used the dipoles atmosphere/ground as an limited capacitor.

                              The mix of capacitors and coils produces harmonics resonances that boost voltage in certain frequencies.

                              I conjecture that any of these systems use these boost like a pump for the free energy contain in the environment, like we well know how to do with heat pumps.

                              Resonator-circuits, especially if running on impeded frequencies, are the equivalent of the compressor for the heat-pumps. And the EM-energy effective or potential (like it could be in the aether) like the entropic energy of the environment (heating of the air when > 0 K°).

                              But anyway, from a point of the space to an other, the electrical and magnetic potential of the EM field can change dramatically, like around the Tesla coils, so that we can create potential differences, so tension, so voltage and power if related to alternate changes.

                              The specific I think of the 3 coils system, it's like the compressor would have 3 pistons and work like a 3 phases generator, but you probably knew this

                              I wish I could have help you to clear-up a few this point.

                              Trying to understand perfectly something, observing by one's self to check the truth, is the only way to skills and to protect oneself from false data and rumors.


                              • Khwartz (great name !)

                                I appreciate that you are new here and it seems that you have much knowledge that is unconventional...which is always welcome too.

                                I'll make a summary.
                                People are trying to get to the root of these devices, but, most of us have not got the equipment to conduct the necessary tests.
                                We are in the middle at the moment.
                                User Inquorate has had many successes with emulating Dr. Stiffler's results. People such as NickZ and kcarring have lots of interest and are developing their systems by understanding as they experiment. Some are reading through the huge thread where Dr. Stiffler has posted many times, at: Selfrunning cold electricity circuit from Dr.Stiffler
                                It is 197 pages long !
                                I have successfully recreated the main circuit, with one circuit running at 1.5V (instead of the usual 12V) and my aims are to further reduce the operating voltage to zero. Some test equipment (oscilloscope and signal generator) are on their way to further the work and I hope to assist other people with any findings.

                                A theory, is that every circuit has to be tuned depending on where it is running. But, the use of simple tuning methods, like a wiper pot should see at least an LED light to indicate the unit has 'tuned in'. An aim of mine is to create such a system, where the research produces such a device. The original circuits by Dr. Stiffler already feature that sort of running, yet much could be done to show indications that remove the need for test equipment in devices intended for Dr. Stiffler to reach out to many more non scientific persons - ranges, feedback measuring, power level etc all reduced to simplified indicators onboard a circuit. It may not be possible, it may be possible.

                                Here is the documentation that Dr. Stiffler released, that describes the original SEC 18X exciter, on which he based his present experiments: Early 18x Documentation Release

                                Here is his website, where people in the USA can purchase his already built SEC units:
                                He is unable to ship to other countries and, hence, a lot of the interest by other people wishing to know more, including yourself I would think

                                Hope that helps and that I used ok language for your reading
                                Last edited by Slider2732; 12-24-2011, 10:10 PM.

