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call has all the researchers

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  • call has all the researchers

    Hello, everybody

    I am a new searcher, I find this website brilliant.

    But, for the majority we always don't find what we seek. Because this website is very very BIG. And, when a device function and is prove overunity. Nothing document is possible to download.

    Otherwise, here an idea of conceptual overunity system surunitaire without parts moving.

    Excuse this document in French because my english is bad.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thank you. It looks interesting but I can not read French. I would like to convert the PDF to a Word document but your PDF file is password protected. If I can convert it to word I can translate it with Google translator to English and post it here. Can you provide the password or upload a copy that does not have a password? Thanks!
    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


    • #3
      This looks like a simplifies Edwin Gray motor circuit.


      • #4
        Excuse me for the password

        Excuse me for the password.

        The password is: foufoune

        The Translated by BABELFISH

        Interesting me since many years in the field of the free energy the name of Nikola Tesla naturally was essential on me. As well documents about it course in the media alternate, as it is impossible to make the dead end on this famous character. What deeply challenged me has its matter, it is the number of researchers independent of by far having near or begun again its work. Like John Bedini, Tom Bearden, Professor Meyl, Edwin Gray, Peter Lindemann, Otis T Carr, Tariel Kapadnaze and I pass from there. Then by reading the extraordinary work of Peter Lindemann Free Energy The Secret Off Cold Electricity. I learned the following things. At the all beginning before the alternative course is essential like standard on our electrical communications. Edison, had developed the D.C. current. There is had a considerable problem with which was confronted the operators commutating the dynamos of D.C. current so much so that numbers of them died at the time to actuate the levers of commutations of these last. The effect noted by all was a discharge of crowns of bluish spark on the lines; as if those could not absorptive the totality of the current solely during commutation. This phenomenon known today is called the extra current of rupture and is a component of the Lenz's law. All running Induit (Applied) gives birth has a contrary current of direction has that which gave him birth. Obviously a quantity of incredible patents were deposited and applied so D `to eliminate this undesirable effect. But Tesla, not seeing in this effect like the near total of the engineers of the time like a parasitic effect, decided to make research with the library of sciences of the time. And thus he discovered an experiment out of the commun run realized in a university which explained why this effect carried out very often i.e. has a certain frequency caused way unexplained an electrification of all the conducting objects in the vicinity. Without still the knowledge, he had discovered the concept of radiant energy. All as a neon tube ignites on large metal presses due to the static electricity emanating of frictions. This phenomenon is well-known, but this is carried out with small means of frictions like the electrostatic machines. Tesla thus decided to reproduce these effects, that which it needed: Firstly to find a means of creating high tensions. The put means has its provision at the time was the reels of Rhumkoff but Tesla invented other systems like the Tesla resonator. Other solutions like the condensers existed. Secondly, it required to prevent costs which costs that deployed energy returns towards the source under penalty of deteriorating it. It thus conceived the system of the spark-gap by magnetic blowing. This system acted like a diode at the time and largely prevented or limited energy deployed to retrogress. The magnetic fields developed by the electromagnets on the top and below of the electric arc cut Net this arc so that it does not retrogress any more. Thirdly, it needed to increase the speed of reproduction this effect, what is called the frequency. The frequency is the number of times that this effect is carried out in one second. For example if it is reproduced 1000 times a second said that this signal is of 1000 Hertz. And it is there that the things this complicated; because to make high frequencies at the time were not as simple as today. While having included/understood all that I sought a similar system has this one but in a more modern way. And there still the work of Peter Lindemann gives the track of Edwin Gray. But being null in electronics, I said myself very little for me. I thus continued has to seek while falling on this fuellessengine

        Being always as null in electronics I understood all the same as the high voltage was present via the bank of condensers which are put in series in order to reach 2000 Volts what appears little, but which is largely sufficient for the spacing of spark of the candle which makes office here spark-gap. I also understood well that the bank of diodes replaces the magnetic spark-gap of Tesla. On the other hand what differs in this diagram is that deployed radiant energy is used to manufacture a rotary engine.

        In this document it is mentioned like a magnetic explosion. I.e. energy has high voltage abruptly injected into the electromagnet produces an incredible repulsion.

        And what consolidates me in this theory is it video following of a Filipino inventor who says capacity to make indefinitely roll a car with only one battery of 12 Volts. Just like Edwin Gray.
        bienbasal's Channel - YouTube
        By seeing this video, you include/understand better why I evoke a magnetic explosion.
        Directory:Ismael Aviso Self-Charging Electric Car - PESWiki

        All these systems seem to have enormously joint things. That it is the High voltage in D.C. current; Diodes; Condensers and Spark-gaps. Now, how it would be possible to exploit this energy without any part moving.
        Here the diagram which I can propose. 
        By taking the same basic diagram, I just replaced the electromagnets by a solenoid with a soft iron core in order to amplify the magnetic effect. The current while moving in the solenoid will create a magnetic field which will move all along this same reel. This solenoid thus quite simply will simulate a magnet moving in a reel like all generators of basic current. All the small reels all around this solenoid will collect the current generated by the variable magnetic field of the solenoid.
        Of course, it east cannot be not useful to put as much of it. But, it is interesting to show that it is possible to put all around this one of it at 360° as seen on the sight of top. Moreover, it is possible to more increase its output by integrating one or more metal grids there around the candle as made it Edwin Gray in order to collect radiant energy. Reels punts of TESLA pancake coil or bifilar coil can can be to collect some more. Other tracks can be exploited with this system. It would be perhaps simpler and more interesting to inject this current in a simple transformer. And to collect energy in the secondary. At all events, this base of work is impossible to circumvent and can make it possible to undoubtedly generate surplus electricity of way.

        Many research and/or improvements are obviously the welcomes. And for my part being a poor technician, I hope that several people will be able to help me to develop this system has its paroxysm. By you by wishing good reading, and while hoping to have been so much convainquant I am little am available has all your questions.

        To contact me and inform me of your discoveries:
        In a friendly way!

