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Tiger's Device 0.150-1Kwt replicant

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Ganzha View Post
    Tiger use this schematic as most usefull for yoki ferrite from fromer UssR TV sets
    Very confusing schematic, it's a peaty since i am going to use yoki (i have pulled out two yokies yesterday out of one crt and one portable tv, so first step has been made).

    Ganzha, are those three little coils kind of chokes or what?

    Does anybody know how to determine middle point of primary on flyback?

    Should i use instead of 18 awg wire, 22 awg? Would it be big difference?

    I mean if i used 18 awg for yoki (since there is not much space on yoki) it would be too tighten space on secondary half of toroid i guess?
    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


    • #47
      Posts: 37
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      Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
      « Reply #8681 on: Today at 02:50:26 PM »

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      Stivep (wesley) stop foolish people! It is Tiger device with Yoki of USSR TV set that he build since 22 Jan 2011/ You and others from your band in that time dosnt even dreams about this device! There is pics from video from Russian forums where Tiger (Kazakstan) did show his device.
      A have attached a schematics of this device which Tiger send me yesterday. People - use this instead of othres not relieble "replicators of Tiger devices". I should repead ones more - this is NOT REPLICANT OF TARIEL KAPANADZE!!!!!
      Name of this Devices - Reactor #2 from Tiger 22_01_2011/

      God Bless Tiger!
      PS I can easyly prove that device with Tv yoki is Tigers device and his name is not Aidal from Lithuania! I am able to prove that he first time published video and schematic since 22 Jan 2011/ Easy speaks - Tiger is inventor of this device!


      • #48
        @ Ganzha, for God sake, if reactor 2 schematic is winner one, why don't you at least remake that schematic and mark elements on the schematic with english words. Few explanations (i already asked you about three little coils on that schematic, for instance) would be very, very welcome!

        Or at least if you do not have so much time and will to draw another schematic could you confirm that this one wont work with yoki ???

        "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


        • #49
          A message from Nikki to Tiger

          we shall be changed 8Teddy Tahu Rhodes sings The trumpet shall sound - YouTube8 in the twinkling of an eye
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • #51

            Transistor Driven High Voltage Flyback Transformer Page.
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • #53
              HV flyback or not flyback

              @ All

              With a flyback you need AC not DC, so with a spark gap you pulse the DC if the flyback is rectified.

              You can use an ign: transformer which is AC and therefore no spark gap.

              To sum up you need an AC signal



              • #54
                HV coil

                I did not point out how the HV coil or two plates are. A coil is best wound out of twin parallel flex. I will post a diagram later as I am off to the hospital



                • #55
                  Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                  I did not point out how the HV coil or two plates are. A coil is best wound out of twin parallel flex. I will post a diagram later as I am off to the hospital

                  Very good, this resemble my device also.


                  • #56
                    better than posting a diagram

                    Here is a treat for you if you have not already seen it, read this patent and make your coil accordingly.

                    Patent 5 669 583

                    Please note that we are not going to produce a plasma but we are going to move the molecular structure of the ferrite.



                    • #57

                      Here is how you can build the driver for the above

                      How to build your Glow Discharge Plasma Panel

                      Very simple courtacy of JLN

                      You can use other mosfets which are better than this one.



                      • #58

                        Just a little advice on the ferrite and also remember that the HV DBD coil is 90 degrees to the rest of the coils. Using the neck from a TV tube is very thin and as so winding this coil should be covering all of the face of the ferrite so as you do not create stress in just one part "it could explode", wind it right around, not just on one side. After you can wind the other coils on top at 90 degrees.

                        Putting a piece of thin card between the joins on this will stop precution between the two halves.


                        PS when I said wind righ around I meen on the outside of the ring, not on the inside as well, use some super glue to hold it there.


                        • #59
                          for those In peril

                          With Mike mentioning the unfortunate necessity of a hospital visit, and as this Thread is a result and off shoot of this video Working OU wake up We are the People Save it now -*-* Where technology goes LIVE! I would like to enquire off the original team Wesley,Arunas,Aidas and of course Tiger who is here with us How is Tariel ? Is anybody in contact? For those on this post that are unaware of the situation Wesley and Tariel were together involved in “an incident” and although Wesley is cautious with his wording here is a copy and past from to gives you the picture

                          Thank You for your post:
                          The term "Might be poisoned" I have used because of* Law language requirements:
                          All of us can see certain factors in my comments about possibility of presence* of poison in food that was served to me.
                          1. expression of language.
                          2. legally* required form of my statements
                          3.facts stated in my comments about the trip to TK.

                          a.Perfectly healthy male ( for 30 years* did not get sick)
                          b.Healthy at given moment TK.
                          Description of TK at day of arrival to Prague:
                          -No stres,
                          -body movement* *normal
                          -facial expression and* mimic normal
                          -Body language in line with spoken content.( slight excitement observed* when he communicated with me)
                          I felt in TK:
                          - hope,
                          - curiosity,
                          - need for verification of my personality at first. My goal, approach, position,achievements,level of knowledge of TK device.
                          -how logically explainable (smart) is to fallow my logic... to give it to the world?

                          Few hours later I was told :
                          He has to go to Georgia.
                          Suspicious of mine was:
                          1.WHY I WAS TOLD TO GO TO PRAGUE* at the first place?
                          2.Why I was not communicating with TK* about my trip but David was the guy who made me come.?
                          3.If David new that TK has to leave to Tbilisi* at the same* day than why I was told to come to Prague, just to see TK few hours?

                          Comment: Buying ticket* to Prague in* such a short time and than* from Prague to Tbilisi in within few hours, than from Tbilisi to Prague.. was two times, more expensive than round trip* from USA to Tbilisi
                          and all of the expenses included.

                          The conclusion might be:
                          - over-protectiveness around TK
                          - self interest of few individuals around TK
                          - fear of already established level of authority ( of his* crew), and placement with regards to ability to influence TK.
                          - disbelieve of that group, leading to* rather denial at first than approval if TK say so.

                          So two* males in good shape entered to* Plane from Prague to Tbilisi.
                          And than? TK eat 10% of food ( his bag with medication was stolen in the airliner)
                          I have eat 100% of the food.( my computer in the seat of TK bag with insulin was not touched)
                          I save myself by* emptying by force my stomach
                          TK did not.

                          I'm talking to you now while TK is in the hospital.* He* is told to stay in hospital for the next then days
                          Is that 10% of food? that caused this?

                          Symptoms around 20 minutes after eating:
                          -picture in front of my eyes moving from top to bottom.
                          -read face
                          -trouble with walking to the bathroom.
                          -feeling of losing conciseness.( I have never lose* it in my life so I do not know for sure how it* feels)

                          Associated factors:
                          -Two man and* *Skoda car fallowing me* in airport on my way to* Opera ( hotel TK was in.)
                          -man in the plane* to Tbilisi watching us before light was off . Seating* 3-4 rows in front of us.
                          The food was given at first to that guy .. It was dark .. I can not recall who gave us food .. was that the crew member or that man who first might of put poison in it.

                          Logically* for me* the story is simple.
                          1."Small group of interest" and big money found about my trip
                          2. They did not now where is TK in Prague. Hotel room was not at TK name.
                          3.They targeted me* because such dedicated or delusional individual* may refuse to accept money..from them to back of. And because he is American it is not easy to scare him in such short period of time in foreign territory.*
                          So the action was* very much improvised.
                          4. When I purchased ticket to Tbilisi "they" found* record in the data base.( so someone might of have access to it) It was NOT american plane .
                          5. The man seating in front of us* 100% was trying to memorize where we seat. ( look at my* previous statements)
                          6. the food was assumptive (but not verified)* poison .
                          TK* should of die "naturally" . I should die* "unexpectedly."

                          For me that was the act of desperation of that "Group of interest"
                          It was improvisation of factors they* could not prevent otherwise.
                          when they found out that I'm going to Tbilisi* they where afraid that I will lead TK to give it to the world.

                          If that was big operation I would be dead before even leaving USA.

                          So what I'[m* doing now?
                          By saying all of this words I'm giving clear indication to* "any group of interest"
                          That* It does not make* any sense to kill anyone at least* for the present Time.. The balance of the TK secret did not change...

                          In Short Tariel very sick. With very few funds …. The question is .. is there some way to help the guy? Is there a pay pal account for instance or can one be set up? I don’t even know where Tariel is he in Georgia ? Also folks try to keep in mind that Michael John Nunnerley who is giving much advice and shares all quite freely with us is also in a desperate situation with his son needing around the clock care. I know things are very hard for everyone right now, and there's building materials and signal injectors and who knows what to buy, But were all friends here and if you can just scratch a little bit...
                          Mike has always responded kindly to me and there is a pay pal donation button running via Aaron's web page here How to Build a Jet Engine by Aaron Murakami As for Tariel well he's a O.U guy too. Meanwhile if we can spare a little or find a way to give these guys a hand lets do it, It might be us Tomorrow.
                          Last edited by Duncan; 11-13-2011, 11:15 PM.
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • #60
                            Michael John Nunnerly is a silent observer, and more of a help in this realm than most realize. He has given selflessly tons of times information which was guarded. Please consider helping him and his son out. They deserve our prayers and support.

                            God bless.

                            Andrew Manrique

