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Tiger's Device 0.150-1Kwt replicant

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  • @Duncan, how did you know that i walk like this?

    Hm, i argue like this, didn't you know that?

    Heck, i am more urban then rural...

    Let me introduce to you, finally : John Madden

    This is my wife!

    This is my grandfather.

    This is my grandmother.

    This is my second grandmother, she likes techno very much!

    Duncan, i adore to make to laugh, is there anything else that i could do for that purpose?

    Oh, i know, it would be enough just to be myself, am i right?


    Are you sure those rays are not what you are looking for?
    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


    • you light up my senses

      Farmhand I don’t really think I can do that, after all its just something that I kept noticing cropping up time and time again and I’ve made little more than an educated guess as to what I'm seeing .
      Nobody including me really likes to comment on something they know absolutely nothing about. people just want the meat these days and they wont eat the greens.
      As you say I think It could prove a very important phenomena a possible way to tune to the Aetheric force Wow!!
      not to mention the psychotropic properties noted by John Bedini. Tom Bearden. Tom Brown. Nickoli Tesla and many others.
      Funny no one has commented before! John Bedini said to me at the last conference “Its hiding right in front of you” and perhaps that’s the case here.
      Anyway farmhand just at the moment I'm a little tied up. But if you would like to open a thread and moderate it I would be delighted to bring all video and screen shots I have across, I'll even knock a sub introduction out for you … I don’t mind looking bloody stupid, I'm a past master! I suspect the thread will just die because people don't like to take a chance on appearing silly. Unlike me ...I have no choice!
      What I conjecture and feel about that wave and how I advise people to treat it is a long long way from proof. It might be a trick of the camera! Up to you my friend!
      PS very interesting bit of video

      Originally posted by Farmhand
      Hi Duncan and all, Duncan could you maybe make a thread about the blue lines ?

      I think it is interesting, but I don't want to make more than one post here about it..

      Here is a short video showing a similar effect, not really a solid blue line but an
      interesting pulsating and rising light riding up from the bulb along a shaft of some
      kind of light, like the bulb is emitting blobs of pulsating light which rise up the
      shaft of constant light. There is a mot on the bench but I'm not using it there is
      no HV the converter puts out about 60 volts Square pulses. I put it down to a
      combination of normal light effects and the camera shutter speed.

      White Neon.wmv - YouTube

      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • Originally posted by Farmhand
        Hi Duncan and all, Duncan could you maybe make a thread about the blue lines ?

        I think it is interesting, but I don't want to make more than one post here about it..

        Here is a short video showing a similar effect, not really a solid blue line but an
        interesting pulsating and rising light riding up from the bulb along a shaft of some
        kind of light, like the bulb is emitting blobs of pulsating light which rise up the
        shaft of constant light. There is a mot on the bench but I'm not using it there is
        no HV the converter puts out about 60 volts Square pulses. I put it down to a
        combination of normal light effects and the camera shutter speed.

        White Neon.wmv - YouTube

        I never really paid much attention to the blue lines in my videos, blowing it off as how the camera operates. All the ones I've taken lighting standard bulbs - resistive - show this blue line, there is a difference in the disruptive circuits and transistor triggered circuits (different forms of disruption ). Is it some kind of phenomenon or is it simply the cameras?

        Interesting catch Duncan !


        • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
          Farmhand I don’t really think I can do that, after all its just something that I kept noticing cropping up time and time again and I’ve made little more than an educated guess as to what I'm seeing .
          Nobody including me really likes to comment on something they know absolutely nothing about. people just want the meat these days and they wont eat the greens.
          As you say I think It could prove a very important phenomena a possible way to tune to the Aetheric force Wow!!
          not to mention the psychotropic properties noted by John Bedini. Tom Bearden. Tom Brown. Nickoli Tesla and many others.
          Funny no one has commented before! John Bedini said to me at the last conference “Its hiding right in front of you” and perhaps that’s the case here.
          Anyway farmhand just at the moment I'm a little tied up. But if you would like to open a thread and moderate it I would be delighted to bring all video and screen shots I have across, I'll even knock a sub introduction out for you … I don’t mind looking bloody stupid, I'm a past master! I suspect the thread will just die because people don't like to take a chance on appearing silly. Unlike me ...I have no choice!
          What I conjecture and feel about that wave and how I advise people to treat it is a long long way from proof. It might be a trick of the camera! Up to you my friend!
          PS very interesting bit of video
          Since you have mentioned John Bedini and Tom Bearden, i have one question for you: how many people do you know who have successfully replicated Bedinis claimed to be OU generators (ssg/window motors/etc...)??? I stress the word OU, where is that peace of device on youtube?

          So much talks, so little deeds!

          Until when it is going to be like that?

          Well, i remember, i have to be patient, ok, i remain to be patient, and people remain to be corrupted and liars...

          John Bedini was famous 30 years ago, and he still do not have OU device in his laboratory??? Or he has, but he just mustn't to show it to us???

          And Bearden, nice man, but what good does it make if he teach us how there is abundance aether energy all around us, if his good friend Bedini mustn't tell us secrets which might not have been in possession of his mind at all, from the very beginning of his fame???

          And if he knows those secrets then shame on him...

          As time goes by, this OU story is revealing to me more and more just emptiness of minds and souls of those who claim that are in possessions of those secrets, and i am becoming to believe that they are just good talkers and salesmens, nothing else.

          There was on energeticforum one guy who liked to repeat one sentence:
          "Bedini also pays bills for electric energy!" (Hi Greg, if you ever gonna read this!)

          So, who is kidding who here?


          P.S. Duncan, don't you like my family?
          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


          • Trolleyss! Make a simphony

            Dear Trollye please use different stage for that!


            • Pomp and circumstance or pump and criticise ?

              Cikijamas – your remarks are bitter. It sounds as if you have had little success with your projects and /or life itself, John Bedini,Tom Bearden, Peter and Eric and Tom Brown have been an inspiration to Thousands of people. That each is guarded about what they say or demonstrate does not surprise me in the slightest. I would be extremely careful before you consider calling any of these people liars, They have dived into hot water where you are frightened to dip you toe! They each have advanced the boundaries as far as they dare. They are even screaming at you but its tacit!
              One of the above giants wrote on a different thread “I would love to expand on this but it would have to be done under the auspices of something like the Navy” That statement was immediately picked up and understood by a major contributor on this thread. Unless you have the sensibility of a blind mouse what these people are saying is clear. That your countries government may be acting in a corrupt way, (and in this case mine too) and using the “vested powers “ in a bastard fashion which you strongly suspected was corrupt, would you as an individual be prepared to be a traitor?
              Have they built OU machines don’t be so bloody stupid 1000s. Has John ever sold you a machine on the specific platform of “This machine is way over unity” I'd bet my last dollar he hasn't .
              It seems your impatient to see anything O.U well for speed and available information and indesputable results just build this very simple clone of our machine every direction is here the Is are dotted and the Ts crossed. gogreenbuildyourownmotionlesssolidstatefreeenergy. flv - YouTube So if that's all you want to do Here’s OU … QED enjoy! And good bye
              If you have built (or part built) the machine we are considering on this thread then simply post your pictures particularly “scope shots” readings and information and I'm sure anyone of the builders here who are further advanced than me would be happy to help you! In fact I dare say they wait with “baited breath!” In my experience on this forum I find myself in the company of a cosmopolitan collection of some of the finest engineers in the world.
              I cant speak for anyone else but your pointed barbs at people I hold in high esteem is not “music to my ears” perhaps frustration and a little to much to swallow? As for liking your family, from what I saw .. just about what I expected … Its all in the bone structure.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • not off subject but tooooo big

                Originally posted by Farmhand
                Hi Ganzha,

                Please be clear who you are referring to, I will be happy to remove my post and
                this one, and I will in a few hours. I was only commenting to posts made by
                duncan. So if I should remove mine then all off topic posts should be removed.
                And I would agree all off topic posts should be removed.

                Farmhand perhaps you are not aware of the foundation of this machine, It grow and blossomed from this machine of Tks on TARIEL KAPANADZE EVERYTHING .. WE KNOW FOR NOW..swf - YouTube
                In short It connects and is directly implicated in what we are doing here! However I do acknowledge that it might prove to be a huge subject in its own right.. By all means open another thread to investigate it, I'll assist all I can. (Time permitting) of course this project takes priority!
                I have pointed out the DIRECT LINK of those laser lines to this machine and so of course your not “off subject” I have posted my own conjecture and explained how very very important I think they are and why.. I look forward to your thread on the subject.
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • welding?

                  apologies Haan .. I see now! Yeh it needs another thread Haan - Interesting in so much as the colour is the same? It is the vertical very thin dead straight laser type blasts of light from the Aether that are of interest such as may be consistent with the Teachings of Tesla and the demonstrations of Eric Dollard Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube .. quite what the connection is to this contraption escapes me just at the moment. Is it a welder?Its certainly off subject .. take it else where......... apologies Haan .. I see now! Yeh it needs another thread
                  Last edited by Duncan; 11-20-2011, 12:05 PM.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                    Cikijamas – your remarks are bitter. It sounds as if you have had little success with your projects and /or life itself, John Bedini,Tom Bearden, Peter and Eric and Tom Brown have been an inspiration to Thousands of people. That each is guarded about what they say or demonstrate does not surprise me in the slightest. I would be extremely careful before you consider calling any of these people liars, They have dived into hot water where you are frightened to dip you toe! They each have advanced the boundaries as far as they dare. They are even screaming at you but its tacit!
                    One of the above giants wrote on a different thread “I would love to expand on this but it would have to be done under the auspices of something like the Navy” That statement was immediately picked up and understood by a major contributor on this thread. Unless you have the sensibility of a blind mouse what these people are saying is clear. That your countries government may be acting in a corrupt way, (and in this case mine too) and using the “vested powers “ in a bastard fashion which you strongly suspected was corrupt, would you as an individual be prepared to be a traitor?
                    Have they built OU machines don’t be so bloody stupid 1000s. Has John ever sold you a machine on the specific platform of “This machine is way over unity” I'd bet my last dollar he hasn't .
                    It seems your impatient to see anything O.U well for speed and available information and indesputable results just build this very simple clone of our machine every direction is here the Is are dotted and the Ts crossed. gogreenbuildyourownmotionlesssolidstatefreeenergy. flv - YouTube So if that's all you want to do Here’s OU … QED enjoy! And good bye
                    If you have built (or part built) the machine we are considering on this thread then simply post your pictures particularly “scope shots” readings and information and I'm sure anyone of the builders here who are further advanced than me would be happy to help you! In fact I dare say they wait with “baited breath!” In my experience on this forum I find myself in the company of a cosmopolitan collection of some of the finest engineers in the world.
                    I cant speak for anyone else but your pointed barbs at people I hold in high esteem is not “music to my ears” perhaps frustration and a little to much to swallow? As for liking your family, from what I saw .. just about what I expected … Its all in the bone structure.
                    Yes, bone structure, and do you know why?

                    Because your president blessed people who did this!

                    Do not talk to me about life, because you know nothing about life!

                    Under the auspices of something like the Navy?

                    Ok, if it is so then why you waste your time within this kind of threads?

                    Why? Don't you tell me it is not simple question because it is, but when you do not know what to answer then your ego comes to stage.

                    @ Ganzha, why don't you show us working schematic instead of bunch of non-working schematics?

                    God save the queen, who cares for the rest of the world...

                    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                    • Tetchy

                      Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                      Yes, bone structure, and do you know why?

                      Because your president blessed people who did this!

                      Do not talk to me about life, because you know nothing about life!

                      Under the auspices of something like the Navy?

                      Ok, if it is so then why you waste your time within this kind of threads?

                      Why? Don't you tell me it is not simple question because it is, but when you do not know what to answer then your ego comes to stage.

                      @ Ganzha, why don't you show us working schematic instead of bunch of non-working schematics?

                      God save the queen, who cares for the rest of the world...

                      A/ Bone structure refers to John CIeese who you posted and is muti jointed in every limb..
                      B/ I come from a country that does not have a president
                      C/ What I know or don’t know about life is absolutely nothing to do with you. unless I choose to tell you. To assume “You know” my life is crass ignorance.
                      D/Under the auspices of the Navy .. There are inverted comma's I was quoting some one else I respect his opinion and action but it does not effect me.
                      E/ Considering all the above why do you think I should not be here, Understand this machine will be unveiled and right here!
                      D/ The front end of this circuit is just basic electronics no slight of hand and nothing hard to do that isnt in every standard text book!. Post your diagrams, screen shots, and I'm sure every one will try and assist if you cant do very basic electronics.
                      So your totally wrong on every count. Your only ambition seems to create havoc .on this thread or am I wrong? I'm sure there are other forum's dedicated to Croatia or whatever your interest is. I don’t however see the connection to the machine we are studying here, Do you even know my nationality colour or creed ? Should it make any difference on an open forum? Your an outrage if you think it does!!
                      Last edited by Duncan; 11-20-2011, 01:03 PM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • So sorry!

                        Haan as you can see I'm getting a tad upset being driven "off subject" else where .. if you look back at the post you will see I corrected myself
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • New thread created, please transfer posts related to "blue line" as to keep this thread focused

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                            A/ Bone structure refers to John CIeese who you posted and is muti jointed in every limb..
                            B/ I come from a country that does not have a president
                            C/ What I know or don’t know about life is absolutely nothing to do with you. unless I choose to tell you. To assume “You know” my life is crass ignorance.
                            D/Under the auspices of the Navy .. There are inverted comma's I was quoting some one else I respect his opinion and action but it does not effect me.
                            E/ Considering all the above why do you think I should not be here, Understand this machine will be unveiled and right here!
                            D/ The front end of this circuit is just basic electronics no slight of hand and nothing hard to do that is in every standard text book!. Post your diagrams, screen shots, and I'm sure every one will try and assist if you cant do very basic electronics
                            So your totally wrong on every count. Your only ambition seems to create havoc .on this thread or am I wrong? I'm sure there are other forum's dedicated to Croatia or whatever your interest is. I don’t however see the connection to the machine we are studying here, Do you even know my nationality colour or creed ? Should it make any difference on an open forum? Your an outrage if you think it does!!
                            Regarding bold sentence: You see what i meant? I am totally wrong and you are totally right! I like that, and i especially like this:

                            E/ Considering all the above why do you think I should not be here, Understand this machine will be unveiled and right here!

                            From your mouths to Gods ears!

                            Let's analyze this a bit:

                            There are inverted comma's I was quoting some one else I respect his opinion and action but it does not effect me
                            So, you are quoting some one else for no reason, or because you want to stress similarity between your own opinion and opinion of those who you are quoting, or you quot them to show how you hopelessly disagree with them? Hm, let me guess which alternative is right one
                            I doubt that last one is the right one, to be honest with you...

                            B/ I come from a country that does not have a president
                            Good for you, but you have prime minister, don't you?

                            I remember one graffiti from Sarajevo, would you like me to quote it for you? It goes like this: My mother was killed by John Major, my father was killed by the hand of Monsieur Mitterand, and my sister was killed by the hand of Mr. George Bush Senior.

                            I am just quoting, just like you!

                            A/ Bone structure refers to John CIeese who you posted and is muti jointed in every limb..
                            So, you really think that i am dumb? Well, to petty, unfortunately i am not! Sorry!

                            And finally let's analyze this masterpiece of yours philosophy:

                            Do you even know my nationality colour or creed ? Should it make any difference on an open forum? Your an outrage if you think it does!
                            You very well know that it does not make any difference to me, but since your decided to put your words like this i must answer to you like this:

                            You an outrage if you only assume that i could even think it does make any difference.

                            So, let's talk about electronics for sweet change! Please!
                            Last edited by cikljamas; 11-20-2011, 01:11 PM.
                            "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                            • Gentlemen [and Mr.s DB]

                              Let us have Unity!!
                              And a smidge of Patience!

                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!


                              • Something very important for you :

                                Capacitive Discharge Motor and other free energy files - J Snell

                                particularly this one

                                Did you ever thought why there is no OU in normal resonant electronic circuit and why Tesla used a lot of metal balls as capacitances ?????

                                Let us think clearly for a moment. Assume that OU is possible , why there is no OU in RLC circuit ? For my simple mind something must escape ,sir ! Where can it escape , in what place ? Somewhere there is break, sir ? If there is break like a slop on the hill then energy has to reverse direction or jump over slope, if it jump then capacitance is damaged, if it reverse then it has to stop and speed up in opposite direction. Do you know ANYTHING could do it without time loose and energy dissipation ?
                                No, sir!

