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Tiger's Device 0.150-1Kwt replicant

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  • Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    Gentlemen [and Mr.s DB]

    Let us have Unity!!
    And a smidge of Patience!

    I am for Unity, i am for Over Unity too!

    But if we were not successful in this replication we could at least replicate this!

    And what to tell you, these OU debates lasts so many years that it would be quite remarkable if someone offered wide openly clear and simple schematic with clear and simple "how to make it".

    This tigers device for example is not clear and simple one, and that is why it wont work, at least it wont work for the most of us, and if it so, than we should see how to make it simpler and clearer.

    And if there is enough reason to consider this project as promising one, how come so negligible number of people participate in it?

    Who knows the answer to this question?

    And if we just presume that this project is the real one, then this lack of participation larger number of enthusiasts in this thread is telling us what?

    I would like to here answer to this question too!

    So, i have no intention to offend people, and i did not offend anyone directly, i just think that there is too much reasons to be confused in every possible way. And at the end of this road my logic do not leave me other possibility but to conclude that someone here is kidding someone here and there all the way...

    At least if everything failed we could lean on Navy, couldn't we?
    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


    • Excellent point Bouslaw ! I believe that is why Tesla used "violent unidirectional discharges". His energy sink analogy was simply that, a one way valve that continuously flowed in one direction, converting the energy to another form so it would easily flow or be converted back into it's original source.


      • Originally posted by dragon View Post
        Excellent point Bouslaw ! I believe that is why Tesla used "violent unidirectional discharges". His energy sink analogy was simply that, a one way valve that continuously flowed in one direction, converting the energy to another form so it would easily flow or be converted back into it's original source.
        Yes,of course, and not only. For example I try to use similiar concept to switch magnetic field flux in no time ! Because I do not switch it he he
        I take ferromagnetic atom like iron, I put magnetic flux for it and atom passes it readily using electron spin . Then I take iron nucleus and flip it fast back and forth. Electrons spin is not changed ! But for external observer electrons flip spin apparently to opposite and magnetix flux change poles immediately. At leaast I think that should work in theory. They called it ferroresonance and I call it magnetic flux gating . Yeah, there was many inventors who knew that, not sure how detailed but they manipulated magnetic flux efficiently. Ecklin, Johnson to mention just those two, but the real knowledge had Floyd Sweet (probably he has taken this knowledge from Tesla's associate, maybe Gabriel Kron ?)


        • Resonant?

          Would anybody like to hazard a guess at what may be resonant for a longitudinal wave? How about if I posed the possibility that it might be exactly opposite?
          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
          Something very important for you :

          Capacitive Discharge Motor and other free energy files - J Snell

          particularly this one

          Did you ever thought why there is no OU in normal resonant electronic circuit and why Tesla used a lot of metal balls as capacitances ?????

          Let us think clearly for a moment. Assume that OU is possible , why there is no OU in RLC circuit ? For my simple mind something must escape ,sir ! Where can it escape , in what place ? Somewhere there is break, sir ? If there is break like a slop on the hill then energy has to reverse direction or jump over slope, if it jump then capacitance is damaged, if it reverse then it has to stop and speed up in opposite direction. Do you know ANYTHING could do it without time loose and energy dissipation ?
          No, sir!
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • I was contemplating this the other day. It may not be a resonant coil per say but resonance at a different level, quite different from what the natural coil might operate.


            • Just to make the Boffins cry!

              Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
              Originally posted by dragon View Post
              I was contemplating this the other day. It may not be a resonant coil per say but resonance at a different level, quite different from what the natural coil might operate.
              The problem with you guys is your to bloody clever...... you have learnt your trade and you’re learnt it far to well,you simply glance at a complex circuit and all is clear. What you really need is a bloody Idiot and your very lucky there!
              What is there? A couple of coils and an HT supply what is there about such a simple arrangement that’s baffled the very best for years and years?
              You are dealing with a longitudinal wave every thing is backwards.consider this full wave bridge circuit Center tap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Just at a glance you know what that circuit does. You know the centre tap is zero volts w.r.t either end of the coil ( you will notice everything here is w.r.t) I would hope with just a little thought you can work out the Phasor diagram of that transformer? Ah but what if everything were to be totally reversed? What if the linear wave was exactly the reverse ? What if the centre tap became power w.r.t either end of the transformer? What if what if
              On this page Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze the original team contemplated the HT circuit. Like you they were totally unable to reverse there vision and understanding …. try now! Can you see why TK has used a centre tapped HT ? Start thinking backwards !!!! also Know that Aetheric power travels form load to coventional source. (allegedly)
              Last edited by Duncan; 11-20-2011, 06:15 PM.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
                The problem with you guys is your to bloody clever...... you have learnt your trade and you’re learnt it far to well,you simply glance at a complex circuit and all is clear. What you really need is a bloody Idiot and your very lucky there!
                What is there? A couple of coils and an HT supply what is there about such a simple arrangement that’s baffled the very best for years and years?
                You are dealing with a longitudinal wave every thing is backwards.consider this full wave bridge circuit Center tap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Just at a glance you know what that circuit does. You know the centre tap is zero volts w.r.t either end of the coil ( you will notice everything here is w.r.t) I would hope with just a little thought you can work out the Phasor diagram of that transformer? Ah but what if everything were to be totally reversed? What if the linear wave was exactly the reverse ? What if the centre tap became power w.r.t either end of the transformer? What if what if
                On this page Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze the original team contemplated the HT circuit. Like you they were totally unable to reverse there vision and understanding …. try now! Can you see why TK has used a centre tapped HT ? Start thinking backwards !!!! also Know that Aetheric power travels form load to coventional source. (allegedly)

                A center tapped coil can have the two ends be one electrical connection with the center being the second.

                The magnetic field will flow in two directions through the core. This will cause a reduction in the permeability of the core, yet at the same time will NOT induce a current on a standard wound pickup coil (because half will have EMF induced in one direction, and half EMF in the other direction because of the "center tap" coil).
                This means the two coils are not mutually coupled through inductive process, but rather are tied to the hip parametrically, or through the physical properties of the core.


                • Through a glass darkly

                  I like that so much more verbose than my effort!, Yes much better.. (and I use the word Guardedly because its not right but) Impedance matching, would be the word for the Herzian wave. conductance balancing perhaps ? anyway you obviously have it by the throat and can see why TK used that configuration. I suppose EP Dollard could give it units and form but I'll just have to stick with how I see it.
                  and so we start to see! the HT circuit I suggested earlier was 2 off ignition coils in flip flop so a centre tap could be created . Using a single supply creates a huge miss-match (that's how the information has thundered at me) make of it what you will.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post

                    A center tapped coil can have the two ends be one electrical connection with the center being the second.

                    The magnetic field will flow in two directions through the core. This will cause a reduction in the permeability of the core, yet at the same time will NOT induce a current on a standard wound pickup coil (because half will have EMF induced in one direction, and half EMF in the other direction because of the "center tap" coil).
                    This means the two coils are not mutually coupled through inductive process, but rather are tied to the hip parametrically, or through the physical properties of the core.
                    MJN posted his circuit earlier where the output (2 x 75 turns) of the toroid/yoke was connected to a center tapped transformer, with the center taps connected to ground. Is this arrangement similar to what you describe?

                    By pickup coil are you referring to a coil wound on the same magnetic form as the center tap (as per a normal transformer) or a physically seperate coil within the vicinity of the center tap? Thanks for dropping by Armagdn03

                    @ Duncan,

                    I found that video. Watching it again I realized the lines were more dotted so perhaps not what you were referring to. Anyway here it is if you are interested

                    MVI 3364 - YouTube

                    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                    • The manic ramblings...

                      Some one has to have the balls to try and put a working theory together, and look bloody silly and have it kicked about and laughed at ..... here it is have at it!

                      Just to try and put all the bits in some sort of engineering order, which is roughly how I see the whole thing fitting together and operating and so we can get at scrutinise each part.

                      1/ we are going to take a very small amount of power from a battery, with an oscillator or flip/flop we are going to generate High voltage with a centre tapped supply.

                      2/There are two coils which are tuned to linear wave resonance In Tesla fashion I know this is nothing physically like our winding but the tuning method is why I’ve put this here

                      3/ quite apart from the longitudinal tuning (which incidentally you'll discover is exactly the reverse of hertzian resonance another resonant tuned circuit is needed for the spark gap.
                      Sort of lets you see what a phenomenal engineer Tesla was no scope, no signal injector amazing

                      1/The high voltage interaction between the coils vibrates the dielectric sea, This is hugely amplified by the use of a spark gap.

                      2/ This huge energy source which is in scattered form due to the random (ish) action of the spark is attracted to the coils which are resonantly tuned to a linear wave.

                      3/ The energy which at this stage has no particular entity or direction I'm grasping for a description here and extremely dense electrical noise is the best description I can give you.

                      4/ This dense formation of energy is reflected back into the HT centre tapped transformer via the two outside legs, This action gives the energy which was collected at each end of the Tesla coil
                      a presence and form with respect to earth. Although there is still an infinite number of harmonics and overtone and whatever may be in the linear spectrum.

                      5/With a tuned essentially capacitive load load across the outside legs of the HT transformer in such a way that a maximum standing wave is produced (almost the reverse of tuning a CB or ham radio to the antenna strangely you are looking for maximum standing wave on the line

                      6/ you discover the maximum Node on this tuned line you have made, and connect to it, of course its still very much a concentrated random noise right across the spectrum.

                      7/ At this stage we are at the moment roughly tuning it to the ferrite toroid. And and searching for a resonant point that fits the widest band of frequencies, that bits a bit hit and miss and obviously scatters unwanted spurious stuff about … still it works. Tesla had no ferrite and so there is another way..
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • The only theory we need ????



                        • Its like the boys took his finger out of the Dam

                          Thank youanother late night/early morning
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • very nice link thanks
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • no sweat farmhand ,I dont even know what a trolley is a sfor the light MonsuirMs picked up the cuddgle ..and yes Ive seen it before to, not the point at all .. what is, what makes it predominant ...
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • Originally posted by ren View Post
                                MJN posted his circuit earlier where the output (2 x 75 turns) of the toroid/yoke was connected to a center tapped transformer, with the center taps connected to ground. Is this arrangement similar to what you describe?

                                By pickup coil are you referring to a coil wound on the same magnetic form as the center tap (as per a normal transformer) or a physically seperate coil within the vicinity of the center tap? Thanks for dropping by Armagdn03

                                I have no idea what that guy did, or even what a diagram of his thing looks like.

                                What I do know is that there are ways of stressing the molecular structure of a material (magnetically, dielectrically) which affect the permeability and permittivity of a material. This means that a person can wind a coil (many different ways) which is purposefully not inductively linked to another "pick up" or "secondary" or whatever you may want to call it.

                                These two coils will share a core, but they will not share a magnetic field coupling

                                They are tied to the hip instead through the permeability or permittivity of the core.

                                This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you consider a magnet or ferromagnetic material under influence of a magnetic fiel, treating it like a chladni plate, now you have combined cymatics, or acoustical resonance with the electromagnetic domain.

