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Tiger's Device 0.150-1Kwt replicant

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  • Utkins Free energy oscillogramm

    Hey! Utkin maybe right!
    there is my oscillogramms!
    Last edited by Ganzha; 08-23-2012, 01:42 AM.


    • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      I don't want to make a big thing of it, I'm just saying what I think I seen.

      Looks like 0.11 Amps to me.

      Uploaded with


      P.S. I'm not questioning his math I am questioning the validity of the meter
      reading. Doesn't matter to me either way of course.


      There is two bulbs connected to the transformer. The first light bulb has no on/off switch.
      The second light bulb has a on/off switch. The last video frame shows the unit with
      the second bulb switched on. Thus, the input current has gone up to 0,11 Amp.



      • a stich in time

        Originally posted by Ganzha View Post
        Hey! Utkin maybe right!
        there is my oscillogramms!
        There is a lot to digest, Its rather like Aidal,Tiger,Wesley and Arunas have knocked the first brick out of the wall. I wonder how long Utkin has waited until he thought it was safe enough to release the information? anyway its out now!
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • Aetheric power

          I.M.H.O luminous Aether as Tesla explains is a essentially a linear wave seen here thundering into this essentially mechanical machine (perhaps) varying with speed and slowly fading at the end of the Vid.F.M.CHALKALIS ENERGY MULTIPLIER - YouTube
          This same linear wave which officially doesn’t exist explained and demonstrated by EPD here in this classic demonstration Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube if you are interested in building anything at all then this simple construction will very soon demonstrate the power source of this machine and a clear demonstration of the linear wave. All of the researchers that I know of agree that the Linear wave functions counter to the hertzian wave.
          That is it enters the circuit at the point of the load and works backwards towards the herztian source.
          Trying to measure this extraordinary power with instruments that are designed for Hertzian or DC power is a akin to trying to measure temperature with a wooden spoon, so why do you keep doing it? The instruments are at best only giving an indication of the power available and even then reflected power, If you don’t accept the existence of the linear wave your wasting your time here!!If you do and you think you have an instrument to measure it directly I would like to know all about it because no one else in the world I know of has one.
          I hope that all starts to make a little sense of it for you , Normal instruments are effectively worthless for measurement of power derived from the linear wave.
          Its obviously a very complex subject in its own right and there is no reason to clutter up this thread with it, if measurement of radiant power is of particular interest why don’t you open a separate thread? There are a few aged books on the mathematics and of course Eric Dollards master pieces. I am personally of the opinion that if several replications in different countries have been done (as is the case here) by skilled technicians and they have all reported the same results I have no reason to doubt them..
          using conventional entrenched dogma heat production by the power compared to conventional power input would be a way to go.. still that’s all a very different subject and not what this thread is about at all.
          Last edited by Duncan; 11-22-2011, 09:32 AM.
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • Originally posted by Groundloop View Post

            There is two bulbs connected to the transformer. The first light bulb has no on/off switch.
            The second light bulb has a on/off switch. The last video frame shows the unit with
            the second bulb switched on. Thus, the input current has gone up to 0,11 Amp.

            Ok then that explains that, I still question the accuracy of the meter when
            measuring those small values and less than sine wave input-output. Is the input and output 50/60 Hz AC ?

            When measuring the output the meter says 1.60 A then he has another go
            and it reads 1.68 A, that's an 80 Ma variation. It's the meter that causes me
            not to be convinced. Going by the sound it is emitting I'm guessing there is
            some pulses, and both input and output are not sine wave or 50/50 AC square
            wave, but hey what do I know, I'm no expert so don't pay much attention to
            me. Lots of people can show over 100 % out but is it really OU ?

            If it is legit where can I get a schematic ? Is there any replications yet ?

            If it is legit someone craving OU should replicate it.

            I can show over 100 % output to input too with meters, and the resistor
            method measuring DC too, but mine was not OU because of the pulsed output
            and input, I am still waiting for someone to call me on it but it didn't happen
            yet. AC can be pulsed AC too.

            Not to worry I eagerly await a replication.



            • supper conductor or no supper conductor

              I just want to explain what goes on with an electron discharge, this is a proven fact by others whom devote all their time to science.

              Through winding of coils as predominently CAPACITIVE as I have explained before, there are three phases as to what happens, avalanche, streamer and decay. In the avalanche phase the seed electron is released from the cathode and during it's travel to the anode, IT MULTIPLIES. In the streamer phase when the multiplied electrons reach the dielectric, a streamer form occurs and approaches the cathode, in this phase the CURRENT and the ELECTRIC FIELD INCREASE RAPIDLY. In the decay phase the discharge is collapsed and so accumulates surface charge onto the dielectric barrier.

              In this case the conductor is a PLASMA, "supper conductor" maybe depending on each persons view, but the important parts are electron multiplication and current, and electric field increase which is picked up by the secoundary coil of the transformer for free (the output must be LOADED or the input wattage will increase due to accumulated surface charge.



              • Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                Well it's all interesting. I have put the coil that I have shown on a HV supply to see what the frequency is to vibrate the ferrite "make it sing" before I rap the other coils over the top at 90 degrees, of course those will change the frequency as will driving those coils, but I just wanted to prove the theory that this linear coil made as a capacitor and not a coil, would do the job. Well with just 12v into the ign: transformer coil, SHE SANG LIKE A BIRD at just one frequency input but radiated harmonics that were of equal power, I just may do a video of it if I have time.

                Normally you would expect the harmonics to be of lower power, steps, but these weren't, very encouraging. Also by putting a small piece of transformer lamina plate at right angles to the coil I could draw sparks off it, but direct to the coil NO, also very encouraging, can't wait to wind the other coils. Electrons are radiating into this 2.5" X 1/2" plate and putting a charge on it.

                Also noticed that the ferrite warms up from the vibration after a couple of minutes, but at this low power level 6KV+- there is not a problem, but at 20-30KV might be another thing, I think I will start at around 15kv which is where the electron beam is visible

                As far as “gain” is considered Its to be seen in spades from this post .Mike says he has injected HT into his ferrite coil at one frequency ,The ferrite ring has not only reacted to that fundamental frequency but also is responding across a very wide frequency range generating harmonics and overtone the main consideration here is There is no diminishing in power all the harmonics are of equal power! Within the limits of the spectrum analyser and experimental error of course.
                That represents a huge increase in available power! How efficiently it can all be harvested is a different matter of course. I'm lower down the food chain than Mike but this very simplified view I have formed works for me.! We are considering a phenomena that is supposed to be impossible and so we each resolve as best we can and put it into workman like language, A chemist would no doubt view the events from yet a different stance. I'm afraid I have to KISS but its spiffing to know it all fits into the big picture.. .
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • Let me amuse you with my new video inspired with Alexandar Kugushov video and also with one Duncans earlier in this thread linked video...

                  Maybe there would be some good and educational comments on this video, especially in a sense of already put question in my earlier post: how to wound transformer to achieve Alexanders result?

                  Or which combination of (in stores available) transformers we could use to get closer to Alexanders result?

                  My video is just demonstration of working principle, i am not claiming no claims, and there is no reason for that also, but there is hope to make much, much better results...

                  And bonus manifestation of this vid are blue rays, notice that when i disconnect third of four cfl bulbs (i disconnect them one by one), manifestation of blue rays phenomena stops, and when i again became to connect cfl bulbs which i disconnected in my previous steps, blue rays start to be noticeable again...


                  P.S. As in most of my vids in this vid too there is at least one funny moment when at the end of the vid i failed to connect last (forth) bulb and then i expeled one famous croatian curse (**** hitler), that is why this video i was called by that name...
                  "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                  • Shared your work

                    I shared your work here
                    New Overunity Transformer from Alexander Kugushov

                    The more eyes the better!!

                    Thank you
                    Last edited by RAMSET; 11-22-2011, 11:25 PM.
                    If you want to Change the world
                    BE that change !!


                    • Tiger Query

                      Does anyone know Tiger's full name and where he is from. I'd like to see if we can find more information about his device another way but I need to know his full name and where he's from to do that. Thanks!!

                      We may be able to expedite this process a bit.


                      • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                        Let me amuse you with my new video inspired with Alexandar Kugushov video and also with one Duncans earlier in this thread linked video...

                        Hmm ??
                        Please post a circuit diagram. It is very confusing what you are doing there,
                        Many thanks in advance.

                        Regards, Stefan.

                        P.S: The blue rays are just from overexposure of your camera CMOS or CCD sensor...


                        • Originally posted by hartiberlin View Post
                          Hmm ??

                          P.S: The blue rays are just from overexposure of your camera CMOS or CCD sensor...
                          Only one way to find out for sure, that I can think of any way. Rotate the camera while filming. If the rays stay vertical on the recording then it is over exposure. I think.


                          • How its done

                            Do you have a schem??

                            "How its done"
                            "We are posting comments on the blue Ray over here"


                            If you want to Change the world
                            BE that change !!


                            • Replication

                              I have a really good friend who speaks fluent Russian and he knows of this device. He says it will provide 10 KW of electricity. Anyway, he says that there is enough information posted at the Russian site to replicate this device with no problems.

                              Russian Site:
                              FreeEnergyLT / FreeEnergyLT


                              • circuit + bonus circuit

                                Hi guys!

                                I was busy today, so i couldn't see until now your requests for my schematic, and i have worked today on one another super schematic and now i can share with you both schematics :

                                First one (you can use it if you want fantastic brightness out from led torch for the minimum current cost 120-220 mAmps...)

                                Second one (schematic that you asked me for)

                                "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...

