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THC can proivide FE and other things others cant

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  • THC can proivide FE and other things others cant

    other than the suppressed medical value

    THC to energy, more efficient than what you know,you will see not only that on numerous legal grounds the legislation (laws, regulations, treaties) of prohibition is itself illegal, but also that it adversely affects the entire world population. Furthermore, in many cases and in a variety of ways, prohibition per se is a cause of mortality (ref. THE REPORT). Consequently, one has no choice but to confront erroneous assertions about cannabis, be they premeditated or the ingenuous reproduction of disinformation by those who have not consulted the official primary sources of empirical research findings.

    Ref., empirical, i.e., the clinical monitored research of ‘hands-on’ actual long and short-term use by human test subjects; empirical Findings of Fact are the definitive evidence on cannabis. (This is as differentiated from the innumerable contrived 'speculative' papers, de facto perjurious fictions, provided to government departments by employees of, or those with financial interests in, pharmaceutical corporations.)

    Demonstrated by the empirical evidence, disinformation is fabricated and disseminated by financier-corporate-government interests whose illegitimate actions derive from acute revenue, hegemony and profit-motive. In this regard, the owned-and-controlled media and state (mis-)education operate as malignant instruments of untruthful propaganda: multitudes fall prey to deceit.

    From the criteria of Justice, Truth and for the well-being of humanity, it is essential that the evidential counterbalance of empirical facts and sound philosophy be made available to the people, that they may take appropriate actions to visit justice and deterrent retribution on the iniquitous, culpable wrongdoers involved, and protect the public from the damaging results caused by unthinking or venal prohibitionist felons in and outside government.

    Consider the following synopsis:CANNABIS: THE FACTS, HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE LAW. Official facts on Cannabis/ Marijuana/ Hemp.

    THE REPORT ISBN 9781902848204: Part (chapter) Two contains the unprecedented (new) Cannabis Biomass Energy Equation (CBEE; Modern Uses) which proves the clean-combusting cannabis-product pyrolytic CH3OH is the production-cost-free, i.e., FREE immediate non-polluting, renewable, total world replacement for fossils and uranium, whilst simultaneously significantly increasing world production of staple seed food (protein-rich; no relaxant in seed). The CBEE exposes the bankowner-corporate-government monumental ulterior motive behind fraudulent prohibition. 'Prohibition' is a venal, cartel-fabricated subterfuge; a false fuel-energy MONOPOLY.

    medical THC, to industry
    the great cannabis conspiracy part 4 - YouTube


  • #2
    Hi Ash,
    Thanks for posting this. I will be ordering THE REPORT.
    Can I do this through PANACEA to your benefit?
    Your friend, Gene


    • #3
      Hi Gene thank you so much for your kind words and support my friend, Kenn does this report through democracy defined, so can only get it through there we also got it to support his work, we hope to build a gasifier next year to demonstrate some principles behind this.

      There are many reasons for industrial hemp, helping the earth is not one of them Thanks again Gene for the offer. I sincerely appreciate it Gene.



      • #4
        Cannibis International!

        Thanks for posting this info.
        I think the Cannabis information that is coming out now is the most important new thing, on a planetary basis I've seen in a long time.
        Of course Cannabis is near to 35 million old, genetically, and we humans have been consuming it as far back as records go (The Vedas).
        But the new information that is coming out on the non-psychoactive use of eating hemp raw is astounding. The FDA even has a new experimental dosage, 600 milligrams, 3 times a week, of raw, mature, bud. This dosage, if eaten raw and undried, will not result in a psychoactive response. Even though that amount is equivalent to about 60 joints worth.
        Thousands of studies have shown that raw bud bonds with certain receptors in the body and result in an extreme anti-inflammatory response in the body. This has major implications for the health of the body.
        Cancer, auto-immune disease, skin issues and on and on can all be considered an inflammatory response within the body.

        Up here in my neck of the woods (Humboldt Co., California USA) Dr. William Courtney has a practice specializing in the non-psychoactive use of cannabis for healing.
        At his website below he has given many interviews which are are available to read. His results are remarkable.

        Cannabis International Foundation: A Resource For The Dietary And Medicinal Study And Use Of Cannabis
        Watch the video at the bottom of the page if you want to get inspired.

        Of course this doesn't even take in to account the broad ranging social ills that hemp could relieve. Energy and biomass. Food stability. Self sustaining carbon cycles.

        George Washington, the first president of the United States, was quoted as saying, "It is every americans duty to grow hemp".

        Hemp was a national treasure at one time. "Cannabis" was colloquialized to "Canvas" and was one of the most important commodity's america could produce itself.

        Ash, again thanks. This is one of the game changing, low tech, technologies that can move humans back toward sustainability.

        Toward that end.
        Last edited by Stephen Brown; 11-18-2011, 12:42 AM. Reason: Addition of info.
        Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


        • #5

          i have been inventing innovating and rediscovering free energy for years now ...

          i also took a likeing to organic hydroponics and soil based systems... i have consumed tha green many many years .. and if anything it allowed me to go a little faster than the crowd



          • #6
            I think the government should be forced to use hemp.... ooops I forgot, they do and traffic it and sell it and far worse narcotics too


            • #7
              just want to clear something up quick
              cannabis (pot/weed) and hemp are NOT the same thing. They are very close cousins, but they are different. They are nearly interchangeable with each other as far as usefulness, but true hemp has very little THC in it, and certainly not enough to get a buzz from. Personally I believe both should be legal, and it is a crime against the universe at large that they are not in the USA.
              I visited Kansas once, and was delighted to find "ditch weed" growing right next to the road (in the ditch of course). I had no idea that it wasn't totally eradicated, but it seems it is not. I was told the locals occasionally attempt to smoke it, but only end up with a headache. that is the major difference between them. Pot gives you a buzz, while hemp gives you a headache, but both of them are endlessly useful. If it ever does become legal to grow hemp, that same day I am becoming a farmer! I can't think of a better way to aid off grid living than an abundant supply of hemp!
              I have enjoyed the benefits of pot for quite some time. The worst "side effect" I have ever had from it was a nap...
              as I have gotten older, I have used less and less, and now mostly smoke up at night to help me relax and fall asleep. In my personal opinion, the psychoactive effects of weed are mostly suggestive. I have never hit a dose large enough to cause hallucination, ever...
              I believe it is the power of suggestion, and the remnants of the 60's counter culture that still exists that gives the impression that pot makes you lazy, or in some way changes who you are. I think the reason that is so is more to do with the acid and other drugs commonly consumed along side pot that have given it it's bad image (happily perpetuated by the gov't of course). As a responsible adult, I only consume it in my own home, and when I am not going to be leaving. I can't find a single legitimate reason for it's criminalization, and I keep up hope that someday, the world will catch up with those of us who already know the truth! Pot/hemp is one of, if not the most versitile and useful plants in all of exsistance, and should be respected, not feared, and certainly not controlled by anyone other than nature herself!
              my two cents

              The absence of proof is not proof of absence


              • #8
                Hi folks, Hi ash, nice post. Just to get things clear, cannabis, hemp or anything natural on gods earth is not unlawful to grow or possess.
                Notice I said lawful and not legal because the term legal does not apply to sovereign beings, which we all are.
                Now if you try to sell cannabis by receiving federal reserve notes, then you are claiming to be the person on your birth certificate and then you may fall under legal rules, aka, corporate or statutory rules.
                Though If you sell cannabis or hemp, or just share it freely which is the preferred way to humanities abundance, and receive silver, gold, peanuts, etc, etc., you are within the law of the land or common law in most parts of the world.
                As the old saying goes, give unto caesar what is caesars, meaning, when you use their paper money, you are giving consent to their rules.

                That's pretty much it in a nutshell, don't claim to be the person on the birth certificate as it was created without your approval or knowledge of its consequences and do not use their ink paper debt notes.
                By these actions you will be claiming and acting under the true law of the land, which means you can do anything you wish, so long as you harm no one and do not steal or harm the material items that they have or are using, that includes land for a home.
                I hope this helps folks here to gain a wider perspective of things.
                peace love light
                Last edited by SkyWatcher; 11-18-2011, 04:42 AM.

