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Do you know how this works?

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  • Do you know how this works?

    I'm sure many of you seen this on youtube Free Energy Demo Kit - Free Electricity - Fuelless Generators - YouTube

    I was wondering if anyone knows how this works? I think I might know but would like to hear from others.
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

  • #2
    Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
    I'm sure many of you seen this on youtube Free Energy Demo Kit - Free Electricity - Fuelless Generators - YouTube

    I was wondering if anyone knows how this works? I think I might know but would like to hear from others.

    Sure do. It runs on money. Simple paper money sent by fools that waste their time looking at this.


    • #3

      thats a nice unit .... great job ..


      yea i understand this ... altho it does not create energy .. it taps it ...


      it uses the first kick to create the loop .. then it flows ..

      awesome its a reciever ... looks like a gutted magnatron ...
      cosmic ray powered ?

      do you know the implications of this ... o my my ... mymymy ...

      that has to be one of the coolest things i have seen .. you could not imagine what i can do with something like that ...

      i just love it !
      Last edited by willy96; 12-08-2011, 01:56 AM.


      • #4
        Dumb or scam?

        How anyone could think that is free energy or some new source of energy is beyond me. All he is doing is connecting a small value cap so the cap gets charged by the coil. The meter does not have time to respond to the quick pulse in the first demo. In the second demo the cap gets charged and the meter is just reading the voltage on the cap. If you watch the meter you will see the voltage steadily going down as the meter discharges the cap. The pyramid and copper rings on the cap are just for show and add nothing to the action of the demo. That guy either doesn't understand the simplest basics of coils and caps or it is a scam. I wouldn't buy anything he was selling.

        Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


        • #5
          Originally posted by citfta View Post
          How anyone could think that is free energy or some new source of energy is beyond me. All he is doing is connecting a small value cap so the cap gets charged by the coil. The meter does not have time to respond to the quick pulse in the first demo. In the second demo the cap gets charged and the meter is just reading the voltage on the cap. If you watch the meter you will see the voltage steadily going down as the meter discharges the cap. The pyramid and copper rings on the cap are just for show and add nothing to the action of the demo. That guy either doesn't understand the simplest basics of coils and caps or it is a scam. I wouldn't buy anything he was selling.

          o my my

          i think you missed a big hunk of this ..


          oboy !

          i can fully explain this but why should i ?

          what freq is it running at any ways .. you do realize he tells you in there .........
          how dumb do you think he is to figure this out ..
          he one smart cookie .....
          its tune to schumann resonance cavity! why .. cuz the speed the magnet fell at..... gravity ..
          this is no kids toy .. this is a well desgined device .. just look at the transmitting / recievieng antenna alum pyrimid
          a magnatron runs what 2ghz... microwave .. so he is recieveing cosmic or schuman cavaty resonance wave .. depending .. it could tap many things ... depending ... on the angle of the alum pryimid alone /\ ....... then the resonance of the transmitter/ reciever many unknowen varibales .. at first glance ....


          why not use 3 pyrimids and dirrect the energy and float it ...
          Last edited by willy96; 12-08-2011, 02:23 AM.


          • #6
            I guess i could now add my two cents...

            Its obvious that the pyramid hides a capacitor, but what is odd is how the capacitor is setup. He's using a captret like idea to short the outer casing of the cap to the positive lead of the capacitor. The pyramid has nothing to do with anything, he states that in the description of the video. I also know many think that this guy is a fraud and i would agree but seeing how that cap was hooked up was very interesting to me and made me look back at the captret.

            Here's a picture that may help to understand what i'm saying.

            Last edited by ibpointless2; 01-13-2012, 01:48 AM.
            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


            • #7
              Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
              I'm sure many of you seen this on youtube Free Energy Demo Kit - Free Electricity - Fuelless Generators - YouTube

              I was wondering if anyone knows how this works? I think I might know but would like to hear from others.

              Yeh the con artist drops a magnet through a coil and you see the meter bump.

              The meter cannot respond to the impulse because it integrates the impulse.

              Mr con artist hides a capacitor of small enough size to capture the impulse and peg the meter.

              I thought the latex gloves and white robe really spiced the con up though didnt you?

              Unfreakingbelievable how low some of these tards will sink.

              On this one I totally agree with conrad!


              • #8
                Originally posted by willy96 View Post
                you could not imagine what i can do with something like that ...

                i just love it !

                line your garbage can


                • #9
                  Good one!!

                  I think these guys admitted to a scam ??

                  If you want to Change the world
                  BE that change !!


                  • #10
                    thats hurting ...

                    cuz i can build what i just explained ..


                    have you ever seen a rf amp that is a microwave resonance chamber ... i just happin to have one ...

                    oo there some neat **** .. no electronics .... hummm btw its 2.4ghz ... tap wifi with that alone ...

                    hey what is gonna happin i winde a coil threw a hole bunch of them.... off the ring ...

                    insted of dropping a magnet .. i bang a magnetic feild through the generator coils .. and ring the magnatrons ... at whatever speed i desire . it will allow me to tap diffrent things ..
                    i could have a delay line so they come on line 1234 1 fire set 4 trons in resonance

                    i own everything you tryed to buy joey .. you will not buy yourself out this one ...
                    see that ship will not fly ... know why ... ? fill it up .. its too heavy to lift off ..
                    but dont beleave me you live it !

                    some times the truth hurts dont it ... ?

                    just another tpu trick eh joey till i come along and make it my reality .... just throw up another dream you can not figure out and maybe a smarter soul than yourself will .. hahahahaha ..... but they do..... omg ..... and now its therirs ... o sh!t

                    funny part is i figured out more than anyone ever thought i would ... hahaha

                    ooo it feels like heaven under my feet ! who gets the last joke .... ? how about that horseshoe.... i live in the great lakes triangle .... hummmmm whats that all about joey ... i know it is the top end of the brutima triangle .. i have been in the horse shoe at midnight on a full moon with the natives with the staff with all 36 stones joey ...

                    her grandmother wrote the book buddy ! she sat in owatta 45 years ... got my card ready yet b!tch! ill just say she was the hightest power in the country ... there reality are your legands ...
                    Steven Seagal New World Order Speech.mp4 - YouTube

                    the plankton is dieing....
                    why did steven show you all the black bird ...... ? few feathers missing ... just another good joke ...

                    here look at this pic ... .. only a simple demonstration .. just a few peices of the puzzel missing ... GO FIGURE IT OUT ...

                    and when your done ill give you 50 more to figure out ... i could keep your brain busy for the next melenia
                    just bounceing you between my paws ......
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by willy96; 12-08-2011, 04:53 PM.


                    • #11
                      Pyramids are no laugh matter.

                      I think its not all that dumb. The explanation he gave was not the good one, but the idea of a pyramid shape capacitor has merit, especially at hi freq.
                      Ether physics is not at all understood by today's EE.
                      Russian scientist are way ahead of the pack in terms of ether physics and have done extensive reaseach with pyramids. They call them torsion fields generators. They built a big pyramid near Moscow, it's made of wood and fiberglass. Water do not freeze inside this pyramid, even at -20 celcius. If you disturb it it will freeze instantly. It seem like the pyramid vibrate the water molecules at a very high frequency, much like an ultrasonic transducer would.


                      • #12
                        Check this out

                        Pyramid Electricity / Pyramidenstrom - YouTube


                        • #13
                          No evidence of extra power

                          @ Felix,

                          I agree there may be some interesting effects produced by pyramids. But if you watch the meter during his demos you will see it is slowly going down just like you would expect it to do if there was a low impedance meter connected to a charged up cap. If there was any extra power being generated by the pyramid it should at least be able to keep the cap charged with only a meter connected to it. I do believe it is possible to achieve OU. That is why I have spent the last three or so years on this and other forums working on projects that hold some promise. But when I see something that is clearly a hoax I am going to point it out so people don't waste their time and money chasing it. This experiment is simple and cheap enough to try so get a magnet and coil and cap and meter and diode and forget the pyramid and try it. You will get the same results as shown in the video.

                          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                          • #14
                            @ citfta

                            Coupling with ZPE has a lot to do with sacred geometry.
                            Check out the video I just posted. At the end you see the pyramid powering a small DC motor with just the impulse of a magnet. It reminds me of the good old TPU, Leedskalnin perpetual motion holder.
                            It seem like it's a device that "store" the magnetic particles, wich are constantly looping in the system. A lot of these device require a load to work. They are the "outflow" of the system. the "inflow" being the magnetic particles from the environment.

