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Walter Russell - Understanding and applying his work
Originally posted by anotherwalterrussellfan View PostBtw.: The PDF file is an OCR'ed version. It should be much easier now to share quotes from there
I did try OCR, but the software I was using wasn't accurate enough.
Which one did you use?
Thanks!"It's all in the MIND"
I used omnipage. Imho thats the best choice.
Somehow i can not edit my posts here...
So here is an updated version of the link due to request
Walter and Lao Russell - Atomic Suicide
Originally posted by purelyconstructiveThe chart with 10 octaves is from The Universal One, Walter's first book. While this book is very important, I cannot recommend enough starting with The Home Study Course, Atomic Suicide?, or A New Concept Of The Universe if you are trying to get an in-depth understanding of the specific details of the science.
To quote Lao as to why this is important:
*Bold part for emphasis.
However, no matter what book you choose to read, through careful study and peaceful meditation all information that one needs to have in order to understand Reality is readily presented. What do you desire to Know and why? Constantly hold it in Mind with a feeling of Respect in your Heart and the resources to unfold one's comprehension in regards to this subject will appear within you and before you. To use a familiar proverb, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."
When we make Truth, Beauty, Love, Wisdom, Joy, and other constructive principles our very Purpose, there is no more searching for these qualities as they begin to appear everywhere in some form. Nature is continually communicating with us if we have but the "eyes to see, and ears to hear"...This includes practical scientific knowledge that can be applied towards everyone's mutual benefit.
Here are a few other ideas that I hope will be of help...
I've added a magenta-colored line to the 9-string harp to show how it makes a wave:
To make the periodic table 3-D, it would probably be easiest to think of it simply as a cone:
There is a database with entire categories for both Spiral-Helix and 3-Dimensional periodic tables that might be useful in making models as well.
I think I have a good way to see it too.
Becuse this seashell looks an awful lot like Russell's periodic table.
Thinking this, I pressed the seashell into some clay and rolled it around a single point.
Sure enough, Russell's table came out....
And so I took other shells, and I overlapped them to match his diagrams. Overlapping his diagrams is really amazing.
Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
Blackchisel mate, you continually share thought provoking stuff. Thank you
I took some pictures from the video -- with the hope of connecting it to russell. If you've seen the video and are familiar with russell's work -- it all seem very similar at least.
I'm probably gonna get a little sidetracked with some things I saw -- I am bringing up the things that I have already had an "Aha" realization about, in hopes to re-inspire the same "Aha" -- the different perspectives from which to view russell's work.
Here, from the video -- we have the colliding rings:
These two opposites rushing towards each other, remind me awfully of a magnet. We think of a N/S rushing at each other as "nothing happening", but the voidance is full of rapid, high frequency motion that appears to divide itself into greater motion. That is distinctly different than "nothing" happening.
And the side view proves slightly more thought provoking. There is a "void" in the center.
Look into the center of the 4's in this picture.
This was also in the video, but I'd like to surf this thought trail a little more.
That white dot, could also be a "Vacuum". Isn't a Vacuum "zero in Mass Temperature and Inertia"??
So, we take one of these bigger "gross" outer spheres, and smash them together, just like we saw. And they make smaller spheres.
Replace Spheres with "vortexes" in that video. In the picture above, we see the circles, are closer to the equatorial line. Trace your fingers, as though only the smallest circles -- it is quite a high frequency line.
Then the outer sphere from that, runs at a lower frequency... The outer sphere from that, lower -- and so on.... Just like we saw
Dolphin grabs the little higher frequency vortex, and sets it into motion around his nose with a flick.
I am trying to illustrate, that magnetic voidance is not only a key to understanding transmutation, but is also the key to seeing the center of russell's tables.
If you can see that those magnetic fields are "Gods still Light" from "A new concept of the universe", you can see that by positioning magnetic fields, you can make them cancel out at precise angles.
That magnetic voidance, is what I would like to discuss as russell's cocept of "planes of inertia".
He drew in his diagrams each picture interacting with the other -- that is key in seeing what he meant.
Last edited by petar113507; 03-22-2012, 06:51 AM.
If I am the only one who will uphold this discussion as I impart what I have been seeking, so be it. I have a marvelous example to model myself after
Originally posted by MonsieurM View PostDang it... I was going to post about crop circles!
It's nice to know sometimes a slower wave can be surfed in-phase with a faster wave, and resonate
The first picture is of the first three octaves on Russell's periodic table, blown up to be poster sized. I colored in red and orange for visibillity's sake (no other reason I could think of)
And I hope to show you tomorrow the larger sized poster, when there is better light to see all the colors, how russell -- and this crop circle are showing the same process of matter asorbing cosmic radiation into form, and decelerating it for the purpose of sustaining form.
and finally, resuming the state of "space" which we know as "vacuum", along the "line of inertia" down the "dead center", as alphanon, or omeganon -- only to play a part in the one's cosmic drama all over again.
If you will note in all the octaves, the "noble gases" which Russell said were nature's record-keeping system, are always slightly off, to the right or left of the "line of inertia".
The first octave of space, being of very small mass, and very high in frequency (tone) ( the red line) always intersects with the noble gases, and hence -- whatever is recorded in the noble gasses, is recorded upon the lines of cosmic radiation
Alphanon, and omeganon -- the beginning, and the end, respectively, while being the same "thing" in the plane of inertia -- are the only ones on the "dead center" of the "line of inertia"
Through these next few pictures, I mean to illustrate that the curly tail would be some kind of EM radiation -- perhaps even cosmic radiation.
I drew only the center, "high frequency" line through russell's table. In drawing this, I realized that the center red line was the exact same size as the first octave. The first octave, would be present in various conditions in all matter.
And so, the first octave if you were to overlap it on the second octave, the first octave overlaps in-phase with the second octave until the "first locked potential" of the second octave.
Also, note how the center red line goes around each inert gas.
I was curious as to how that incredibly high frequency could be both "everywhere" at the same time, and flawlessly use the inter gasses as nature's recording system for the octaves that they are apart of.
The lines tend to go through, or make a "void" (cancel out) around the inert gases, or be in the carbon position at the inert gases.
sounds a bit like being in motion, or stillness
body, spirit
positive, negative
russell said the word pairs and their relationship to each other was the same, didnt he?
which brings me to....
Cosmic microwave background radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you read carefully, you can find that the CMB also is broadcasted faintly on the "cosmic radiation" -- very high frequencies.
This is also, in the smallest circle size in this picture, also posted above. Carefully note that the smaller circles, how they are drawn in-phase.
You can see the first octave's size very clearly with the picture I posted before. Look at the little notches of that first octave -- the first, second and third locking potential positions, before the fourth bisexual tone.
I said carefully note above, because Russell's table doesn't perfectly match up in each octave like that space geometry picture above.
I think that because it doesnt perfectly match up it has to mean something. My suggestion, if one had a very accurate "line drawing tool" (On the computer, pretty easy) you might be able to see what locked potential position the higher octaves of visible matter overlap on, from the highest frequency.
If you understood that last post, you could trace the lines in russell's black and white book -- a little difficult.
So again, I colored them in.
I just used Photobucket Color editing to darken the colors, and used a pink circle to outline the wave comming from magnesium. I picked magnesium, because I'm currently using it to ignite thermite, and it burns very brightly.
Bedini says that Magnesium is a wonder metal for "this type of energy" -- I know from bedini's transmutation DVD, Cejaka files, and watching some of the "energy from the vacuum" series; that he knows about Russell's science.
So, let's trace that line from magnesium.
I outlined it in a similar color. Look at where the arrow points at the end.
I would like to point out that russell's table has two lines. In this next picture, the blue and red arrows indicate that the "line of inertia" is surrounded by two opposing forces in a locked potential.
So again, the high frequency appears to go through the center of various atom types -- upon tracing that line of magnesium I see that when it goes through "the word" or "the beginning and the end" element -- it then gets locked traveling up or down russell's table.
Which, I swear, we've seen it before. Let me see if I cannot make it any clearer. Work with me here, and push these two pictures so they overlap on each other.
and I mean to illustrate that that crop circle says the same thing, if you look at the formula of locked potentials. Going from left to right on the crop circle, you go from cosmic radiation, into gross matter form, and from the beginning and end, then you go through the table backwards until the cosmic radiation is emitted.
Those lines cancel out just like a cadeseus coil. MM was correct, and called a "multi phonic cadeseus". Multi-phonic seems to be like a musical harmony, when multiple harmonic frequencies stack up on each other, each using the same fulcrum, or still center to transfer energy or information between the harmonics.
That was ahead of the game, and it took this long until I've caught up.
Thank you, my friendLast edited by petar113507; 04-15-2012, 12:47 AM.
How would you translate your finding to translate the following table :
about the properties of certain rocks tourmaline for example ( as mentioned previously the coil is to nurture your crystal through "multi phonic caduseus".
Fractal create Crystal and Crystals emit Fractals
fractal and crystal
Russell did write that all matter is Crystalline ( not the exact quote ) then all Spirit is Fractal
you can consider Crystals as containing the “frozen light” of the Divine
as within so without
An extraordinary amount of arrogance is present in any claim of having been the first in inventing something.
Benoit Mandelbrot"Think not of what you see, but what it took to produce what you see.” -
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...light-119.htmlLast edited by MonsieurM; 04-15-2012, 02:03 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
I think the following website might interest you :
Circular/Spherical Infinity
This image is based off fractals and the yin-yang symbol, and also reminds me of an electromagnetic field and very much like this chakra field diagram (, )--(and somewhat like this version of chakra energy flow —see Wikipedia: chakra for general info). When I showed this image to a friend of mine, he said it reminded him of the Cantor set. I didn't know what this was at the time but, after a bit of researching on the Web, I emailed a math professor who told me this image is "a depiction of a 'Cantor-like' process". Another interesting thing about this image is that it can be drawn by simply making smaller and smaller figure-8s (infinity symbol), which only intersect in the center. I call this "circular infinity" (2D) or "spherical infinity" (3D). Vortices can also be seen by spiraling down along the circle lines. This version is a base-2 division but a base-3 (and higher) division version is possible and used in esoteric literature.1
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Farmhand posted some interesting stuff on Russell at the Eric Dollard thread:
Originally posted by Farmhand View PostSeems a bit strange not to mention Walter Russell here and his book The Universal One. It's labelled as Alchemy but I'm not sure why.
Walter Russell-The Universal One- Alchemy Chemistry
Here are some diagrams.
I have some zip files with almost all of the diagrams from the book in them
in full size.
I can provide some links for those if anyone wants them.
Originally posted by Farmhand View PostWalter Russell diagrams.
To all interested.
Here are the zip files of the Walter Russell diagrams.
Why Russell Claims that melting point of for example Iron lowers when we go far away from the sun. For example Iron melting point in jupiters position is only 2C.
How is it than possible that space ships for example that NASA sends, I mean probes are not melted for example on the surface of Mars? When Melting point of for example Iron in Mars distance of the sun is pretty lower than at Earth positions
Those are Russell notes from Universal One, so very hard to understand, does not make sense?