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Walter Russell - Understanding and applying his work

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  • Originally posted by purelyconstructive
    Indeed. The asymmetry is actually expressed inside the magnetic field itself. One of the effects that I did not mention was that a jet of monopolar magnetism comes out of the bottom half of toroid, but not the top. The pinch point acts as a nozzle.
    theoretically speaking we are then breaking the fractal chain as the asymetry is not to be found at all levels .... imho

    it's just a thought
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Clarifying the Rodin Coil.

      Originally posted by purelyconstructive
      The Wisdom contained in such philosophies is priceless, for through it we can begin to embody the mindset that allows us to Lovingly Create such technologies endlessly for the betterment of ALL.

      However, if others might find it useful, I will try to share as simply and succinctly as I possibly can what I think is happening and why...

      When one pulses DC into both wires of a properly made Flux Thruster Atom Pulsar (or "Rodin Coil") there are many effects that take place simultaneously. However, we will concern ourselves with just one of them for the moment:

      The curvature of the wire is such that the magnetic field generated around it approaches a Phi spiral. Because the coil is bifilar (i.e.: has two windings), you have two Phi spirals meeting end-to-end (one rotating clockwise and the other counter-clockwise).

      Rodin Coil Activation w/ Pulsed DC

      Phi Spirals of Magnetism

      These counter-rotating magnetic fields converge to a point. This point is a plasma pinch. It can also be thought of as a center of gravity...literally. You are generating a gravitational field.

      To put it in the context of Walter and Lao's work, replace the term "plasma pinch" with Doubly Charged Sphere in this instance. I believe that their conical coils are generally designed to accomplish something similar to what has just been described.

      So why do you need the fields to approach Phi as closely as possible? Because Phi waves both add and multiply at the same time, and the geometry of the Phi spiral is recursive. As Dan Winter would put it, this is an "infinite fractal compression of charge".
      Hey Purelycontructive,

      Thankyou for your explaination of the rodin coil as the phi spiral magnetic field was not 100% clear till now, only the anti-gravity effects and the central magnetic field.

      This encouraged a further research into the properties of this effect and how to best utilize the anomaly. Will the plasma pinch act as appear with the correct ratio spirals/turns as many Rodin coil to not exhibit rotating magnetic fields from the youtube clips out there?
      (I define this as the central, or Zeropoint of Radiant matter and then after the White light is most commonly Green outer shell, then Magenta/Purple plasma.)

      P.S: I kids plastic ring is the best choice for different dimensions for a Rodin coil unless you have a easier option.



      • 1st July 2012 Effects!!

        Hey Group,

        I have some interesting effects from an experiment last night that I would like some input on these anomalies

        My favourite anomaly.

        Here is the whole 10 pics from last nights experiments.

        Radiant Anomalies pictures by ZeropointEnergy - Photobucket



        • Originally posted by ZeropointEnergy View Post
          Hey Group,

          I have some interesting effects from an experiment last night that I would like some input on these anomalies

          My favourite anomaly.

          Here is the whole 10 pics from last nights experiments.

          Radiant Anomalies pictures by ZeropointEnergy - Photobucket


          you should add it to the visual effects observed thread .... may i say quite impressive

          thank you ZeropointEnergy for sharing the info ... it is very much appreciated

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2012, 04:08 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by purelyconstructive
            This is a very keen observation. I encourage you to continue with this line of reasoning.

            I too see it as a series of nested vortices. Like this:

            And I also agree that, because it is a fractal, you should be able to use the same pattern on any level of scale (whether we are speaking of the formation of each element, or the periodic table as a whole):

            The reason why I made it a cone in this way was because I figured that, since the East-West Polarity is generally associated with disintegration, it would be equivalent to the "end" of the periodic table that contains the radioactive elements.
            Great! I just wanted to make sure I am on track. haha. I seem to understand something and then have to go back and re-read different parts of different books and then that helps me with another.... then go and meditate on it.
   my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...


            • Some thoughts on mixing Walter Russell’s cosmology and Rodin’s Vortex Math. I watched this video by Jamie Buturff and decided to make one of the paper devices. The Solfeggio are Family Number Groups - Not Frequencies 2/2 - YouTube You may need to watch to see what I'm talking about.

              So after making one, I felt like I should try and match it to Walter Russell’s cubed wave field. So I opened up the device and put them together to form a cube. I needed 6 and they all fit together nicely. It is interesting to see the #s line up with 9 on ever spot that Walter mentions where a sphere should be. All the 3s and 6s(on the underside of the flaps of fortune teller) come together in the middle of the cube to all touch and create another 9 or another sphere. (48 9s to be exact = 432 )

              Posting as links because of image size.

              So then I took Rodin’s family # groups and fingerprint of god and matched them to Walter Russell’s 0-1-2-3-4 0 4-3-2-1-0 of creation. So where the 9 shows up for Rodin we would get the doubly charged sphere. Maybe the 0s on each end are the 3s and 6s because they alternate. Alternating + – per Rodin but could be generation/radiation for WR. Thoughts?

              So the 124 – 875 would be the wound up parts of the locked potentials. With the 9 or 4-0-4 (same thing?) In the middle.


              Just throwing out ideas to see what fits. So I wanted to be able to follow the doubling circuit (octave geometry) with the Rodin node points on top of the cube. After switching around the 1,8,4,5 I was able to get something. I could then follow the 124 emanation 875. It created spiral arms around the cube just like the Walter Russell 4 rivers of light.

              Then I marked where 3 and 6 could be and long that line it seems to alternate just like in VM. So I have no idea what it means…. But it is food for thought.


              I also took the sequence and added it to Walter’s wave and formula of locked potentials.


              So I wanted to submit this to see if there are any correlations. Is it just cute?
     my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...


              • Originally posted by cplouffe View Post
                Some thoughts on mixing Walter Russell’s cosmology and Rodin’s Vortex Math. I watched this video by Jamie Buturff and decided to make one of the paper devices. The Solfeggio are Family Number Groups - Not Frequencies 2/2 - YouTube You may need to watch to see what I'm talking about.

                . Is it just cute?
                Excellent vid cplouffe .... it becomes obvious when you hear him explain ..... got to finish watching it ..... Thank you again
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                  Indeed. Very interesting video! Thank you for sharing it. And I would also like to thank you for sharing your ideas about mixing the Russell Cosmogony and VBM. I saw the post last night on LightCoalition and started to think about it...Forming them into a cube like that is an excellent idea! I need to play around with it more.

                  Here is how I would match up the Fingerprint of God with the dynamics of the Wave. This post will assume a general familiarity with both Vortex Based Mathematics and the Russell Cosmogony.

                  The colors describe what I mean, but I will try to give a brief explanation:

                  The right-half of the Doubling Circuit is positive, counting up (1-2-4), just like the right-half of the wave (+1, +2, +3). And of course, the left-half is inverted (8-7-5 and -1, -2, -3). The rotations also match up (CW on the right, CCW on the left). The pinch point where you turn around in the middle is equivalent to ++404++, the Doubly Charged Sphere.

                  The ratios inside Walter & Lao's Universal Mathematics (2:1 and 1:2, 4:1 and 1:4, 8:1 and 1:8) are essentially Doubling and Halving (x2, x4, x8, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8). In fact, there is a page in The Rodin Glossary (pg. 139) that describes how to relate Walter & Lao's Periodic Table to the structure of the ABHA Torus. Within it, Marko even refers to these as "Compression and Decompression Ratios". Remember how all our geometries expand and contract according to The Universal Heartbeat as we move along The Octave Wave? Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.

                  To give a simplified example of how to relate the Periodic Table to the toroid, think of a 9-pointed star, one for each of our inert gases.

                  Trace out this star with your finger clockwise, beginning with Alphanon at the top. As you pass from point-to-point, you will see that you eventually end up back where you started, passing through all the elements as you do so. Remember, the Periodic Table ends where it begins.

                  The tiny yellow dots in the middle of the star are equivalent to our ++404++ elements, while the alternations between red and blue show each half of each wave. If you were to think of this star as one winding of a Rodin Coil, then the red and blue would be equivalent to passing over and under the body of the toroid every time you pass through the hole in the middle of it!

                  Definitely some fun stuff!
                  Nice!! Thanks for your great post, as always!

                  I had asked recently if anyone had tried setting up WR's transmutation experiment with Rodin coils rather than conical coils. Could it be easier to adjust frequency rather than having to change windings for strength of the coils? For oblating with E/W and prolating with N/S.

                  I am gathering all the info I can to try and reproduce myself someday.

                  ** oh and I will have to check out that page you mentioned.
                  Last edited by cplouffe; 07-03-2012, 01:06 AM. Reason: add
         my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...


                  • Anytime!

                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    you should add it to the visual effects observed thread .... may i say quite impressive


                    thank you ZeropointEnergy for sharing the info ... it is very much appreciated

                    Hey MM,

                    It was my pleasure and I uploaded these experiment pics to the thread.

                    Thankyou for taking an interest, since we can generate various colours depending on the input frequency allows us to see the
                    relationship between Radiant effects due to magnetic reasonance feedback conditions
                    These can be replicated and here is a clip with a set 44Hz input frequency and a smaller #23 coil measuring 2 Ohms +/-0.1.

                    Plasma Effects in a Neon Bulb due to Radiant Anomolies at 44Hz - 15th May 2012.AVI - YouTube




                    • Rodin coil utilizing Vortex based Math.

                      Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                      No problem. I'm glad to be of help in any way I can.

                      There are characteristics that the coil must embody in order to get the desired effects. As far as I understand it they are generally as follows...

                      In regards to building it


                      *Two conductors of equal width to each other. They should have the same number or wraps.

                      *One gap space of equal width to area taken up by one of the conductors. The conductors should NOT cover the entire surface of the toroid.

                      *Either air or plastic core. No metal.

                      *Longest Mean-Free Path of Least Resistance - Meaning that the wire around the body of the torus has to have the least acute incline as possible. In other words, the wire should curve gradually, making nearly horizontal stripes, not vertical ones.


                      *Changing Aspect Ratio - Meaning that the wire should be flat along the outside of the toroid and become tighter towards the inside of the toroid without differing in mass (i.e.: without changing the amount of material used). This enhances the effect.

                      In regards to powering it


                      *The current must be Pulsed DC. It cannot be AC. Reversal of current cancels out the effects.

                      The pulses in the first wire must move against the pulse in the second wire.

                      *Synchronized Electricity
                      In an ideal situation, one would have a pause between the first set of pulses and the next set of pulses to allow the magnetic field to collapse. There is more to this concept of timing, but it requires an explanation of some of the mathematics.

                      The more detailed aspects (such as the interrelation between the Magic Circle, outer periphery, and cross-sectional diameters of the toroid to the arc of the wire) I am still trying to determine. Unfortunately, I have not done much testing yet. It seems likely that one would notice interesting effects even without exact timing or dimensional ratios.

                      Really interesting pictures by the way. If you don't mind me asking, what is your set-up?

                      First off I do not mind you asking about the circuit as is a simple 555 timer in astable mode to generate a set input frequency, then just capture the inductive spike with diodes backwards to only collect the Radiant/Negative energy. I only have a roughly hand drawn circuit or would post it
                      Faster switching semiconductors and a short duty cycle seems to be the key as when even a low duty cycle of 8% the 92% off times allows for fluctuations of magnetic reasonance feedback oscillations. Coil to test ASAP with this will be the Rodin coil when constructed. I obtained the idea from "Ufopolitics" thread and have posted there many times about the circuit and all things radiant
                      Bifilar coil has always been used in either Bedini technology or other oscillator circuits to generate my Radiant anomalies.

                      Thankyou for the Notes on Vortex Based Mathematics link that will aid me in the construction of the Rodin coil.


                      *I always make my coils with using a drill at either end and then trim off any slight variation to ensure equal inductance/capacitance if any reading this do not have a set method. This may not be the most efficient out there but has worked for me.

                      *The distances between the spirals looks to be the easiest achieved by placing markers (pins for example) to begin the first winding to hold tight in place. Is there there a set number turns/distance I need for 12 section Rodin coil?
                      Most of this content is still hard to grasp and I figure is a Fibonacci sequence of around? Since the coil is a sum of 12 points maybe 30-40 turns? 34 is in the sequence and if they sum together will equal 408 at reasonance.

                      *I was going to use plastic torrid to wind on.

                      *Longest Mean-Free Path of Least Resistance - Meaning that the wire around the body of the torus has to have the least acute incline as possible. In other words, the wire should curve gradually, making nearly horizontal stripes, not vertical ones.

                      This is not clear other than neat curves on outer edges and nice linear winds?

                      In regards to powering it


                      *I was going to use a solid state oscillator circuit (pulsed DC) to demermine the ideal frequencies before a use one of my Bedini Monopole motors, probally a small model at 4000-8000RPM. SS is better since the motor is low Hz and and the SS circuit can reach MHz.


                      *Tesla bifilar coil should achieve the desired function?

                      *Synchronized Electricity

                      *This can be achieved by varying the input frequency with a CRO/DSO on both channels to map the variables. However, tuning is not as simple and thus would take time to determine the ideal parameters. Then could be replicated in expanded models.

                      *The magic circle is a unknown concept and will read the VBM link

                      P.S: I will try to find a generic torrid shaped kids toy so that others can replicate this if they wish. 0.4mm copper wire (AWG#26) was most probally going to be my choice since #18,#23 may be greater cross sectional area than needed.



                      • wanted to add the following table as it bridges both WR and Rodin

                        Rafael Poza's Elements and the Magnetosphere

                        from :


                        thanks you again : ZeropointEnergy
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • I found sometimes confusing Walter Russell's "sequential vs. instantaneous" concepts. And because we are circling around fractals, I would like to share something I find fascinating.

                          Anyone who was researching the "the golden ratio" might have pondered on its formula:

                          Phi + 1 = Phi^2

                          Many know the link between Phi and Fibonacci numbers, but I could not find any reference to similarities with Mandelbrot set, aka fractals. You may search but I would put here the formula:

                          z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + c

                          If one makes c=-1, then we'll get:

                          z(n+1) + 1 = z(n)^2

                          Beside the obvious similarity, I would dare to say z(n) - or fractals, look like the sequential representation of instantaneous Phi.

                          Like Fibanacci numbers, fractals are a sequential struggle (as above, so bellow style) to achieve the perfection of the timeless characteristics of Phi. Or like Walter Russell said (see the attached picture):
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by barbosi; 07-03-2012, 08:47 PM.


                          • Rodin Coil

                            Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                            The doughnut rings usually used are called "Rock-a-Stack" by Fisher Price. They are around $4 USD at Wal-Mart. I think it is the blue one that has the dimensions closest to ideal, although I am not certain.

                            12 wraps is what is normally given within the work, but using Fibonacci numbers like this makes perfect sense. I would like to try that!

                            Essentially, yes.

                            Like a pancake coil? Not that I know of. There is a big emphasis upon the spiral geometry. We use two wires because we want the current moving in opposite directions.

                            Sorry about that. I should have explained it more clearly.

                            The Magic Circle is just the inner circumference of the toroid:

                            And what I meant was that I was trying to find these interrelationships:

                            Please keep me updated on what you find in your testing. You have a strong understanding of what it entails, and I have a feeling you will get the effects we are aiming for. Good luck and be safe!

                            Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                            The doughnut rings usually used are called "Rock-a-Stack" by Fisher Price. They are around $4 USD at Wal-Mart. I think it is the blue one that has the dimensions closest to ideal, although I am not certain.

                            I grabbed 2 of them for a few variations of the windings and I have seen the blue plastic toy in the replication online.
                            Fisher Price Rock-A-Stack - David Jones
                            I'm in Australia and was the cheapest option other than a Kids store/Shopping centre (mall)

                            Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                            Essentially, yes.

                            Thankyou, the pins idea will ensure the winds are correct like the pic you linked

                            Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                            Like a pancake coil? Not that I know of. There is a big emphasis upon the spiral geometry. We use two wires because we want the current moving in opposite directions.

                            Just the bifilar winding like in a helical coil, but really there are all the same pancake, torrid or conical coils wound in the standard bifilar parallel connections. Unless we litz them of coarse

                            Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                            Sorry about that. I should have explained it more clearly.
                            The Magic Circle is just the inner circumference of the toroid:

                            This makes PERFECT sense now and have been pondering on that relationship

                            Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                            And what I meant was that I was trying to find these interrelationships:

                            Understanding the concept in a simple Rodin coil that a few make and obtain the same results will be the first step. Therefore, quantifying any of the "interrelationships" a variable at a time will enable clarity for the unknowns. IMHO.

                            Thankyou for the encouragement and it was this thread that confirmed a few of my theories, plus clarifyied the metaphysical side of WR work that was not sinking in my logical brain
                            I will make this coil. I have 100% confidence it will work as desired and will obtain some amazing B-field torsion effects. I have wanted to build one of these devices for year but Tesla + Bedini tech take up all my time and with the help from people from this thread it will be done correctly.



                            • More study!

                              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              wanted to add the following table as it bridges both WR and Rodin

                              Rafael Poza's Elements and the Magnetosphere

                              from :


                              thanks you again : ZeropointEnergy

                              Hey MM,

                              Thankyou for the link and have some more study/research



                              • Bedini

                                Has anyone seen the papers that John Bedini has on Walter's work? I watched a video with Tom Bearden and John about transmutation etc... I was just wondering if anyone has seen the book he was showing in the video. The video was from The Energy from the Vacuum series. Thanks!
                       my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...

