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Walter Russell - Understanding and applying his work

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  • When the back part of the arrow is pointing from 1+, the pointer goes to 1- along the maze (seen highlighted by green) -- if the arrow were spinning it would make a cone -- a wider cone....

    First two potentials the "cones" are not intersecting in motion with very rigorous energy exchange with the space around it -- so they are more nebulous.

    Russell described a self-resembling, and self-repeating universe (Sounds holographic, or fractal, no ?) --

    And the "cones" contract more in motion -- the center point of the periodic table is carbon....

    In Russell's table, the spheres are the noble gases, and from them, the elements grow...

    Imagine that from the spheres (noble gasses) are here in the center of MM's picture...

    a slight distortion in a controlling "cone's" (Vertical) position, produces an "Inertial plane" along a different locking potential axis. So that if the top plane were squeezed close enough together it would look like the carbon molecule.

    Those little notches on the side of that colorful circle indicate the "inertial plane" -- where the magnetic feild "neutral center" -- needs to be. That is, I think where the n/s cancel out.

    Bedini uses different iron cores that extend outside his generator coils. Russell uses one coil which is slightly more powerful to create an off-center "neutral" zone, in the gas as it is cooling? If we direct where that off-center neutral zone is, in the gas, I think we control what element we can transmute some of the gas into...

    Russell figured a pretty interesting way to visualize how "canceling" regions of these cones looked like different states of matter.

    Check out rex research where the two cones.
    Walter Russell -- Energy Generator Coils

    the intersecting region of the coils looks a bit like MM's "time warp standing wave".

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    • I think in order to understand russell's work, we need to learn how he used many different diagrams to express the different contracting and expanding dimensions.

      and the formula of locked potentials is one way to interpert some of those dimensions expanding and contracting....

      I personally think russell wanted to give us a system to predict properties, and transmute substances into other apparent substances.

      it is at least very interesting to see how methodical and subtle some of these coincidences seem to be in his detailed work....



      • Thank you Romo for this enlightening think i would like to add...imo....if the Universe is All Mind...what is the fastest way to re connect with the All Mind...Your Imagination because you are emulating the Process of Creation of the All....You will be putting yourself in a State of Harmony with the Universe

        some quotes from Tesla:

        “Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them.”
        Our first endeavors are purely instinctive prompting of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. As we grow older reason asserts itself and we become more and more systematic and designing. But those early impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor.”

        Originally posted by petar113507 View Post

        I think that russell shows us -- if we connect the dots between his drawings, how he visualized the "inertial planes"...

        The commonality of the positives being on the left side, and the negatives on the right in two is enough to indicate the common angle -- viewed instead in a shift in perspective.

        Russell's inertial plane was the stable position in which the opposite (+/-) forces could cancel out.

        I think that if we can move the inertial plane (plus heating/cooling) it can "lock" and cool in that (modified) potential position.

        Has anyone seen EFTV 18 "Transmutation", or given serious thought to John Milewski's "Growing gold from glass"?

        I know I can't be the only one out there thinking that they're very similar processes accomplishing "transmutation" using similar processes...

        Hope to spark discussion about the inertial planes...
        (sorry it took this long to join it )

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-21-2012, 12:30 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • what am I not understanding?

          In the book'' new concept of the universe'' in page 15/98 it is said that fast moving short waves simulate solids, while slow moving long waves simulate the gasses of space which surround solids.......but on the other hand in the periodic table diagrams included, gases are pictured as the fast moving short waves.
          Has anyone else had this problem while trying to understand Walter's work?


          • I think that means, if you look at the entire concept he is describing -- his words might be describing similar but opposite processes -- which may appear to contradict each other according to our understanding of what was being described.

            I think as he gives a more detailed explaination of his comprehension of this concept using different words, decribing space around bodies to sustain form in motion.

            I do not mean for this to be offensive or mystifying, but I think that he was trying to express the concept of form of bodies, and that by trying to split hairs with our present 'handful' understanding -- wont necessarily allow us to understand what he intended to impart as a concept, or what he meant.



            • thanks for your help petar113507 and purelyconstructive

              @ petar113507: no offense taken mate, I asked because was not able to comprehend, there's nothing to hide,language is really limited when talking about such concepts, thanks for your help
              @ purelyconstructive: thanks, the way you looked at the concept helped me picture things better


              • purelyconstructive,

                Thanks for you above description. Yours is the one that has been the clearest for me to understand. Thanks to those who also gave a description of the cosmic clock image. This is a perfect real-world example of why Walter Russell repeated what he was saying in numerous ways. So that one of the descriptions would get through, so to speak.


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                • Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                  As far as I understand it, this is a way of relating rate of vibration to the different states of matter in a general sense. "Fast moving short waves" of energy simulate solids because of their speed. Around the same section they write something to effect of "if a spider web could move fast enough, it would simulate a solid steel disk". Inversely, "slow moving long waves" simulate gases because they are more tenuous in comparison.

                  On the periodic table, I believe the wave seems shorter towards the first octaves (where the gases are) and longer towards the later octaves because the atoms seem to be getting larger throughout. Perhaps in this case it would be easiest to think of the wave as mainly depicting size, and not necessarily rate of vibration.
                  First I want to say that I love this thread and the different takes from different people. I have finished A New Concept, and Secret of Light recently and have now started Atomic Suicide. I love this stuff.

                  So anyways... I actually just finished the page where it shows the 9 octaves of matter chart and on the next page it says

                  "The universe might very appropriately be likened to a harp of nine strings, with nine tones in each string. In our diagram the strings are all indicated as of the same length for simplicity. In Nature the lower string is the longest. They grow gradually shorter up to the 9th."

                  So that is saying that Octave 1 is longest?
         my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...


                  • I wanted to bring your attention to Walter Russell's Periodic Table coupled with the following principle:

                    Here is a quotation by Walter describing some early experiments:

                    In September, 1927, I demonstrated this principle of dual polarity control by
                    arranging two pairs of solenoids - one pair with more windings than the other - in
                    such a manner that the dual polarity of Nature was simulated.
                    The same Applies to the shape of an Egg

                    The South Pole of an Egg (ie the smaller tip) is smaller than the North Pole (ie: the bigger tip )

                    ------------------take the example of Quartz: SiO2....look at Silicone and Oxygen

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by purelyconstructive
                      It is no problem electronicsounds and dambit. Glad I could be of help. I really enjoy conversing with you all about this subject.

                      I believe you are correct. The 9-Stringed Harp layout is a little different from the spiral one. I think it does something like this:

                      On the spiral one, we start off small and get larger (from zero to infinity). On the harp string one, we start off big and get smaller (from infinity to zero). Both describe the same thing in different ways.

                      In general there is an intense inward compression in all directions for those elements at the beginning of the table as they arise out of The Still Magnetic Light ("the womb"). These elements are said to be "generoactive".

                      At the same time, there is an intense outward expansion in all directions for those elements at the end of the table as they decay back into The Still Magnetic Light ("the tomb"). These elements are radioactive.

                      It ends where it begins.
                      Ah I see what you’re saying. I guess mating the spiral and harp string charts are hard for me to visualize at the moment. I am going to try and create a few 3d models to get a better understanding. I seem to understand the dueling vortices principle and the centripetal/centrifugal forces but then when I try to think about it as harp strings I get confused.

                      So that chart is just another way to think about it the same thing. But is it more literal where the harp string principle is built into the spiral if we were to kind of straighten it out? Much thanks!!
             my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...


                      • Ok after studying and matching up all 3 charts I see what was missing. Harp string, No.1, and spiral.

                        In the harp string chart he has them labeled different. For example he shows the straight line for each octave without adding that is HAS to be a spiral or the octaves are wrong.

                        For example: Whenever the you get to 0 from red to blue it then JUMPS up and starts the next octave. The chart looks like it is all on one but during the transition to gas side or negative blue side it moves up to the next octave higher.

                        That makes the spiral chart much easier to comprehend. I may redo the chart as a reference point for myself. Fun!

                        Oh and I see that all the lines he has in the middle starting at 6th octave are the isotopes(although most of you prob already knew that ).
                        Last edited by cplouffe; 02-09-2012, 08:34 PM. Reason: sp
               my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          To resonate water, you would apply 393, 436, 524, and 589.5. However, this may not be a "hard and fast" rule, because we know that the highest frequency will contain all of the lower frequencies at harmonic intervals, but at lower amplitude.......
                          this is water that sounds like..... Water Resonance freq,? Walter Russell - Understanding and applying his work - YouTube

                          @peace Bodkins


                          • Hey guys... I am wanting to create a 3D model of the periodic chart. But I was looking at one of the other charts and it has a 10th octave. hmmm. I haven't read that in any of his stuff yet. Am I missing something?

                            Also I feel like I need to build it as a spiral from larger at the bottom to smaller at the top, but I have to have the inertia line in there. So... does the wave loop out and then come back to the inertia line to connect? Just higher up, correct? But then I read about ellipsoids. How does that work if it looks like semi-circles of a wave.

                            Thanks for any help!
                   my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...


                            • So because energy travels in both directions, one could consider the elements of matter to be points in a "conical double helix". Sort of like the gene markers in our DNA double helix.
                              You can view my vids here



                              • Great!! Thanks for that explanation. That is my next step. Asking within and trying to get answers. A little too much time lately searching external sources.

                                I am almost done with Atomic Suicide. But I have read Secret of Light, and a New Concept without ever seeing the 10th. So I see now.
                       my site for Walter Russell info...webinars, glossary, my thoughts etc...

