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Walter Russell - Understanding and applying his work

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  • Originally posted by grizli View Post
    Why Russell Claims that melting point of for example Iron lowers when we go far away from the sun. For example Iron melting point in jupiters position is only 2C.

    How is it than possible that space ships for example that NASA sends, I mean probes are not melted for example on the surface of Mars? When Melting point of for example Iron in Mars distance of the sun is pretty lower than at Earth positions

    Those are Russell notes from Universal One, so very hard to understand, does not make sense?
    first you have to turn off your actual view of the world / Science and put on the goggles WLR are showing you

    in other words ... go from the perspective of a material world to one that is more immaterial .. hope this helps .... the rest is a road you'll have to walk with your own understanding

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      first you have to turn off your actual view of the world / Science and put on the goggles WLR are showing you

      in other words ... go from the perspective of a material world to one that is more immaterial .. hope this helps .... the rest is a road you'll have to walk with your own understanding

      But, Russell claimes REAL things with REAL chemical elements and planets...

      If transmutation of elements is possible with his knowledge, if he discoveredsome elements and calculated their properties before convetional science discovered, DOES IT MEAN that he made mistake with melting point of elements when on other planets

      DOES IRON TRANSMUTE to something else if spacechip travels from earth to Jupiter?
      Again he directly claims Iron at jupiters positon melts at 2C...
      Acording to his direct claims it would be impossible to send space ship to sirface of the Mars, and to surface of for example Jupiter or Saturn Moons.


      • Originally posted by grizli View Post
        Why Russell Claims that melting point of for example Iron lowers when we go far away from the sun. For example Iron melting point in jupiters position is only 2C.

        How is it than possible that space ships for example that NASA sends, I mean probes are not melted for example on the surface of Mars? When Melting point of for example Iron in Mars distance of the sun is pretty lower than at Earth positions

        Those are Russell notes from Universal One, so very hard to understand, does not make sense?
        Hi Grizli!

        Can you give me a page reference for this claim - Ive been reading some of his work, and I like it - but I'd like to read this claim for myself, because I understand your criticism and I'd like to see if I'd interpret it in the same way...

        At the end of the day, I think all claims must be backed up by experiments...and preferably ones that make me master of the visible universe. Muhahahha!


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          first you have to turn off your actual view of the world / Science and put on the goggles WLR are showing you
          In the same idea MonsieurM explained, here is a quote from: Mediocrity is self inflicted, but genius is self-bestowed (Another saying of Walter Russell):
          "For me, mediocrity is defined by the humdrum, the ordinary, those things that we do out of habit.
          Mediocrity is a kind of default state for nearly all of us in the modern world. It's what we slump back into to escape the pressures of living."

          I trust I did not hurt anyone's feelings, all I want to point to are our scientific conditionings hence our way to react out of habit.

          Now the way I see it, the same as the idea of an oak tree is centring the potentials of the oak tree in its seed, the same with the idea of iron. Iron can exist preserving its idea out of our earthly material pressure. I wonder why iron cannot exist at other pressures. Different pressures = different temperatures, same idea, same structure, same qualities.
          Last edited by barbosi; 04-26-2012, 01:20 AM.


          • thank you barbosi

            found the link quite inspiring as it should not be viewed (imo ) as a critic but merely an observation to learn from

            Mediocrity is a kind of default state for nearly all of us in the modern world. It's what we slump back into to escape the pressures of living.

            Here are some mediocre behaviors:

            1. Watching TV instead of writing that ebook you've been promising.
            2. Doing the urgent instead of the important. Mistaking busy-ness for actual achievement.
            3. Making choices that lower your energy long term while giving you a short-term buzz.
            4. Blanking out instead of facing up to what is.
            5. Ignoring the challenge of living a great life.
            6. Generally letting the media determine your lifestyle.
            7. Letting others do your thinking for you.
            8. Failing to take advantage of the opportunity for change that new knowledge brings you.

            Everything in life is a choice. Avoiding making choices is the invisible default choice that most people make.

            My mediocrity is self-inflicted because I waste my potential by making poor choices.

            another way of saying it ... from a great man

            Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”
            Terence McKenna
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-26-2012, 12:00 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Brilliant, Thanks MM

              In case any of you haven't already seen...

              Walter Russell says: "All Motion is Curved - And All Curvature Is Spiral"

              Jay Harman has actually put this into use, and has several spiral fans, impellers, pumps, etc, which follow the patterns in nature:
              Helical Resonant Cavity (Impeller) - 200 Watts Moving 80 Million Pounds of Weight - Implosion - YouTube
              TEDxMarin - Jay Harman - An Alternative Cure for Global Warming - YouTube
              JAY HARMAN: The Inventor of the Lily Impeller - YouTube
              ‎"It's all in the MIND"


              • Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                Brilliant, Thanks MM

                In case any of you haven't already seen...

                Walter Russell says: "All Motion is Curved - And All Curvature Is Spiral"

                Jay Harman has actually put this into use, and has several spiral fans, impellers, pumps, etc, which follow the patterns in nature:
                Helical Resonant Cavity (Impeller) - 200 Watts Moving 80 Million Pounds of Weight - Implosion - YouTube
                TEDxMarin - Jay Harman - An Alternative Cure for Global Warming - YouTube
                JAY HARMAN: The Inventor of the Lily Impeller - YouTube
                Thank you and much appreciated for the vid ... Biomimicry at its best

                and this is what you want to create electromagnetically too a siphon

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by seth View Post
                  Hi Grizli!

                  Can you give me a page reference for this claim - Ive been reading some of his work, and I like it - but I'd like to read this claim for myself, because I understand your criticism and I'd like to see if I'd interpret it in the same way...

                  At the end of the day, I think all claims must be backed up by experiments...and preferably ones that make me master of the visible universe. Muhahahha!
                  in many places in Universal One book

                  Dont know now exactly have to look for .. but somwhere in the middle of the book

                  After universal mathematics , but also in universal mathematics something about this is mentioned


                  • grizli,

                    I believe Russell was referring to the pressure states within Jupiter (or whichever planetary body was referenced) and not the surrounding space. Remember, in very simplified terms, the planet (or atom) is where all the action is happening, not whats around it.


                    You can view my vids here



                    • When water freezes..

                      Hey all,

                      I have just been wondering something....

                      Why does water expand when it freezes? What does this mean for WR's theory.. What is happening?
                      ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                      • The conventional stuff is way too... conventional


                        WR said solids have the illusion of stability...
                        So if its getting less stable from 4deg to freezing, maybe something is wobbling, creating that extra space inbetween, causing the illusion of expanding...
                        Or am I being stupid... my previous question remains

                        Is that somehow related to what you said about the hydrogen being far from equilibrium?
                        ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                        • Other substances that expand on freezing are silicon, gallium, germanium, antimony, bismuth, plutonium and other compounds that form spacious crystal lattices with tetrahedral coordination.
                          this is very interesting as all these are used in one form or another for energy production and alchemical use .... really interesting

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Great thread

                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            this is very interesting as all these are used in one form or another for energy production and alchemical use .... really interesting

                            Hey MonsieurM,

                            I enjoyed reading the thread over the last 2 nights due to all the links

                            The Universial One and a few other Walter Russell books are in my collection but I have never been able to start reading much of them. I'm glad that this thread is here to clarify WR's message and Hopefully a few experiments.

                            I do have a question about the Conical coils though. Other than the 4 coils position to achieve counter EM fields from N-E-S-W positions, how to the ratio between the coils relate to the function?

                            The Phi pattern of the spiral and the ratio of 1.618 is shown inverse next to the WR periodic table. Did that answer my question?

                            P.S: Nice touch with the Red + Blue = Purple.

                            Also, the Pistol Shimp was AMAZING

                            Last edited by ZeropointEnergy; 06-16-2012, 03:32 PM.


                            • Originally posted by ZeropointEnergy View Post
                              Hey MonsieurM,

                              I enjoyed reading the thread over the last 2 nights due to all the links

                              The Universial One and a few other Walter Russell books are in my collection but I have never been able to start reading much of them. I'm glad that this thread is here to clarify WR's message and Hopefully a few experiments.

                              I do have a question about the Conical coils though. Other than the 4 coils position to achieve counter EM fields from N-E-S-W positions, how to the distance between the turns relate to the function?

                              The Phi pattern of the spiral and the ratio of 1.618 is shown inverse next to the WR periodic table. Did that answer my question?

                              P.S: Nice touch with the Red + Blue = Purple.

                              Also, the Pistol Shimp was AMAZING

                              Thank you ZeropointEnergy .... all the guys here are quite amazing at making it understandable

                              a special thank you to purelyconstructive
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                Thank you ZeropointEnergy .... all the guys here are quite amazing at making it understandable

                                a special thank you to purelyconstructive

                                I did read all your posts/links and thanks for sharing your knowledge


