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Theory of Superunification examines a cold fusion as a basic source of heat in the 21

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  • Theory of Superunification examines a cold fusion as a basic source of heat in the 21

    In book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed.

    This process has the cyclical nature. Time of cycle (Kondratieff long waves) for scientific and technical revolution is 50 ... 60 years.

    Einstein's relativity theory and quantum theory are generated at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The atomic bomb, a laser, a semiconductors have been created in the mid-20th century.

    Which the scientific revolution occurred at the beginning of the 21st century?

    The 21st century is no exception for change the scientific paradigm that took place in the theory of Superunification:

    Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification.
    Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages.
    Blogger: User Profile: Leonov
    Theory of Superunification

    V.S. Leonov. Quantum Energetics : Theory of Superunification.
    Viva Books, India, 2011, 732 p.
    Quantum Energetics

    Unfortunately, the scientific community has not realized that new scientific and technological revolution is accomplished.

    Leonov’s forecast for 100 years
    Now follows the statements by Vladimir Leonov in the interview with the Russian newspaper ‘Power engineering and the industry of Russia’, 2009, No. 7, April:

    – What is your forecast for the development of quantum power engineering for the next, let us say, 100 years?

    – I am not a prophet of the Nostradamus type, and if I make the forecast of the development of science and technologies, then I am guided in this case by the fundamentally new knowledge which the theory of Superunification provides. It is natural that the transition to quantum power engineering will not occur immediately and decades will be required before we introduce the new technologies and the branches of management throughout the entire world. Let us define two large directions: quantum reactors – (heat generators) and quantum engines. Nuclear reactors also belong in the group of quantum reactors – (heat generators).

    Quantum engines are the fundamentally new devices, intended for carrying out mechanical work due to the creation of thrust without the ejection of reactive mass. I would like to mention that the level of the technologies at the beginning and the end of the 20th century cannot be compared. To attempt to look 100 years into future is possible relying only on the prospects for the development of quantum power engineering: power engineering will be completely decentralized over hundreds years. Many autonomous quantum energy sources with satisfy all needs for the supply of heat and electrical energy. Evidently, the sphere of sale of heat and electric power will disappear and will be replaced by business dealing with the production of energy sources, their operation and repair and also with the delivery of fuel, for example the sand prepared for cold synthesis reactors utilizing the Usherenko effect and also catalysis preparations for cavitations reactors.

    Quantum engines will prevail in the field of transportation. Possibly, the classic automobile on the wheels will disappear (analogous example with the locomotive) and a gravitational ‘cushion’ will replace them. There will no longer be any need for arterial roads which will benefit Russia with its huge territory. ‘The flying saucer’ will become the main universal transport means. The Moon will be colonized and interplanetary flights will become regular.

    Cold Fusion: Priority of Usherenko (1974) in the region of cold fusion (synthesis)

    Unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics occurred in 1996
    LHC results cast doubt on supersymmetry theory

    Finally, the discovery of Rossi and his E-cat became yet another confirmation that the new scientific and technological revolution was accomplished.

    Free Energy Truth - eCat News Andrea Rossi e-Cat: E-Catalyzer Andrea Rossi Videos

    The theory of Superunification integrates gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear and electroweak forces from unified positions. The structure of elementary particles and the nature of the atomic nucleus have become known to scientists. We have various options for overcoming the electrostatic barrier of the protons. The processes taking place in the apparatus Rossi are no secret to me.

    Rossi deserves the award of the Nobel Prize next year in compliance with the testament of the Nobel.

    PhDr. Vladimir Leonov

  • #2
    Now wait a second.

    Last I heard rossi ran into trouble and it was not confirmed that his device is doing what he claimed.


    • #3
      You really need to get over to Main Page - PESWiki for the latest update on Rossi's achievements.


      • #4
        Everything of quantum nature makes me sick because it is a synonym for "highly industrial advanced super duper nanoscale cosmic future technology not available below 10000$ piece of ****"


        • #5
          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
          Everything of quantum nature makes me sick because it is a synonym for "highly industrial advanced super duper nanoscale cosmic future technology not available below 10000$ piece of ****"

          Unless you evaporate some graphite with your HHO torch and condens it to an object to create a carbon nano layer a 1000 times more conductive as copper, and if you let it condense it on glass substrate you can even see true it.

          Voila, cheap DIY nano tech.

          But I agree, simple is better.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vladimir_Leonov View Post
            In book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed.

            This process has the cyclical nature. Time of cycle (Kondratieff long waves) for scientific and technical revolution is 50 ... 60 years.

            Einstein's relativity theory and quantum theory are generated at the beginning of the 20th century.

            The atomic bomb, a laser, a semiconductors have been created in the mid-20th century.

            Which the scientific revolution occurred at the beginning of the 21st century?

            The 21st century is no exception for change the scientific paradigm that took place in the theory of Superunification:

            Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification.
            Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages.
            Blogger: User Profile: Leonov
            Theory of Superunification

            V.S. Leonov. Quantum Energetics : Theory of Superunification.
            Viva Books, India, 2011, 732 p.
            Quantum Energetics

            Unfortunately, the scientific community has not realized that new scientific and technological revolution is accomplished.

            Leonov’s forecast for 100 years
            Now follows the statements by Vladimir Leonov in the interview with the Russian newspaper ‘Power engineering and the industry of Russia’, 2009, No. 7, April:

            – What is your forecast for the development of quantum power engineering for the next, let us say, 100 years?

            – I am not a prophet of the Nostradamus type, and if I make the forecast of the development of science and technologies, then I am guided in this case by the fundamentally new knowledge which the theory of Superunification provides. It is natural that the transition to quantum power engineering will not occur immediately and decades will be required before we introduce the new technologies and the branches of management throughout the entire world. Let us define two large directions: quantum reactors – (heat generators) and quantum engines. Nuclear reactors also belong in the group of quantum reactors – (heat generators).

            Quantum engines are the fundamentally new devices, intended for carrying out mechanical work due to the creation of thrust without the ejection of reactive mass. I would like to mention that the level of the technologies at the beginning and the end of the 20th century cannot be compared. To attempt to look 100 years into future is possible relying only on the prospects for the development of quantum power engineering: power engineering will be completely decentralized over hundreds years. Many autonomous quantum energy sources with satisfy all needs for the supply of heat and electrical energy. Evidently, the sphere of sale of heat and electric power will disappear and will be replaced by business dealing with the production of energy sources, their operation and repair and also with the delivery of fuel, for example the sand prepared for cold synthesis reactors utilizing the Usherenko effect and also catalysis preparations for cavitations reactors.

            Quantum engines will prevail in the field of transportation. Possibly, the classic automobile on the wheels will disappear (analogous example with the locomotive) and a gravitational ‘cushion’ will replace them. There will no longer be any need for arterial roads which will benefit Russia with its huge territory. ‘The flying saucer’ will become the main universal transport means. The Moon will be colonized and interplanetary flights will become regular.

            Cold Fusion: Priority of Usherenko (1974) in the region of cold fusion (synthesis)

            Unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics occurred in 1996
            LHC results cast doubt on supersymmetry theory

            Finally, the discovery of Rossi and his E-cat became yet another confirmation that the new scientific and technological revolution was accomplished.

            Free Energy Truth - eCat News Andrea Rossi e-Cat: E-Catalyzer Andrea Rossi Videos
            eCat Now! – Rossi eCat News | eCat / Andrea Rossi eCat News Service

            The theory of Superunification integrates gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear and electroweak forces from unified positions. The structure of elementary particles and the nature of the atomic nucleus have become known to scientists. We have various options for overcoming the electrostatic barrier of the protons. The processes taking place in the apparatus Rossi are no secret to me.

            Rossi deserves the award of the Nobel Prize next year in compliance with the testament of the Nobel.

            PhDr. Vladimir Leonov
            Welcome Dr. Vladimir, I completly agree with what you have said apart from the time scale, it is a bit up in the air as far as the future is concerned.

            Rossi is a brave man, but I wonder how long it will take for the important components of his reactor to be heavily labled as dangerous and illegal to be used in this way, eg: the making of explosives with simple off the shelf chemicals is illegal, without a licence, and you will be deemed a terrorist if they want, imprisonment without trial, they being whoever pulls the strings at that time.

            I see the military "US" are or have bought several of Rossi's reactors for trials, I am sure they will find something to stamp on them that they are illegal for public use, we will see.

            M.J.Nunnerley Bsc. (Mike for short in this club)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
              Welcome Dr. Vladimir, I completly agree with what you have said apart from the time scale, it is a bit up in the air as far as the future is concerned.

              Rossi is a brave man, but I wonder how long it will take for the important components of his reactor to be heavily labled as dangerous and illegal to be used in this way, eg: the making of explosives with simple off the shelf chemicals is illegal, without a licence, and you will be deemed a terrorist if they want, imprisonment without trial, they being whoever pulls the strings at that time.

              I see the military "US" are or have bought several of Rossi's reactors for trials, I am sure they will find something to stamp on them that they are illegal for public use, we will see.

              M.J.Nunnerley Bsc. (Mike for short in this club)
              Dear Mike

              I understand your alarm. But the fact is that mankind needs new sources of energy. Politicians cannot help us they just might start a new war over oil residue. I am a Russian scientist and engineer, I do not want war. I love the Americans and other nations, we all have to live without wars.

              Politicians think they rule the world but this is not true. Our civilization evolves cyclically from a scientific discovery to another discovery. Politicians have nothing to do with these discoveries, it is not their specialty. I'm trying to convince everyone that the dependence on oil will lead us to ruin. Politicians do not understand the threat that hangs over the world.

              This threat can be averted only by a new knowledge which gives the theory of Superunification. This is a simple the quantum theory for the engineer. This theory will help the engineer to create new sources of energy.

              The theory of Superunification helped me personally to create a quantum engine. This is a principally new and economical apparatus. I wrote about this in my book and in my blog:
              Video: The tests 2009 of a quantum pulsed engine for generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass
              Quantum Energetics: Video: The tests 2009 of a quantum pulsed engine for generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass
              Quantum Energetics: Results of the tests of a quantum engine for generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass

              I am doing investigations of the Usherenko effect:
              Priority of Usherenko (1974) in the region of cold fusion (synthesis)
              Cold Fusion: Priority of Usherenko (1974) in the region of cold fusion (synthesis)

              I was glad when Rossi announced about his experiment on the Internet. He found the right way and it is not a scam. The device of Rossi produces excess heat. It is a fact. No one can deny this fact. The cold fusion was supported by Julian Schwinger, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics. The cold fusion is actively supporting a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics Brian Josephson.

              But Rossi has no international patent, and he fears that his invention is stolen. It would be unfair. Of course we should carefully check the Rossi effect with his consent. We have to wait until Rossi gets patent.

              But we have the right to conduct any experiments by means of the theory of Superunification. This club is a good place to discuss the problems of quantum energetics and new energy sources. We need to expand the work in the field of quantum energetics so that our civilization has survived. The theory of Superunification gives us a chance.

              I wish you success.
              Vladimir Leonov
              Last edited by Vladimir_Leonov; 12-21-2011, 06:08 PM.

