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Mystery Odors Making People Sick

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  • Mystery Odors Making People Sick

    Hi Everyone,

    I've become only slightly concerned over all the very recent headlines regarding odors, very often at schools or nearby to them, that are making people very rapidly ill. Please visit this page with all of the very numerous incidents that have taken place within the last month or so. At this time the effects do not seem to have a prolonged or permanent effect, though no real information is going to be available to validate that assumption it would seem. This is a page accumulated by SheilaAliens (youtube alias) that she compiled on to Mind blowing is the vast numbers of situations all over the US and Canada and all very recent.

    Is there any chance that what we are seeing could be related to an electro-chemical reaction? HAARP does come to mind for some reason. But if it is a non-coincidental, perpetrated event, someone should have some inside info some where. Has anyone some personal experience with this issue? I would very much like to know more about this, or about any possible knowledge of foul play. The phenomenon does seem to have schools involved in very many of the cases. If something is being done intentionally, it is happening at the risk of the children. The "Gloves" will come off, that too is of concern.

    I'm sorry for posting non "Renewable Energy" topic here, but this seems kinda serious to me and I DON'T have any children. Its not the first time we've tolerated discussion out side the immediate realm of Renewable Energy here. It might be something for the intuitive minds here on these forums to consider.

    Also consider the idea that these may be "staged" events to serve as propaganda for gaining support of new legislation. If you have watched the movie "Contagion", and pay attention to the subtle inferences and recent historical references to real life developments within the movie, you will see a pattern of social "conditioning" (I call it terrorizing) is being played out on the screen. These odoriferous developments could possibly be nothing more than insurance through paranoia to gain support of government enforced inoculations.

    I do try hard not to dwell too long on these troublesome issues, it can make a person sick. So also keep in mind to accept all things with a grain of salt. Stay happy, loving and accepting of one another and all things can be overcome. - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth

  • #2
    Not being one to panic myself, I do have my eyes open and do try to keep pace with developments within the 'American Ruling Class' thread and alternative broadcast media. We don't have TV service, which probably helps.
    Could it be, that these noxious odors are the result of fracking ? is that ridiculous to think about ?
    That pockets of leaked fumes relate to work being done with gas extraction (and within that are 101 different safety concerns for water supplies and more, due to chemicals used). Local subsidence, earthquakes etc then release small pockets of gas into the reported environments.

    What i do know, is that people only consider the weird and wacky reasonings, because no outfit employing above a few people seems to tell the truth about anything !
    Lines such as "it later came out that", "research uncovered", "whistle blower" all will make anyone now question anything in this country that is out of place.


    • #3
      Could this be more related to fracking?


      • #4
        mystery odors


        That was in mainstream media in poland last week

        Dzieci pada³y jak muchy - Polska - Informacje - portal - 05.12.2011

        Title in post ..

        Children went down like flies.

        That was meeting in school when suddenly one of the kids went down then the next one , after 15 minutes school ordered evacuation, 29 kids was hospitalized, gazometric results exlude poisoning ???.

        there have been 3 diffeferent units to check the area and they found nothing so far the case becomes mistery.

        important i think ..

        everybody was concious some feel nausea, shakes some where vomitting.

        that was on 5 of december.

        Jesus bless us all.


        • #5
          Hi, I used to work in air quality monitoring for the oil industry. I was the one who calibrated all the test equipment, and was usually the one sent to monitors emergency situations.

          Random "mystery" gas leaks are not a new occurrence. The same symptoms of sickness appear from many different gasses. Many of these exposures were simply accidents. When a gas accident occurs, there's usually an argument over exactly which gas it was, which is way the media reports it as unknown gas. It was clear from the videos that these occurrences are not all the same gasses, and many of them are already explained as being accidents (crop dusting, window sealant, carbon monoxide from furnace).

          I was once (several years ago) sent to "find a cloud" of gas mystery gas that was accidentally released from a gas refinery. I was called because the technicians checking the gasses present began getting sick. It was determined that the cloud MAY have contained barium (that's "inside information" the media never got). The main roads nearby the plant were blocked off by police and the cloud was dissipated by the wind. They never know exactly what is in a gas cloud, so they just say it's a mystery.

          Could this be more related to fracking?
          They don't frac in cities; and there are strict guidelines about gas emissions set by the government. The only "terrible/sickening odor" I've ever from fracking was an acid-frac on limestone (it had to eat through the limestone) which smelled disturbingly like potted ham and had a enough hydrogen sulfide in the gas release to land in hot water with the government. It smelled bad, but there was still not enough H2S to do anything but smell bad. The people that got sick from it were people prone to gagging, or particularly sensitive to H2S (allergies exist). H2S can be smelled as low as 10 parts per billion but does not become dangerous until over 25 parts per million.

          If the number of occurrences seems to be rising, it's likely from it getting media attention. Remember that media gets it's money by scaring you. Real life is nowhere near as dangerous, or scary as the media claims.


          • #6
            One thing to keep in mind,

            Particularly with the high # of incidents at schools; "Mass hysteria". I recall reading this IS a 'real' phenomina, particularly at schools, and has been documented, although I can't cite sources. Basically, 1 kid drinks from the drinking fountain, and comments that the water 'tastes funny' (or 'bad'). Others begin agreeing they 'thought so, too'.

            The first child then gets so upset, from what all the others are saying, he/she throws up. Now, all the other kids, in a panic, are trying to remember if THEY drank from that fountain, and when. They 'stir themselves up', and 20 or 30 claim they are sick, and have symptoms. When the water from the drinking fountain is tested, it is found there is nothing wrong with it, nor do the children test as having anything in their system, and their symptoms resolve on their own.

            Brings to mind the massive #'s of young girls fainting at beatles concerts.
            Children are more suggestible than adults, and even adults are 'easily' suggestible. When I was a kid, my friend and i used to do a 'thing'; we would go to a enclosed shopping mall, stand in the middle of the concourse, and look up and point at the cieling. Within minutes we would usually have 3 or 4 people standing together, looking up and pointing at the cieling, at which point we would gradually sneak away. "What is it? I don't know! Look, do you see it?,....

            Not saying, FOR SURE this explains every one of these incidents, but it MIGHT explain SOME of them.Jim


            • #7
              Watch this one.

              I don't know. The more I think about these incidents the more i feel as though these are reactions are electromagnetic and that the smells are as a result of electrochemical reaction taking place. This doesn't have to mean HAARP specifically as I is my understanding that there are other arrays around the world capable of doing high frequency auroral manipulation.

              If you watch the one that happened yesterday in Pennsylvania at Father Judge High School, people are reporting what sounds like heating in a localized areas. I'm trying to imagine what could be producing this many strange phenomenon in such an amazingly short period of time.

              These are just too strange to be "normal" amount of unusual activity. There's nothing normal or expected in the frequency of these sort of freak occurrences that would illustrate the law of averages playing out. I don't remember EVER having to be evacuated from my school for any reason other than a fire drill or someone pulling the alarm for fun or to get out of a test. How could this many mysterious and unexplained situations be taking place, regardless of the absence of any that seem to have an obvious explanation.

              Yes, the press is being allowed to play it up on a local level, but i'm not seeing this on major news networks with them putting together the pieces. Perhaps we are not meant to see the big picture. I could be wrong as i do not watch a lot of regular news broadcast, but i do follow real current events as much as possible.
              Last edited by thedude; 12-17-2011, 04:18 AM.
     - Where technology goes Live!
     - Your Portal Here on Earth


              • #8
                Originally posted by thedude View Post
                I don't know. The more I think about these incidents the more i feel as though these are reactions are electromagnetic and that the smells are as a result of electrochemical reaction taking place. This doesn't have to mean HAARP specifically as I is my understanding that there are other arrays around the world capable of doing high frequency auroral manipulation.

                If you watch the one that happened yesterday in Pennsylvania at Father Judge High School, people are reporting what sounds like heating in a localized areas. I'm trying to imagine what could be producing this many strange phenomenon in such an amazingly short period of time.

                These are just too strange to be "normal" amount of unusual activity. There's nothing normal or expected in the frequency of these sort of freak occurrences that would illustrate the law of averages playing out. I don't remember EVER having to be evacuated from my school for any reason other than a fire drill or someone pulling the alarm for fun or to get out of a test. How could this many mysterious and unexplained situations be taking place, regardless of the absence of any that seem to have an obvious explanation.

                Yes, the press is being allowed to play it up on a local level, but i'm not seeing this on major news networks with them putting together the pieces. Perhaps we are not meant to see the big picture. I could be wrong as i do not watch a lot of regular news broadcast, but i do follow real current events as much as possible.
                15 schools out of a few thousand is by no means an epidemic. Remember to keep it in perspective. These extremely rare incidents have nothing about them that seems strange to me. I know that when I went to school, it was evacuated several times for things other than fire drills. I also know that when I was sent on that "find the mystery cloud" assignment: all the local schools were evacuated (I knew a student from the area, they were terrified because they weren't told anything about it).

                I have a degree in telecommunications; I did a LOT of research on HARRP; and I can tell you for a fact that it can NOT change the weather, control minds, cause earthquakes, or any of the many things that people are so afraid of. The majority of the bad science on HARRP comes from a book called The Montauk Project. The book is the "recovered memories" of delusional person and most of the science, including "negative microwave mind control from the back of a parabolic dish" are pure bunk.

                ...Let me sum up what happened at Father Judge High School. Some of the rooms were set too hot on one day (the thermostat) which caused a few students to get dehydrated. Seeing some students get sick made other students sick. All of the students that got sick were young, which makes them more prone to mass hysteria like dutchdivco said.

                But let's suppose there was a sinister plot afoot here. Who benefits from "mystery gas attacks"? What would there be to gain? Surely nothing useful has been accomplished so far aside from bringing it to people's attention. If that was the plot though, then you're playing right into their plans.

                Do you believe in self-fulfilling prophecies (standard meta-physics)? Do you believe in mass-consciousness (the egregor)? If so, then you can't deny drawing attention to these events in any way makes them MORE likely to happen in the future. The more energy (fear) people put into a phenomenon, the more powerful it gets. The best thing you can do to stop the events is focus on the "positive opposite".
                Last edited by LetsReplicate; 12-17-2011, 09:11 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
                  15 schools out of a few thousand is by no means an epidemic. Remember to keep it in perspective. These extremely rare incidents have nothing about them that seems strange to me.
                  What? 15? I don't want to debate you on this but there are a lot more than 15 so i'm wondering where you are getting that number from.
                  Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
                  I have a degree in telecommunications; I did a LOT of research on HARRP; and I can tell you for a fact that it can NOT change the weather, control minds, cause earthquakes, or any of the many things that people are so afraid of.
                  Wrong. You might have a degree in telecommunications, however you may not have seen some of the sources that I have on the issue. Ok, if none of this HAARP business is capable of doing anything outside of research, then why in the world is it being funded and owned by the US Navy? If it does not have a militaristic function and it is not an educational facility, then why is it COMPLETELY off limits to public view, including former State Governors who come literally banging at the gates. We're talking military LetsReplicate, what does the military tend to do with its money? HAARP was built using Tesla's conceptual model for the "death ray" and it implements some of his research he developed at his Colorado facility. Initially the "Star Wars" program was developing it for ballistic countermeasures until the weather changing potential was realized and the program was forced shut down by international pressure.

                  The researchers there openly admit that they are able to do ground penetrating radar a mile or more deep using the array. Hmmm, that sort of an effect must disperse some insanely large quantity of electromagnetic response.

                  Have you not ever seen how wind can be moved on a small scale using 10000 volts. I can replicate an experiment to show you if you haven't. We're talking about billions of volts in the ionosphere, that doesn't have weather changing potential? If you truly don't believe that it does LetsReplicate, then please explain to me how when these projections have the ability to move current up through to the thermosphere and create a borealis effect, that its not possible to change weather.
                  Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
                  ...Let me sum up what happened at Father Judge High School. Some of the rooms were set too hot on one day (the thermostat) which caused a few students to get dehydrated. Seeing some students get sick made other students sick. All of the students that got sick were young, which makes them more prone to mass hysteria like dutchdivco said.
                  Did you watch that last video? This didin't just happen "one day" It happened 2 days ago after i started this thread. How do you account for the teachers and principle's testimony? I don't discount that mass hysteria is a real phenomenon, but over and over and over again in such short falls outside of the realm of normal for me.

                  Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
                  But let's suppose there was a sinister plot afoot here. Who benefits from"mystery gas attacks"? What would there be to gain?
                  This could simply be a demonstration being done by an enemy to send a message. Remember, i'm not just refering to HAARP, but using that facility as an example of what another could be doing.
                  Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
                  Do you believe in self-fulfilling prophecies (standard meta-physics)? Do you believe in mass-consciousness (the egregor)? If so, then you can't deny drawing attention to these events in any way makes them MORE likely to happen in the future. The more energy (fear) people put into a phenomenon, the more powerful it gets. The best thing you can do to stop the events is focus on the "positive opposite".
                  I do believe in the mass consciousness. I try to be entangled as much as possible. Using that as a reason not to look closely at or debate what i believe is suspicious activity would be odd for me as i do not feel that these events are purely psychosomatic in nature. I'm not trying to generate fear here..., the people in the videos are already quite afraid, i'm afraid.

                  However LetsReplicate, if you feel it in YOUR heart that this thread is perpetuating bad information or nonsensical technology, I would be willing to make this my last comment on the matter and let this thread disappear. I'm not a purposeful "Fear-monger". I brought this subject here to discuss for possible inside information to come out. I really don't believe that this topic is getting the exposure it would take to make a reaction through out north american society, albeit an emotional event in each case.
                  Last edited by thedude; 12-17-2011, 04:52 PM.
         - Where technology goes Live!
         - Your Portal Here on Earth


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by thedude View Post
                    What? 15? I don't want to debate you on this but there are a lot more than 15 so i'm wondering where you are getting that number from.
                    I pulled it out of my @ss because it wouldn't make a difference to the statistic if I used a higher number or not:
                    Originally posted by
                    What is the total number of public schools in the 50 states?
                    The Answer:

                    According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there were 98,817 public schools during the 2009-2010 school year.
                    That's just the public schools too, not the charter schools or private schools. So even if 100 schools were affected that's still less than 0.1%.

                    Yes I watched the video. Some people said the rooms were too warm but when that was looking into the following day: they weren't too warm anymore. It is ENTIRELY possible that the thermostats in the affected rooms were set too hot and turned down by someone in the time between. If you don't think that's what the video said: re-watch it with that idea in mind.

                    Tesla's Death ray didn't work. If it had, it would have been used during WW2, or at least by the time the Cuban missile crisis hit. Many projects are funded by government. HAARP doubles as a world-wide radar system that can find "enemy" submarines and communicate with "friendly" submarines, why wouldn't the NAVY be interested in THAT military use? (that is about it's only military use, and it's freely admitted)

                    The Truth About HAARP - YouTube

                    HAARP loses VAST quantities of energy to penetrate the ground. More than 90% of the total energy is reflected off the ground (or water). All they get back is a very feint echo: that is enough to find minerals and communicate but it's not enough to cause an earthquake. An earthquake would take a MASSIVE amount of energy directed into a fault. This energy can NOT be applied by a radio wave though because it takes PRESSURE to cause an earthquake and radio waves don't cause pressure.

                    The original argument for "how" HARRP is supposed to effect the weather comes from The Montauk Project which claims that "some variation of microwaves" can be used to cause "negative aetheric energy" (he meant static electricity) which can cause a storm to gather. Clouds are transparent to radio waves, and radio waves can't stop in free space.

                    If it does not have a militaristic function and it is not an educational facility, then why is it COMPLETELY off limits to public view, including former State Governors who come literally banging at the gates.
                    Jessi Ventura makes his money by selling fear to people... Don't believe anything you've seen on his TV show. Alex Jones is worse than him: everything he says is spun to fear monger. HAARP has guided tours of it's facilities as long as you don't have a camera crew and approach talking about government cover-ups.

                    Have you not ever seen how wind can be moved on a small scale using 10000 volts. I can replicate an experiment to show you if you haven't. We're talking about billions of volts in the ionosphere, that doesn't have weather changing potential? If you truly don't believe that it does LetsReplicate, then please explain to me how when these projections have the ability to move current up through to the thermosphere and create a borealis effect, that its not possible to change weather.
                    That effect is caused between 2 charged plates of a capacitor where one plate is a different size than the other. The "wind" (ion wind) is always in the direction of the smaller of the 2 plates. In the case of a spherical capacitor the wind would blow from the outside in (down).

                    The borealis is caused by the magnetic (not current) portion of the radio waves and only occurs directly above the array before the ionosphere bounce because multiple phase angles need to be used to direct the signals from the array that don't line up until after the bounce. The borealis is not a an ion wind, it is more like a florescent light bulb.

                    I don't think you're fear mongering, you've just been mislead by people that are. That happens to everybody. It's good that you came to a place where you can get real answers instead of being mislead more. Keep asking questions, but there is no reason to fear, and there is no reason to suspect malicious intent so far.


                    • #11
                      Heated debate is good and you two guys have the backgrounds and etiquette to not have it descend.
                      But, I must step in a little, just because I had forever thought in similar ways to you LR.
                      For example -
                      An earthquake would take a MASSIVE amount of energy directed into a fault
                      Erm nope...not if you lightly push at a position and use the natural wavelength returns to amplify the effect. Subtly and slowly, the oscillations increase, expand, enforce. Tesla was to have a medical device produced for every home that used those principles. Let's not forget his vibrations machine and reports of an Earthquake from his lab, or down at Wall Street.

                      "He put his little vibrator in his coat-pocket and went out to hunt a half-erected steel building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found one. Ten stories of steel framework without a brick or a stone laid around it. He clamped the vibrator to one of the beams, and fussed with the adjustment until he got it.
                      Tesla said finally the structure began to creak and weave and the steel-workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police were called out. Tesla put the vibrator in his pocket and went away. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the building in the street. And, with the same vibrator he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less than an hour."
                      Source (one of many): Tesla's Earthquake Machine

                      Traditional thinking is enforced by traditional mass media.
                      Jesse Ventura has brought much to light (Gulf of Tonkin, much more), much that has been confirmed by or confirms reports from the likes of Alex Jones. Also, Alex himself may not have the best of ways or routes for dissemination of information..but he does so and backs up his stories. I don't 'buy' a lot of things, but will listen and follow pointers. As a child he was prevented from enjoying a lot of the norms, couldn't watch TV much, wasn't allowed to play outside much, so instead sank himself into history books. Time and again he saw familiar patterns, ways of domination, routes of control, differences between what we are taught and what actually happened. He now, apparently, sees those routes being brought forward and explored by the popularly termed 1%.
                      A recent interview on Coast to Coast explained much of just who Alex Jones is. It's worth listening to.
                      » Who Is Alex Jones? Coast to Coast AM Interview With George Noory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

                      I do bear in mind that the Saturday evening 'Somewhere in Time' shows of Coast, with Art Bell, display a disaster potential at every turn...the same things are out to get us as back in the mid 1990's.
                      However, this time now, this moment in history, IS different to the mid 1990's. Oil, corruption, elitism and the huge lack of truth from those with something to gain.
                      Also look at the David Wilcock situation at the moment:
                      CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny

                      About ion wind, the disclaimer being that I don't have your respected knowledge, but do have experiment gained observations.
                      Take a flyback, power it up with only 3V. Gain the spark emissions from the end toward a piece of plastic suspended on a pin that connects to a magnet holding it in place, dangling. The discharges will force that plastic away quite readily. We're only talking about electrical discharges, intense frequency harmony. Same thing with natural lightning. Electrostatic effects such as those are where ionosphere manipulations could prove to be highly dangerous.
                      There's nothing fancy about directing waves, when a computer is used. Look at it like a CRT TV set. The magnetic changes of each gun firing could produce a mess of pulse splodges with no coherance. Instead, we can view pictures, defined, shaped, controlled and have done for decades.

                      And then, we have the likes of this video:
                      4/19/2011 - 'HAARP VLF RINGS' -- St. Louis --Tornadoes or Severe = DIRECT HIT within 24 - YouTube
                      Can all such findings be merely discarded ?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                        Heated debate is good and you two guys have the backgrounds and etiquette to not have it descend.
                        But, I must step in a little, just because I had forever thought in similar ways to you LR.
                        For example -

                        Erm nope...not if you lightly push at a position and use the natural wavelength returns to amplify the effect. Subtly and slowly, the oscillations increase, expand, enforce. Tesla was to have a medical device produced for every home that used those principles. Let's not forget his vibrations machine and reports of an Earthquake from his lab, or down at Wall Street.

                        "He put his little vibrator in his coat-pocket and went out to hunt a half-erected steel building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found one. Ten stories of steel framework without a brick or a stone laid around it. He clamped the vibrator to one of the beams, and fussed with the adjustment until he got it.
                        Tesla said finally the structure began to creak and weave and the steel-workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police were called out. Tesla put the vibrator in his pocket and went away. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the building in the street. And, with the same vibrator he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less than an hour."
                        Source (one of many): Tesla's Earthquake Machine

                        Traditional thinking is enforced by traditional mass media.
                        Jesse Ventura has brought much to light (Gulf of Tonkin, much more), much that has been confirmed by or confirms reports from the likes of Alex Jones. Also, Alex himself may not have the best of ways or routes for dissemination of information..but he does so and backs up his stories. I don't 'buy' a lot of things, but will listen and follow pointers. As a child he was prevented from enjoying a lot of the norms, couldn't watch TV much, wasn't allowed to play outside much, so instead sank himself into history books. Time and again he saw familiar patterns, ways of domination, routes of control, differences between what we are taught and what actually happened. He now, apparently, sees those routes being brought forward and explored by the popularly termed 1%.
                        A recent interview on Coast to Coast explained much of just who Alex Jones is. It's worth listening to.
                        » Who Is Alex Jones? Coast to Coast AM Interview With George Noory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

                        I do bear in mind that the Saturday evening 'Somewhere in Time' shows of Coast, with Art Bell, display a disaster potential at every turn...the same things are out to get us as back in the mid 1990's.
                        However, this time now, this moment in history, IS different to the mid 1990's. Oil, corruption, elitism and the huge lack of truth from those with something to gain.
                        Also look at the David Wilcock situation at the moment:
                        CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny

                        About ion wind, the disclaimer being that I don't have your respected knowledge, but do have experiment gained observations.
                        Take a flyback, power it up with only 3V. Gain the spark emissions from the end toward a piece of plastic suspended on a pin that connects to a magnet holding it in place, dangling. The discharges will force that plastic away quite readily. We're only talking about electrical discharges, intense frequency harmony. Same thing with natural lightning. Electrostatic effects such as those are where ionosphere manipulations could prove to be highly dangerous.
                        There's nothing fancy about directing waves, when a computer is used. Look at it like a CRT TV set. The magnetic changes of each gun firing could produce a mess of pulse splodges with no coherance. Instead, we can view pictures, defined, shaped, controlled and have done for decades.

                        And then, we have the likes of this video:
                        4/19/2011 - 'HAARP VLF RINGS' -- St. Louis --Tornadoes or Severe = DIRECT HIT within 24 - YouTube
                        Can all such findings be merely discarded ?
                        Okay, I'm going to start with Tesla's "earthquake machine". Firstly it was a mechanical vibrator, not an electromagnetic wave so it doesn't apply to HAARP. Secondly, he did that with an open, steel framed structure which would amplify the vibrations instead of deaden them. Third, just because the whole frame was vibrating, doesn't mean it was really an earthquake or that it would really have collapsed (Tesla's Earthquake Machine - YouTube from 22min on). The eye-witness accounts of the event very with regard to how much vibration was produced, but the claim it could cause a collapse is pure speculation.

                        There is also a HUGE problem in generating a real earthquake with a device like this. Because the building would have been using a predicable rectangular frame, the whole building would have the same resonance point. "natural structures" are not that predicable, they have many deformities and density variations. You would have to drill and physically run a pipe/bar into the fault in order to give it energy. Even then it would have to be physical vibration of the pipe that causes the quake, not electricity.

                        And onward to the Gulf of Tonkin. It was not a "staged event" as Alex Jones / Ventura claim. On the first day there was a battle between three North Vietnamese torpedo boats and the Maddox. On the second day there was a sonar contact that the battleship crew thought might have been another torpedo. Listening to the radio report of the crew on the second day (which was recorded): "Yeah it was defiantly a torpedo... we think...". I read history too, it's the only way to know when someone is lying about it.

                        "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's razor

                        My my standard challenge to anyone who believes anything Alex Jones says: find me ONE example of him actually being right. I know of several hundred examples of him being wrong, lying, and fear mongering (ever hear the Y2K clip?). He tricks people by saying "See, I was right! It's on the record!" even when he was wrong. I watch him somethings to laugh at all the incorrect statements that get more exaggerated every time he repeats them because he's conditioned you to believe them. Exactly same reason I watch Ventura's show. Did you know that Ventura was NOT a Navy SEAL? He was an underwater demolitions grunt, the difference is several months of training but "Navy SEAL" sounds more credible to people.

                        The lawsuit is about China calling in some of it's debt markers (read the lawsuit: China is written ALL over it and it mentions financing the Chinese government). If it holds it will break the United States financially. I don't see what it has to do with "ending tyranny" because it will mean you will be "owned" by China until the US can pay the debt... This has actually been China's "plan of attack" since the early 90's; and it was confirmed that it was working in 2004 when the US got caught faking gold bars. Welcome to the endgame of the economic war: China won.

                        The ion wind is caused by an unequal charge distribution between the two plates (plates of different sizes force the charges to be unequal). Plastic (or air) becomes charged with the over-represented charge and is forced away from the larger, or more charged plate. "Intense frequency harmony" is wrong when describing arcs, it is chaos, which is known as "white noise". This is true because current passed across the arc channel is in rapid, random bursts. Rotary spark gaps are intended to control burst frequency. Also, all switches arc several times as they are closed even at 5V, that is why pulse counter circuits that run on physical switches and relays need to be "debounced" to work predictably.

                        CRTs need to be under vacuum to work, otherwise the electron (monopole magnets) beam (which is acting as a particle stream, not a wave) would degrade to nothing in less than 3 inches. It is impossible to "stop" a wave in free space: it can only bounce off areas where there is a density change while exhibiting a liner loss to entropy.

                        The "HAARP rings" are glitches caused in weather radar by radar at airports. The rings are always centered on places that have an airport. Dutchsinse makes money off donations from his die-hard believers. You should note that more than 90% of his "severe weather soon" claims don't hit. He was also one of the big supporters of the "New Madrid Fault Line" Quake earlier this year that never happened. So can you really call his "null results" (empirical failures) a useful finding? In not then then his theories needs to be discarded for a better ones.

                        I like your line of questioning sir, it shows you're thinking.


                        • #13
                          Yes, the same regards by return.
                          What I hope has been achieved, is that a layman (that's me) who see's, experiences and produces thought based on alternative viewpoints, has as entirely as sincere a thought process as someone from a different background.
                          Noone knows the full ins and outs of everything within politics and regime, all being subject to what we are told, what we learn (including from written historical records written third party) and what we expect to be true...based on that learning.

                          So, I hope you agree here, that with more than occasional bias within mainstream reporting of stories to fit agendas and expectations, we probably all do an amount of wandering and wondering.
                          Aliens are only from Mexico, UFO's are all 'ours', free energy is impossible, ghosts are for October 31st.

                          In such a light, where intelligent folks can debate from the heart - it can be understood that manipulations of news stories will occur to fit audiences.
                          In one case above, the heating at that school mentioned could be at fault, but it in no way explains every case. It would be the same as the kid at the drinking fountain, with the same tarring brush result

                          In my opinion, every such case needs to be treated as fresh, for a mystery odor source.


                          • #14
                            @LetsReplicate. I don't have the time to go point for point with you today. I'm really not sure why you are debating me so directly here. I'm simply trying to formulate possible explanations for these strange events. I'm doing more research independently on the matter and suffice it to say, that it is not isolated to school houses.

                            So you don't accept that HAARP is capable of producing any extraordinary effects..., great. Thats your opinion. You have not been there and neither have I. On that note, the last "Open house" was in july of 2010. They don't do them on a yearly basis and I have yet to have a response from them as to when the next one is. It is my understanding that it is difficult to attend these rare occasions and even then, what are the odds that we will be privy to any real sensitive areas of research. I have very little confidence that this facility is being forth right about every thing. Once again, it is my opinion that they can stage it up how ever they like. What they are doing there is reckless, unfounded experimentation with our planets electrical system. If you feel otherwise, i suggest that you don't just make claims of having done "LOTS" of research but investigate how the resonance and amplification principles apply the same way on a physical model as they do in scaler wave amplification. Even Nasa has done public demonstration to the principles of the transmission of power using scaler technology. However you don't think its possible i guess. Don't tell me that the principles are different. It simply a matter of how the energy is applied at the point of reference.

                            LetsReplicate. Please take note that i do take the time to offer that it is "my opinion". I'm not casting insulting suggestions that you have been mislead by fear mongerers, such as you have done to me. I spend a very large amount of my own time doing research and developing the principles that i bring to the table here at the energeticforum. I don't follow anyone, not Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones or otherwise with any sort of blind devotion. I make my own assessments based on what I can surmise given the available information. I generally obtain as much of it before I do as is possible. You can not do any better on this subject matter, so please don't be condescending in your assessment of my understanding.

                            All of this debate I'm doing here with you on this seems to be getting no where. I can be getting more done focusing on gathering a better understanding of the issue and focusing less on your conflict and insults. You've made your point LetsReplicate, it appears that you are firm in your opinion that these are merely psychosomatic events triggered by some sort of mass hysteria. Got it. You're opinion is noted. I thank you for contributing to the discussion. As we do not have all the answers here, not I or you, i feel it paramount that we remain objective and open minded until something more substantial than our opinions can be assessed.

                            I'm sorry that we are of such vastly different opinions. I promise you this is my last response to your interjections.
                            Last edited by thedude; 12-18-2011, 02:20 PM.
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                   - Your Portal Here on Earth


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Slider2732
                              What I hope has been achieved, is that a layman (that's me) who see's, experiences and produces thought based on alternative viewpoints, has as entirely as sincere a thought process as someone from a different background.
                              Noone knows the full ins and outs of everything within politics and regime, all being subject to what we are told, what we learn (including from written historical records written third party) and what we expect to be true...based on that learning.
                              There are many laymen that are able to advance the cause of science. Edison was one: he genuinely just guessed randomly until he found stuff that worked.

                              I enjoy the ideas of laypeople so long as they don't reject reality in favor of their own biases (Alex Jones is a prime example of that). "Peer review" is a necessary part science that weeds out the biased results. If a position can't be held in a "knock-down, drag-out" argument using the facts of observable reality: it must be wrong. It doesn't take an "expert" to win a peer review debate, but it does take research and supporting evidence. I am here assuming that everyone I talk to is as well researched on the topics I am (or more so); and equally skilled at debating.

                              For example: I believe in a modified aether theory that was created by a layman because the "thought experiment" he presented logically explains why gravity and magnetism exist in a way that fits with objective, observable reality. Quantum physicists are not capable of doing that despite being experts in the field.

                              My statements about China and the lawsuit are just my opinion after reading it. I don't follow politics very closely because I believe that it doesn't really matter since "leaders" always put their desires above those of their followers. Many parts of history are questionable, especially since mass media was invented.

                              So, I hope you agree here, that with more than occasional bias within mainstream reporting of stories to fit agendas and expectations, we probably all do an amount of wandering and wondering.
                              Aliens are only from Mexico, UFO's are all 'ours', free energy is impossible, ghosts are for October 31st.
                              A book I have on "anti-gravity" technology indicates that the US military was informed about that capacitive ion wind back in 1965. UFOs began showing up in the 1970s that "floated" and "hovered" like a blimp. These craft were likely large scale tests of "lifters" by the US military, many of them used a "flying wing" (boomerang) design. The military advanced the technology significantly by the 1990s. In the new system, the "large negative plate" is static electricity (electrons) that is fired out the back of the craft using a jet engine. This forms a large ion field behind the craft. The leading edge of the wing is then positively charged and the unequal charge propels the craft forward (with MUCH more force than the jet engine alone). This is the way the B-2 bomber flies, and will likely be the primary method of thrust for the F-1 space plane.

                              UFOs before 1965 are still unexplained however (maybe they were "flying wing" tests? but it's hard to say from the reports), and I have no logical explanation for Roswell that doesn't include some type advanced technology recovery (either alien, built by a genius human, or recovered military technology).

                              Free energy's existence depends entirely on how the term is defined. Energy from nowhere is impossible, but energy harvesting is possible.

                              In such a light, where intelligent folks can debate from the heart - it can be understood that manipulations of news stories will occur to fit audiences.
                              In one case above, the heating at that school mentioned could be at fault, but it in no way explains every case. It would be the same as the kid at the drinking fountain, with the same tarring brush result
                              In my opinion, every such case needs to be treated as fresh, for a mystery odor source.
                              Exactly! When the assumption is made that all the events are separate: then the statistics of the chance of occurrence are relatively low, the symptoms are not common to everyone afflicted, and there is nothing to tie the cases together in location besides the word "mystery" in media reports.

                              Originally posted by thedude
                              I don't have the time to go point for point with you today. I'm really not sure why you are debating me so directly here. I'm simply trying to formulate possible explanations for these strange events. I'm doing more research independently on the matter and suffice it to say, that it is not isolated to school houses.
                              Since 90% of the information posted on the internet is untested theory (books are 50% untested theory), the only way to formulate an explanation that fits with reality is to attempt to support it against an opposing viewpoint. If all your research leads you to people who just agree with you and never force you to examine your conclusions, how can you know if the explanation is right?

                              What criteria are you using to tie the events together then? There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it.

                              Originally posted by thedude
                              So you don't accept that HAARP is capable of producing any extraordinary effects..., great. Thats your opinion. You have not been there and neither have I. On that note, the last "Open house" was in july of 2010. They don't do them on a yearly basis and I have yet to have a response from them as to when the next one is. It is my understanding that it is difficult to attend these rare occasions and even then, what are the odds that we will be privy to any real sensitive areas of research. I have very little confidence that this facility is being forth right about every thing. Once again, it is my opinion that they can stage it up how ever they like. What they are doing there is reckless, unfounded experimentation with our planets electrical system. If you feel otherwise, i suggest that you don't just make claims of having done "LOTS" of research but investigate how the resonance and amplification principles apply the same way on a physical model as they do in scaler wave amplification. Even Nasa has done public demonstration to the principles of the transmission of power using scaler technology. However you don't think its possible i guess. Don't tell me that the principles are different. It simply a matter of how the energy is applied at the point of reference.
                              This is not my opinion, it's established fact that can be verified by any person who took the time to research radio wave propagation. Please don't try to insult me, you won't be successful. I have already demonstrated that I have done my research here, all you've done so far is baww about it without any supporting theory, facts, or science. I read extremely quickly, and I read a lot, I know all the conspiracy theories regarding HAARP and I also know why none of them hold water, you can test me if you want.

                              One of my vacation plans in the future is to go to the HAARP facility. People interested in the real science of HAARP that talk to the researchers at the facility, will likely be given the opportunity to see the array from the ground. I have no doubt that the reason they don't like doing public tours is the misguided fear, and wild conspiracy theory surrounding the facility. HAARP is extraordinary, but it is not sinister.

                              The "scalar wave" (which is an oxymoron, the correct term is longitudinal wave) can only exist between 2 tuned resonators that have a common ground connection. While you could consider a natural structure like a fault line a tuned resonator: it's resonance wave is so complicated that it would be not possible to match with even the top of human technology. The electric scalar wave does use the same principals as principles as a pressure wave but the MEDIUM is different. Electrical pressure waves do not cause Mechanical pressure waves (without a transducer), and they are not the same thing.

                              Originally posted by thedude
                              LetsReplicate. Please take note that i do take the time to offer that it is "my opinion". I'm not casting insulting suggestions that you have been mislead by fear mongerers, such as you have done to me. I spend a very large amount of my own time doing research and developing the principles that i bring to the table here at the energeticforum. I don't follow anyone, not Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones or otherwise with any sort of blind devotion. I make my own assessments based on what I can surmise given the available information. I generally obtain as much of it before I do as is possible. You can not do any better on this subject matter, so please don't be condescending in your assessment of my understanding.
                              I have seen these kind of arguments about HAARP countless times before, I have also seen people try to argue them only to end up defeated by reality. The ideas themselves have originated with people that are fear mongering for money. If you believe them, then you have been unfortunately mislead by them. I am not casting insults either, only stating the plain truth. I get mislead by them too sometimes but when enough research is done, the truth is revealed as long as you are willing to accept a reality other than fear.

                              I do assume you have done your research on this, and I no point did I say that you hadn't. Not all the information available to the public is correct on this matter though, and there are still holes in your position. So unless you can plug the holes with established fact, it is not correct for you to reject the information I'm giving you. You need to add the reality I present to your theory (or refute the points with fact) otherwise your theory in incomplete and thusly wrong.

                              Originally posted by thedude
                              All of this debate I'm doing here with you on this seems to be getting no where. I can be getting more done focusing on gathering a better understanding of the issue and focusing less on your conflict and insults. You've made your point LetsReplicate, it appears that you are firm in your opinion that these are merely psychosomatic events triggered by some sort of mass hysteria. Got it. You're opinion is noted. I thank you for contributing to the discussion. As we do not have all the answers here, not I or you, i feel it paramount that we remain objective and open minded until something more substantial than our opinions can be assessed.
                              I don't think it's getting nowhere, I am correcting misconceptions about HAARP and my statements will now likely re-posted as an article on Let's Replicate (upon the request of Diana Lehua).

                              I did not say that this was "merely psychosomatic events triggered by some sort of mass hysteria". I was correcting blanket cop-out statement that a HAARP array must be responsible for it. We digressed entirely from your argument that an electromagnetic waves could be causing electrochemical reactions. Radio waves reflecting off a surface do cause heating of that surface which may cause chemical reactions, that's scientific fact. But there is no reason to assume a targeted attack by the most powerful radio transmitters in the world just to cause these effects. There might well have been a more local source of radio waves (like a microwave oven, or cell phone tower) that caused the effects.

                              You are not objective either sir; you hold viewpoint that is far more rigid than mine. Humans can not help but form a bias toward their beliefs, that is why spirited debate is the only way to arrive at the truth. Give me a rational argument that can be supported reality, and my viewpoint will change to match yours. It has happened before, it will happen again.

                              Originally posted by thedude
                              I'm sorry that we are of such vastly different opinions. I promise you this is my last response to your interjections.
                              And I'm sorry that your beliefs can not be reconciled with reality. Peace be with you friend.

