I'm so very discouraged by this thread. I made a simple hypothesis here. That was all. Repeatedly being debated on every point is not fun, especially on issues i never even once brought up like earthquakes. This thread was never meant to be debate on HAARP. My question was not if HAARP is capable of changing the weather, or making earthquakes. It was intended to be interpreted with the topic of this thread in mind. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT AN AURORAL ARRAY COULD BE CAUSING THE DISTURBANCES WE ARE SEEING IN THE HEADLINES?
I might be a "layman", but that doesn't mean that i don't have a measure of understanding and insight. I've never felt it necessary to bring up my education as it is all computer science related, about as relevant to what they do at HAARP as a telecommunications degree. Not like we are carrying around PHDs LetsReplicate ( or do you? ). At what point in acquiring your telecommunications degree did you discuss the propagation of longitudinal energy. It doesn't transmit like a wave but propagates through the interaction of them, I wouldn't intentionally refer to it as a wave as we have, but as scaler energy or longitudinal, your choice. If you can site where your formal education provided you with such a knowledgeable position with regard to longitudinal energy, i would be more accepting your superior understanding. If not I would show some grace and digress somewhat. There are many here who do have PHDs.
I saw no evidence or arguments presented by my adversarial counterpart here that required any further debate. I'm doing daily experiments using scaler and longitudinal energy. It can operate over a defined distance and with pressure. I'm not just ****ing around. I live these experiments, i know how to define them. I don't just make guesses. I research and read like mad. I do follow my heart, but i do much more than that. I can't stand condescension, and the suggestion that i don't live in "reality". Is SO insulting that i'm discouraged from posting here at these forums or working within this community all together. I never became condescending to Letsreplicate, he seemed to take me that way and i'm sorry for that. However, if i was being rude to him, it was with out purpose.
Having nothing but the contrary to focus on in discussion, i'm leaving the subject and most likely these forums altogether.
Just wanted finish here by sending out a big thanks to LetsReplicate for being so decidedly righteous. I find it intolerable that you continue to insist that i operate on assumptions based on fear. Goodbye.
I might be a "layman", but that doesn't mean that i don't have a measure of understanding and insight. I've never felt it necessary to bring up my education as it is all computer science related, about as relevant to what they do at HAARP as a telecommunications degree. Not like we are carrying around PHDs LetsReplicate ( or do you? ). At what point in acquiring your telecommunications degree did you discuss the propagation of longitudinal energy. It doesn't transmit like a wave but propagates through the interaction of them, I wouldn't intentionally refer to it as a wave as we have, but as scaler energy or longitudinal, your choice. If you can site where your formal education provided you with such a knowledgeable position with regard to longitudinal energy, i would be more accepting your superior understanding. If not I would show some grace and digress somewhat. There are many here who do have PHDs.
I saw no evidence or arguments presented by my adversarial counterpart here that required any further debate. I'm doing daily experiments using scaler and longitudinal energy. It can operate over a defined distance and with pressure. I'm not just ****ing around. I live these experiments, i know how to define them. I don't just make guesses. I research and read like mad. I do follow my heart, but i do much more than that. I can't stand condescension, and the suggestion that i don't live in "reality". Is SO insulting that i'm discouraged from posting here at these forums or working within this community all together. I never became condescending to Letsreplicate, he seemed to take me that way and i'm sorry for that. However, if i was being rude to him, it was with out purpose.
Originally posted by LetsReplicate
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Originally posted by LetsReplicate
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Having nothing but the contrary to focus on in discussion, i'm leaving the subject and most likely these forums altogether.
Just wanted finish here by sending out a big thanks to LetsReplicate for being so decidedly righteous. I find it intolerable that you continue to insist that i operate on assumptions based on fear. Goodbye.