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DIY PMG Generators cheap and easy to make whit in a day!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by kcarring View Post

    I placed my order today, let me know if it did not process, I did not see the atypical confirmation... it does show up in my Paylpal, though, so it should be fine. Thanks

    If you send me a e-mail to i can look it up for you



    • #17
      Originally posted by barbosi View Post
      When you say "high efficient Generators" what is actually the efficiency?
      Your measurement or ZPF. Is there a paper with numbers/test conditions?
      Hello barbosi

      Sorry I don’t have a paper whit nice numbers.
      The idée of the generators is a new idée, I made the movie right away when I saw how much power the generators gave! I am still testing do, more youtube movies are on the way

      About the efficiency, I make the coil in a way that the magnets are continuously for 100% in action whit the copper winding. So you use all the magnetic energy of the magnets continuously.
      I think its important because the magnets are 2/3 of the cost of the generator.

      I hope this answer helps?



      • #18
        Originally posted by Energy Creator View Post
        Sorry I don’t have a paper whit nice numbers.
        So the efficiency is your subjective observation.

        Originally posted by Energy Creator View Post
        The idée of the generators is a new idée,
        What you're saying is that the generator is a novel idea (never patented) and instead of paying the patent office's fees and hoping for royalties, you'd rather openly sell your idea using a DIY DVD. Is that it?

        Originally posted by Energy Creator View Post
        About the efficiency, I make the coil in a way that the magnets are continuously for 100% in action whit the copper winding. So you use all the magnetic energy of the magnets continuously.
        I am not a guru in electric machines but all I know is that all machines use 100% action of winding with copper. Either between max flux and no flux, or max flux and max opposite flux, all take that advantage of being 100% continuously around magnets. Maybe you wanted to say the geometry of windings is different...?

        Originally posted by Energy Creator View Post
        I think its important because the magnets are 2/3 of the cost of the generator.
        Then with $40 worth magnets all you need is $20 worth other materials - copper, housing, bearings, etc. with a grand total of $60 anyone can build a generator? Even that generator is 20W, never mind, anyone can expect not a huge power at that price...

        And BTW regardless of efficiency, what is the output power of your generators? At least I'm sure this you have measured... The welding arc effect, one can have and even better with a microwave transformer. Or do you produce high voltage?

        So I hope you understand the grounds of my inquiry.



        • #19
          Hi barbosi

          Here some answers of your questions,

          - Yes the efficiency is my subjective observation.
          Soon from others as well I hope!

          - yes the generator is a novel idea, its not patented and I am not gone to!
          I have patents of other stuff what cost me a lot of money, it lies here in a drawer whit a big pile of dust on top of it.
          So F The patent office and F them in the future as well.

          - I mean in deed that I found a new geometry of the winding that is easier to make and more efficient.

          -100% well you always have some loss somewhere, 100% is just a idée watt lives only in the human mind I think?

          - 2/3 is just a assessment,
          - here a other assessment, if you build a generator of 50 watts it cost you +/- 75 dollars
          If you build a generator of 2000 watt it will cost you +/- 1000 dollar
          How bigger the generator how cheaper is will be pro watt.

          The welding arc is just to show you that the generators give a lot of power.

          I will test some more than I give you some numbers of volts, amps, rpm, coil resistance , load resistance. Whit or whit out a load.

          If I forgot something place tell!

          I hope this answers some questions you have?

          Energy-Creator High efficiency DIY-generators


          • #20
            P.S. there is a professor here in the Netherlands who is designing PMG generators most of his live, is very curious as well, he will review my DVD as well and will publish the outcome on the internet
            I already send him a DVD.

            He is a professor from the TU Delft!

            I hope he likes it!



            • #21
              Hi Brian,

              Thanks for your honesty, a rare quality often viewed incompatible with marketing.

              I bet your machines work nicely as motors too.



              • #22
                Some very smart fellows

                Perhaps its something in the drinking water over there?

                A lot a very Smart people from your part of the world,And you are obviously one of them!
                Thank you for sharing you inventions ...You are a wonderful example..I believe you will be paid back many times over!!
                It is a Pleasure to read your posts and hear your great attitude!

                We are also working on something open source that will help change the World this Coming year!
                I'll keep you posted!

                Thank you
                If you want to Change the world
                BE that change !!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Energy Creator View Post
                  Hello soundiceuk,

                  I have put the material list of my DVD on my website to be a little bit more open.
                  I don’t think I get rich of it? Until now ( 5 days time ) I sold 1 DVD to somebody in Bahrain.
                  Its all printed on demand and shipped automatically, I don’t have to do anything
                  He gets a nice movie of more then 2 hours were we build 7 generators, and whit that knowledge he can make any size generator.

                  I make you a deal!
                  I have many ideas in my secret box and will open source half of it.

                  Thats a brilliant quality you have there Brian! I love this forum and the people like you on here!

                  Have you considered open sourcing it and asking for a 10% royality instead of you current business strategy?

                  The reason I say this is: The details and specs of the build can openly be discussed on this and 10000 of other forums. I guarantee you will make a exponential profit and the product design will also go through exponential change.

                  I would really look forward to your secret box disclosure at 10% royality too.

                  Brian, there are lots of intelligent people on this forum who know people with money who would commercialize your invention quickly.

                  If you open source it, your inventions will spread quicker by word of mouth onto many, many forums.

                  Please think about this very carefully and maybe you will believe what I am saying to be quality truth from one successful business man to another.


                  • #24
                    The Energy Creator DVD

                    Hi All

                    I have watched most of the DVD and it is really well made and shows the generator construction techniques step by step. Brian uses some novel and easy ways to overcome not having a lathe. The generator winding arrangement appears novel. Many of his techniques can be used for other like projects. So if people are thinking about buying it, I say it is worth the money and it is a true genuine product.




                    • #25
                      Hi John

                      Tanks for the review!
                      I am very happy you like my movie! And the idée of the winding of course!
                      I did a test, and you can make linear generators whit the winding as well. Nice!



                      • #26
                        Great Design

                        Originally posted by john_g View Post
                        Hi All

                        I have watched most of the DVD and it is really well made and shows the generator construction techniques step by step. Brian uses some novel and easy ways to overcome not having a lathe. The generator winding arrangement appears novel. Many of his techniques can be used for other like projects. So if people are thinking about buying it, I say it is worth the money and it is a true genuine product.


                        Yes I agree that is why I gave him a review for free on The way you wind the generator is unique and has great potential I think Brian should be applauded for his choice to release this information this way we need more people willing to take that leap of faith, or things will never change. I hope he makes decent money on his DVD sales it takes allot of effort to do a DVD.

                        I was thinking of water jet cutting some iron oxide,strontium carbonate block magnets, the flux field is extremely strong 45 lbs pulling force and less eddy currents with Ceramic magnets this style was used the in megawatt wind turbines awhile back Block Magnets 4'X6' cutting wedge shapes that make a long 16 segment cylinders I will run some small block test first.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tecknomancer View Post
                          Yes I agree that is why I gave him a review for free on The way you wind the generator is unique and has great potential I think Brian should be applauded for his choice to release this information this way we need more people willing to take that leap of faith, or things will never change. I hope he makes decent money on his DVD sales it takes allot of effort to do a DVD.

                          I was thinking of water jet cutting some iron oxide,strontium carbonate block magnets, the flux field is extremely strong 45 lbs pulling force and less eddy currents with Ceramic magnets this style was used the in megawatt wind turbines awhile back Block Magnets 4'X6' cutting wedge shapes that make a long 16 segment cylinders I will run some small block test first.
                          thanks for the response
                          just like to ask if berriylium oxide magnets from magnetron of maicrowave oven having two ring magnets in them be useful in the generator build up coz i have 500 pcs in my collection and they are stronger than speaker magnets


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Energy Creator View Post
                            If you send me a e-mail to i can look it up for you

                            Hi Brian

                            is there a chance that I can order from HSBC Visa card since only paypal is allowed?? tried 3 times without luck hope you can help me with the order

                            thanks totoalas


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                              Perhaps its something in the drinking water over there?

                              A lot a very Smart people from your part of the world,And you are obviously one of them!
                              I live there as well, (Not claiming i'm smart ;-) But one of the reasons the people around here are as much involved in the attempts of OU is that in our country every single step is taxed, regulated and/or controlled.

                              So far my little rant, excuse my off topic reply.

                              Edit: Too much offtopic stuff, got a bit carried away.
                              Last edited by Cherryman; 01-02-2012, 07:15 PM.


                              • #30
                                Adversity is the father of change

                                One thing is for certain ,There will always be Taxes [give onto Ceasar ]
                                And once power becomes more accessible to the masses ,I am certain they will put a tax on it ,However opportunities will open up that will change our world and its dynamics Forever.....

                                One thing I do Know.. I wouldn't trade with a family in Somalia.
                                That Has To Change..............

                                None of us are free .Until everyone of us are free!!
                                Its good to Have Goals!

                                If you want to Change the world
                                BE that change !!

