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DIY PMG Generators cheap and easy to make whit in a day!

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  • Question about Generators and 3D printers??

    Hello everybody,

    Its been a long time..
    I have been to Brazil for a while to build on generators and wind and watermills to supply the green energy for a few homes, it must become a beautiful self sustaining place to life some ware in the mountains.
    First I want to say that Brazil is a beautiful country!
    But when it goes about building things.. everything goes in its own time over there..
    Especially when you like to build some thing in the middle of nowhere..
    Everything is a big adventure over there!
    We are more than a year further in time and only the infrastructure is build, like roads, sewers, water pipes, and some building foundations.
    The generators I like to build over there will be at the earliest in 2015…

    So for now I like to concentrate my self here in Europe on new generator designs.
    But I was thinking about the way we build the generators..
    We use PVC and a lot of Polyether.. that is not a very green way to build..
    We pollute the Earth to build generators for green energy?? That’s not very logical..

    So I have a question for all of you..

    How many of you have a 3D printer?
    And if you do have a 3D printer.. do you make your own filaments from old plastics?
    And if? Are you interested to print the generator in the future? instead of building the generators by hand using chemicals which you first have to buy?

    I really like some replies on this!

    Best regards everybody,

    Energy Creator, Home build PMG Gnerators / alternators


    • Hello brian...
      nice you still on your pmg...i really want to try your pmg, but this country is like is very hard to find material to build from zero...perhaps later, when i'm moved on the bigger cities.
      BTW, for a 3D printer, you can try to mail lasersaber or visit his youtube channel...he uploaded some of the result of his motor that using 3d printer...


      • 3D Printers

        Hi Brian

        I think it is a great idea to design a generator which can be made using a 3D printer to produce parts.

        This is an idea which has occured to me before. My 12 year old son has expressed he wants a 3D printer. I have been trying to get him involved in a hobby project for some time, so I asked him to research how we can make one as economically as possible and to prepare a presentation for me. It is my intention to then work with him to build one from scratch. It is likely to take some time but hopefully along the way both he and I will learn various skills of mechanical engineering and electronics.

        Most of the contributers to this forum pursue new and often theoretical developments towards the goal of free energy. I know I don't have the theoretical knoweledge to join in their research but I try to follow with interest.

        However, I do believe the average person can utilise existing technologies to provide free energy in their home. Wind, water and solar are all available to be developed on a small scale and it is towards this most of my practical development is directed.

        I wish you every success in developing your generators and will watch with interest any developments to simplify construction using 3D printers.


        • Hello thebanano,

          Yes it is very difficult to find the right materials in Brazil, like polyether and ‘niobium magnets..
          And my Portuguese is not that good..
          So, thinking about these problems I like to take a 3D printer whit me to Brazil next time and print the generator parts from old plastics trash
          (melting the plastic, making a wire and print new parts)
          The have plastic trash enough over there!!
          Printing parts and cleaning nature in the process.

          Thank you for lasersaber, he makes very interesting motors and with a 3d printer. very cool!

          Hi mikhull,

          Thank you for your reply as well.
          I think it is very cool to build a 3d printer from scratch with your son, in the future we will use 3D printers a lot.
          Building your own 3d printer is a nice project, you both will learn from it.
          The parts are not that expensive anymore and its all open source software.
          If you can also make your own filaments from old plastic.. then your there..
          Printing your own parts or what ever you want for almost no cost.

          I have purchased a cheap Chinese 3D printer with a wooden frame.
          It is printing very good, only it can not print big objects.
          You design the parts in Google Sketchup and than print them.. very easy..

          I am trying also to make a 3D printer what can print 70cm x 90 cm and 70cm high.
          I hope it will work?
          Big printer, big parts…

          Energy Creator, Home build PMG Gnerators / alternators

