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Why perpetual motion machines do not exist

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  • #46
    well im just telling the HUMANS we are here now ... !!

    im from X





    i have a few questions that shed some light .. in the dark cave ...
    why do we now have 365 days .. ?
    why does the speed change over 72 years ... ?
    why is the earth oval?
    do you think the ice on the poles melts so much every 72 years ?
    do you think that the mass of ice on the poles squishes the earth and as the ice melts we atain a perfect 360 deg speare thus allowing 360 day cycle ?

    as the mass of ice transforms from one place on earth to another does it change the shape of planet earth ?

    it only stands to reason it does .. water is like 9lbs per gal by volume .. sh!t is heavy!

    miles of thick ice has a tremondous weight ..

    Last edited by willy96; 12-26-2011, 11:55 PM.


    • #47
      It is interestingly how the scientific community operates, in the sense that truly, it is like a "guilty, until proven innocent" system. on one hand you have a theory, back primarily with mathematics, and set in the books as a theory because little to no evidence backs to disprove such a theory.

      Two distinct Merriam Webster definitions of the word theory are both included in the dictionary:
      • a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena

      • an unproved assumption

      So, really a theory is an unproved plausible assumption.

      And as Aaron pointed out earlier, you may have a creator of such a theory (Einstein) even admitted, he figures it is likely it will be disproved at some point.

      So, then decades later, for example you have CERN possibly finding fault in the theory with exhaustive analysis of data, sample size, and experiment approach...

      and their conclusion is:

      "despite the large significance of the measurement reported here, and the robustness of the analysis, the potentially great impacts of the result motivates the continuation of our studies to investigate possible still unknown systematic effects that could explain the anomaly"

      I find this language and approach to science, very interesting. Similar language, citings are found in the Deborah Chung experiments.

      When it comes right down to the math behind, it is commonly said "Einstein’s the*ory of Gen*eral Rel*a*tiv*ity is now proven accu*rate to five dec*i*mal places."

      So what happens at the sixth?

      Who stands to emotionally and spiritually care whether his theory is correct, if the universe was perpetual, or finite and "bing bang" started, by who??? God?

      I won't natter on and on...

      My point is, theories stand, theories hold... why?
      It all depends on who cares, and why they care in the first place.
      From there on in, it's semantics, despite foundings and or proof.
      The status quo is not tackled without fear.
      Alberta is under attack...

      Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


      • #48
        Basically, all "perpetual motion" machines fail because they operate on converting imbalance to balance. Not a single machine has ever made as a net result more imbalance than balance.
        I would disagree, a tree is a biological machine and this machine takes resources from the environment and assembles then in a more organized way which is not an entropic process by definition. I would suggest you ask yourself how you could have missed something so obvious as if you were to simply look in the mirror you would see yet another biological machine. In fact the the very term "life" implies systems which do bring order from disorder as does another force you may be familiar with called gravity which in most cases is responsible for what we call life.
        I guess we could ask the most obvious question, if there is no such thing as perpetual motion then you should be able to give at least one example of something which is not perpetually in motion relative to something else and when you cannot you may want to rethink your theories. In regards to a perpetual motion machine, the fact that you cannot name one single example of something which is not in perpetual motion would seem to suggest that if a machine could tap into this motion then it does not seem unreasonable that we would have a perpetual supply of energy even if any individual machine was not perpetual in itself.
        I have always found it odd why so many seem to believe we live in a dead and dying universe when everything we see around us would seem to suggest otherwise. Unless of course you believe this force we call gravity is just going to magically disappear for reasons you cannot explain which would also imply all mass must as well, hmm very strange.


        • #49
          water wheel

          Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
          Johann Bessler is one of the earliest ones I've heard of.

          Johann Bessler - Orffyreus

          Isn't a water wheel a perpetual motion generator?

          How far back do they go?
          The Bessler wheel (unreplicated to date) would be perpetual motion since it is an object in constant motion overcoming or avoiding opposing resistances.

          A water wheel is just an overunity generator = there is no required input and all output is free just like a wind generator or solar panel. So any input divided by 0 is the COP. Bearden uses uses the infinity symbol to describe the COP of these devices. So this wouldn't be perpetual motion because it doesn't really have anything to do with needing to overcome resistances when it has a non-stop supply of potential to tap from the water.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #50
            Originally posted by ren View Post
            The waterwheel will suffer mechanical failure eventually. Any man made material construct I can think of will eventually break down, or need repairs. Anything that mechanically rotates will suffer from friction, no matter how robust. It might work for 10,000 years but if it is not infinite it is not perpetual.
            I understand what you mean about the phrase 'perpetual motion'.

            'Self running generator' perhaps might be a better suited phrase to such devices.

            What about if the wheel uses passive or active magnetic bearings. Where are the wearable items then?

            The magnets I guess. 1% loss in neodymium magnets in 100 years. Not bad really.

            I reckon just like all technology is drip fed in commerce. The same is propably so for the magnet industry.

            If we combined certain earths and passed a high current through it we could have superior magnets to what is available. N52 being the strongest grade available to the public or commercially.

            My friend who is studying for a PHD in robotics and AI said to me 'if any human holds two magnets in a state of repulsion or attraction for a long period they will become tired and stop.

            The magnets however will never grow tired in that persons lifetime. Surely this alone violates the conservation of energy law?


            • #51
              non-equilibrium thermodynamics references

              Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
              a tree is a biological machine and this machine takes resources from the environment and assembles then in a more organized way which is not an entropic process by definition.

              I have always found it odd why so many seem to believe we live in a dead and dying universe when everything we see around us would seem to suggest otherwise.
              Amen! lol

              There are countless agreements with this in all of the highest levels of academia across the govts and universities all over the world. All the natural systems are self ordering reverse entropy systems that are classified as non-equilibrium systems.


              Chemistry 1977
              Ilya Prigogine - Nobel Lecture


              Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics


              Walter de Gruyter - Natural Sciences - Journals - Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics

              Publisher: Walter de Gruyter

              international publication organ for new ideas, insights and results on
              non-equilibrium phenomena in science, engineering and related natural
              . The central aim of the journal is to provide a bridge between
              science and engineering and to promote scientific exchange on
              - newly observed non-equilibrium phenomena
              - analytic or fuzzy models for their interpretation
              - new methods to describe non-equilibrium phenomena.


              Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies

              Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics and the City: A New Approach to Urban Studies
              Riccardo Maria Pulselli, Francesca Ciampalini, Alessandro Galli, Federico Maria PulselliDepartment of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University of Siena, Italy Via della Diana, 2A - 53100 - Siena, Italy. Tel. 0577 232044
              email: Riccardo Maria Pulselli ( Federico Maria Pulselli ("ADOI=10.1002/adic.200690056")AbstractA city can be conceived as a complex self-adaptive system. The multiple interactions among its structural elements and dynamic agents, its organization on multiple time-space scales, its exchanges with the external context, its irreversible dynamics, are signs of complexity. Some concepts from the evolutionary thermodynamics, such us the theory of dissipative structures, could be extended to the city in order to investigate its behaviour. This theoretical framework suggests to analyze the city in terms of entropy and negentropy production. An emergy analysis (spelled with an m) of an urban region is presented in order to investigate how cities maintain their organization (and decrease their entropy) by virtue of constant energy inflows from the external environment. As a result, a non-homogeneous spatial pattern of emergy density is shown as an attempt to investigate the multiple relations and energy exchanges that take place in an urban region. This approach to urban studies introduces a new energy-based vision to understand cities.


              Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics - Elsevier


              Transport and Rate Processes in Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems
              "For a copy of the Solution Manual please contact Dr. Demirel:"
              To order this title, and for more information, click here
              Second Edition

              Yasar Demirel, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA

              Natural phenomena consist of simultaneously occurring transport processes and chemical reactions. These processes may interact with each other and lead to instabilities, fluctuations, and evolutionary systems. The objective of this book is to explore the unifying role of thermodynamics in natural phenomena. Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Second Edition analyzes the transport processes of energy, mass, and momentum transfer processes, as well as chemical reactions. It considers various processes occurring simultaneously, and provides students with more realistic analysis and modelling by accounting for possible interactions. This second edition updates and expands most of the chapters of the first edition by focusing on the balance equations of mass, momentum, energy, and entropy together with the Gibbs equation for coupled processes of physical, chemical, and biological systems.


              How are biological organisms able to self-organize and maintain their life
              processes far from equilibrium? The answer to this essential question is found in the
              theory of ‘dissipative structures’ (Capra, 1996)

              Dissipative structures are open systems,
              they need a

              continual input of free energy from the environment in order to maintain the
              capacity to do ‘work’.

              It is this continual flux of energy, into and out of a dissipative
              structure, which leads towards self-organization and ultimately the ability to function at a
              state of non-equilibrium.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #52
                more net references

                Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta

                2 Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics: How It Works

                2.1 The 2nd Law

                The second law of thermodynamics asserts that if a spontaneous reaction occurs,
                the reaction moves towards an irreversible state of equilibrium and in the process,
                becomes increasingly random or disordered. It is this increasing disorder or entropy of a
                system that forces a spontaneous reaction to persist; but, once a system attains maximum
                entropy or equilibrium, the spontaneous reaction ceases to continue. For example, if a
                glass of hot liquid is placed in a colder room a flow of heat is spontaneously produced
                from the cup to the room until it is minimised (or the entropy is maximised) at which
                point the temperatures are the same (a state of equilibrium) and all flows stop. But, why
                do spontaneous reactions always move towards ever increasing entropy and ultimately
                To solve the equilibrium paradigm of the second law, Ludwig Boltzmann, one
                of the great theorists of classical thermodynamics, contrived a simple, yet ingenious,
                thought experiment. Suppose you have a box, bisected down the centre by an imaginary
                line, and eight distinguishable molecules (Figure 1). How many ways are there to
                arrange the molecules on the left and right side of the partition?

                Crossing Boundaries – an interdisciplinary journal
                VOL 1, No 2 - Spring 2002

                Figure 1 Boltzmann's thought experiment demonstrating the probability of
                disorder. (From Capra, 1996 p. 187)
                One Arrangement only
                (highest order)
                8 Different Arrangements
                28 Different Arrangements
                70 Different Arrangements
                (maximum disorder)
                First, all the molecules can be arranged on one side of the box in only one way
                (highly organized). However, there are eight possible different arrangements if seven
                molecules are placed on the left side of the box and one molecule is placed on the right.
                This example illustrates how the number of possible arrangements increases as the
                differences between the left and right sides of the box becomes smaller, until eventually,
                the left and right sides equalize (equilibrium) and the number of possible arrangements
                reaches seventy (highly disorganized) (Capra, 1996). In other words, the entropy of a
                system is always increasing because it is more probable that a system will be disordered
                than ordered.
                Boltzmann referred to all the possible arrangements of a system as
                ‘complexions’ and equated them with the concept of order (Capra, 1996). Basically, the
                more complexions within a system, the further that system is from being ordered. But,
                this connection between increasing disorder and complexity contradicts the essence of
                biological organisms; the living world is characterized by increasing order and
                complexity. As a result, biological systems must be functioning at a state far from
                equilibrium. This observation has lead to the development of non-equilibrium
                thermodynamics (Wicken, 1979; Brooks and Wiley, 1982)

                2.2 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

                2.2.1 Dissipation and Self-Organization

                How are biological organisms able to self-organize and maintain their life
                processes far from equilibrium? The answer to this essential question is found in the
                theory of ‘dissipative structures’ (Capra, 1996)

                Dissipative structures are open systems,
                they need a continual input of free energy from the environment in order to maintain the
                capacity to do ‘work’. It is this continual flux of energy, into and out of a dissipative
                structure, which leads towards self-organization and ultimately the ability to function at a
                state of non-equilibrium.

                A famous example of a self-organizing, dissipative structure is
                the spontaneous organization of water due to convection (Figure 2).
                Figure 2: The spontaneous organization of water due to convection: once convection
                begins and the dissipative structure forms a pattern of hexagonal Bénard cells
                appear. (From Capra, 1996 p. 87)
                If you take a thin layer of water, at uniform temperature, and start heating it
                from the bottom, a strange ordered structure begins to appear. As the temperature
                between the bottom and top of the water reaches a critical level, the water begins to move
                away from an equilibrium state and an instability within the system develops. At this
                point, convection commences and the dissipative structure forms. As heat is transferred
                through the liquid, a patterned hexagonal or ‘honey combed’ shape emerges (Bénard
                cells) and the capacity to do ‘work’ is realized (life). But, as soon as the energy source
                (heat) is taken away, the ordered pattern disappears and the water returns to an
                equilibrium state (death).
                Just like the convection of water, biological organisms are also self-organizing
                dissipative structures, they take in and give off energy from the environment in order
                sustain life processes and in doing so function at a state of non-equilibrium (Figure 3).
                Although biological organisms maintain a state far from equilibrium they are still
                controlled by the second law of thermodynamics. Like all physiochemical systems,
                biological systems are always increasing their entropy or complexity due to the
                overwhelming drive towards equilibrium. But, unlike physiochemical systems,
                biological systems possess ‘information’ that permits them to self-replicate and
                continuously amplify their complexity and organization through time (Brooks and Wiley,

                non-equilibrium thermodynamic systems taught at prestigeous universities
                Nonequilibrium thermodynamics - Encyclopedia of Humanthermodynamics

                Let's see, below are references to Oxford University Press, Harvard University Press, Dover, Richard Feinman, Ilya Prigogine, etc...

                None of those references are from the Perpetual Motion Nutcase Press. I wonder why those universities are involved in academic works dealing with non-equilibrium thermodynamics???

                AND do we see what some are in reference to?

                NET systems with energy efficiency and diets??? That is in reference to HUMAN biology. A natural system, which is an OPEN non-equilibrium system.

                Let's see... LIFE, EARTH, BIOENERGETICS, BIOPHYSICS, [IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/MASTER%7E1.MON/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG]wow, all dealing with natural living systems...OPEN systems...NON-EQUILIBRIUM SYSTEMS! [IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/MASTER%7E1.MON/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_image002.gif[/IMG]

                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #53
                  even more net references

                  Nonequilibrium thermodynamics

                  In thermodynamics, nonequilibrium thermodynamics is the study of systems out of equilibrium or not in thermal equilibrium and their evolution with time. [1] Synonyms include “thermodynamics of irreversible processes”, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics, among other variants. The “founding fathers” of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, a field emerging between 1931 and 1947, are Norwegian-born American physical chemist Lars Onsager (1931), German theoretical physicist Josef Meixner (1941), Belgian chemist Ilya Prigogine (1947), and Austrian-born Danish theoretical physicist Peter Mazur (1950s). [5] A defining publication in this field is the 1962 book Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics by Danish theoretical physicists Sybren de Groot and Mazur, de Groot's graduate student. [6]

                  See main: Near-equilibrium thermodynamics
                  The nonequilibrium thermodynamical study of systems “close to equilibrium”, i.e. close enough for a linear relationship to be assumed between assumed between observed fluxes and the forces that cause them is often referred to as “linear thermodynamics of irreversible process” a field initiated by Belgian mathematical physicist Théophile de Donder beginning in 1918 followed by the work of Lars Onsager in 1931. [2] Nonequilibrium systems near thermal equilibrium are described by the Onsager relations.

                  When the linear hypothesis begins to reveal limitations, such as, for instance, in the "far-from-equilibrium" heat flow range, as in the phenomenon of of Bénard cell formation, in the study of various aberant chemical reactions, or in the case of oscillating reactions, a “non-linear thermodynamics of irreversible processes” is said to define this subject of study, as developed by Belgian chemist Ilya Prigogine, beginning in the 1945. [3] One of the earliest reports of an oscillating reaction, was the reported the periodic "flaring up" of phosphorus in contact with the air, in the seventeenth century, by English-Irish chemist Robert Boyle. [4] A modern example of an oscillating reaction is the Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillating reaction (1950s).

                  1. Daintith, John. (2005). Oxford Dictionary of Physics. Oxford University Press.
                  2. Perrot, P. (1998). A to Z of Thermodynamics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
                  3. Prigogine, Ilya. (1945). Etude Thermodynamics des Phenomenes Irreversibles (Study of the Thermodynamics of Irreversible Phenomenon). Presented to the science faculty at the Free University of Brussels (1945); Paris: Dunod, 1947.
                  4. Oscillating Reactions (Science Encycopedia) -
                  5. Peter Mazur: Obituary, 1922-2001.
                  6. (a) de Groot, S.R. and Mazur, Peter. (1962). Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. New York: Dover.
                  (b) Sybren Ruurds de Groot – Mathematics Genealogy Project.

                  Further reading
                  ● Katchalsky, A. and Curran, Peter F. (1965). Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics in Biophysics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
                  ● Caplan, Roy S. and Essig Alvin. (1983). Bioenergetics and Linear Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics. Cambridge: London: Harvard University Press.
                  ● Muschik, Wolfgang. (2001). "A Sketch of Continuum Thermodynamics", J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 96, 255-290.
                  ● Kleidon, Axel, and Lorenz, Ralph D. (2004). Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and the Production of Entropy: Life, Earth, and Beyond. Springer.
                  ● Feinman, Richard D., and Fine, Eugene J. (2007). “Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Energy Efficiency in Weight Loss Diets.” Theoretical Biology and Medial Modeling, 4:27.

                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    The Bessler wheel (unreplicated to date) would be perpetual motion since it is an object in constant motion overcoming or avoiding opposing resistances.

                    A water wheel is just an overunity generator = there is no required input and all output is free just like a wind generator or solar panel. So any input divided by 0 is the COP. Bearden uses uses the infinity symbol to describe the COP of these devices. So this wouldn't be perpetual motion because it doesn't really have anything to do with needing to overcome resistances when it has a non-stop supply of potential to tap from the water.
                    Does this mean the device I designed also has a infinity symbol to describe the COP?

                    It has no input.

                    I am willing to step up to the mark and prove it works once I have a little more spare cash.

                    I will also disclose full specifications and CAD files.

                    My chosen method for proving the efficiency is to have it engine dynoed by a reputable engine tuner to give the bhp and torque figures.

                    Gravity wheel without motors. Simple gravitational amplifier. - YouTube

                    In this video, the experiment uses 1 kg weights. The starting position of the deflecting elements is at 90 degrees. They are held by a mechanical mechanism. This experiment is to show how the displacement and number of deflecting elements (the frequency) will effect how much the wheel turns.

                    This is one of the earlier much, much, much less efficient versions in operation:

                    The rotation due to deflection of weights_2. Gravity wheel. - YouTube

                    And even older and less efficient design.

                    Gravitational engine - two - YouTube

                    This has spanned about 2 1/2 years of work and I really want it to benefit people.

                    Even if it is just to show people that self running gererators are possible, when though I know solid state if far superior.

                    These should be made micro size to give to classes at school to build so it can educate our children.

                    Mikhail's very interesting website has dissapeared and so has he. He told me he was building these devices for people to make a living in Moscow. He has a Russian Patent and an International patent pending. I managed to save his website on my computer. Mikhail shares the same view as Tesla did on giving the people the ability to make there own electricity.

                    He described gravity in his text like a flow of water.

                    He open sourced the technology on Pure Energy Systems News (PESN) but nobody but me and Sterling Allen took him very seriously as his communication is not very good.

                    Directory:Mikhail Dmitriev Gravity Wheel - PESWiki

                    I am very patient and persevered with him, whilst Sterling got swamped with so many other inventions and Rossi's work.

                    As I said the version in the CAD drawings is old. The latest design will be ultra efficient.

                    Nobody can calculate the RPM from a design because the mathematics involved are at a quantum level.

                    This problem and money is what held me back from manufacturing a prototype. I know it will work, but as I'm a perfectionist and wanted it to be as safe and efficient as possible I held back.

                    I want the project to move forward now, just to open peoples minds to the way life could be and will be if we take control back.
                    Last edited by soundiceuk; 12-27-2011, 01:35 AM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by willy96 View Post
                      well im just telling the HUMANS we are here now ... !!

                      im from X

                      AND WITH ME I BRING MY TECHNOLAGIES !

                      MY FAMILY MY DNA!

                      IT PROVES ALL !


                      i have a few questions that shed some light .. in the dark cave ...
                      why do we now have 365 days .. ?
                      why does the speed change over 72 years ... ?
                      why is the earth oval?
                      do you think the ice on the poles melts so much every 72 years ?
                      do you think that the mass of ice on the poles squishes the earth and as the ice melts we atain a perfect 360 deg speare thus allowing 360 day cycle ?

                      as the mass of ice transforms from one place on earth to another does it change the shape of planet earth ?

                      it only stands to reason it does .. water is like 9lbs per gal by volume .. sh!t is heavy!

                      miles of thick ice has a tremondous weight ..

                      Thats true, it would change the moment of inertia, therefore slowing down the planet. Oh boy this is really a bad thing! This would change the 24 hours we have in the day certainly.


                      • #56
                        ammonia phase change turbine

                        Originally posted by kcarring View Post
                        Now in some cases you have a perceived COP of 3 or greater. So, for the energy in, you gain 2 additional units of heat energy out, given it's extraction of ambient heat into the loop.

                        First of all, when you talk about closed versus open systems, thermodynamics, I think it is agreed this is not a closed loop?

                        If so, .. let's look at ammonia for a second. It is a fairly narrow temperature differential that need be created to change the state of this gas, allowing for some interesting latent heat energy exchange systems, i.e. the heat pump, the RV fridge etc.

                        Traditionally we take that effect, and we transfer heat back and forth, for the sake of heating or cooling. Given. It works, and it works well, to the point of being marketable, and successful. No argument there.

                        Can we though ...

                        Operate a turbine right at the point state change. Can we employ the energy "burst" that is that latent heat being given off... to run some sort of turbine. Perhaps an adaption of the Tesla turbine... I don't know, I've only begun thinking about it... and I'm no turbine expert.

                        But I do know that the 45 degrees needed, is not a tall order, and while we traditionally use an electrical compressor, or propane flame... it's not a huge energy requirement here... not something that couldn't be accomplished with a solar heat collection device. On the cool side of the equation, the earth itself, at a depth... remains fairly constant (in a lot of areas anyhow). For example if you dig down 8 feet in the ground, despite it being possibly very hot or very cold at ground level; the temperature down below does not vary a bunch. I proved this to myself by make a refigerator that is essentially a bunker of ice 8 ft below ground surface, encased in blue foam and dirt. It stayed cold to the point of keeping food unspoiled until July 12 th.
                        Hi Kyle,

                        Thanks for the kind words!

                        I agree the heat pump system itself is not closed loop. Even though there is a loop in the system, it is open to freely receive free environmental heat so it is still an open system.

                        You mention ammonia, this is my favorite: Otto Mohr

                        Anyway, just had to mention that.

                        This is the only turbine engine that I've built and experienced:
                        How to Build a Jet Engine - YouTube

                        As far as a quick phase change, for this jet, it is as simple as injecting
                        water vapor into the intake and the rapid expansion into steam increases
                        volume and it increases the efficiency of it. I've done it, I just don't show
                        these things in my video package. I can divert 85% of the exhaust back
                        to the input via a water bubbler. It boils the water and hot water vapor
                        that is injected back to the input. Even though it is still hot vapor it
                        still has room to expand. Perhaps cool fog would make more of a difference,
                        I don't know. What I do know is by doing all the tricks, it used to take
                        8-10 psi of propane for a certain fuel nozzle to even let it idle. With
                        the water input + plasma ignition, etc... it will idle at 0psi on the gauge
                        for the same nozzle. The scale is not zoomed in to the 1psi level to see
                        it more accurately so it is 0.1psi to 1.0 psi but still about 90% less psi than
                        it used to require. I need a smaller scale gauge in the 1psi range for more
                        accurate reading at that level in addition to a more precise needle valve
                        to fine tune the fuel flow at that level as well.

                        That is the only thing I've done regarding phase changes
                        with increasing efficiency of a jet turbine engine. There are other aspects of the
                        project I can't go into but I'd say Michael John Nunnerley would be the
                        one to ask in regards to your whole question. He is very knowledgeable
                        about all of that - he invented the most efficient heat exchanger.

                        Maybe that Otto Morh concept is what you're looking for.

                        Read about the ammonia turbine Directory:Closed Loop Ammonia Turbine - PESWiki

                        "The ammonia turbine is basically a heat pump system, and can be very long-lasting so far as mechanical systems go (20-30 years, with maintenance every 2-3 years).

                        The system is comprised of a heat expander, in which a heat source causes the liquid to change to a gas, expanding in the process, whereby it can turn a turbine. It is then condensed back to liquid through a four-stage compressor."
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #57
                          gravity wheel

                          Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                          Does this mean the device I designed also has a infinity symbol to describe the COP?

                          It has no input.
                          I remember seeing videos of that.

                          The explanation says "static" gravity but I don't agree - gravity is an active
                          and dynamic downpour of unlimited potential. Just like a magnet, most think the magnetic field is some static field around the magnet when it is alive and moving. In any case, how gravity is perceived is irrelevant if he has
                          it working.

                          The wheel if it works or not does has input, gravity, but you don't have to
                          pay for that input as it is all provided free from the environment.

                          If it requires that you input an initial push to get it going, then it isn't
                          "infinite" COP, the COP would rapidly climb upwards as long as the wheel
                          is turning.

                          If it tries to turn on its own and you have to put a stick in the spokes to
                          keep it from turning, then it is already biased to start on its own then yes,
                          the COP would be "infinite".

                          I do not know if the infinity symbol is recognized as the proper notation
                          for a value divided by zero but even if it is not, it is understood that it
                          means there is no input we have to provide and 100% is from the
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                            I understand what you mean about the phrase 'perpetual motion'.

                            'Self running generator' perhaps might be a better suited phrase to such devices.
                            Perpetual motion machines - YouTube

                            the two that I find most intriguing are boyls water and the davinchi device. The water device really does not seem like it should work on its face but......... In both cases I can imagine some nice mods where a scale up might even produce useful power. that is if these devices actually work as shown. on its face it appears they might.

                            first most obvious thought that pops into my head is the combination of the 2 devices, and I can see where that davinchi device can be optimized considerable better than it is not as long as precision parts are used.

                            Oh and if that water principle really does work imagine replacing that with 100 gallons of mercury LOL could get some nice torque on the way back down
                            Last edited by Kokomoj0; 12-27-2011, 05:13 AM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                              Thats true, it would change the moment of inertia, therefore slowing down the planet. Oh boy this is really a bad thing! This would change the 24 hours we have in the day certainly.
                              its something to think about ...

                              AC long time bro .. just a nice peice you wrote there ...



                              • #60
                                well perpetual motion machines are pretty useless for the most part and you can never get a practical amount of useful energy out of them

