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Elements of the Human Body/Pattern/Process

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  • #46
    Thank you Llynch , it is always a pleasure reading you...and the manner by which you help clarify this Process makes Crystal Clear to grasp for anyone willing to venture into self understanding

    Nature being our rule of thumb. There is always a progression from one state to another. The same is true with Knowledge, Awareness and Conciousness.

    A Change in Knowledge automatically effects a Change in Awareness, which in turn automatically effects a Change in Conciousness.
    Hence the Name tree of Knowledge

    Traditional Method = Repetition of Knowledge regardless of Absorption Ability.
    Natural Method = Gradual Increase of Quantity of Knowledge that Matches Absorption Ability.
    both are useful as you wrote....the Traditional Method allows to start on your path (learn the basics as in guitar learning )...the Natural Method completes it as it uses the Traditional Method (the musical notes learned ) to create your symphony of knowledge

    as you explain the process of how Neurons work, thought the following could be helpful

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 11:17 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #47
      If I may

      Live Curious

      If you are you breathe.
      If you breathe you talk.
      If you talk you ask.
      If you ask you think.
      If you think you search.
      If you search you experience.
      If you experience you learn.
      If you learn you grow.
      If you grow you wish.
      If you wish you find.
      And if you find you doubt.
      If you doubt you question.
      If you question you understand
      and if you understand you know.
      If you know you want to know more.
      If you want to know more ...then you are alive

      National Geographic
      ‪National Geographic Channel - IF. Live curious.‬‏ - YouTube
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #48
        Thank you sir, your confirmation and associations are appreciated. You have a mind for correlations and associations. Myself among many others greatly appreciate your thread and the mental connections you have given and have caused in others. Quite a knack for quotes as well... a nice National Geographic gem.

        Here is a bit more on the elements and earth concept which may give a bit more clarity and provide for more thought material:

        -Element: emits fundamental frequency

        -Earth: composed of all elements in Periodic Table

        -Wave Interaction: a wave that encounters itself or anything else will create a new wave of different frequency

        -Harmonic: a point of resonance

        -Energy Exchange: is performed through wave interactions

        Think of each element in the periodic table as though they were pebbles of different sizes.

        Now, toss all of the pebbles in a lake.

        When each pebble hits the surface of the water, circular ripples will be created that move outward.

        As the ripples from each pebble travel outward. They will begin to overlap the ripples created from the other pebbles.

        At a certain point, as the all of the ripples move outward. A large singular, circular ripple will be created.

        This large, singular, circular ripple is created from a small part of the ripple that is generated from each pebble.

        That small part from each ripple represents a point of harmony or resonance with all of the other pebbles. When all the small parts are added together it creates the large ripple.

        The small part of the ripple could also be called a ‘Harmonic of the Pebble’. It can also be considered as a ‘Point of Resonance’ with all of the other pebbles.

        Harmonic of the Pebble – Internal Harmony/Resonance
        Point of Resonance with other Pebbles – External Harmony/Resonance

        In regards to Earth, the elements behave the same way.

        Instead of creating nice circular ripples, each of the elements create ‘spherical ripple’ outward in all directions. It may be of note that there is also a vast quantity of each element present in the composition of the planet.

        Just like the circular ripples, the spherical ripples travel outward from the planet. As the individual spheres travel outward, there will be a point where a larger singular sphere is created. Each element is a part of this singular sphere.

        This singular sphere represents a point of harmony/resonance with all of the elements. ‘Music of the Spheres’

        Now consider what your body is made of. The same elements that are found in the composition of the planet earth. Is there any reason to think that these elements would not behave in the same manner as a planet?

        Here is additional information that ‘may’ or ‘may not’ be related.

        - The brain naturally operates at different frequencies.
        - Relaxation, meditation, prayer lowers the operating frequency.
        - The people that society considers as it’s geniuses appear to instinctually lower the operating frequency of their brains.

        In Hindu texts, Religious texts, Alchemy texts and ancient through modern texts. There are many references to enlightenment, prayers being answered, guidance, gifts of insight these among many other similar words and phrase. In regards to geniuses, there are many stories describing how answers come to them. How they ‘see’ the answers.

        There are connections present through all of the above that the objective mind normally has difficulty in seeing. Objectively, seeing is done with the eyes. The connections that are present are not presented with a mystical wrapper.

        A way to ‘see’ the connections is to validate them through your own efforts. Determine what frequencies the brain uses for Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta states. Next determine what techniques are used for relaxation, meditative states in various cultures. Review the biological effects of the techniques. Read research on the mental abilities of geniuses. After doing that, step into areas that science has not validated. The areas that could be called mystical, religious etc. Compare the stories to what science has validated and note the similarities.

        By doing this, you begin the process of learning to ‘see’. Once you do, you may learn what it really means to ‘See the Light’ or to ‘Reach Enlightenment’ or many of the other terms and phrases used to describe ‘higher states’ or ‘elevated states of mind’.

        Back to the topic, there are other possible connections as well. While contemplating the above keep in mind the concepts of ‘Higher Intelligence/Mind’, ‘The Source’ and the probability that life does exists on other planets in the universe. Think of the examples in the history of humanity where extraordinary abilities were noted in humans. These are all pieces to something very important and interesting to what it really means to be a human being, to be alive.

        There are a few points I would like to make in regards to things that are created/generated by the natural activity of our planet:

        1) The earth creates/generates/makes oil, diamonds, copper, iron etc. etc... every measurable aspect of the planet shows that it has not stopped doing what what planets do.

        2) There is a very low probability that a asteroid/comet/planet made of gold/silver/platinum has struck the earth in the past. If such an event occurred the scars from it's branching/vein like penetration would be very evident even to this day.
        Last edited by llynch; 02-28-2012, 05:33 AM. Reason: add_more_data


        • #49
          Quotes are like pictures ...they allow you to resonate with it and acquire from the original author the essence of of his idea with as little interference as possible

          note that usually the quotes tend to resonate with our discussion
          hence the abundance of quotes .... principle of Mentalism

          thank you again
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #50
            This attachement contains the previous text files that were posted I have cleaned up a bit and put in a chapter format so it would be more understandable and readable.
            Attached Files


            • #51
              Quick brain dump of realization: it may be off here and there but over
              all appears to be concise and generally correct. Additionally when Hermetic text are read with this in mind, there is a teasing suggesting of further understanding that I 'think', if followed will open the door to specific processes that assist in the four things listed below. All that is left is to mindfully read the texts again to validate it.

              First Level: earth = food - effects contemplation ability
              Second Level: air = breath - allows control over the operating
              frequency of the brain/mind
              Third Level: water/spirit - aetheric life energy flow (earth, spelling/enuciation curiously similar to aether)
              Fourth Level: fire - the process of purification of mind and body

              "Enlightenment" a state of being where the human being as a whole functions at it's peak state of being.
              This Peak state of being can be defined/attained/experienced when each aspect of a human is in harmonious resonance with all that is external.

              Attainment of this can only be acheived through awaress of inter-connections (matching patterns/resonance) and the importance of their affects that occur with-in and with-out the human being.

              It begins with 'Know Thyself".
              Knowing the patterns that reside within each of us, when compared to
              aspects of anything external, shows us the similarities and how we are
              connected to everything. These are the points of Resonance.

              Know Thyself consists of steps.
              Know Food/Earth: it's relationship of sustanence with the body and how
              it relates to that which created it. it's affects on mind, body and

              Know Breath/Air: it's relationship with the body and how it relates to
              that which created it. it's affect on mind, body and spirit.

              Know Water/Spirit: it's relationship with the body and from where it
              originates and it's destination when it leaves the body. how the
              previous two affect it's presence and strength.

              Know Fire: calcination/purification:mindful awareness of the first
              three, continuous process removing the detrimental aspects and
              increasing the beneficial ones.

              Continuously cycling through these steps, brings one closer to
              harmonious resonance with all that is external to Self.

              Each step in that direction is referred to Enlightenment.
              Last edited by llynch; 03-06-2012, 02:18 PM.


              • #52
                With the above partial understanding I derived the following incomplete meaning from the Georgia Guidestones:


                Using First written accounts for the languages:
                List of languages by first written accounts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                I have arranged the languages according to the direction they were facing, then according to position using the same orientation.
                Top Stone is denoted with TOP after direction.

                EAST-TOP = CLASSICAL GREEK 500 - 400 BC
                EAST-NORTH = SPANISH 1000 AD
                EAST-SOUTH = SWAHILI 1728 AD

                NORTH-TOP = BABYLONIAN CUNEIFORM 2900 - 2300 BC
                NORTH-EAST = ENGLISH 650, 1066, 1470 AD
                NORTH-WEST = RUSSIAN 1000 AD

                SOUTH-TOP = SANSKRIT 1500 BC
                SOUTH-EAST = HINDI 769 AD
                SOUTH-WEST = HEBREW 950 BC

                WEST-NORTH = CHINESE 1200 BC
                WEST-SOUTH = ARABIC 512 AD

                Of interest:
                The Top-Stone language dates could indicate:
                Rotation - East, South, West, North
                Sine - East, South, North, West
                Depending on what date is used.

                East-West Column Languages (4 total)
                The numbers invert if considered only as numbers.

                North-South Column Languages (4 total)
                Columns offset to the West could possibly be higher.
                Columns offset to the East could possibly be lower.
                Variance on the English Dates make it either higher or lower.

                It is odd that the variances are all on the North facing side languages.
                Maybe an indication of precession?

                Will add more as I discover it.
                Last edited by llynch; 03-10-2012, 09:07 PM.


                • #53
                  As always llynch , there is a Resonance in your words that are Inspiring and Allows one to Clearly Visualize the Path

                  thank you Again
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by llynch View Post
                    Quick brain dump of realization: it may be off here and there but over
                    all appears to be concise and generally correct. Additionally when Hermetic text are read with this in mind, there is a teasing suggesting of further understanding that I 'think', if followed will open the door to specific processes that assist in the four things listed below. All that is left is to mindfully read the texts again to validate it.

                    First Level: earth = food - effects contemplation ability
                    Second Level: air = breath - allows control over the operating
                    frequency of the brain/mind
                    Third Level: water/spirit - aetheric life energy flow (earth, spelling/enuciation curiously similar to aether)
                    Fourth Level: fire - the process of purification of mind and body

                    "Enlightenment" a state of being where the human being as a whole functions at it's peak state of being.
                    This Peak state of being can be defined/attained/experienced when each aspect of a human is in harmonious resonance with all that is external.

                    Attainment of this can only be acheived through awaress of inter-connections (matching patterns/resonance) and the importance of their affects that occur with-in and with-out the human being.

                    It begins with 'Know Thyself".
                    Knowing the patterns that reside within each of us, when compared to
                    aspects of anything external, shows us the similarities and how we are
                    connected to everything. These are the points of Resonance.

                    Know Thyself consists of steps.
                    Know Food/Earth: it's relationship of sustanence with the body and how
                    it relates to that which created it. it's affects on mind, body and

                    Know Breath/Air: it's relationship with the body and how it relates to
                    that which created it. it's affect on mind, body and spirit.

                    Know Water/Spirit: it's relationship with the body and from where it
                    originates and it's destination when it leaves the body. how the
                    previous two affect it's presence and strength.

                    Know Fire: calcination/purification:mindful awareness of the first
                    three, continuous process removing the detrimental aspects and
                    increasing the beneficial ones.

                    Continuously cycling through these steps, brings one closer to
                    harmonious resonance with all that is external to Self.

                    Each step in that direction is referred to Enlightenment.

                    and it results in :

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #55
                      Pattern I recognized in obstacles to understanding:

                      My affectionate term for it is 'Word Salad'.

                      It comes in two general varieties.
                      The first is multiple words referencing the same concept.
                      The second is layering of words which creates distance from the fundamental knowledge.

                      In the physically perceived world it helps to pick a concept apart until you get to the level of the elements. Building an understanding from this point clarifies a lot.

                      Thought this would help some that are pursuing an understanding.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by llynch View Post
                        Pattern I recognized in obstacles to understanding:

                        My affectionate term for it is 'Word Salad'.

                        It comes in two general varieties.
                        The first is multiple words referencing the same concept.
                        The second is layering of words which creates distance from the fundamental knowledge

                        In the physically perceived world it helps to pick a concept apart until you get to the level of the elements. Building an understanding from this point clarifies a lot.

                        Thought this would help some that are pursuing an understanding.
                        The very Definition of Fractal

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-10-2012, 01:05 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #57
                          The perception (frame of reference) for the following:

                          Natures cycle/pattern is presumed to consist of two major processes.
                          Increasing Complexity
                          Increasing Simplicity
                          At the height/peak of complexity obtainable, the process of simplification begins.

                          In comparison with all that is perceived by human beings to human beings themselves.
                          The human attribute that differenciates us from all else is the complexity of our minds.
                          If nature is referenced as to which attribute importance of survival is placed, we see
                          that most often it is the one that is unique in comparison to all else.
                          As humans we have the ability to chose what attribute we place focus/importance on.

                          Potential/Energy/Information is transferred through the interaction of the waves emitted by indiviual elements and the resonant/harmonic wave generated by more than one element and the interaction within and without of those.

                          As above, as is below and the other way around (though inversion and displacement can be fun to figure out).

                          The Foundation

                          Contemplating the processes of nature there are many examples available where the process of simplification is exhibited. Rain and the light from the sun reducing the components at the surface to the point of individual elements.

                          The simplification is also seen in complex organisms such as animals and plants. If we take examples from various animals and plants and compare them, noting the similarities in the process, we see that the common cause of simplification is from deviation.

                          Deviation in animals and plants is like an out crop of rock standing out from the main body of which it is attached. Though proud and distinctive, it is exposed. Exposed to the actions of nature that result eventually in it's removal.

                          In plants and animals it is the defects that cause a mis-direction in some functioning aspect of the system. If the mis-direction/departure from the norm is not strongly and continually supported, the result is the same as the out crop of rock. It leads to the simplification and eventual removal of the deviation.

                          Specifically in regards to humans we have many proud examples of deviation. These can be seen and instinctual testing of the waters, in determining paths of progress. Historically it is clearly seen that some paths are shorter than others.

                          The longest path tested and one that still exists with enormous support today is the one of the mind.

                          The complexity of the human brain and the many branches in which it is expressed is vast. It covers all that is possible to perceive and imagine. The simplification process of nature is at work here as well. Determination of the source of enactment of the simplification process whether via human, nature or a varied combination of either could be debated until our extinction. As such it is set aside. Even though without basis of source, there is still verifiable and useful knowledge that can be gained.

                          Consider the expressions of the mind. Easily seen via the proudly displayed accomplishments through history. Art, music, sciences and attainments through the physical body itself.

                          Now look over these expressions again. This time noting the complexity of mind required for each.

                          Do you notice the conundrum? To determine the complexity first you must have the knowledge yourself. Interesting to say the least. In addition it seems that no matter which expression we chose to gain knowledge, the further along the path of study it seems that the knowledge gained becomes more simple. An inversion of complexity.

                          It does appear we are unable to use complexity after all to determine which way nature would prefer to go.

                          There is another consideration. We know that nature always pushes towards increasing complexity and that each expression of the mind eventually leads to a simplification.
                          What possibily could be available for nature to increase the complexity of the mind?

                          A combination of all possible expressions.

                          The first questions is how does combining all of the expressions increase complexity? It requires a change of perspective to see the path that nature has chosen for increasing complexity.

                          It is in the structure of the brain itself.

                          Let's consider the brain of an artist. For each piece of knowledge regarding art and the materials/techniques etc that the artist acquires there is also an increase in the complexity of the interconnections in the brain. The sad part is that if our artist is a painter and her sole focus is painting, there is a finite amount of knowledge to be gained.

                          Now imagine that our artist was not just soley focused on painting. She also pursued a love of plants. The brain now has two branching paths of complexity. Not only that, if you consider all of the aspects of plants that could be related to painting you would have another level of additional complexity as well.

                          This shows the path that nature would prefer to follow. Instead of narrow paths of knowledge, it is a preference for attainment of all possible knowledge to allow for the highest complexity via the related aspects.

                          The Next Level of Complexity.

                          It is evident that a narrow pursuit of knowledge quickly leads to simplification and how removing the boundaries delineating knowledge and pursuit of it's attainment as a whole provides for the complexity that nature prefers. The next question is, is there a way to increase the complexity further?

                          As you can guess, to see the next level of complexity requires a change of perspective. This time in the opposite direction. Externally.

                          Note the hint of a pattern from External to Internal and back to External and the complexity gained with each.

                          Remember how we tried to compare the complexities of the expressions derived from the human mind? That it would require knowledge of the expression to see the complexity.

                          The external shift in complexity has an oddity as well. To be aware of it requires varied knowledge. As in the previous level of complexity we discussed. Yet another hint of a pattern. It appears the more depth and breadth of knowledge the greater the understanding of the next level of complexity.

                          Now, the next level require knowledge of the behavior of all that is perceived. Whoa ho ho you may say. That's like a lifetime of study, and what use is it with little life left?
                          Did you notice how nature like to invert? Think small. What is the smallest common basic thing that everything is made of?


                          There are alot of elements. Each one has a attribute list a mile long that would deter the average bear from exploring further. It is easy to get lost in the details when trying to determine what role elements play. Wouldn't you know, it does require depth and breadth of knowledge to narrow down the list to what the key attribute of each element is.

                          The requirement to be aware of the next level of complexity is the answer itself! Remember natures tendancy to invert? Complex to simple and small to large. This one is hard without the added knowledge. But there is an attribute that each element has that allows for greater complexity. Each one has a unique fundemental frequency it emits.

                          Using added knowledge (finding the similarities), bits of music theory, radio waves and waves interactions we find our answer. The creative complex path is...


                          Imagine tuning forks with matching frequencies. Striking one will cause the other to vibrate. The vibrations/waves emitted by both, at a a point some distance away, will combine and make a bigger solid wave around both tuning forks. One other unique aspect is, that if the tuning forks do not match, the vibration wave even though different, will still create a single wave that surrounds both tuning forks. But it will be at a greater distance away. It just depends if you whacked them hard enough for the waves to travel far enough to create the single wave. Oh, and these waves, 3 dimensionally they are more like propogating tori (doughnuts).

                          This is also true of the elements as well as the planet and all that is on it. Plants and animals consist of pretty much of all of the same elements the planet contains. To varying degrees of quantity and vibrational durations of course.

                          The elements also like the tuning forks require a whack. In consideration of the planet, the whack comes from the center of it. In consideration of humans the whack comes from inside as well.
                          We will focus on humans but the same applies for the planet for the most part the differences will be apparent.

                          Though the whack at the center of the planet is powerful and does travel through each person. Each person also has there own whack. Heartbeat and even nerve impulses could also be considered a whack, maybe even more if you look close enough.

                          Now imagine all of the elements in a person are emitting their own frequency, and that at some distance away a wave is created (big 3d doughnut). This wave is actually the point where all of the elements are in resonance or harmony with one another.

                          This field is the platform for the next level of complexity.

                          There is a unique attribute regarding the field generated around a human. As each element has a unique fundamental frequency, so does a human. The complexity of a person's brain emits unqie frequencies. This is what would create an identifer that is unique in the big doughnut wave.

                          Now treat each person as though they were a single element with a unique field around them. Now imagine two close together.

                          The field around more than one person would be the point were each person would share a resonance. The same hold true in regards to any number any number of people. Another level of complexity. But it is worth thinking of human behavior in relation to this. Concepts such as soul mates, best friends and even mortal enemies if you know a little bit about chordant/discordant frequencies (music theory).

                          Now for the big complexity increase.

                          How would you increase the complexity of a single persons mind? Nope, not siamese twins. But if you think of the brain of each person as an antennae that transmits and receives along with the field generated around two people. This field surround multiple people provides for a point where the brain can transmit to and receive from. The complexity increase is apparent. The field acts as a path where mutiple brains can link together. Internet/computer style.

                          It seems that the frufru perceptions of unique mental abilities have some merrit after all.
                          Using basic knowledge of wave interactions applied to the elements, we now have a highly complex system composed of a shared field among complex brains.

                          To visualize the path nature could take for increasing complexity, just add more people. For example, a family, a neighborhood, a town, a city, a county, a state, a country, a continent and a world.

                          There is one more level of physical reality based complexity. After this one, it is almost a prerequisite to have a highly complex mind at hand to gain a clear understanding.

                          The next increase is much like the other before. But we invert again towards the planet. The difference is that we must take into account the probability that there is indeed some type of complex life on other planets. Just think of a planet as a human or element.

                          The planet via it's elements also generates a field around it. It would act in the same manner as the fields around people. The resonant fields shared by planets (and most likely stars) would allow for planet to planet transmission and receipt of information.

                          Now back to the human level. A single person or a group of any number probably has the ability to connect with this planetary field. Fromthis point all you need is imagination to determine the possibilities.

                          ... truncated see attachment for complete document.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by llynch; 03-11-2012, 09:49 PM. Reason: file updated with a bit more info


                          • #58
                            A very well deserved Nap Llynch

                            had to share this pic in this thread ... it is called a BuddahBrot

                            from: Buddhabrot fractal method

                            The Buddhabrot Technique

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #59
                              Buddhabrot, you can actually see the Chakra. Amazing. It took me to the thread to read more and came across this post regarding a crystal


                              Which brought me to what seems to be a one to one association:

                              knowledge = concepts-awareness-disciplines
                              crystal = facets-formation-fractures


                              • #60
                                Currently Reading the Guide Book you posted ( ) , with great interest

                                Crystal formation by Walter Russell + added Enneagram to it :

                                Fractal and Crystal are two coexisting Poles ... as a Crystal emits Fractal Resonance (think Crystal Radio ) ... and Fractal Resonance Creates a Crystal

                                see post 361 :

                                Basics of Growing Crystals
                                What You Need to Know about Growing Crystals
                                Crystals that you can grow at home are grown from solutions in water. To grow a crystal, you dissolve a chemical in water, then either evaporate the water or cool the solution so that the substance starts to crystallize. Usually you hang a string or a seed crystal in the growing solution to provide a surface for the crystals to form. You want water to be able to evaporate from the solution, so you can't seal the container. However, you can place a coffee filter or paper towel over your solution to keep it clean. Crystals grow best if they are undisturbed. You can watch them grow, but don't pick up the container or shake it

                                isn't it interesting that the same process applies to Human Birth
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-11-2012, 12:28 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

