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Elements of the Human Body/Pattern/Process

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  • #76
    I fell for that old 'put the images in the wrong folder' trick again! lol Should be showing now.

    What Fulcanelli is describing that provoked the question and answer session. The photoshop efforts began with visualizing that intention, but directed itself to the ones listed.

    I believe today photoshop will show me the active areas of expansion and collapse. Maybe even how reducing the reduction/simplification half to the minimal needed is beneficial.

    Reduction of Current in Relation to Voltage
    Reduction of Negativity in Thoughts in Relation to Situations
    Principle of Mentalism

    Awareness First through Self. Then Awareness of its presence externally. Followed by Application of Influence.

    The above Moon/Hold Time association told me:
    Influence can be applied in either direction, but the Pattern will still be present.

    I think Photoshop will be able to visualize it.


    • #77
      I would like to thank the first four pages of the Fulcanelli book you mentioned MonsieurM. It provided a nice diversion from the pursuit of creating the additional images.

      Below is the result of the diversion. It looks like it is a good foot hold on understanding the energy flow in the body and the role of food and pineal gland.

      The difference between animals and plants for a food source:

      Plants: decay to fiber, does not cause as great a detrimental impact in it's decay process. body likely can absorb the majority of energy throughout it's decay cycle leaving only fiber at the end.

      Animals: decomposes to ??, due to it's richness in ??, near the end of its decay cycle it resides as a mass that takes a long time to decompose.

      Associations(not 100% accurate I'm sure, but close):

      Creative Energy = voltage/prana/spirit/aether/complexity
      Reductive Energy = current/food consumed/resistance/simplification

      To instantiate a flow of Creative Energy it appears to require a 'Source' and a 'Destination'.

      Source = Mechanism to generate a High Potential.
      Destination = Points of Resistance.

      The 'Source' of Creative Energy is triggered by the activation of the Pineal Gland.

      The 'Destination/s' are the many points of resistance scattered throughout the body, including consumed food. Examples of points of resistance/increased density throughout the body would be Malformed Cells, Weak Cells and Organisms or Components that do not belong. Restated: if it doesn't fit the pattern of the body it is a point of resistance.

      -This activation occurs primarily during sleep.
      -It also occurs during naps and meditation.
      -It is possible that frequent regular activations can possibly lead to longer and longer periods of time required for it to 'de-activate', as a result requiring less effort to bring into full activation when desired.

      Once activated the Creative Energy flows toward the points of resistance in the body. Much like the visual image of lightening.

      It travels along the primary path of the spine initially.
      The lower portion of the Spine lies along the center line of the area occupied by the intestines.

      Nutrients of food that consist of elements are among the highest resistances presented to the Creative Energy (density most likely plays a large role).

      It is assumed that the resistance level of consumed food being higher than the majority of the body. Which possibly increases as the food travels the length of the intestines.

      Two ideal points for the location of food in the intestines when the Pineal Gland is activated would be: Just below the Stomach and just before the Appendix.
      These locations may also map to Chakras.

      Food positioned near the stomach, has a lower resistance.
      Food near the appendix has a higher resistance.

      "It is possible that the Creative Energy penetrates the food at which point each element that the food contains would gain a large boost in the fundamental frequency that they emit."

      The flow of energy can be slowed or halted if the resistance values of the food is reversed. Basically causing large diversions of energy to a higher resistance prior to it reaching the end of it's path. Meaning that less energy will flow to the remainder of its path.

      It appears that the resistance levels of the food and the timing of its consumption has great importance.

      This provides a means of determining what type of food should be consumed and when it should be consumed.

      My self as an example of determining timing:

      -Mostly vegetarian for many years.

      -Intestines are predominantly free of coatings/buildup from non vegetable food, which allows the assumption that the intestines are functioning close to normal.

      -It takes less than 24 hours for a meal to pass through. (this time increases with consumption of non-vegetable foods and cooked vegetables)

      The target is to have food approaching the appendix and just below the stomach when the pineal gland is activated. More precise timing/positioning could possibly be obtained by alignment with Chakras.

      Appendix Target:
      For the food approaching the appendix, it should have been consumed between 20-22.5 hours previously.

      "The target of the appendix, while not the furthest point from the pineal gland it avoids the triggering signals to the brain that elimination is required. This avoids a disturbance in sleep which in turn would cause the de-activation process of the pineal to occur."

      Assuming that the Pineal Gland is activated shortly after sleep begins. And that sleep starts at 9pm. The target time for consuming that meal would be between 11am and 1pm of the previous day. Which also targets elimination to shortly after waking.

      Stomach Target:
      Target Consumption Time = 9pm - Stomach Processing Time for Food Consumed

      The benefits could be further enhanced by evaluating the element content of the food consumed. Determination of ratios of the element content along with the resistance values for each element would assist in the evaluation. Matching food element make up with the elements contained in the body would also be beneficial.

      Calories I believe are mainly intended for the use of the brain. Primarily based on the enormous amount of energy that the body uses does not match the paltry sum contained in any amount of food we could eat. Example: Eating too much does not make you feel more energized. Do so repeatedly actually makes you feel less and less energized.

      It is believed that these steps avoid the extreme swing of the dualities at play in regards to detrimental affects of food consumption.

      Some other associated concepts worth consideration.


      The closer a human body is to the above food consumption guide. The time and intensity of exercise decreases dramatically.

      1 - Detrimental components that are considered food are not ingested, there for measures for speeding up elimination systems is not neccessary.
      2 - With proper flow of energy in place, it's triggering from placing the body in an increased resistance state is not needed.
      3 - With proper energy flow in place, increasing the resistance of the body via additional muscle mass is not needed.

      Dietary Finances:

      The above targets greatest efficiency in energy flow. The result of this is:
      - higher nutrition
      - lower complications from ingesting more than what is needed and components of some foods that the body cannot use. Equaling fewer Dr visits and medical expenses.
      - Less consumption overall, meaning less food to purchase.

      Energy Levels:

      -Increases as the levels of previously gained detrimental components of consumed food and material coating of the intestines from the same is removed from the body. Overall much higher than the majority of the population at this time.


      -The more energy that flows through the body the less sleep that is required.
      -If food intake stops an increase of time spent in sleep will likey occur.
      -Poorly performing intestines due to type of food consumed will likely increase time sleeping as the resistance levels in that area rise.
      -Greater points of resistance in the body will likely require more time spent in sleep.


      With the knowledge that the body prefers not to eliminate consumed food if intake stops...

      Clean Body + Clean Food Input + Proper Consumption Timing = Much longer periods of time can be sustained without food.

      There are many details about any aspect of this description of a basic function that begs to be filled in. In most aspects just the identification of the impact detrimental influences shine a very interesting light on what occurs when the detrimental influences are removed.

      As with all things there are variances. In what is presented the most deviation or lack of detail in description of the process above would be:

      - The Pineal Gland being the point of generation of the Potential Difference in relation to the Body still consuming energy during the period with the Pineal is supposed to be inactive.

      -The interactive process that occurs between the Creative Energy, Food and the Body. It's almost like a crystal pattern matching. Restated: Transmitter, Receiver matching.

      - The fact that Plants have a direct connection with the ground and its associations with Animals not having one. More details is need to determine if the consumption of food provides a resonance with the Earth within the body. Sort of like a floating ground. This of course would be the Opposite Potential to the Pineal Gland.

      - Clarity is still needed on the optimum number of meals that should be consumed. I am unable to validate a Third meal.

      - More details on the gradient from a pure organic food to entirely processed food product in relation to the overall descrease in the energy provide to the body would possibly clarify much about diet perceptions.

      - Matching of the process with those above and below would be very beneficial as well.

      Sometime in the near future I will add it to the Humanis document and post it. Hope that this is able to provide a beneficial insight to self.
      Last edited by llynch; 03-25-2012, 06:03 PM.


      • #78
        Additional info to adjust some things in the above post. Browser had issues with editing.

        -Meal timings if the four points of the day are taken into consideration along with duality.... the points that make more sense are noon and sunset. Water intake could possibly fall opposite at morning and midnight.
        -After a bit more thinking the Pineal Gland may reach peaks matching the four points noted above... still refining the concept.


        • #79
          Originally posted by llynch View Post
          Additional info to adjust some things in the above post. Browser had issues with editing.

          -Meal timings if the four points of the day are taken into consideration along with duality.... the points that make more sense are noon and sunset. Water intake could possibly fall opposite at morning and midnight.
          -After a bit more thinking the Pineal Gland may reach peaks matching the four points noted above... still refining the concept.
          which is actually what is recommended (at least this is what i have been doing ) ... as a recent convert to more green less red ... i can attest that the body tends to be more in tune... as for the relation betwenn plants and animals....

          you could envision it as plants are closer to prana than animals as they are directly linked to eartn through their roots, on the other hand , animals need an intermediary to replenish in 'Prana" and the farthest you are from it (ie carnivorous ) the more bound the construct is to his Red Chakra

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-29-2012, 07:54 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #80
            for more details on Prana:

            Prana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Prana (प्राण, prāṇa) is the Sanskrit word for "vital life" (from the root prā "to fill", cognate to Latin: plenus "full"). It is one of the five organs of vitality or sensation, viz. prana "breath", vac "speech", chakshus "sight", shrotra "hearing", and manas "thought" (nose, mouth, eyes, ears and mind; ChUp. 2.7.1).

            In Vedantic philosophy, prana is the notion of a vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy, comparable to the Chinese notion of Qi. Prana is a central concept in Ayurveda and Yoga, where it is believed to flow through a network of fine subtle channels called nadis. Its most subtle material form is the breath, but it is also to be found in the blood, and its most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women.[1] The Pranamaya-kosha is one of the five Koshas or "sheaths" of the Atman.

            Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind. Prana suffuses all living forms but is not itself the Atman or individual soul. In the Ayurveda, the Sun and sunshine are held to be a source of prana.

            In the Hindu philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, prana is regarded as an aspect of Shakti (cosmic energy).[
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #81
              Curiosity about the relationship between resistance and density of elements caused me to create a spreadsheet of the elements sorted by resistance.

              Top 10 Hightest Top to Lowest Bottom in regards to resistance
              Sulfur S 16
              Phosphorus P 15
              Iodine I 53
              Boron B 5
              Selenium Se 34
              Silicon Si 14
              Germanium Ge 32
              Tellurium Te 52
              Carbon C 6
              Plutonium Pu 94

              Elements Listed in USDA Nutrient Database for foods

              It is highly likely there is variance in resistance values in regards to changes that elements undergo transitioning from the earth to the human body. But ballpark is good enough for my purposes, as I do not intend to design any food for retail in the future. But here is the list of a few foods that I compared the figures for. Just by the Phosphorus, Selenium and Manganese content in each food item, the highest resistance top and lowest bottom...

              Broccoli Stalks Raw
              Kale Raw
              Carrot Raw
              Apple Raw

              Broccoli and Kale are pretty close, Carrot holding middle position and Apple holding last place.

              Here are the resistance values for the comparison elements:
              Phosphorus P 15 1.00E-17 106/cm ohm
              Selenium Se 34 1.00E-12 106/cm ohm
              Manganese Mn 25 0.00695 106/cm ohm

              Once I get a few more food items on the list I'll post the results.
              Of note density for the usda elements was on the low end of the list.


              • #82
                Here are few things that popped out this weekend that beg for understanding of their influence on humans.

                Four Subtle Energies affecting the earth
                1) 18 degrees before/after sunrise (in the scientific community it is called an atmospheric effect)
                2) 18 degrees before/after sunset (green flash)(in the scientific community it is called an atmospheric effect)
                3) 7 Schumann Resonances
                4) Aether

                - Birds sing just before/after the sunrise and sunset.
                - Singing involves breathing.
                - Breathing is a major component of meditation.
                - Meditation is a way to lower the operating frequency of the brain, obtain relaxation and peace and it frequently involves the Chakra System.
                - The Chakra system involves working with the subtle energies of the body.
                - Influencing the subtle energies of the body is often referred to as a path to Enlightenment.
                - Enlightenment is described as many things but in general it is a reference to a Higher State of Mind/Being.
                - When a Higer State of Mind is Acheived... it would seem to fit to then be called a Human 'Being'.

                Artistic Creativity - Just Before, During and Just After the Full Moon
                Logical Creativity - Just Before, During and Just After the New Moon

                Planets near or in alignment with either the Full Moon or New Moon (either side of earth) influences the affects.

                - Alchemical Books from various cultures often contain art that references these things.
                - The Moon is represented often by a Cone shape with weird straight handle attached.
                - The Cone shape is often represented as a Hat in more modern art.
                - Often 5 Cones are shown, possibly related to the above mentioned positions of the Moon.
                - The Cone is sometimes connected to a Container/Vessel.
                - The Container/Vessel could be understood to the Earth.

                I am getting the impression that the Northen Hemisphere of the Sun has a much different quality than its Southern Hemisphere.
                That along with which side the Earth is on during the year.
                Last edited by llynch; 04-01-2012, 06:52 PM.


                • #83
                  Thanks Llynch

                  as for the Moon effect it acts as a Magnifier on many levels of Subtle Enegies and the same applies with all the other celestial bodies :

                  see also:

                  Gravitational lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Spacetime around a massive object (such as a galaxy cluster or a black hole) is curved, and as a result light rays from a background source (such as a galaxy) propagating through spacetime are bent. The lensing effect can magnify and distort the image of the background source.
                  Unlike an optical lens, maximum 'bending' occurs closest to, and minimum 'bending' furthest from, the center of a gravitational lens. Consequently, a gravitational lens has no single focal point, but a focal line instead. If the (light) source, the massive lensing object, and the observer lie in a straight line, the original light source will appear as a ring around the massive lensing object. If there is any misalignment the observer will see an arc segment instead

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-01-2012, 08:49 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #84
                    I colored one of the images from an old alchemy text. The guy may or may not represent a container/vessel with my current understanding, but gives a good start to understanding.

                    blue = container/vessel/earth/plant/animal/human/rock/etc..
                    red = point of source
                    gray(silver) = moon (isis/virgo/etc)
                    purple = flow of energy


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by llynch View Post
                      It seems that the mornings provide some amazing flashes of insight.

                      Here is the brain dump from this morning regarding nutrition and some patterns involved:


                      Common Knowledge
                      More nutrients in a food item the better
                      Cooking a food item reduces nutrient level
                      Nutrients are in a wide variety of food items
                      Plants contain more nutrients that animals

                      Natural Processes
                      Temperature cycle (day/night-summer/winter)
                      Cold causes contraction
                      Above surface generally colder than below surface
                      Above surface experiences more contraction
                      Contraction at surface pushes contents downward below surface

                      Natural arrangement of food items
                      Below surface - higher density fiber
                      At Surface - medium density fiber
                      Above Surface - low density fiber

                      Natural consumption of food items
                      Morning - low density fiber
                      Mid-Day - medium density fiber
                      Evening - high density fiber

                      Water usage in the body
                      Water action - hydration
                      Water purpose - modification of electrical resistance in the body
                      Water affects - ph level

                      On average most plants and vegetables contain a wide range of the same vitamins and minerals.
                      Thus proper choice of an item will not have a major impact on nutrition levels.

                      Fiber is a time release mechanism when food item is consumed.
                      Fiber is like a air tight seal for nutrients.
                      High density equals slower release of nutrients.
                      Lower density equals faster release of nutrients.
                      Density also regulates the amount of caloric energy released.
                      Low density upon waking assists in waking.
                      High density in the evening allows for nutrient availability during the long period of sleep as well as preventing a large release of caloric energy.

                      High water intake causes an increase in distance between conductive elements.
                      Lower water intake reduces the distance between conductive elements.
                      Elements = Minerals
                      Extremes in either direction are not beneficial.
                      Water is also a major component for ridding the body of detrimental contents.
                      This flushng causes a side affect of reducing the electrical conductivity of the body as well as lowering the ph level.
                      A cycle is created with the concumption of cooked and processed foods.
                      Consumption of Cooked/Processed foods increase the ph level and introduce detrimental content into the body.
                      Both require removal through the body.
                      Removal requires higher intake of water.
                      Thus dropping ph levels and reducing electrical conductivity of the body below the optimum range.

                      Plants have the ability to modify the ph levels as well but not over large ranges.

                      What appears to be the most natural and effective way to achieve nutrition along with avoidance of the biggest detrimental impacts is:

                      Morning - Apple - low fiber density/high caloric release
                      Mid-day - Kale - medium fiber density/medium caloric release
                      Evening - Carrot - high fiber density/low caloric release

                      Factors to consider to allow for variety: Fiber Density, Ph Level impact

                      Additional: ph levels impact conductivity as well, though my knowledge of this is only from the functioning of lead acid batteries, thus limited.
                      I have begun sprouting my own seeds into "seed sprouts" and cooking them at a lower temperature. I'm not sure if this preserves the nutrient content in them much more -- it makes the food a little more crunchy, but I hope, nutritious.

                      Quinoa, Mung bean sprouts, Garbanzo beans, Pinto Beans, Soy beans, sesame seeds, Wheat sprouts....

                      These were the most "affordable" for me to begin to convert to a vegitarian diet. I have occasionally eaten fish since then, but have tried to stay away from heavy pork, and cow meats, as well as milks.

                      The ones that were specifically injected with steroids, kept in confined pens.... While the organic cow milk tastes better than the "roided" cows, I've found myself straying from drinking even that...

                      it's almost like my body is telling me to go with this upcomming phase shift....

                      I have also been practicing Oil pulling with sesame seed oil, and using "Desouza" sea salt (sun dried, flake sea salt -- use 1/2 as much as "normal salt") to clean my teeth.

                      If you use the salt in flake form, the crystals CAN be abrasive to your teeth if you grind them against your molars with your tooth brush. It took three tries of exposing a nerve in my back molar to find out that I needed to dissolve the salt in my saliva before using the solution as a toothpaste; soas not to make my teeth become worn down from abrasion.
                      Since then, I have found the sea salt to be superior to any toothpaste or whitening strips.

                      I have also been dropping "Concentrace minerals" in my water that I drink on occasion. I do not do this regularly, but when I do -- I feel like my water-body is a better antenna.... Filling it with all the trace minerals found in distilled, desalinated sea water...

                      I figured this would be a thread to expand on the health benefits of doping my body with trace minerals, in order to become a "better distributed" fractal antenna.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        for more details on Prana:

                        Prana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                        Prana (प्राण, prāṇa) is the Sanskrit word for "vital life" (from the root prā "to fill", cognate to Latin: plenus "full"). It is one of the five organs of vitality or sensation, viz. prana "breath", vac "speech", chakshus "sight", shrotra "hearing", and manas "thought" (nose, mouth, eyes, ears and mind; ChUp. 2.7.1).

                        In Vedantic philosophy, prana is the notion of a vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy, comparable to the Chinese notion of Qi. Prana is a central concept in Ayurveda and Yoga, where it is believed to flow through a network of fine subtle channels called nadis. Its most subtle material form is the breath, but it is also to be found in the blood, and its most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women.[1] The Pranamaya-kosha is one of the five Koshas or "sheaths" of the Atman.

                        Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind. Prana suffuses all living forms but is not itself the Atman or individual soul. In the Ayurveda, the Sun and sunshine are held to be a source of prana.

                        In the Hindu philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, prana is regarded as an aspect of Shakti (cosmic energy).
                        Sustains life, but is not itself the individual soul....

                        If you know better than I, Please correct me if you disagree here....

                        It is not the soul itself, but sustains the form of the soul....
                        Kind of how the water under a bridge sustains the form and function of the bridge, but is not itself the structure of the bridge......

                        Fine subtle channels = very high frequency

                        Sun and sunshine are a source of prana -- the sun-dried sea salt, therefore might contain some "subtle traces" that are not easily detected by modern electronic chemical sensors, but may be sensed by the body....


                        • #87
                          llynch, Please pardon my late reply.... I have been told that "it is better late than never", also "no wine before it's time"
                          The integration process, and so, becomming more fractal, seems to take time, sometimes....

                          Under the Idea umbrella of exchanging voltage for current, Have you seen any videos, or experiments of high voltage Ionization on steam? Chemical conversions, when present in a tense enough electric field, can convert, or partially convert into an aparrently different phase.

                          That is to say with any present system -- if you are not satisfied with it, shift the enviroment of it so greatly, that it is no longer functioning as the same system

                          Have you seen this video? This immedeately popped into my mind as I read about the bone in the hands, making "smoke rings"....

                          It seems that John Chang knows how to make those "smoke rings" from his hands to project a gravity center/shortcircuit into patients bodies or the newspaper at the end of the video....

                          I wonder how balanced the elements in his body process are -- or, how balanced his thoughts must be through meditation must be to project a focal point of such a great intensity.... He would have to center a void of equally great intensity, or exchange voidance in such great rapidity that it would make many "smoke rings"....

                          I'm just thinking out loud with that last paragraph....


                          • #88
                            llynch , got your pm ... thank you my friend ... and looking to read you again
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #89
                              The word 'strength' used in relation to fundamental frequency can also be called amplitude, which is its 'proper' name. Strength more easily suggests a relationship with 'energy', whereas the word amplitude does so only within limited groups.

                              Nutrition is based primarily on the transfer of energy.
                              The transfer is from ingested food to the body.

                              The energy transfer relies on the strength of the fundamental frequency of individual elements.

                              To transfer in the direction of food to body, the strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements contained in food must be higher than the elements of the body.

                              Elements decay.
                              The decay rate can be increased via cooking and processing.
                              Decay removes the strength of the fundamental frequency.

                              If the direction of transfer is reversed from body to food.
                              Due to the strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements of the body being higher than those in food. Strength will be transferred from the elements of the body to those contained in food.

                              Over time the strength of an element can decrease to a point where it's fundamental frequency will change. Some elements decay into a radioactive element.

                              This could possibly occur via consumption of the same/similar cooked or processed food items repeatedly over a duration of time.

                              Human health disorders revolve around a deficiency of particular elements.
                              These elements can easily be identified in the food that is regularly consumed.

                              The results from this practice causes a depletion of elements in the body.
                              Loss of calcium: repeated consumption over time of cooked/processed items containing calcium.

                              The same for iron, magnesium, potassium etc.. Depletion of 1 or multiples results in specific health disorders.

                              Consumption of food that contains elements whose fundamental frequency strength is higher than that of those elements in the body.

                              The best items for consumption are (most beneficial to least beneficial):
                              1) Organic Raw Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                              2) Conventional Raw Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                              3) Lightly Steamed Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                              4) Low Heat cooked Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                              5) Sun dried Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                              6) High Heat cooked Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables

                              In regards to meat consumption:
                              Protein is often discussed in favor of it's consumption.
                              With additional thought regarding the elements comprising meat we learn.
                              Being a non-living animal the elements have decayed to an appreciable extent.
                              Cooking increases this decay further.

                              The strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements that comprise Protein at the time of consumption is very low.

                              For comparison the strength of the elements fundamental frequency in protein found in Raw Nuts is much higher.

                              This also applies to any other components of meat such as the elements in amino acids as well as the other available elements.

                              In essence this shows that modern meat consumption as far as nutrition is concerned, is of lower nutritional value than that of High Heat cooked Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables.

                              In Relation to Exercise

                              Extended or Strenuous exercise as a detrimental affect on the human body.

                              The concept of Exercise includes the following components in regards to nutritional health.

                              1) Energy expenditure
                              2) Energy replenishment
                              3) Dehydration
                              4) Re-hydration

                              Expenditure & Replenishment

                              Energy expenditure in the body lowers the fundamental frequency strength of the elements contained in the human body. To higher degree than normal activity.

                              The energy expenditure of normal activity is compensated by the diet that is already in place.

                              Exercise requires increased consumption of food to bring the strength of the fundamental frequencies back to normal levels.

                              As in a battery only being able to be charged and discharged so many times, so it is with the elements of our bodies.

                              Exercise type
                              high mass creating foods require extreme physical exercise (shorter lifespan)
                              high brain activity foods require minimal exercise (ie yoga)(longer lifespan)

                              Dehydration & Rehydration

                              Extended or Strenous exercise requires increased intake of water.
                              This is due to increased water leaving the body.

                              The water leaving the body also takes with it the strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements that make up the body. I acts as a energy leak.

                              The only way that this can be replenished is through increased food consupmtion. Which was discussed above.

                              PH- Alkaline/Acidity

                              A variable resistance that energy passes through to get to the lower potential.
                              Fruit, meat, cooked food, processed food, processed drinks etc. increase acidity.
                              The detrimentally affects the flow of energy from a high potential to a low potential.

                              Of course the current state of ones body must be taken into account. It helps understanding if a person has performed a base line with their body.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by llynch View Post
                                The word 'strength' used in relation to fundamental frequency can also be called amplitude, which is its 'proper' name. Strength more easily suggests a relationship with 'energy', whereas the word amplitude does so only within limited groups.

                                Nutrition is based primarily on the transfer of energy.
                                The transfer is from ingested food to the body.

                                The energy transfer relies on the strength of the fundamental frequency of individual elements.

                                To transfer in the direction of food to body, the strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements contained in food must be higher than the elements of the body.

                                Elements decay.
                                The decay rate can be increased via cooking and processing.
                                Decay removes the strength of the fundamental frequency.

                                If the direction of transfer is reversed from body to food.
                                Due to the strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements of the body being higher than those in food. Strength will be transferred from the elements of the body to those contained in food.

                                Over time the strength of an element can decrease to a point where it's fundamental frequency will change. Some elements decay into a radioactive element.

                                This could possibly occur via consumption of the same/similar cooked or processed food items repeatedly over a duration of time.

                                Human health disorders revolve around a deficiency of particular elements.
                                These elements can easily be identified in the food that is regularly consumed.

                                The results from this practice causes a depletion of elements in the body.
                                Loss of calcium: repeated consumption over time of cooked/processed items containing calcium.

                                The same for iron, magnesium, potassium etc.. Depletion of 1 or multiples results in specific health disorders.

                                Consumption of food that contains elements whose fundamental frequency strength is higher than that of those elements in the body.

                                The best items for consumption are (most beneficial to least beneficial):
                                1) Organic Raw Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                                2) Conventional Raw Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                                3) Lightly Steamed Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                                4) Low Heat cooked Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                                5) Sun dried Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
                                6) High Heat cooked Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables

                                In regards to meat consumption:
                                Protein is often discussed in favor of it's consumption.
                                With additional thought regarding the elements comprising meat we learn.
                                Being a non-living animal the elements have decayed to an appreciable extent.
                                Cooking increases this decay further.

                                The strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements that comprise Protein at the time of consumption is very low.

                                For comparison the strength of the elements fundamental frequency in protein found in Raw Nuts is much higher.

                                This also applies to any other components of meat such as the elements in amino acids as well as the other available elements.

                                In essence this shows that modern meat consumption as far as nutrition is concerned, is of lower nutritional value than that of High Heat cooked Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables.

                                In Relation to Exercise

                                Extended or Strenuous exercise as a detrimental affect on the human body.

                                The concept of Exercise includes the following components in regards to nutritional health.

                                1) Energy expenditure
                                2) Energy replenishment
                                3) Dehydration
                                4) Re-hydration

                                Expenditure & Replenishment

                                Energy expenditure in the body lowers the fundamental frequency strength of the elements contained in the human body. To higher degree than normal activity.

                                The energy expenditure of normal activity is compensated by the diet that is already in place.

                                Exercise requires increased consumption of food to bring the strength of the fundamental frequencies back to normal levels.

                                As in a battery only being able to be charged and discharged so many times, so it is with the elements of our bodies.

                                Exercise type
                                high mass creating foods require extreme physical exercise (shorter lifespan)
                                high brain activity foods require minimal exercise (ie yoga)(longer lifespan)

                                Dehydration & Rehydration

                                Extended or Strenous exercise requires increased intake of water.
                                This is due to increased water leaving the body.

                                The water leaving the body also takes with it the strength of the fundamental frequency of the elements that make up the body. I acts as a energy leak.

                                The only way that this can be replenished is through increased food consupmtion. Which was discussed above.

                                PH- Alkaline/Acidity

                                A variable resistance that energy passes through to get to the lower potential.
                                Fruit, meat, cooked food, processed food, processed drinks etc. increase acidity.
                                The detrimentally affects the flow of energy from a high potential to a low potential.

                                Of course the current state of ones body must be taken into account. It helps understanding if a person has performed a base line with their body.
                                Thanks for this post. You made me think about nutrition in a different way. I like your view of "energy" being removed by processing and cooking even though the caloric value may not change much.

                                A Sincere Thanks,


                                Eating better now feeling better now buy still need my steak.

