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Elements of the Human Body/Pattern/Process

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  • #31
    Can't wait to re read it .....

    it seems to not download can also attach it to your post if the file is not too big just scroll down post reply page, you will see a attach button
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #32
      Removed the links and attached the plain text version. I often am finding myself following a link from a thread that goes your 'Thrice Great' thread. Sir, you must have an enormous amount of reference data. How do you remember the specifics of a correlation? Amazing, and much appreciative of your sharing.


      • #33
        a simplified version of it

        see also

        There are no references used in the following. This is due to the view that awareness can only be increased by the self driven desire to gain knowledge. But more importantly, what is discussed below should only be used as a skeleton in which the bones are replaced and knowledge added. A base in which the fragments could be brought together or where and entire area of study could be laid over the top. Such as the frequency ranges, where they occur and the underlying components that govern their occurance/location. An addtional overlay for the frequency information is possible in regards to what exists within the ranges. Or even defined regions within a frequency range that show where and how the Chakra system or Electric heal systems function. The point being, that by removing the fragmentation of knowledge it could be understood as a whole as well as being very easily understood by anyone who has the desire.
        Thank you ...that is exactly the essence of it all
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-22-2012, 09:04 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #34
          While reading through the Randall Cole 'Harmonic Resonance' document, had difficulty understanding what was being discussed due to the formatting. The data seemed to be spread throughout the document.

          So, I extracted the majority of the data and added the Solfeggio scale along with the frequency ranges for the Pythagorean Scale for the same region that the Solfeggio scale is in.

          It is a much easier reference to go to while reading the document as the spreadsheet shows the frequency range from Schumann to Hydrogen-Alpha line.

          Last edited by llynch; 01-27-2012, 04:11 PM.


          • #35
            Fascinating work
            There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


            • #36
              A compilation of some perceptions of the Human Body. The result of a desire to understand the the natural patterns/processes that maximize a persons health and minimize dis-ease.

              *Human Body Notes:

              1) Skin surface continues through the mouth and rectum through primarily the center of the body.
              a) Which means what most perceive as internal is actually external.
              b) Skin perceived that way is roughly the shape of a torus.
              c) The mouth is the primary input.
              d) The rectum is the primary output.
              e) The path taken by the intestines is around 90 degrees in relation to the path from mouth to rectum.
              f) The intestines define a path that goes back and forth implying polarity/potential/frequency changes.
              ?) Does the back and forth path length change/taper? If so, what direction is the taper?
              g) Oral input is reduced prior to traveling 90, in small part by mouth, majority by the stomach.
              h) Oral input is the opposite polarity of Rectal output.

              *For sake of easier reference we can say that:

              There is External Skin.
              There is Internal Skin.

              The areas in between the two contain the organs/systems of the human body.
              (quite telling when applying that concept at the galactic scale and atomic scale.)
              (begs the question: What exists between two galaxies/humans/atoms?)
              (instinctual answer: Organisms of lesser complexity.)

              *The cells of the human body independent of their area or their function:

              Have external receivers/receptors/antenna.
              Tuned to a specific chemical/frequency.
              When that specific frequency is present...
              Provides a path for the external source of the frequency generation... (possible invalidity)
              To enter the interior region of the cell. (possible invalidity)
              (more likely that it is an energy pattern exchange rather than something actually entering a cell)
              (if so, this leads one to believe that the energy pattern of the oral input, is what sustains the energy patterns in the body, ie. no macro mechanical exchange)

              *The reduction of oral input by the mouth and then by the stomach:

              Increases the external surace area of what is input.
              The intestinal structure design is one that provides extremely high surface area.

              *High Surface Area of Oral Input and Intestinal Surface provide for:

              Maximum Exchange.
              Minimized Time Duration requirement for the Exchange.
              Last edited by llynch; 01-29-2012, 04:42 PM.


              • #37
                Probably like everyone else in the world, the difficulties with attempting to learn something new seem to pop up at random. For myself it results in making it very hard to hold large concepts in my mind for long periods of time and negative effects with short term memory.

                So over a long period of time I began to notice various things that impacted learning ability. From the negative affects of these an outline of what is naturally beneficial in part presented itself.

                A second part I began to notice also, regardless of what knowledge I was pursuing, it seems that knowledge was broken up and just randomly distributed. Distributed through many books based in various disciplines and areas of study along with it being other various media types such as video and audio.

                This as well gradually presented a pattern to me. in hindsight it is kind of silly i didn't notice it sooner. anyway, maybe there's someone else that has not noticed and would benefit from it like myself.

                the attached file is what could be described as 'learning to learn'.
                Attached Files


                • #38
                  Originally posted by llynch View Post

                  A second part I began to notice also, regardless of what knowledge I was pursuing, it seems that knowledge was broken up and just randomly distributed. Distributed through many books based in various disciplines and areas of study along with it being other various media types such as video and audio.

                  This as well gradually presented a pattern to me. in hindsight it is kind of silly i didn't notice it sooner. anyway, maybe there's someone else that has not noticed and would benefit from it like myself.

                  the attached file is what could be described as 'learning to learn'.
                  That is the Process one has to go through to see through the various layers and see that at the heart of it all, there is a Grand Pattern we all Share with the Universe as we exist within it

                  ps: a lesson to be learned, we as Humans are not that Special, merely part of the Grand Universe...good lesson of humility

                  thank you Llynch for pointing it out these characteristic about our Bodies

                  I would recommend anyone to read your notes for they have a depth of insight that is very inspiring


                  The following are just a few concepts that is perceived to describe the �layout of knowledge�, an effective means to obtain it, concepts that negatively impact the process and additionally benefits one could derive from it. This is not presented as completely whole or accurate. But rather a simplification of what is presented to each and every person. Possibly it will provide a contrasting view of knowledge and it�s underlying value and in turn cause an idea or concept to be created within another person.

                  It is of an opinion that the highest and noble purpose of a human is the pursuit of increasing Awareness. Awareness is based on Knowledge, gained through a self-driven desire to learn. With each new thing learned, a new inter-connection between concepts can be created. This in turn can increase Awareness. The increase in Awareness provides a deeper appreciation for the experience of being human.

                  Learning to Learn

                  Information is fragmented and dispersed. A long list of sources like books, stoneworks, artworks, scrolls old and new. The list is long. There is also the ever growing areas of study that seem to continuously branch off, always becoming more narrow.

                  There are a few detrimental results that arise from this. Over generations it leads to a gradual loss of awareness, of how it all connects together and how simple the learning process really is. Possibly as a side effect of that we have an increase in the perception that learning is a difficult, ardous and a task of limited rewards.

                  Even though knowledge is not whole, it is still possible to easily learn. There are similarities that appear to be present in various materials and types. Which is not affect by the passage of time, depth, breadth or level of fragmentation. Viewing the sea of knowledge with awareness of the similarities, learning then becomes an engaging self-driven practice.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-29-2012, 09:13 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #39
                    notes on a perspective of nutrition


                    Each has an individual energy pattern
                    that is derived from
                    the interaction of the wave forms
                    of the components that constitute it
                    and those of it's surrounding environment.

                    It is plausible that the lining of the small intestines
                    absorbs these energy patterns.
                    Which reinforces the already present energy patterns
                    in the body.
                    Or possibly induces a bump/slight increase
                    of potential in the body.

                    a better description of this process is:
                    the potential of the body's energy patterns decline.
                    consumed food, once exiting the stomach presents a higher potential.
                    the intestinal lining represents the interface/path of
                    resolution of the potential difference.

                    this could be viewed a pulsing of potential values.

                    as frequency decreases, density increases.

                    more and more energy contained in the food
                    is transferred by the passage through the intestines.
                    in addition the density of the material increases.

                    questions as a result:
                    what man made energy patterns interfere with the energy patterns
                    the body requires?
                    what roles does the 'outer skin' play in this process?
                    is there a connection between the position of the material
                    along the path of the intestines and the type of energy
                    absorbed at that same point in the intestines?


                    And thank you sir for your words. Regarding humility, you are spot on. It seems that an experience that gives a person the feeling of being humbled, is a sure sign that something of importance was learned. The silver lining of the experience.


                    • #40
                      Out of the blue the similarity between tree roots and intestines dawned in me.
                      Both are used to sustain their structure.
                      The similarity between skin and leaves was then seen.
                      Both play a part in the growth of a fractal branch.

                      Photosynthesis - creating potential in 6he form of sugar.

                      About ten minutes later the idea crossed my mind that carbohydrates/sugars
                      are required by humans most likely because we do not have a static direct
                      connection to the planet like trees. The sugars allow for a higher pressure internal
                      pulsation to be generated, this in turn creates a stronger field which is the
                      actual link to the planet.

                      In contrast, Trees, Tesla's Tower, Giza Pyramid, Bedini motor cause an increasing flow of energy as they remain static.

                      Ever notice the nice feeling of burying your feet in cool earth? Or the nice feeling of being barefoot on a lush expanse of grass?

                      At this point it seems important that what ever the nutrient type, it should be at as low a state of decay as possible just prior to being consumed. Lower state of decay = more energy available for transfer once in the small intestines.

                      This leads in to a possible explaination for the length of the intestines. The higher frequency and lower the decay would suggest that the greater the length of the intestines needed to maximize the amount of energy transferred/absorbed by the body.

                      Kinda makes the intestines like a P.E.M. for fuel cells.

                      Questions as a result:
                      Differences between live food such raw apples and oranges as compared to supplements?
                      Instinctually I would say supplements have lower energy states do to decay. Same for cooked food I would assume.

                      There is also the purpose fibre to consider. It appears to regulate the speed of passage through the intestines. Lower associated fibre the longer the period of time. Decay of nutrients would be beneficial up to the point where the flow of energy from nutrient to body stops. From that point one could assume the potential difference being reversed would then cause a flow of energy from the body to the depleted nutrients.


                      • #41
                        At this point it seems important that what ever the nutrient type, it should be at as low a state of decay as possible just prior to being consumed. Lower state of decay = more energy available for transfer once in the small intestines.

                        This leads in to a possible explaination for the length of the intestines. The higher frequency and lower the decay would suggest that the greater the length of the intestines needed to maximize the amount of energy transferred/absorbed by the body.

                        Kinda makes the intestines like a P.E.M. for fuel cells.

                        Questions as a result:
                        Differences between live food such raw apples and oranges as compared to supplements?
                        Instinctually I would say supplements have lower energy states do to decay. Same for cooked food I would assume.
                        You also have to take into account the Natural Electronic Spin (or Natural Resonance ) of Non Cooked food or of Natural Origin which cannot be replicated industrially (ie: supplements )

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #42
                          As Usual purelyconstructive, always a pleasure reading and learning from you

                          Another Dimension you can also Add to this Discussion is the role played by Ph of the Body and intake of Alkaline food and water as many research have shown there is a direct correlation between the ph of the food intake and increased potential of the Human Body as well as an impact on the Pineal Gland
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #43
                            Thank you for the references. I am reading through the links you provided and they are clicking in place with what is in my head.

                            The mention of certain nutrients requiring additional components for beneficial 'function' reminded me of musical chords in that each element of their make-up emits a specific frequency/waveform that interacts on differing harmonic levels to produce a new frequency/waveform. One that perhaps the body fully understands?

                            Also the topic of pH in the body and the changes processed foods can have on it. Connecting that with the experiments I have done with Bedini motors and the knowledge gained of battery behavior, it appears that potential levels, potential resolution through various tissue could be affected. Not to mention capacitance/storage of the potential.

                            Possibly with increasing awareness the realizations will click in place for me.
                            Thank you both for your input and the links to more information.

                            I have attached a text file with notes that hopefully are cleaner and easier to understand on the digestive process with a few more things include that I became aware of along the way.
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              just wanted to add this thread as you might find some interesting links ; health wise


                              especially the link to Essential oils
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-08-2012, 12:44 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • #45
                                Some new things I have become aware of regarding the spreadsheet.

                                The first column of numbers (the ones that the harmonics were generated from) is can be considered as representing 'earth' or the 'human body'.

                                The column that is all 9's that is far to the right could be considered as a 'standing wave' or boundary or standing pulse. This column I believe represents where all the elements are in harmony.

                                The column of 3's, 6's and 9's could be considered a partial harmony. Music theory could probably provide a term for it.

                                I based it on the following:

                                Each element has a specific 'decaying' frequency that identifies it as such.
                                A frequency can be represented as a wave.

                                If a wave interacts with itself or anything else a new wave is generated that is of a differing frequency.

                                The planet earth consists of all the elements list in the periodic table. In much greater quantities.

                                That being said, I put together a couple of papers (combined into one text file) regarding the biological processes in the brain that underpin the concept of awareness and the other paper that covers the concept of self. The concept of self in my opinion is a major component in a persons level of awareness. Overlooking the missing writing abilities, the underlying content seems to be core to what awareness is.
                                Attached Files

