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Bi-toroid Transformer of Thane C. Heins

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  • Metglass core.

    @Mr. Clean,

    I noticed the iron core placed over the top of the layered portion of the Metglass instead of placed touching the side in the photo. I don't believe the flux can travel that way. I think you would have to bend the iron to the inside of the Metglass so the iron's flat up against the wide side of the Metglass to get the flux to travel.


    • Pereability

      Here's a permanent magnet permeability graph for ferrite cores:
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-18-2017, 03:17 PM.


      • Hello,

        I got to know about bi-toroidal transformer rather lately.
        Was impressed by the simplicity of the design where the Secondary
        coil back EMF cannot couple back to the Primary all of the current.
        I have tried to replicate the bi-toroidal transformer using
        Roer's generator in the Primary. All the rest is done in according to Mr. Thane Heins's design:
        2 toroids are connected side by side;
        they have about the same size, but the permeabilities are quite
        different, u1= 6700, u2 = 76000;
        both Secondaries are load by resistive loads.
        Unfortunately there is no OU, its output power is
        less then Primary power....
        Please, could anybody tell me where my mistake is and what should be changed for a proper functioning of this unique trasformer?

        I apply the scheme.
        Attached Files


        • Without reading your PDF, i would say your mistake is in not following the exact method of the inventor who made the device you admire.

          If you want to replicate something, you should follow the design as closely as possible.

          All the best,


          • Originally posted by qvision View Post
            Without reading your PDF, i would say your mistake is in not following the exact method of the inventor who made the device you admire.

            If you want to replicate something, you should follow the design as closely as possible.

            All the best,
            Hello Qvision,

            Thanks a lot for your fast response. Probably you are quite right that I "not following the exact method of the inventor ". The problem is that I have read some articles devoted the invention, they did not include any special data, practical recommendations...
            Could you please, point out or send the practical information which helps for replication?
            Very best regards,


            • Hi Alex. This book has informatin on the BITT as well as other stuff :

              Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - eBook Download

              And if you go to the front page of that website :


              There are many other useful downloads about energy in general.

              Also, search youtube for thane heins bitt.

              And maybe talk to Woopyjump (Laurent) :


              All the best,


              • Originally posted by qvision View Post
                Hi Alex. This book has informatin on the BITT as well as other stuff :

                Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - eBook Download

                And if you go to the front page of that website :


                There are many other useful downloads about energy in general.

                Also, search youtube for thane heins bitt.

                And maybe talk to Woopyjump (Laurent) :


                All the best,
                Hi QV,

                Thanks a lot for the references. I shall follow them.
                One question I ' d like to ask you. I use a square - wave voltage, applied to the Primary (Royer generator). As I understand BITT is functioning with a sine shape voltage. What is your mind concerning square - wave voltage which was used? Is it possible or a sine - wave voltage only?


                • Hi Alex,

                  I haven't replicated or read in-depth about the BITT so i do no know, sorry

                  All the best,


                  • Check the youtube videos of the other experimenters posting in this channel.



                    • Try everything you can think of, you may find the answer
                      Hope you dont mind I played with your circuit a little, your primary's should be on the center leg
                      I have no idea if this will work or not, not sure if two batteries can even be used this way,
                      Last edited by Dave45; 01-18-2013, 03:36 PM.
                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                        Try everything you can think of, you may find the answer
                        Hope you dont mind I played with your circuit a little, your primary's should be on the center leg
                        I have no idea if this will work or not, not sure if two batteries can even be used this way,
                        Hallo Dave45,
                        Thanks for your response, so as I do not have anybody to discuss of the subject. I could try to experiment your proposal, but have questions. Do you mean that transistors (and coils L1 & L2) are working simultaneously or like in a traditional Royer generator ? Why 2 separate batteries are using, what is the target?
                        By the way, in the Mr. Thane Heins's patent I did not find any mentioning on any special coil wiring...


                        • Hey Alex
                          My circuit probably will not work, Im throwing an idea around in my head I have been playing around with for awhile.
                          I have been playing with the zvs and your circuit is a version I found interesting.
                          MrClean in the Don Smith thread played with the bitoroid, if you go back a few pages you will find his work on the subject, I would encourage you to look at his work.
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • Alex, this should be of some help :

                            Directory:Transverter:Ferroresonant transformer - PESWiki

                            All the best,


                            • Hello QV & Dave,

                              Thanks a lot for the information.
                              Any information are welcome....


                              • If you want to play with the Royer circuit try this, the coils need wrapped on iron or ferrite.
                                Last edited by Dave45; 01-20-2013, 05:13 PM.
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

