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Bi-toroid Transformer of Thane C. Heins

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  • Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
    Looking good.

    I think the trick with these devices is getting the impedance matched properly, that's where we will see some power gains, maybe even enough to strive for a looper.

    Something I have thought of that you can only do with the SFT and not the BiTT is adding more secondary turns either around the primary cores or the secondary core. I have no idea what you may see, but it would be a great test if you are willing to try it. If for no other reason, it may allow us some flexibility in the types of cores we choose and still get optimal performance.

    Probably two things we should post with experiments like this are the power usage of the amplifier (idle and running) and the frequency of the signal generator.

    Great work Web000x!

    I should be recieving my AlphaCores next week and I'm really looking forward to getting some results, hopefully as good as yours.
    I have enough of these cores to make three more transformers. I'll try some different configurations when time allows.

    There is no point to showing amplifier power draw as it doesn't seem to be reflective of reactive power sent back to the amp. The amp's current draw seems to be directly related to the positive half of the power wave and does not even respond to reactive power sent back. This will have to be sorted out with a motor/rotor configuration. However, not sure how I will get to my target frequency of 80kHz with a mechanical setup. That would be a 1300 magnet rotor at 3600 rpm. Hopefully I can tune this down to a more manageable sweet spot.

    Last edited by Web000x; 09-27-2014, 03:50 PM.


    • Scope confusion

      Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      These wave forms are 2) from the resonant tank driving the primary of the
      ferrite transformer and 1) is from the wire wound inductive resistor
      load. Blue traces are the voltage sensed across a 0.1 Ohm resistor to determine
      the current.

      Looks like you better get a real Bi-Toroid wind job huh? Those choke inductors show a wave former that is so normal.

      It is like saying Joe over here has a fast car and you can't figure out why your Yugo 1 liter car can't catch up.

      Your scope shot is nothing like Dave's.

      I recommend you take out 30 or 40 minutes and wind the 3 stage transformer and start there. Then after you make the baby step you can loop it back.

      The thing I have noticed about your communications are that you pose yourself as the ultimate all knowing who's goal is to stop everyone who is thinking of trying a given experiment.

      If you won't make any effort to add constructively and will only spend time throwing water on our fire, what does that say?

      I will tell you what is says. It says you are afraid that this stuff works you and the entire scientific world are a bunch of stammering BOOZOO'S.

      On the contrary, your expertise is invaluable but comparing inductor laying by magnets or whatever is a dishonest approach to the BI-Toroidal.

      After I am done showing everyone how you have only the desire to put yourself above everyone calling us fools under your breath for even trying, very few will listen to your lies.

      Don't come here using trickery. I don't trust you Farmboy. When you show me a setup or anything that shows that you are trying to go OU (OVERY THE LAST 10 YEARS) then I will change my mind.

      Til then you are nothing but a liar who will not try this work and only goal is to put a stop to anyone trying.

      This is evidenced by the way you demand that the beginners loop it all back to save the world before they even tuned their boards.

      You are very smooth and love disruption. I doubt you will be around much longer Boy.

      Mikey PS I'LLL BEEE BACK!!!!
      Last edited by BroMikey; 09-27-2014, 07:38 PM. Reason: Scope Cofusion Tactics


      • Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
        Looking good.

        I think the trick with these devices is getting the impedance matched properly, that's where we will see some power gains, maybe even enough to strive for a looper.

        .................................................. ......

        Probably two things we should post with experiments like this are the power usage of the amplifier (idle and running) and the frequency of the signal generator.

        Hey Dog-One

        Web000x does indeed have something that is not ordinary.

        Getting in on the ground floor is wonderful but we have a long way to go. For instance just like we all took a closer look at the Bill A. rep of the Thane H. Bitt and saw that maybe just doing winds and cores any ole way wouldn't work, maybe we should look closer once again.

        Again I am going to assume that Bill A. made his video in a way that makes this easy for the experimenter to get results.

        Okay so starting from that premise how many times do you think Bill wound a set of coils for a given inductance? Some of our mathematicians should be helping with the coil perimeters shown in the demo.

        Gentlemen math plays in to this we can't throw out all of our training.

        Questions need to be asked. What is a good ratio, is it 1/4 wave? Primary to secondary?

        Is the ratio based on inductance? Where are the figure crunches?

        We are getting proper C-cores and this is first base.

        Second base is realizing that a target frequency is 1-3khz at the wire size and inductance that was graciously supplied to us.

        We can figure out these general values and should be looking at that demo for our introduction.

        It takes time and money to wind and rewind and over again. Bill has given us the coils induction. Also judging by the approx coil diameter we have enough to get close to Bill's values.

        We can shoot in the dark just like he did if we want but I think Bill's goal was to show a simple generator, to simple amp at the said frequency plus coil ratio's to help us get where he is in a lot shorter time.

        Why else would we be privy to the inductance values?

        Which way should we hook the two secondaries together? Should we cross wires, or in series or short them.

        The demo shows two wires coming out of a four wire set.

        Does one connection path work better than the other at the said frequency?

        These and many more should be the questions we take with us after random winds.

        Are they to be wound clockwise or count clockwise? Or one clockwise and the other counter??????? Or both counter Clockwise? In the northern hemisphere?

        Either way we wind it, this is far above any transformer that I have ever witnessed and well worth the excitement. I have wound many transformer and this BiTT is the first transformer I have ever seen that shows such wild scope shots.

        Totally awesome and new technology takes my breath away when see it for myself. I have never seem anything like it before.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 09-27-2014, 08:38 PM.


        • kHtz

          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          I have searched high and low for tape without buying a tractor trailer load of 100 tonnes. Where can this tape be found?

          I have asked around this thread for help with no reply til I saw this post. Where?

          Did you finally find your tape?


          • Looped Bi Toroid

            Originally posted by Hrothgar View Post
            Did you finally find your tape?
            Yes I did thanks. If you can find me one more source let me know.

            Here is a self Looped Bi Toroid by MR CLEAN

            39F BiToroid: Self-Loop Experimenting, Conclusion Capacitor Bounce-Back Effect? - YouTube

            Last edited by BroMikey; 09-27-2014, 11:49 PM.


            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Here is a self Looped Bi Toroid by MR CLEAN
              Geez Mike, I thought this was brand new off the SFT design. Almost fell out of my chair.

              Don't whip me up like that, I'm too old for the heart rush.


              • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                There is no point to showing amplifier power draw as it doesn't seem to be reflective of reactive power sent back to the amp. The amp's current draw seems to be directly related to the positive half of the power wave and does not even respond to reactive power sent back.
                I mentioned this mostly for motivational purposes. If you take the wattage drawn at the wall at idle and at run, subtract the difference, you will have a rough estimate of the power needed to excite the SFT. If you happen to connect something in excess of that value on the output side of the SFT, you should be excited. I will be.

                Granted, if the SFT is pushing back reactive power in excess of 90 degrees, the amp will waste it. I think the sweet spot will be to keep the input at 90 degrees with whatever we can finesse out of the secondary of the SFT. So my thinking is to find a resistive load that will exactly acheive the 90 degrees. If you manage to get this, then it will be interesting to see if the idle amp power equals the run amp power. That will tell us if the amp is no longer pushing power and instead just acting as an exciter.

                Anyway, that's my thinking. I'm surely open to any other suggestions. Whatever we do, don't throw away any data. Who knows yet what is really important and what is not.


                • Rushing To Free Energy

                  Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                  Geez Mike, I thought this was brand new off the SFT design. Almost fell out of my chair.

                  Don't whip me up like that, I'm too old for the heart rush.
                  Hey Dog-One

                  It's show time, this field of work is in heavy labor pains.

                  Look at the windings.

                  Each of the twin coils in the back are as big as a mans hand, coil depth approx 16mm

                  coil width approx 25mm times two large coils. That is a huge mass when we take a look at the primary.

                  Come on where are the math boys when you need them?

                  Does anyone see what I am talking about here? Can someone good at coil calculations approximate wire awg and turns over a 4" inner diameter and so on?

                  Ratio is important here. I count 16-18 strands wide and say 10 strands across the thickness of the winding. So a coil 4" inner and 6" outer.

                  Inductance is given.

                  The primary looks ridiculously minuscule. Looking at the primary tells me this is a step up transformer maybe 50:1 ????

                  Talk to me coil winders.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 09-28-2014, 12:38 AM.


                  • Also look at this shot of the primary secondary comparison. Both have the same awg wire guess 18 - 20 awg wire


                    • Mike --
                      Just pulling up an earlier post that has Bill Alek's specs you are trying to estimate (page 9, Sept. 7th)

                      Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                      Don't want to derail things, but thought I'd add these notes from the above presentation by Bill Alek to the mix. You can take them for what they're worth:

                      "The general geometry of this transformer is very different than a traditional transformer, because what we have is a primary coil wrapped around two cores. And really, we have that same type of architecture in a standard transformer...'cause what you do in a standard transformer is that you have the material going down the centre of this coil. So really, you're splitting the flux two ways, and that's what we're doing here - splitting the input flux two ways."

                      "The difference is that we have these two output coils that are wired in such a way that it has a bifilar configuration. ... where the output sets up opposing magnetic forces into this [secondary core] material... There's two configurations available [for the secondary]... You can wire the output in series or in parallel; in this case they're wired in series... the ratio about 20 turns here [primary] and 120 turns for each secondary. So we're actually stepping up the voltage. ... They're just single wound [secondary] coils set up in an opposing configuration."

                      "And what that does to the behaviouur of these coils is that they lower the natural impedance on these cores, driving it overunity, where normally, you wouldn't see that on an output coil here. ...You'd see a fixed output impedance on the secondary here. But when this operates, the behavior is quite different because we have this cancellation going on, lowering the impedance on this [secondary] coils."

                      In response to a question about the opposing wound secondary coils, he calls this " a key feature with building overunity devices, because we're lowering the impedance on these coils. ... There's something going on; another force involved."

                      Some notes:
                      - running the transformer at 3200 cycles per second for best performance
                      - input side highly reactive compared to regular transformers.
                      - shorting the output coils shifts the phase angle to 102 deg

                      More quotes:
                      "We're dealing with some sort of source that's all around us here, some sort of a negative energy and that's what's pushing this wave form beyond 90 degrees. there's another force at play here; this other force acts like a negative electromagnetic force; that's what's acting on the current, pushing it beyond 90 degrees."
                      Last edited by Bob Smith; 09-28-2014, 02:47 AM. Reason: Adding Date/Page


                      • Being sure

                        Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                        Mike --
                        Just pulling up an earlier post that has Bill Alek's specs you are trying to estimate (page 9, Sept. 7th)

                        Thanks So much Bob I know I read that. I am sitting here ready to wind and I need to be sure.

                        120 turns looks about right. But like you pointed out once again is that OU windings consist of the coils being both wound in the same direction yet hooking them up so their self induction cancels.

                        Right now All I have are 4 ferrite C-cores and no real VFO so I am thinking about the quickest way to go for powering up.

                        I built one of Wesley's OU transformers and this is the same spiel he reports from his friend who he is translating for.

                        Thanks for repeating what you know for sure.

                        Also on another notation for all transformer winding projects. Always wind your coils so they match the shape of the cores. This way the wire is nearly laying flush with the core material all long the surface making a good inducing path between wire and core so as not to cause inefficiencies.

                        So if you have a square or rectangular area to fill with wire, do it uniformly on all 3 sides facing toward the core material. The forth side pointed toward the other secondary winding should be as close as possible to it.

                        Another way of thinking about this statement is that the core area should be filled up as we see in the picture so the secondaries nearly touch one another.

                        All of these considerations may prove to limit losses. This is standard transformer design when coupling coils of wire through the use of any cores flux paths.

                        Also note that in this arrangement the coils are probably wound and coated so the form of the coil is held better. It may be that a circular wind was then reshaped in a more triangular geometry so as to allow the secondary coils to travel along side each other for as long as possible.

                        Also fiber paper is placed between the core and coil to eliminate possible shorting of high frequency and voltage arcing.

                        The triangular shape coils permit that the entire coil array be pulled tightly from both directions so these coils do not become loose that may cause vibration at higher inputs.

                        So remember the coils have three sides to them and I believe that everything means something.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 09-28-2014, 04:43 AM.


                        • Not sure where all this will lead, but it sure would be nice if a whole bunch of us start new threads titled, "My First Looper".


                          • For Sale

                            Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                            Not sure where all this will lead, but it sure would be nice if a whole bunch of us start new threads titled, "My First Looper".
                            This is where it will lead.


                            The Jetson Self-Charging Electric Scooter (SSES)
                            500 Watt Brushless Hub Motor with 48 VDC 12 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Batteries.

                            Delivery beginning: Late September, 2014

                            Retail Price (MSRP): $1495.00
                            It has a range of 25 miles (40 km) between self-charging cycles.


                            • Looping

                              Where this is going is that the younger generation can self charge batteries for the next 40 years. It won't save the world but for some people it would make their world a better way of getting around in the cities.

                              Watch that video of Mr. Clean where he has a resistor in between the front end and back end to recirculate power.

                              This is video set Don Smith 39 A-E or something like that. After that video Clean went underground with his results and only his personal friends are permitted to see the real stuff.

                              Oh Clean pops in with an occasional kool experiment but nothing conclusive. Many young people are afraid of becoming the next target.

                              There are literally thousands of ways to get extra energy from earths dyno and there are thousands of experimenters on the verge of practical OU production.

                              It's just ducky, so keep duckin. I agree

                              Last edited by BroMikey; 09-28-2014, 07:03 PM.


                              • LP Record Player

                                I have a like new LP Record player that has inputs that maybe I could feed a signal from my generators into.

                                I think it is stereo so maybe I could feed both right and left channels to the Bi_toroid primary.

                                Then just measure how much current that is being drawn from the wall as well as how much power can be collected on the output of the BiTT secondaries.

                                After it is running feeding back some of the high frequency AC to the primary would eliminate the need for refined waveforms generally produced at low efficiencies. Or you could say that sinwave generators are only needed on start up. In fact if I use my Bi-TT to recharge the same battery it is running on I may need a cap dump. This is where I am not sure. It may be that the isolating nature of disconnecting caps from the system to recharge the front battery might increase system efficiencies. All of these things are something to consider. Thanes Patent claims 23X or 23 times more power is coming out than he puts in. Every possibility should be explored.

                                I think the battery goes up without a dump but one thing I know is a cap dump is one of the most powerful devices in battery technology and should not be left out. Battery life can be extended tremendously. Even if the pulses are as high as 8 per minute at 1 amps each this is better than the continuous heating and magnetic latch associated with DC.

                                Last edited by BroMikey; 09-29-2014, 02:16 AM.

