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Quantum Resonant Gyrator

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  • #16
    Radiant energy is energy via radiation. Isn't RF radiation?

    People say you loose energy to resistance and radiation. I never see how radiation could take away energy.


    • #17
      Dr. Stiffler's SEC and its relationship with your device

      Originally posted by samertje View Post
      hey everyone, I shot the video in the PESwiki article...

      this is a follow up video
      Quantum Resonant Gyrator: Scalar Physics made easy! - YouTube

      most comments are about RF. That's what you'd think when you look at it first time. We've been playing with it for a while and it doesn't look like radio to us. That's why we included the circuit for everybody to build.

      Please have a look at the 8 reasons for why it's not RF in the video description.

      I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
      Hi, Somertje, I think your device has something to do with the SEC Space Energy Coherence of Dr. Stiffler. Please feel free to go to the thread of Dr. Stiffler in this same forum and participate in it.
      Dr.'s circuit is lot more difficult to tune, but it does light leds without battery power when tuned correctly. It does work with some kind of parametric resonance circuit, and in the ultra wide band, tuned to SRF and srf also.
      Maybe your circuit is a variation of Dr. Stiffler's.
      I will PM you to give you the link of his personal thread as it is in another forum.


      • #18
        t looks to me like a standard oscillating circuit. The led's are configured with the diodes to make an A/V plug allowing on wire illumination. When he disconnects the input wire to the led's the light goes out so I am not seeing any wireless transmission. Maybe I am wrong did I miss something?


        • #19
          Please don't put the guy down

          Guys, before jumping to the kippered's jugular, you'd better try to understand what he presents.

          I bet very few have searched for the term "Gyrator" although a pdf file was provided. Without studying it or at least to ask wikipedia, is an offence to be critic on something you don't understand. Some just state "it's a standard oscillating circuit". All standard oscillators have a name: Colpitts, Armstrong, Clapp, Blocking oscillator (which is used in tv sets and by Bedini), etc. If it is a standard oscillator can you name which one? Which form is the output oscillation, can any of the critics say it without cheating?

          A more inquiring attitude would serve better a curious mind.
          I would ask:
          - could you please present separately the elements of this dipole?
          - do you see any similarities between your LED network and Eric Dollard's networks when he was experimenting with his analogue computer elements?
          - what is your take, why do you think this is happening?
          - any increase/decrease of your LED network would have any noticeable effect?
          - is there a reflected wave in your circuit? if yes, can be recovered the energy after producing the effect?

          Don't speak unless you can improve the silence. (Some oriental saying)
          Last edited by barbosi; 01-23-2012, 10:23 PM.


          • #20
            My intent was not to put anybody down. Yes I had read the PESWiki article and the link to the description of a gyrator. Lets say that is what the circuit is (a gyrator). All I am doing is trying to do is describe what I am seeing. There are A/V plugs surrounding the led's allowing one wire illumination. When that one wire is disconnected the led's go out. So again I am asking a question and not discouraging or chastising any experimenter. But where is the wireless transmission? There is a wire connected at all times from the circuit output to the led's. I am just trying to understand.


            • #21
              I am not trying to put anyone down either. We all have to start our learning somewhere. But the circuit shown is not what is being claimed. I also read the PDF. The Gyrator presented in the paper is a theoretical idea for a type of transformer using materials that are theoretical too. There are no transformers in the schematic shown with the video. There is only a relaxation oscillator circuit shown with some LEDs on the output. The way the circuit works is like this: When the 36 volts is applied through the RF choke G to the cap J, J starts to charge. When the voltage on J gets high enough to overcome the resistance of the resistor H a current is applied to the base of transistor A. Transistor A then turns on which discharges cap J and the process starts over again. The RF choke G allows J to be discharged quickly and more slowly be charged. Rf choke F allows some of the Rf energy to be applied to the string of LEDs. I still stand by my previous post.

              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


              • #22
                Exactly what I have said.

                Originally posted by citfta View Post
                I also read the PDF. The Gyrator presented in the paper is a theoretical idea for a type of transformer using materials that are theoretical too.
                The gyrator is not a transformer. It is a step forward from monopoles (capacitor, inductor, resistor), passing through transformer into dipoles (1 In, 1 Out) and making a better conceptualisation for dipoles going into multipoles (multiple inputs and outputs). The inputs are not carved in stone as inputs, but can (if needed) perform as outputs as well. The same for outputs of multipoles.

                As for today, the only implemented gyrator I am aware of (as whole system) are the radar systems. And we can agree for now, it is unlike a transformer.

                As far as I can say, even the monopole idea is largely misunderstood and grossly limited, although domestic applications are well known. One is the audio equalisers, where sharp frequency responses required big values of capacitors (maybe not a big deal) and big values of inductors with a high Q (that was a big deal). The solution was to simulate components like here. And yet, this is just a monopole.

                Another example of utilising dipoles is - as I said - what anyone have seen maybe in Eric's experiments using analogue networks. Based on this, no commercial application that I am aware of has been developed yet.

                However, I personally think that kippered may be onto something. I believe by now I proved none of the critics did not read or understood the idea conceived in the pdf file (which is a very brief presentation of concept) about gyrator.

                Before booing, I suggest you try to understand first, ask questions later and never boo. If you don't understand, just watch silently if later in time it will make sense. It's like booing the music player for not revealing the music theory behind his idea.

                Best regards and please be tolerant with others and your own ignorance.
                Last edited by barbosi; 01-24-2012, 04:57 AM.


                • #23
                  The 1948 vacuum tube hot cathode gyrator theory ok but we need the pdf on op_ amp gyrators and the modifications how to implement gyrator with solid state. If we have a definition of how the term gyrator is being used and then how this is applicable to 1 wire tesla then we can be on the same page with this gyrator theory. I hope there is a connection.

                  COP, is so so. 4 each 9V batteries is 36V @ 10mA gives 6 leds a fair amount of light. In the other video the led bank is touched and the diodes themselves are receiving and sending SW on the SW radio. (magnetic?) The led bank is using some kind of coupling. Normally we use inductors or air capacitors now we're seeing aluminum blocks, led banks, anything stray capacitance is inclined to use for a pathway. In the vacuum tube they used the term charge cloud and for many years we just put a ground plane under it and forgot about it. Also the transistor is not the only one of the only active elements.
                  OK so what do you call stray capacitance when it is organized this way? Possibly gyrator is related and will lead us to something useful.

                  I think the ones studying Konstantine Meyl may have information we have been waiting to find out what was happening with that.
                  We don't know who those people are or anything, so be careful not to polarize the group so we can get the facts. If somebody has information and is ill treated and stomps off then we'll never know.
                  The truth comes out a little bit at a time.
                  Last edited by mikrovolt; 01-24-2012, 10:02 AM.


                  • #24
                    This is from the PESWiki article - What is so interesting about the QRG, is that it can allow for many of the same phenomena that can be seen with Tesla coil based transmitters and receivers. Although the QRG is low powered and is not quite ready for practical usage, it can allow for the transfer of power down single wires with no return path, transmit power wirelessly, send power through a Faraday cage, and potentially produce more power than it consumes.

                    I am ignorant because I asked a simple question that is yet to be answered or even addressed. Where is the wireless transmission ? I have not attacked anyone or called anybody names. What good is the forum if you can't ask a question. I am not against anyone. In fact I hope this thing can change the world
                    HTML Code:


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Zardox View Post
                      This is from the PESWiki article - What is so interesting about the QRG, is that it can allow for many of the same phenomena that can be seen with Tesla coil based transmitters and receivers. Although the QRG is low powered and is not quite ready for practical usage, it can allow for the transfer of power down single wires with no return path, transmit power wirelessly, send power through a Faraday cage, and potentially produce more power than it consumes.

                      I am ignorant because I asked a simple question that is yet to be answered or even addressed. Where is the wireless transmission ? I have not attacked anyone or called anybody names. What good is the forum if you can't ask a question. I am not against anyone. In fact I hope this thing can change the world
                      HTML Code:
                      in this video after 2.00 minutes. thanks for comments
                      Quantum Resonant Gyrator: Scalar Physics made easy! - YouTube


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by citfta View Post
                        Ok here's my thoughts on it:

                        8 Reasons why this is not RF:
                        1. The signals on both sides are locked (audio over one wire tested)

                        And why does this make you think it is not RF?
                        the signal can travel back and forth (at the same time)

                        2. Wireless transmission shows 'radiant' properties

                        What 'radiant' properties?
                        goes through plastic and other high resistant materials

                        3. Same power after long wire

                        RF travels just fine over wires. Thats how the signal of a transmitter gets to the antenna.
                        but it loses power right?

                        4. Via water after a distance (weak)

                        Yes RF can travel in water too although it is weakened quickly.

                        with this water shows very strong effects if you use it as an antenna!

                        5. Wireless after distance (weak)

                        It is only weak because you have no tuned circuits on either end. You are transmitting a broadband RF noise signal.
                        consuming < 0.5 Watts, receiving signals with radio at 30 meter distance...

                        6. JAMS all (short wave) frequencies!!

                        Of course it does. That's what broadband RF noise does.
                        well actually it's stochastic resonance, a system were background noise is part of the circuit

                        7. Transistor is not hot.

                        And why do you think that means anything except you are not pushing a lot of current through the transistor?
                        nothing else than you described above

                        8. SUPER MODE: LEDs shine brighter after one wire, than LEDs in series with the batteries!

                        Yes RF can play lots of neat tricks with solid state devices.
                        yeah it's fun isn't it!

                        I am not trying to give you a hard time but you are making claims that just don't hold up to close examination. You have a neat little circuit there but it is probably playing havoc with your neighbors TV's and radios. Please try to learn a little more about RF circuits before making claims that something is not RF.

                        Have you rebuild it? So you think it's just RF? Are you familiar with the work I provided in the description? Ever heard of longitudinal waves? We think it's a gyrator! All questions and comments are welcome


                        • #27
                          Hello and welcome to the forum.
                          Although I have the feeling you did not address your questions to me, I'll answer them as "I would like to introduce my self" to your work.
                          Originally posted by samertje View Post
                          Have you rebuild it?
                          Not yet, I'm in the process of acquiring the materials, mostly the "varactor" being my main focus.
                          However, I will start building right after I have a pretty decent idea how it works.
                          Originally posted by samertje View Post
                          So you think it's just RF?
                          The term "RF" in my opinion is just a poor description of a high frequency wave which does not describe other qualities, limiting itself to the ability of being picked up by radio receivers. A good example -IMHO- is the lightning. It is affecting radio reception in all AM range, yet is much more than that.
                          If the circuit performs the way I think, I would rather describe it as a miniature variant Georges Lakhovsky and his Multi-Wave Oscillator. Not as his effects, as he uses a different antenna, but rather related to ability to generate wide band signals and much more that that.
                          The term "miniature" I chose due to the limited functionality of semiconductors which perform at rather low voltages.
                          Originally posted by samertje View Post
                          Are you familiar with the work I provided in the description? Ever heard of longitudinal waves?
                          Yes & yes.
                          Originally posted by samertje View Post
                          We think it's a gyrator!
                          Now we're talking!
                          Why do you think it is a gyrator? I don't intend to put you down with this, as I understand the complexity of the concept. However, there might be reasons which triggered your description. Can you describe them, please? As departing point: would you consider the chain of LED's and diodes as part of your gyrator, or the gyrator is just the oscillator? Just your take...
                          Originally posted by samertje View Post
                          All questions and comments are welcome
                          Thank you for your willingness to disclose your work and I hope your idea will evolve in more than a curiosity. Personally I like the simplicity of it. I also hope you could also profit from the work and observations of quite a few people which eventually will find challenging your idea.



                          • #28
                            PM and thread direction

                            hi somertje,
                            Please check your inbox in this forum as I have sent you a PM. Feel free to make a visit to the Dr. stiffler's thread and see if it relates to the QRC you are discussing here.
                            Also, can I change the transistor to MPS06 or 2N2222A as I don't have that semiconductor in your shematics on hand.


                            • #29
                              Perhaps this is the other side of Otto's receiver

                              Originally posted by samertje View Post
                              in this video after 2.00 minutes. thanks for comments
                              Quantum Resonant Gyrator: Scalar Physics made easy! - YouTube
                              Look on for Otto's pdf and see how similar the effects seem.

                              Just maybe we have both sides of this device developed to a high degree already just awaiting their wedding.


                              • #30
                                I'm trying to build this circuit and no luck with running it. No oscillations. I think we need a tip how to tune it or what elements are essential.
                                I used BC548 transistor and other choke instead of 4,7uH because I don't have that one. Other elements are like in schematic but I used only one bank of diodes (leds and 1n4148). is this the reason ?

