5 Watt Pulse Tech Charger/Desulphator
I thought this is a great idea, I'm thinking of building a more powerful version of 26W, based on this circuit:
http://free-energy-info.co.uk/Chapter6.pdf page 28.
I'd be using 10 five by five inch mono cells, for a total of 26W at peak sunlignt. This cell bunch cost 30 $ on ebay. Not bad for 26W of FE
You just have to assemble them on a panel.
I was wondering about the possibility of creating radio interference. Does that happen with a bifilar coil?
I plan to charge a 12V 7 A/h battery with around 15W input. I hope it will take less than 2 hours to charge the battery from 60% to 100% charge with the pulse charger at 15W. Does this sound realistic?
I thought this is a great idea, I'm thinking of building a more powerful version of 26W, based on this circuit:
http://free-energy-info.co.uk/Chapter6.pdf page 28.
I'd be using 10 five by five inch mono cells, for a total of 26W at peak sunlignt. This cell bunch cost 30 $ on ebay. Not bad for 26W of FE
You just have to assemble them on a panel.
I was wondering about the possibility of creating radio interference. Does that happen with a bifilar coil?
I plan to charge a 12V 7 A/h battery with around 15W input. I hope it will take less than 2 hours to charge the battery from 60% to 100% charge with the pulse charger at 15W. Does this sound realistic?