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Cosmovoltaic Crystal Cell

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  • #16
    I'm not for bashing JB, or in fact anyone, but am interested in this project

    NickZ's cap can cells have been a focus of own cells since last summer. Many capacitor cans are in the ball park of the sizings needed, it seems, to bring in microwave energies.
    The 360 degree construction of the cans, would perhaps feature into calculations..either negatively or positively.
    In other words, I have quite a few cells, of various ages and these will be tested with an R/C transmitter
    Then, with exacting microwave sizings for new build salts cells, we'll hopefully see if there is any difference when those are tested.

    I have a Spektrum DX5e and a Parkzone DP4M. Both are at 2.4GHz and CPU controlled. I wish they featured conventional FM transmitter replaceable crystals as that would make experiments hugely more flexible.
    Could always build a variable transmitter of very low wattage output though.
    The R/C receivers have a chip on them (and usually a couple of dinky servo's or a few servo ports).

    Range is about a mile on the DX5e and a few hundred feet on the Parkzone.
    Thoughts a while back were that perhaps radio spectrum interference was showing up in some anomalous salts cells results....increases in voltage during storms etc. But, the only thing i've ever seen around here that's R/C is a nitro car that some kid was zooming down a nearby street once.
    However - wifi and cellphones operate on a similar band don't they ? Certainly not the 900MHz of old.
    Not that we have wifi or cellphones though (a wifi router gave my wife and I bad sleep troubles). Just thinking aloud about possible salts cells influences in the near local area.

    Oh, just to add. I'm intending to introduce pins etc into the tops of salts cells, as little antennae of the correct sizing for cosmic influences. In some ways of thinking, the salts cell formula they will go into would be the Ground. The array on top would be somewhat akin (in looks anyway) to HAARP
    Last edited by Slider2732; 02-03-2012, 11:07 PM.


    • #17


      Sounds great! The cans are probably engineered to wave form characteristics. That helps explain why they collect a spontainious charge. Consider a rabbit ear, or V cofiguration for the pins to maximize spectrum reception. The distance between the tips should be 1.200 inches exactly to recieve the 2.4 ghz microwave, or .6 inches based on the wave length of 4.80314 inches. Identical in shape to our former Korean War era "Top Secret" radar reciever dipoles. The 1.2 would offer the .6 midway at a 45 degree angle.

      Pushing the pins throught a piece of construction paper at measured intervals, then bending it around the can might work.
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-04-2012, 12:23 AM.


      • #18
        I think that the shape and geometry in the cells becomes even more important if the idea is to pick up energy from the ambient, and convert it to some type of usable power. Maybe the cells can be like two different type metal antennas, in the form of a cell. What would then be the best shape? Maybe like two different metals type of pancake coils, or something.

        BTW: Allen, I'm not making cement cells anymore, instead I've been filling the cap cans with just dry carbon, and quartz, layered in also, that's all. Yet, I can produce about a volt even from small cap cans (1/4 by 3/4 inch), but again, with hardly no current. They can be series connected to sum up to 12 volts or more. Even though the impedance raises a bit with each additional cell. I'm still wondering what to do with cell voltages that have no current. Or do you think that cells can also have be made to have some current?

        I would love to have a cell bank running a Dr. Stiffler SEC type circuit, on one wire, (not wireless, after reading his disclaimer).
        Like Slider, I'm a bit concerned about having even more radio frequencies in my living area than I already have. I feel better when the grid goes down and all the near by electronics and lights and everything else dies down... even just to see the difference it can make on how one feels.


        • #19


          Joe Newman used to tow a hugh pulse motor and flywheel around to carnivals. The flywheel weighed half a ton. He ran it off of fifty dead 9 volt Ni-Cad batteries in series, on voltage alone.

          You've seen the Newman pulse motor: It has two connected coils, one CW over the other CC, a spinning magnet and a commutator. Once the magnet spins fast enough, the BEMF generated from the magnet in the coils, blocks any current from the power source. He runs a water pump with his carnival motor, and calculates the work done for free.

          Here's a suggestion from me: Tie both live battery electrodes from the 12 volt set in series, to an Avmarenko plug. Take the single wire and attach it to the negative electrode of a depleted 9 volt rechargable Ni-Cad battery. Take a voltage reading to start, and record voltage readings at time intervals to see if a "ground scrubbing" charge begins to build. This would make an important and exciting video. I have a theory to explain how it may work, if it does.

          It would help to transform the tiny amount of amperage into voltage because any amperage acts as a virtual short to the negative ground. Bruce TPU tried running a hot wire to a negative rectifier ground, accompanied by hysterical claims of overunity. The voltage alone shields the negative electrode, and creates an imbalance that's compensted for by a positive charge. A voltage doubling bridge of capacitors and diodes would help to clean it up, or a Hi-Voltage spark gap generator. This would allow you to pulse it. A lidmotor "garden wire" type Hartly oscillator could be modified to serve as a Hi-Voltage power plant powered by one of your reciever cells. That's two solid examples of useful applications for your kind of power cells.
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-04-2012, 02:30 PM.


          • #20
            Is there a diagram of the circuit that you are talking about. I don't get the part about charging a regular recharable 9 volt battery by using a cell and oscillator circuit, and connecting them to the negative rail of the 9 volt battery, through a AV plug. I hope that I understood this correctly.
            I have made several Hartley Type Oscillators, (as in the pics below), but none of them will work with less than about 40 mA, as they need current to make the higher voltages. So, I have not been able to have them run from my quartz/carbon cells, very well. Even though an oscillator can run on microamps, it takes higher current levels than that, for it to draw from.
            When no current is available it take more volts to get to the same led intensity.
            I have tried to charge AA batteries from the carbon cells, directly, as well as through oscillators, and Joule Thiefs, and it does work. But the AA battery will charge to the same voltage as the cells output, but again, with no current.
            Can we really get by using voltage only??? What can voltage run, that is practical?
            Last edited by NickZ; 04-29-2012, 05:59 AM.


            • #21
              Crystal cell spinner.


              For the charger; Just attach the single wire from an Avmarenko Plug to the negative ground of any battery from the two leads of your set of power cells. See if it helps build a charge. That just requires 2 diodes reversed, one from each lead then attached together at the other end. Just use a clip lead and a tiny magnet to attach the one clip end to the negative ground of the battery from the attached ends of the two diodes.

              These pictures below are of a bifilar series connected coil, lash wraped on a thread spool. It has a Reed Switch in series with a 12 volt battery. This spinner begins to power itself from BEMF and delayed Lenz effect at around 20k. It won't run with the wires shorted and the battery removed. There's no longer any draw on the power source after Lenz propulsion kicks in. The battery's needed to run it up. The Reed Switch stays closed after propulsion speed is achieved. A simple cross over switch to your set of 12 volt power cells, or just clip leads removed after transition should run this kind of spinner perpetually for free! The Power Cells would act merely as a voltage regulator in this system, all it needs after speed up. Alot cheaper then a lead acid battery.

              There's room for two radial "Lenz Delay Bifilar" output coils through the sides of the PVC corel The Hi-Voltage output from these twin radials could power the primaries of multiple secondary, bi-toroid transformers, (See far right attachment) from Crystal Cell regulators. What an A.C lighting power plant that would make!

              Left to right:

              1- View of the 3/4 inch spinner in the 2 1/2 inch PVC core.
              2- Top secured for running with coil seated down partly inside the output core.
              3- Position of the 12 volt Reed Switch on the Hi Voltage Spool Coil. Pins should point away from the magnet.
              4- Miniature 1/4 O.D. , 1/8 I.D. all ceramic bearing on top of a Radio Shack 12 volt 6 amp hour battery
              5- The six main componants: Power coil on core, 1/8 inch brass axel, ceramic bearing, battery and Reed Switch.
              Attached Thumbnails
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-08-2012, 06:21 PM.


              • #22
                I tried to charge a AA battery from the cement cell bank, but even using a diode in place of the Av plug drops the already low current to almost nothing. If I use an oscillator from my cells it charges the AA battery, but with no current. That is the problem with most of these types of cells, is that they have no current, so just voltage will not make things work as expected.
                I have not found a diode that will not bring the voltages down to low levels from these cells.
                My meter is not working and needs to be replaced, so I'm not sure what voltages I'm getting yet, until I can replace it.


                • #23


                  The value of amperage in your stored voltage is easily calculated with Ohm's law. Don't under estimate your achievement!

                  If a transformer reduces the voltage by a factor of 10 (from 120 volts to 12 volts), then it increases the output amperage by a factor of 10.

                  Can you upload a video of the oscillator building voltage from your Power Cells?
                  Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-25-2012, 02:40 PM.


                  • #24
                    Reid battery.

                    Here's a link to an older version of the missing Marcus Reid crystal power cell article from Rex Research. Some very interesting information.

                    Marcus Reid -- Crystal battery

                    Unexplainably, the Microwave theory presented in the original is missing from this older version. The power cell dimensions of 30 x 50 millimeters are a microwave fractal, a possible confirmation of the 3-D theory first presented in the missing article. Here's an interesting article from 1977 to deepen the mystery:

                    Helme, B. G.M. and King, P. J. (1977) Microwave acoustic relaxation absorption in iron tourmaline. Journal de Physique (Paris) 38, 1535-1540.

                    Perhaps a constituent compound?
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-25-2012, 02:45 PM.


                    • #25
                      I have just read the link that you posted above about the Marcus Reid cells, and their independent tests results.

                      I feel that if there is no water or oxygen available to a cell because the cells are hermetically sealed, that it would be practically impossible for galvanics to play a role in the energy production that any totally dry cells display. And that this is the proof that we need to show that there is more to these cells than just a chemical reaction of sacrificial metals, or sacrificial electrolytes producing the perpetual output of years duration.
                      I also see that the cells will eventually burn any water that may still be present inside, and in time will become even drier than when they were made, even when sealed hermetically.
                      So, I think that the most important point of all of this research, is in proving the fact that the galvanic reaction is NOT what is responsible for making his as well as some other totally dry cells function as they do, to produce a perpetual output, although with practically no current involved. This is a very important point, as up to now most everyone thinks that only galvanics are a play.
                      Thanks for the link, and information on the Reid cells.
                      Very important test results...


                      • #26

                        I believe Tourmaline is the number one candidate for the missing mystery compound in the Marcus Reid battery, heated up and bonded with Sodium Silicate. This second article from Rex Research on Tourmaline starts with the "Marcus Reid Power Cell" rubrick in the title. This research involves completely desiccated, non galvanic, perpetual output crystal power cells. Have a look at this:

                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-26-2012, 01:52 AM.


                        • #27
                          Microwave Far Infrared.

                          Here's a Microwave background map of the Universe. Including Galactic and residual heat from the big bang.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-08-2012, 06:21 PM.


                          • #28
                            Far Infrared

                            Here's a wave length chart. Tourmaline acts as a far infrared emitter reciever; Sodium Silicate, microwave. Both are invisable solar and stellar galactic emanations. The microwave can be viewed as a far infrared radiation that stretched out from long travel across many light years through Space. These kinds of crystals can be found in far infrared T.V. remotes, and microwave remote controlled airplanes.

                            "Pulverized tourmaline fine powder belongs to far infrared radiation ceramics"! Far infrared and microwave have wave lengths that are in close adjacency. They merge between ten to the fifth and ten to the second hertz as portrayed in the attachment. The size proportion is between a butterfly and a person. Melting and bonding these crystals creates a third unique crystal. The power is generated from wave resonance.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-08-2012, 06:21 PM.


                            • #29
                              This is interesting



                              • #30
                                @Allen Burgess said

                                "We fabricated 3D photonic crystals such as the one shown in the photograph below. This, made out of ceramic material, was designed to exhibit a complete band gap at microwave frequencies". This is a Crystal Rectenna, or "Crystal Rectifying Recieving Antenna". I termed it a Cosmovoltaic Cell to distinguish it from, and compare it to a Photovoltaic Cell. The Power Cells the "earth Light" group are currently at work on are Hybrid Galvanic Microwave Rectennas. This is germain, and in no way off topic.

                                Sounds about right.


                                From what I recall the device are ceramic about 1 inch sqaure with an array of pins
                                about 3.4 inch long 1/2 wavelength about 7.3 GHz. Some of the project was simular to a darpa project

                                Like a gps antenna the signal from space resonates the array of pin antennas
                                which direct cosmic rays onto ceramic cell where they interact and rectify the event.
                                The frequency varied and was related to heat.
                                Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-17-2015, 12:16 AM.

