Originally posted by sampojo
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I remember more than 6 years ago When I first started to be interested in Radiant Energy I was reading Patric Kelly's book on free Energy and his book stated undet the heading "Tesla Switch discussion re Ron Brands Circuit" that if you could switch by swapping 2 banks of batteries (2 is series 24v) and (2 in Parallel 12v)so that the (2 parallel 12v became in series24v and the 2 in series24v became in paralled12v using a PMW and Special Transistors @ 500 Hertz there would a continuous flow of electrons that would build up along the battery wire that would run a DC motor at a higher voltage than what the battery that is being switched was and therefore the battery would not lose any of its capacity. I imagine this is exactly what UFO has shown us with his happy motor as it was run with a 36v battery running through a PWM and Mosfets the Radiant energy being produced by the switching on/off of the hot Energy coil collapsing and the Radiant energy being harvested/directed by the fast acting diodes in reverse to stop the hot flow and allow the radiant to continue on through the cold coil and on there to the output/Load whether it be a Motor or CLF bulb or whatever you put there as a load My Testing showed to me that the load would run cold and that by changing the duty cycle The time on of the PMW that I could get from 5v up to more than 90v while still only drawing 200ma from the 36v battery.
So I imagine from this that pulsing the motor using this type of circuit does not necessarily have to correspond to the switching of the commutator as at this switching speed the motor would only see the volts and respond accordingly.
As Most of you know that work is something that you have to do between what you really want to do and at the moment I am tied down with a job and when that is finished.
I will start up my "My Happy Motor and take some measurements using my 2 DMM's set in duty cycle mode one before the diodes and one after the diodes just before where the load is taken off to see what the difference is.
Kindeat regards

Just thinking as per usual