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  • Here my suggestion for a data aquisition setup FOR ALL. It is not final but I want to show a preview.

    Some final addons are necessary.
    The whole system will be supplied by a socket charger.
    All data red will be displayed at PC via BT. Local display possible as well.
    Prog. download via USB cable. Later on it shall be disconnected for SAFETY reasons.
    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


    • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
      Here my suggestion for a data aquisition setup FOR ALL. It is not final but I want to show a preview.

      Some final addons are necessary.
      The whole system will be supplied by a socket charger.
      All data red will be displayed at PC via BT. Local display possible as well.
      Prog. download via USB cable. Later on it shall be disconnected for SAFETY reasons.
      Hello my dear friend John Stone, many thanks for the scheme.

      Warmest regards




      • Please do not rush and buy materials for this data aquisition system - not yet.
        The pic above is just a first glance. It does not get much more sophistcated but I will do more drawings showing clearly how to wire and how to shield.
        My suggestion negotiates between cost, performance and ease for building and use and global availability as well.

        Anybody is allowed to do it differently but he needs to know exactly what he does and needs to account for drawbacks.

        Please admit that an electonic circuit is only one plane of the whole crystal. A circuit digram does not show lots of artifacts that surely take place. There is an HF and mechanic plane present as well. In order to account for these planes I will add some additional drawings.

        It will be essential to have shielded cables from Arduino to sensors. Initially I preferred shielded CAT5 network patch cables. But this seems to be an European artifact. In North America networks run unshielded (different physics over there??? ). Hence you might have difficulties to get such cables.
        As alternative I will suggest USB cables. They are shielded, readily available und cheap.
        Stay tuned for more details. I will submit a kind of picture book as detailled instructable.
        Last edited by JohnStone; 08-14-2013, 11:14 AM.
        Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


        • Data Aquisition Setup

          Dear John Stone,

          I like your setup, but I do not see much in the way of amps in, amps out, volts in, volts out. Are you continuing to recommend the analog sensors that you recommended previously or is the ac5714 capable of handling all of this information, or do we need multiple ac5714 modules.




          • Four Channels...Excellent Set!

            Originally posted by GChilders View Post
            Dear John Stone,

            I like your setup, but I do not see much in the way of amps in, amps out, volts in, volts out. Are you continuing to recommend the analog sensors that you recommended previously or is the ac5714 capable of handling all of this information, or do we need multiple ac5714 modules.



            Hello Garry,

            I see A0, A1,A2, Four Channels for Four ac5714 Outputs on the I right Sir John Stone?

            Or like you wrote Garry...maybe one ac5714 could handle more than one signal read out.

            Excellent Set Up!...and like He wrote...this is not the final and completed one...

            It is very nice to see where we are getting at...very sophisticated and Elegant Set precision at its Max Expression...

            Warm regards

            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • @Garry, Ufo

              As soon we contact a wire electrically with our data aquisition system we are prone to malicious influences. This relates mainly to voltage measurements. For current we have those nice Allegro ASCxxx breakout boards - fortunately. Temperature measurments will have no electrical contact and will be handled via I2C. And yes we will have 2 ADC channels left (future expansion) and we can use them separately or as one single differential input.
              We need to prevent as many disturbanceies as possible because most builders are not able to valuate the real precision by their own. I can do it for my setup but not remotely. Therefore a second level optimum setup might be more helpful than first grade solutions. I suggest a rugged and easy to achieve setup in order to prevent any hiddeen "guess-work".
              In professional world there are handy solutions available for all sorts of galvanical isolations. Unfortunately those parts explode our budget and expertise completely.
              Apart that we can not expect all contributors to handle small surface mount devices by their own. There exist very nice isolators for I2C but no breakout boards avaliable. And we need additional islolated DC/DC . Hence this solution will be an additional obstacle.
              I feel isolation via cheap BT I/F (com port mode) will be the best way.
              I will complete a doc next days and I will lay out all details there along explanations. We surely will discuss it later on.

              BTW: For final solutions it is desirable to have a highly sophisticated setup saving effort and cost. But if we negotiate effort for final sophistications and the expectation that we will possibly get several modifications I vote for more simple solutions in first step.
              I.e. some of us still struggle on FET operations and we can not load all with sophisticated solutions.
              My focus is to enable all following the path.
              Last edited by JohnStone; 08-15-2013, 08:53 AM.
              Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


              • Hi guys

                Johnstone I like that setup as well. I have no experience programming, and things are slow to grasp for me , but even I have been able to slowly find a spot to start working.

                I just was able to get/find a program that prints my headers on excell. I thought that would be easy, but , I'm telling you the adafruit data logger example does not work for me. Anyway, finally logging and writing to excell, with nice headers, graphs and spreadsheets.

                I have most of those components, no ir interrupt, I am looking forward to finally start trying to use some of these sensors.


                • Originally posted by machinealive View Post
                  Hi guys

                  Johnstone I like that setup as well. I have no experience programming, and things are slow to grasp for me , but even I have been able to slowly find a spot to start working.

                  I just was able to get/find a program that prints my headers on excell. I thought that would be easy, but , I'm telling you the adafruit data logger example does not work for me. Anyway, finally logging and writing to excell, with nice headers, graphs and spreadsheets.

                  I have most of those components, no ir interrupt, I am looking forward to finally start trying to use some of these sensors.
                  Don't worry! I prepare a nice picture book for crazy guys like me and you and all others. You will get instructables and explanations as well. This will aid for learning by doing.
                  Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                  • Instructable 5V1 - PSU

                    Our friend Cornboy started building his six monster drivers. I will assist him publicly step by step and all others are invited to watch and follow the instructions.
                    The procedure will be like this:
                    1. Assemble and solder one functional block at OHNE singel PCB
                    2. Test it and learn what went wrong.
                    3. Assemble and solder same functional block at other PCBs, apply what you learned and test them as well.

                    We will check the functional block step for step proceding from input along all important components to desired output.
                    In this session we will assemble and test the PSU part.

                    Assemble and solder all parts you see in circuit diagram above. Please assemble electrolitic caps thoroghly and look for polarity. If assembled in reverse they can explode if powered. Double check polarity!

                    If you intend to assemble tantalum caps - beware! They are not made for PSUs and may explode even if assembled with correct polarity!
                    Safety: It is generally recommended to wear safety glasses at very first power on. If you decide to neglect this hint - please keep eyes away from top of PCB in order to let caps shoot like little rockets to ceiling.

                    We use an external power supply. It can be double lead battery (24V....30V), lab PSU or simple wall charger.
                    Safety: Especially if using lead batteries or worse Lipos please insert a fuse in + lead (i.e. car fuse). Else any short circuit might set your place in fire or explode batteries.
                    Safety: Provide additionaly a switch in + lead in order to switch off instantly if your circuit behaves abnormally.

                    Input voltage shall be 15V minimum! Upper limit is about 30V. Do not apply more - else voltage regulators might explode. They are rated absolute maximum for 36V. Regulators are very ruged but at overvoltage they get nasty and picky.
                    Check for PSU polarity. D10 is a protection diode. It will block current if external PSU connected in reverse.
                    Connect external power supply.
                    Check fo any abnormal noise, smoke. Touch components with your hand and check for hot parts. None shall get hot just now.

                    Connect GND of your meter to GND on connector X8 and let it sit there for rest of test procedure. You will move the active probe only.
                    Measure input voltage at connector X8 and check if it is still around the value you measured before in idle mode.
                    If you read some few volts or less you have a short circuit. Switch off instantly and check.

                    BTW: If you are happy to own a scope please us it. In rare cases regulators tent to oscillate. Then you can detect this failure instantly.

                    Measure input voltage after D10 and check if you read about same voltage like before (0.6V less)

                    Measure voltage at input of IC6 (7812) same like before.
                    Measure voltage at output of IC6 (7812). It shall read 12V +- 10%.
                    If you read considerably more you have a diconnected GND at IC6.

                    Measure voltage at input of IC5 (7805) same like before.
                    Measure voltage at output of IC5 (7812). It shall read 5V +- 10%.
                    If you read considerably more you have a diconnected GND at IC5.

                    Perform a load test at 5V output by connecting a resistor of about 100 Ohm to 5V (exact value is not essential)
                    Check voltages like above (3. ... 6.) They shall not change considerably (some few mV only) at regulator outputs (12v / 5V)

                    If you performed above procedure successfully, please assemble all other boerds like above and test like above.

                    OK, Cornboy? If you are ready please order next instructable. We will focus on opto input circuit.
                    John Stone
                    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                    • Soldering.

                      Thanks Soo much John Stone, am still waiting on 100Nf caps. i thought on the monster pics it showed ceramics, but i had a niggling voice in my head that DANA said all caps were Electrolitic, so went back through posts to confirm.
                      Caps should be here tuesday, sorry about that.

                      Kogs pm'd me with some soldering tutorials, Thanks Kogs, and i have ordered a digital 60 w solder station, with tips, should be here tues as well.

                      After watching the tutorials, i was heading for a very Frustrating and difficult time making these boards with what i had.

                      Thanks Everyone, Warm Regards Cornboy.


                      • John Stone data aquisition unit

                        We have been thinking about the wonderful sensor plan than John Stone posted

                        Thought we would break it down one sensor at a time to understand completely what is going on. Then we will combine all into one script.

                        First look was the Temperature sensor (two TMP102 units) ADD0 of one connected to GND the other to V+ (NOTE: the V+ from both units needs to connect to the +3.3V supply of the Arduino NOT the +5V bus) all other connections are standard I2C. The SCL connects to Analog in A5 ~ SDA connects to Analog in A4 ~ The Arduino code to run two sensors can be found at

                        Will play with the line sensor next to look at the RPM .


                        Research continues, Back to the bench . . .


                        • pulser

                          I have finished my third motor replication and have read through the thread from beginning to end. I have seen a number of changes concerning pulsers and am wondering how to proceed. I have all of the materials to complete the simple 555 pulser that ufo recommends on post 1543 except for the non polarized 1000 uf 50 volt capacitor which I seem to be having a difficult time finding a source for. Are we still using this pulser or have the arduino and monster drivers completely replaced this pulser. If so I would rather order the monster driver pcbs an populate them. Just trying to get my bearings for the next step without spending time on something unnecessary. Thanks in advance for any advice.



                          • Garry
                            If it is time and money you want to save, as all of us do, just use the arduino and monsters and get on with the enjoyment of it.
                            "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                            Nikola Tesla


                            • pulser


                              Thanks Dana that's what I needed. I was just unsure of the pulser being completely replaced by the monster drivers or if there was still a function that it was fulfilling. I will order the pcbs and parts for the monster drivers today.




                              • Great.

                                Originally posted by GChilders View Post

                                Thanks Dana that's what I needed. I was just unsure of the pulser being completely replaced by the monster drivers or if there was still a function that it was fulfilling. I will order the pcbs and parts for the monster drivers today.



                                That's Great Garry, thanks for joining in, in such a practical way.

                                Warm Regards Cornboy.

