buggy code
@hitby13kw and all
That code was buggy so I pulled it after debugging and decided to issue the new version. version 0.0.5 is the same as version 0.0.3 except that it has been debugged and version 0.0.6 is the same as version 0.0.4 except debugged. There were enough problems that I felt issuing a new version would clear up any problems with the older versions. But your efforts are not in vain as all versions are built upon existing versions and the tutorials are built from previous tutorials with added features explained in the newer tutorials. Good luck with your efforts. Let me know if you have any problems with these versions.
@hitby13kw and all
That code was buggy so I pulled it after debugging and decided to issue the new version. version 0.0.5 is the same as version 0.0.3 except that it has been debugged and version 0.0.6 is the same as version 0.0.4 except debugged. There were enough problems that I felt issuing a new version would clear up any problems with the older versions. But your efforts are not in vain as all versions are built upon existing versions and the tutorials are built from previous tutorials with added features explained in the newer tutorials. Good luck with your efforts. Let me know if you have any problems with these versions.