Originally posted by blackchisel97
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Yes, am using polyester resin..but just steel powder, zinc, brass...and carbon fiber along core(Carbon is to make further testing on magnetic and electrical properties).
I agree on the Hollow Cores, Radiant Energy strongest point takes place right in the center of Coil...I had felt it, it is a strong push-pull force of both magnetic fields pulsing, further on I made an specific tool to detect the exact area...I made a brass bar, hooked up to a couple of copper rings that swivel rotate in vertical and horizontal plane-axis related to coil inner core, the center of the 'tool' holds a flat cylindrical ceramic magnet mounted in a copper frame...(except magnet, everything else, even the bolts and nuts are Non Magnetic materials) that rotates in the first inner ring...Well, when I go inside the coil at pulsations...the magnet becomes a fast speed motor...and as I take it away from center it starts loosing power...This helps you "see" the exact areas...by moving it around the core up-down, South-North.
I also converted a Car Digital compass (mirror mount type) in another tool to detect N-S Changes...however the electronics-processors are not designed to go at those fast changes-pulses of polarities...the mechanical tool...even it looks like it belongs to Maxwell Lab from the 1800's
