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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Brushless driver

    Hello All,
    I found two fan motors from some scrap, they have a single F276 2
    Phase DC Motor Driver similar to the one that UFO is showing in his video.
    I was looking for the correct data sheet and found this page.

    On page six it shows the resistance and capacitance for the circuit.
    Don't know if that helps at all but I thought I would show it.

    Attached Files


    • Great!

      Originally posted by Rl2003 View Post
      Hello All,
      I found two fan motors from some scrap, they have a single F276 2
      Phase DC Motor Driver similar to the one that UFO is showing in his video.
      I was looking for the correct data sheet and found this page.

      On page six it shows the resistance and capacitance for the circuit.
      Don't know if that helps at all but I thought I would show it.


      Hello Mark,

      Thanks Guy!, definitively that pdf has got much more info than the SDC276 Manufacturer I have displayed.

      I have also searched on other types as well as their specīs and recommendations...

      I like this comes with PWM pin...Dual Darlington's Drivers...Thermal and Surge protection, restart etc...but capable of up to 36V Source.

      WSH413 datasheet(1/7 Pages) WINSON | Hall Effect Sensor IC with Thermal Lock Protection and Auto Restart Function

      Whole pdf could be downloaded at:

      Great Mark, thanks!

      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • spam arena ?

        Have spammers gone mad ? It seems to be the case.
        Look the 7 posts above mine here.. all of them are spam posts.
        Ban the lurkers!
        edit:the spamilation goes on with no probs at all here?!
        are there any mods in this forum btw?
        Last edited by Peculian; 12-11-2013, 10:10 PM.
        << BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>


        • Originally posted by Peculian View Post
          Have spammers gone mad ? It seems to be the case.
          Look the 7 posts above mine here.. all of them are spam posts.
          Ban the lurkers!
          edit:the spamilation goes on with no probs at all here?!
          are there any mods in this forum btw?
          It's the 21st centuries way of getting something for nothing, you just flutter your eyelashes

          Come on Mod's doing something !!


          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
            Hello Mihai, and Welcome here.

            Mihai...or is it "Mihail" (Russian Name)?

            Anyways, Mihai, obviously You do have a way to just "Not Fooling Around" don't cha?

            You admit have not read my Thread(s)...but no matter what You make your Debut just going to the point right with just "Your First Post"?

            Well, am sorry to disappoint you, but nope, have not ever worked in Windmills Generators...sorry about it.

            Keep searching...maybe you find something here on this great Forum...or in Tesla's work...or in mine...who knows.

            Wish You best of Luck

            I am from Romania ( near Russia ) more question please: can your asymmetrical windings to be applied at induction motors(mono phase and three phase ?This type of motors are easy to find and relatively cheap ....



            • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
              I am from Romania ( near Russia ) more question please: can your asymmetrical windings to be applied at induction motors(mono phase and three phase ?This type of motors are easy to find and relatively cheap ....
              Hi Mihai,
              (bună ziua )
              unfortunately those motors do not fit to the requirements because the rotor "windings" are out of direct control.
              Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


              • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                Hi Mihai,
                (bună ziua )
                unfortunately those motors do not fit to the requirements because the rotor "windings" are out of direct control.
                Hey ,buna ziua to you too John Stone ...thanks for the answer ...seems Ufopolitics don,t answer anymore to newbies like me... I have put some questions on my-asymmetric-electrodynamic-machines thread but seems he not bother to answer...

       are from the same country like me? I was very pleased to see your salut in my mother language...



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                  • Oscillation dampening of R3 &amp; R9

                    Originally posted by GChilders, P87 post #2601 View Post
                    R3 and R9 are placeholders for the resistor that may or may not be needed.
                    Each set up will be different and so the values of these resistors are going to
                    be different.

                    In the tutorials that John Stone wrote he talks about the job that these resistors do. Please read all of the tutorials before you attempt to build this project, it will help you understand the goal at each section. Here is what John said the purpose of these resistors are on page 79 post 2379 of this thread.

                    ". In case of oscillations apart from minor signal quality our FETs will suffer from heat problems. At every edge it sweeps over a range of mid resistance but increasing current (P = I*R^2).
                    You will not get these oscillations for sure but you never know when and where they occur. You might suffer of premature FET death.
                    As you know we can counteract oscillations with resistance. This is true in mechanic matter and electric as well.

                    Here R3, R9 come into play. They need to be tuned to be as low as possible and as high as to dampen oscillations. The value 1R is a place holder only. Some circuits need 5 Ohm others up to 47 Ohm. It can't be predicted.
                    If you have no scope please use 22 Ohm or 33 Ohm and check for heat later on.
                    If you own a scope you will start with 0Ohm (simple wire) and check for oscillations. Then you increase up to the state where you have no oscillations left. You will perform this test with resistive load i.e. a car headlamp connected to 12V. (see procedure below)"

                    So if you have no scope put a 22 or 33 ohm resistor here and if you have a scope you can tune it for better speed and signal quality.


                    @JohnS, Garry, Warren:

                    Regarding the ending value of these resistors, is it bc of the collective performance of the board, components and solders or from the type of motor
                    to which it is hooked up to?

                    Once I get the drivers built I anticipate a variety of tests with different motors I have built, operating a few amps and hopefully the sooner the better up to a few 10s of amps.

                    If these motors have different radiant energy characteristics, it sounds like the value or R3 & R9 would need changed from setup to setup. So would a trimpot be appropriate for this resistor?

                    TIA, Happy New Year,

                    Last edited by sampojo; 12-31-2013, 01:46 AM.
                    Up, Up and Away


                    • resistors for monster drive


                      Hey Joe I am not the expert on this, John Stone should be the final answer, but having said that I think it is the FET's that need the resistance to quiet the oscillations that can be happen within the gates. Like I said I am no expert but I think that the 22 to 33 ohm resistors will work with almost any motor, and I may be wrong and hopefully JS will correct me if I am, but once you have found the sweet spot with your scope you should be able to use your monster drives with any motor. But that is my best guess from what he has written. But he does qualify that it depends on your setup. So if you are using an entirely different setup then it may have to be retuned. I think the original idea was that the monsters were being tuned with a particular application in mind. As far as using a potentiometer to tune it I would wait until JS weighs in on that. I am not sure if they would not introduce something undesirable in the mix. It sounds to me like a good idea if you plan on testing a lot of different types of motors and have a scope on hand to check on the oscillations.




                      • Good advice Garry, just remember guys, you don't want to add any capacitance to the gate, if you want to switch fast and sharp.

                        Regards Cornboy.


                        • AC714 Temperature Sensors

                          I am trying to complete the data acquisition system and have everything ordered except the temperature sensors. I have decided to go with the AC714 which has a number of models available and am trying to figure out if any of the designations give a different address for the sensor as they do not have programmable addresses. Dana I believe you said that you ordered these from Microchip direct. Following are some of the designations.




                          does anyone know if the A1,A2, A3 etc. are a model number or have been programmed with different Addresses??

                          Any help would be appreciated.




                          • Hi friends,
                            sorry for being absent so long. Unfortunately this year started with a very serious motor bike accident of my youngest son. After a week of varying fear and hope he just starts regaining conscious and we are happy he will fully recover. Those facts just for explanation.
                            I were not able to follow threads but searched for mentioning my name and here are some humble answers / contributions:

                            1. The temperature sensor A1, A2 .... have preprogrammed I2C addresses from factory. There is no means for altering it by pins or programming. Not all types are readily awailable by sellers. But do not worry: buy what you can get. All types are OK but you are not allowed to operate two of same type at the bus.
                            In SW it shall be a parameter available for adapting I2C address.

                            2. Please do not confuse these gate resistors to be extremely essential for standard use. I am so sorry I caused this confusion.
                            For standard use a value between 10 Ohm and 33 Ohm will do well (in order to prevent spurious oscillations - they act like electric shock absorbers. For safe operation start with 33 Ohm and check for heat while operating. If FETs experience heat check if i.e. 22 Ohm operate with less heat.
                            Standard resistors you have around might be OK for first tests (i.e. type 207). For tuning please refer to various posts I wrote before.
                            For explanation: Most of you comprehend elecronic circuits as near to static operation. Nevertheless every component and wire owns genuine properties in higher frequency range - normally neglected. This mihgt be of no importance for 1Khz / 10A / 36V.
                            Imagine it like: opening and closing a door of a car - static operation! But if you operate it it will emit very genuine sounds and vibration - not important for a baby car but essential if you spend 100K$ for a PORSCHE. They tune every sond of the car in order to get perfection. Additionally they built in special sound hoses form intake of the engine to the dashboard in order to please the ear of their customers. (BTW: They once forgot a cup holder - a nogo for North America )

                            Now back to electronics: Please comprehend a FET / driver system and any component as some conglomerate or artwork built out of pendulums, rubber strings and springs... (or oscillating sheet metal of a car door - if you want)..... Any movement will affect all others. If we approach to limits like 100A / 500V at monster driver those effects need to be taken in account in order to increase efficiency and prevent premature death of components.
                            At moment this tuning might apply to Midaztouch' bike only.

                            3. Driving FETs from SDC276
                            For first dirty but effective approach I recommend to add a 555 inbetween SDC276 and FETs. All those comprehensions from beginning of this thread still hold. Any usual n-FET will be pleased to get 10V....15V at gate for fully ON operation. The load volatga might be 26V....50V
                            It is very difficult ot give general and dead safe rules. I am willing to give further recommendations for well specified environment like A / V / Hz need of opto isolation .....

                            @Mihai: No, I do not live in your country but was born there more than 40 years ago ....... suffering severely on Ceacescu and his mafia gang ...... his "NSA" was far more effective.....but we escaped and survived - not him!!!

                            Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                            • temp sensors

                              @John Stone

                              Sorry to hear about your sons unfortunate accident and I am glad to hear he will fully recover. Being involved in off road Motocross when I was younger and riding street motorcycles as well I know how easy it is to end up in the dirt or on the pavement. It doesn't have to be your fault, a careless lane change by an automobile driver can ruin your whole life.

                              Thanks for the quick answer on the addresses in the temp sensors I just ordered 5 with different addresses. Hopefully these can be programmed on the same line.

                              I am not sure if you answered Sampojo's question on using a pot, I think that the essential information is to use a 10 to 33 ohm resistor. Am I correct in assuming that this might need to be modified if your setup is high voltage high amperage? But only if there is overheating on the FET's?

                              Thank you for clarifying that.




                              • Sir John Stone

                                I'm glad to hear that your boy will fully recover. I do wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy year!

                                Thank your for your post.
                                Now back to electronics: Please comprehend a FET / driver system and any component as some conglomerate or artwork built out of pendulums, rubber strings and springs... (or oscillating sheet metal of a car door - if you want)..... Any movement will affect all others. If we approach to limits like 100A / 500V at monster driver those effects need to be taken in account in order to increase efficiency and prevent premature death of components.
                                At moment this tuning might apply to Midaztouch' bike only.

                                I will discuss this more with Dana for any potential pitfalls.....We are still moving forward steadily

                                Keep it Clean and Green

