Monster driver board death in AMC
Things looking up, only one mosfet looks bad. Had to isolate the mosfets to find out if only one was bad, so I had a 50-50 chance and even this squirrel found a nut, first try got the right one. As soon as I took the bad board out, of the shared ground, the other one started working, too. And I am using a new soldering bit and now I have plenty of power to work on the 12ga wire on my 100w iron.
Planning ways to squeeze in 4 mosfets per board, as Dana suggested
Things looking up, only one mosfet looks bad. Had to isolate the mosfets to find out if only one was bad, so I had a 50-50 chance and even this squirrel found a nut, first try got the right one. As soon as I took the bad board out, of the shared ground, the other one started working, too. And I am using a new soldering bit and now I have plenty of power to work on the 12ga wire on my 100w iron.
