Conversion Cold to Hot 'electricity'
@UFO (and only Ufo
A bit off topic, but I want your opinion.
Recently I viewed a video featuring Tom Bearden.
In this video he explains how the MEG split the electric field from the (around the electric field curling) magnetic field. The magnetic field was bound in the core, and the electric field was outside the core.
That's how he created Cold electricity.
So my logical thinking is, when you want to convert Cold to Hot, you need to put the magnetic field back.
This can be done: either by pulsating with hot electricity, or by using permanent magnets.
Maybe I am wrong.
Just curious.
@UFO (and only Ufo

A bit off topic, but I want your opinion.
Recently I viewed a video featuring Tom Bearden.
In this video he explains how the MEG split the electric field from the (around the electric field curling) magnetic field. The magnetic field was bound in the core, and the electric field was outside the core.
That's how he created Cold electricity.
So my logical thinking is, when you want to convert Cold to Hot, you need to put the magnetic field back.
This can be done: either by pulsating with hot electricity, or by using permanent magnets.
Maybe I am wrong.
Just curious.