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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Hi UFO
    I am not doing this for an argument, but would like some clarification. Or a retraining of my mind.

    The below picture depicts how I see the circuit operating. Let me know where I am wrong.
    Attached Files


    • Hi all
      Pictures of my oscillator working. Output amplitude of square wave is 11.8V. Frequency at about 500cycles per second. Duty cycle set at approx 30%. Then pic showing complimentary out put on dual trace. Sorry for the lousy shots, but this old camera doesn't do close ups very well.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by larryross; 06-14-2012, 07:06 PM.


      • Hi Ian
        Looks right to me... the only thing your resistor labels don't match mine, but the only time that will matter is if we are discussing the circuit and I talk about R4 you won't be looking at the same resistor as I am talking about.
        BTW you don't happen to live in Australia do you?


        Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
        G'Day Larry

        I finished ammending my drawing of Bob French's LM339 Oscillator
        It is here
        I think I got all the alterations
        Thank you very much


        • Originally posted by larryross View Post
          Hi Ian
          Looks right to me... the only thing your resistor labels don't match mine, but the only time that will matter is if we are discussing the circuit and I talk about R4 you won't be looking at the same resistor as I am talking about.
          BTW you don't happen to live in Australia do you?

          G'Day Larry
          I like the pics of your setup is that Bob's circuit?
          I did not understand why the Resistor labels were not contigous I just altered them so
          I will revert back so as you said we can both know which one is which if we need to discuss
          I am going to rebuild one today

          Yes I do live in Australia Portland Vic What about you

          Kindest Regards Kogs


          • R4

            Originally posted by larryross View Post
            Hi Ian
            Looks right to me... the only thing your resistor labels don't match mine, but the only time that will matter is if we are discussing the circuit and I talk about R4 you won't be looking at the same resistor as I am talking about.
            BTW you don't happen to live in Australia do you?

            G'Day Larry
            If we were to discuss R4 would be OK the only resistor different was R9

            Does Mabuiag Island Ring a bell?

            Regards Kogs


            • Yes Larry...

              Originally posted by larryross View Post
              Hi UFO
              I am not doing this for an argument, but would like some clarification. Or a retraining of my mind.

              The below picture depicts how I see the circuit operating. Let me know where I am wrong.
              Hello Larry,

              Let me see if this is the way you see it, as my interpretation of this diagram and your writings...

              Ok, so your red lower arrow at bottom of coil...where you wrote "Ours can go here...", means that you understand that our positive charge could travel through the lower diode (D1)...Am I Right so far?
              Ok, and then it can "freely" travel through the Load (CFL) and therefore light it, without -at all- the need to have a Coil there..., since it is closing the Loop and passing through D1 "easy"...right?

              Now my questions are:
              1-Did you run the test on lighting your CFL with my set up and diodes yet?
              Because in next pic's all I see is a nice Scope with dual trace signaling and some sort of components but nothing lighting or Coil either...

              Now, whenever you do the another one...for me.
              Take off the Coil, the Diodes and just apply directly the pulses to the CFL...and then...let me know if it lit up...OK?
              It will not light it.
              Now explain to me why?...if your arrows are getting there even better now, without the resistance from Diodes, and without the Coil...or all the wiring looping they have to do -in my set-up- to get their final destination (load)...I mean, the light should be way brighter right?
              Well It AIN'T...

              Number one you are completely ignoring the fact that there -right in the Coil- Positive and Negative charges are getting collapsed, confronted, right in the coil...and "pretty busy" creating a magnetic field...However, you traced a red arrow that... "as a winner" gets out of that process, like nothing ever happen there...Put a meter right there with your positive probe there, please, and you will note that meter will show a negative sign in the amount measured...not positive. A negative coming from the pulses from Drain...

              I mentioned before to you, Larry, to "MAINLY" think about the magnetic field, and NOT THE ELECTRICAL CHARGES, in order to understand my set-up...otherwise you will fall in the confusion of Hot current and Back EMF deal...

              Now, thinking from electromagnetic fields, once you collapse your field, at, let's say 600 Hz, in a square wave, where the drop is completely vertical downfall with exactly ZERO time...there is ANOTHER electromagnetic field raising right at our time off...that creates a back flow, a reverse current...

              Anyways, make that test and let me know...

              Regards Larry

              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • UFO
                You are of course right. I should finish this stage of the project and let my own test answer my questions for me... so just ignore that post of mine.
                No I don't have any thing finished except the oscillator. I have my fets and will wire them up hopefully this week. As far as the coil is concerned I am still not sure how I will wind it guess I will go back and reread the discussions about it. I have been think of using a charcoal filter core from a water filter for the core and wind quad filar primary then play with it for a while and try to get an idea what is going on. If this is not a good idea then please let me know your suggestion.
                Got an early morning so I got to get to bed.

                Ian I will post an answer to you tomorrow.



                • Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
                  G'Day Larry
                  If we were to discuss R4 would be OK the only resistor different was R9

                  Does Mabuiag Island Ring a bell?

                  Regards Kogs

                  Hmmm I am not sure why I used the label R9.... I was trying to keep it consistent with the dual out put schematic and to be right it should be labeled R6 in stead of R9. maybe we should change it to R6 for consistency.

                  I am glad to know another Ian from Australia, I have became acquainted with two other Ians they were both good to talk to. I have Skyped with both of them. Ian White went in to the hospital last fall the same time I did, but sadly he did not recover. I miss our conversations we sometimes talked for hours and we laughed a lot and learned more about the hobby (RC airplane building and flying) we shared an interest in.

                  Ian Hughes, I became acquainted with later and have talked to him on several occasions and we are over due to talk again. Mr. Hughes is also an RC enthusiasts.

                  Warm Regards

                  I don't know if you Skype or not, but I would be interested in talking to you if you do. My Skype name is Larry4not. Anyway it is nice to know another Aussy. Wish you luck on this project and if I can ever help, just let me know. I don't know much about the geographic of Australia, but will use Google earth to find Maduiag Island.
                  Last edited by larryross; 06-15-2012, 09:37 PM.


                  • Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
                    G'Day Larry
                    I like the pics of your setup is that Bob's circuit?
                    Hi again Ian
                    My circuit is (the other circuit I changed) the dual out put circuit... don't remember who originally uploaded it.

                    BTW I guess I didn't answer you on where I live. I live in Grand Junction Colorado.



                    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                      Number one you are completely ignoring the fact that there -right in the Coil- Positive and Negative charges are getting collapsed, confronted, right in the coil...and "pretty busy" creating a magnetic field...However, you traced a red arrow that... "as a winner" gets out of that process, like nothing ever happen there...Put a meter right there with your positive probe there, please, and you will note that meter will show a negative sign in the amount measured...not positive. A negative coming from the pulses from Drain...
                      Hello UFO
                      I am not ignoring it... I simply don't understand your explanation so I am not talking about it. Also I think your meter would read a + near 0 volts with respect to ground with the fet closed (there would be a small voltage drop in the fet) and conducting, not - volts as we don't have a negative power source. The only time you would get a negative reading is if you were measuring across a resistor or other load and had your leads reversed. This conversation is pointless since we obviously don't have the same understanding of things. I won't ask anymore questions and rely on my own test to explain what is going on, if I can. The last thing I want to do is make you angry at me. So please just ignore me.



                      • PowerLEDs brightly lit on radiant EMF low power in...

                        In this setup I pulse my neat Tesla bifilar-in-series type coil.
                        PowerLEDs brightly lit on radiant EMF low power in...
                        By applying a short pulse to a coil and abruptly stopping the flow of current, magnetic field around this inductor collapses producing field oscillations in local space around the coil. We can rectify those oscillations to do some work...

                        Multilayer Tesla bifilar-in-series pancake coil made from 0,5mm wire, 26x2x4=208 turns, CD disc diameter;
                        R = 4.50 Ohm resistance;
                        L = 2.48 mH inductance
                        f = 277 kHz self-oscillation ringing frequency when pulsed;
                        OUTPUT CAPACITOR: 0,15 uF 630V
                        DIODES: MUR160
                        MOSFET: IRFP460
                        FREQUENCY GENERATOR: square wave pulse, in-built mosfet driver, 9V
                        LEDs: 13 pcs + LM317 (current limiting) all connected in series. Each led is rated 120mA max.

                        Final result: after tuning the frequency is in some lower harmonic of 277kHz, here 27.7kHz
                        Input current is very low, around 10 mA @ 30V.
                        I've replaced LEDs' current limiting resistor with a current limiting LM317
                        There is a little solar cell for light output monitoring too...
                        Last edited by kEhYo77; 06-16-2012, 04:30 PM.


                        • Hi all,

                          My new circuit, in process:

                          You have already finished the coil?
                          what specifications?

                          Great setup
                          Very clear the data, thanks
                          Measurement would be appropriate to Luxmeter. LEDs and CFLs have a response curve that sometimes misleads the naked eye.



                          • ????????????????

                            Hi UFO and All
                            I have a number of working systems in all of the configurations in this thread but I am talking about the LM393 setup from post 349 now. I replaced the 100K R3 for a 100K trim pot so I could turn it down a little. With a total resistance of 40K between the pot and R3, running at 24.5 volts and (.010) amps I am reading (47.8) volts at output. I am at 22.3 Hz to 159 Hz and the CFL is just flickering. The Frequency after the diode is 1.125K Hz. This is a lot of voltage increase for just two mosfets and two wire coil with both ends together into one wire. The scope shot is strange also. It is a series of steped up cycles with about eight spikes (off the screen) in each set, then repeates. When this system is advansed in frequency I can light the room with solid orange, solid green, solid purple and of coarse solid white light. Thought some might need some insight to keep pushing ahead. I am sure this is not the limit of this system.
                            "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                            Nikola Tesla


                            • Document for PWM Generator

                              Hi All,
                              here you find my documentation for my PWM generator.
                              I hesitated to post this doc because I want nobody to be confused by just another setup. On the other hand some of you are not happy with your attempt.
                              Others please read and learn and don't feel seduced to jump to this setup.
                              Questions welcome
                              Last edited by JohnStone; 06-16-2012, 11:11 PM.
                              Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                              • Pwm

                                Thanks JohnStone
                                This circuit looks rock solid with all the improvments we needed. Such good work and with testing procedures, how can we thank you. I am starting on section B now.
                                "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                                Nikola Tesla

