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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Originally posted by wingstalysis View Post
    Hey! Ok UFO,
    Appreciate your kind input. I will comply. Also, Where would you recommend I purchase the required batteries. I'm rather new at this so I appreciate you sharing what 1C, 2C or 3C means.As I get up to Thought Speed with your kind assistance, I will be more beneficial to you and all the other evolved beings in your Office of Light.

    Thank you UFO for being you, and putting yourself out to help us all.I also thank our Bro's who follow you, and share their experience, that also helps neophytes not unlike me.
    Take it easy,
    "Charge rate is often denoted as C or C-rate and signifies a charge or discharge rate equal to the capacity of a battery in one hour." from Wikipedia. So 3C means it can be charged 3 times as fast as it's 1 hour capacity or if talking discharge it can safely be discharged at that rate.
    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


    • batteries

      You can get them at Hobby shops...they are used in electric drive systems for R/C cars and planes...If you're unfamilier with them, get shop to help you understand. They can be dangerous if not use properly... as in big fire.
      Last edited by Rubberband; 03-13-2012, 08:34 PM.


      • Morning Everyone,

        I am new here, if I can put my 2 cents in?

        UFOPolitics Circuit is just a simple circuit, not a half H Bridge or anything. Really a single Fet on the Ve- side of the coil should do exactly the same as his circuit. Make it low RDS as you can find, check the datasheets on the part, like was already pointed out.

        I tend to agree with EMJunkie, you no doubt as I have played with this circuit and variants of it for ever! I also think the secret here is in the Coil and the Diode's connecting the coils!

        The Voltage Regulator could easily be replaced by a standard 12V Regulator with a 50K, 2 watt resistor behind it! If the circuit youre using is not working that you have tried to replicate. There is quite obviously a resonance there also. So by finding the Coil resonance and having this coil/set of coils connected this way should yield the same results!

        Anyway, thats my 2 cents worth. Good Luck!

        may The Light be with you!


        • Originally posted by The_Light View Post
          you no doubt as I have played with this circuit and variants of it for ever!
          This actually jogged a memory - I saw this quite a few years back: Catching Radiant Energy
          This is the same circuit - 2 x Diodes on the output here also.

          may The Light be with you!


          • Originally posted by The_Light View Post
            This actually jogged a memory - I saw this quite a few years back: Catching Radiant Energy
            This is the same circuit - 2 x Diodes on the output here also.

            may The Light be with you!
            Hello The Light!

            Hey that was more than 0.02 cents my friend!!

            Yes, that is the circuit, I mean like you´ve said before and I have repeated here also, there is not much at all about the oscillator-controller that I had brought over on a Single N-Channel MOSFET, except that it could be regulated from low Hertz...
            I have 'moved' to a better oscillator based on Dual Antiphase Channels, One High Side P-Channel and a Low side N-Channel. Excellent results, much better response from Radiant and easier to manipulate. Idk if you have ever played with a type of oscillator like that, but it is not a Half or a Full Bridge configuration.
            I have not moved forward into that Oscillator waiting for the members finishing their replication on the first model. Do not want to complicate things.
            Now talking about the circuit and the explanation of your link above:
            There are a couple of things I do not agree with what He says about the Coil:
            1- It should not be made of fine wire...I mean the primary, I had much better results with a Dual Strand of wire 18 Gauge turning 660 on an OD of about 1 1/2 Inch. However, the original was even less turns (360) and a heavy steel core.
            2-Second, I do not agree on keeping the resistance as high as possible...All this will lead to a High Voltage with very low amp values...On Secondaries you could do that, not on primary. My Coils have between 2-4 Ohms (Primary Now) secondaries are higher.
            I had done this spec's testings with no big of a deal outputs.
            However, I read the guy is playing with only 12V supply and Milli-amps .
            According to my concept, a Scope will "read" anything, even a turned on Fluorescent above it...depending on how the Sensibility has been set.

            Resuming...Thanks for bringing this circuit in this Forum!!...It Backs Up my disclosure here in a great measure!!

            Light to you too!!

            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
              Hello The Light!

              Hey that was more than 0.02 cents my friend!!

              Yes, that is the circuit, I mean like you´ve said before and I have repeated here also, there is not much at all about the oscillator-controller that I had brought over on a Single N-Channel MOSFET, except that it could be regulated from low Hertz...
              I have 'moved' to a better oscillator based on Dual Antiphase Channels, One High Side P-Channel and a Low side N-Channel. Excellent results, much better response from Radiant and easier to manipulate. Idk if you have ever played with a type of oscillator like that, but it is not a Half or a Full Bridge configuration.
              I have not moved forward into that Oscillator waiting for the members finishing their replication on the first model. Do not want to complicate things.
              Now talking about the circuit and the explanation of your link above:
              There are a couple of things I do not agree with what He says about the Coil:
              1- It should not be made of fine wire...I mean the primary, I had much better results with a Dual Strand of wire 18 Gauge turning 660 on an OD of about 1 1/2 Inch. However, the original was even less turns (360) and a heavy steel core.
              2-Second, I do not agree on keeping the resistance as high as possible...All this will lead to a High Voltage with very low amp values...On Secondaries you could do that, not on primary. My Coils have between 2-4 Ohms (Primary Now) secondaries are higher.
              I had done this spec's testings with no big of a deal outputs.
              However, I read the guy is playing with only 12V supply and Milli-amps .
              According to my concept, a Scope will "read" anything, even a turned on Fluorescent above it...depending on how the Sensibility has been set.

              Resuming...Thanks for bringing this circuit in this Forum!!...It Backs Up my disclosure here in a great measure!!

              Light to you too!!


              I see now where the problem is on this circuit...It triggered when He said "The Highest Spike I've got..."
              Radiant is a very uniform wave signal, watch my video on resistor test, it is clearly there in the Scope. There shouldn't be Spikes at all...either the diodes are not good for the purpose or the Cap is doing it, or due to the resonance created with coil.
              You can NOT charge an Electrolytic Cap with Radiant will blow it.
              However, He is working the charge out by adding very slow may work but will take for ever. besides the circuit is enclosed in a load added...

              The point here is to find the highest frequency-resonance that you could drive Radiant at High Levels. You have to go gradually (I had said it a few times now), slowly going Up till you reach the highest peaks.
              I have gotten Radiant at pretty high levels in the K Hertz values.


              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Hi Everyone,

                I was looking around at lunch and found what I believe to be a very handy link for Inductor Self Resonance.

                Self-resonant frequency of Inductors

                I think this will help alot of people that are struggling with their coils.

                This link gives a ton of good information.

                May The Light be with you.


                • Hi Everyone,

                  I have replicated the circuit and Coil setup with the diodes and my Replication of UFOPolitics Setup is Under Unity - by a long way.

                  I am getting less than 40% output on my setup and this is at resonance. I get 89% if I use a closed Core.

                  I need more information.

                  May the light be with you

                  P.S. I think Inductive Collapse is not the way forward - Unless I am missing a very important piece of information. Also your Diodes are drawn the wrong way around on the secondary coil as per the description on the Drawing you released, UFOPolitics - Just thought I'd point this out for others following this thread.



                  • I have given up on the regulators here none of them have worked for me so I found one on youtube - LM317 Adjustable Voltage Regulator Tutorial.
                    It is adjustable so you can set the voltage to whatever you want, 12v in this case. ewizard has also suggested using an adjustable one.
                    It worked well. I set regulator to 12v and connected it to the rest of the circuit and it also worked well. I quickly tested it with 3*12v bulbs, then with a coil. I could feel the vibrations in the coil, thats all I have done for now.

                    Last edited by Netica; 03-14-2012, 10:11 AM.


                    • Originally posted by The_Light View Post
                      Hi Everyone,

                      I have replicated the circuit and Coil setup with the diodes and my Replication of UFOPolitics Setup is Under Unity - by a long way.

                      I am getting less than 40% output on my setup and this is at resonance. I get 89% if I use a closed Core.

                      I need more information.

                      May the light be with you

                      P.S. I think Inductive Collapse is not the way forward - Unless I am missing a very important piece of information. Also your Diodes are drawn the wrong way around on the secondary coil as per the description on the Drawing you released, UFOPolitics - Just thought I'd point this out for others following this thread.


                      Hello The Light,

                      Absolutely there is something not right in your circuit-set up.

                      I could BLOW on video, I mean, "Literally and really" BLOW in shattered glass pieces a 120 Volts/40 Watt CFL with just my primary reverse Radiant Energy through the diodes using on Input FOUR (4.0 VOLTS). And you tell me my circuit is " Under Unity-by a long way"??!!

                      Yes, definitively you need more info...may read a bit more the whole thread, something wrong there.

                      "P.S. I think Inductive Collapse is not the way forward -"
                      : !!??

                      That what this thread is all about , Inductive collapse to invoke Radiant in, at those "Collapses" or TIMES OFF.
                      So, if you think "Is not the way forward" then -by all be means- be my guest, open another thread and propose your own "Way to The Light"...

                      "Also your Diodes are drawn the wrong way around on the secondary coil as per the description on the Drawing you released, UFOPolitics.."
                      Answer: NO, they are NOT wrong, secondary is shown to be wound in, exactly, the same way as primary, as a matter of fact, in CAD is just a CLONE, a Copy of the primary coil drawing. Radiant flows in complete opposition to our Hot electricity and period. If the Primary is set up to flow in ONE Way and Secondary is Identical, the Flow is ALSO exactly the same. Therefore Diodes Go exactly the same as primary.

                      Then You add...

                      ..."Just thought I'd point this out for others following this thread..."
                      I mean, You've got it obviously wrong, the whole thing, just by stating diodes are set wrong , this opinions happened way back at the beginning of this people who did not understand this simple are still on the Hot side, viewing it from there...and of course diodes look wrong from that point. However, you have the audacity to still "warn others" here on my thread??!!

                      I have spend thousand of hours on this tests, I would not accept someone to "just step in" and "try" to judge, criticize and 'try to repair' my own set-up... when it is very obvious you've got it all wrong...period.

                      So, either you try to "comply" and repair what is wrong with your set-up...or ship out and like I said your own thread my friend.

                      I gave you a nice answer to your first posts.
                      You brought over a link stating same circuit "few years ago" so "nothing new here"...right?, well I thank you again for doing it, it proves my diodes set up is perfect. However, I am way ahead of that circuit brother.

                      May the light be with you (if you are able to see it)


                      By the way...You sound very similar to EM the point I could say is the same person.
                      maybe am wrong. hope so
                      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-14-2012, 12:00 PM.
                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Would be good think to find a way to charge electrolytic capacitors from radiant.


                        • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                          Would be good think to find a way to charge electrolytic capacitors from radiant.
                          Hey Boguslaw,

                          You portrait a picture from Nikola Tesla in your profile...makes me figure you know a lot about Him...then you should know He conceived and patented specifically designed capacitors, oil based, for Radiant Energy and High Frequency electricity...some even 'adjustable'...


                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • Defining Radiant Energy Field Video

                            DEFINING RADIANT ENERGY FIELD (Part 1) - YouTube

                            A demonstration of facts about Radiant Energy Electromagnetic field existence, range of action and behavior through a simple tool I have built.

                            1-One is Motor action: The "Tool" rotor will rotate faster than a motor, (and no bearings, just a rudimentary tool)...based on an exchange of Two Electromagnetic Fields, One from our pulses, generated at our 'On-Times', and an Opposed Radiant Energy Electromagnetic Field, generated Naturally as our pulses drop, collapse to zero point, that's where Radiance enters our system. This Motor runs 50% on our expense...50% of Radiant Energy ...

                            2-Also proven here, that the Blue LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights up, NOT due to rotating motor action , (by locking motor action and still lights up) meaning as the Old, Ancient Laws & concepts from Classic Physics Dark Ages...That the Coil is Induced by rotating, moving , therefore, cutting the Electromagnetic field lines in opposite directions (Faraday/Lenz 1800's)...

                            We have come up a long way Baby from those times now!!...Now the LED is lighting up by pure Radiant Energy Light. LED are Diodes, they only work one way, this diode is set up to be lit by The Opposite Field only, not the one we are generating.
                            I also show the range where Radiant is within the Coil...Center of Gravity point of Coil is the Most point where we receive the peak of Radiant Energy power.

                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-14-2012, 05:33 PM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Appreciation

                              Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                              "Charge rate is often denoted as C or C-rate and signifies a charge or discharge rate equal to the capacity of a battery in one hour." from Wikipedia. So 3C means it can be charged 3 times as fast as it's 1 hour capacity or if talking discharge it can safely be discharged at that rate.
                              Thanks Bro' for your kindness.
                              I AM THE ONE


                              • Appreciation

                                Originally posted by Rubberband View Post
                                You can get them at Hobby shops...they are used in electric drive systems for R/C cars and planes...If you're unfamilier with them, get shop to help you understand. They can be dangerous if not use properly... as in big fire.
                                Thanks so much Rubberband. Actually I feel like a bit of a nana, as UFO did state in an earlier thread the type of batteries to use, and to make matters worse I have those batteries which I use on my Electric Jets. Blows all my fuses that three such batteries can power my Mobility Scooter. Exciting stuff. Thanks UFO, and you kind thoughtful guys for not telling me off!

                                Love and Honour,
                                I AM THE ONE

