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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Torpex,

    Thank you for your help. I think that I finally got it.
    All my parts are here so I can start to build. I got some Carbon Fiber Tow also and am going to make a coil (I think that I've figured out how to make it...a slow, but doable process.) I'll keep everyone posted.




    • Not Carbon Fiber Cores!!

      Originally posted by View Post

      Thank you for your help. I think that I finally got it.
      All my parts are here so I can start to build. I got some Carbon Fiber Tow also and am going to make a coil (I think that I've figured out how to make it...a slow, but doable process.) I'll keep everyone posted.


      Hello Bob,

      Can not use Carbon Fiber as a Core or a Spool for your Coil...will kill Radiant flow completely.
      I have tested on several cores I have made out of Carbon fibers for different projects...for some reason carbon fibers in the mesh form, create an immediate short circuit of this type of electricity, even isolating it from the enameled will not thrive.

      Regards and good testing

      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-11-2012, 11:59 PM.
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • UFO,

        My 19 AWG quad-filar coil is around a ParCore of 1.5" diameter, 4" outside diameter, and 5.5" tall. It measures 5.3 ohms of resistance. How does this sound? Is the impedance OK? I think that I have the coil direction figured out now thanks to you, Torpex, and Cinan.

        I'm using NTE2397 MOSFETs (x4) in your "mine" circuit with the missing wire added. I am replacing the 555 with the LM393 circuit on Page 12, Message #349, and the voltage regulator with the updated version on Page 9, Message #267. Do I need any resistors between the Gate or Source to the LM393 (like you have the 330 ohm resistors from the Gate, and 15k from the Source for the 555)? I assume the 47k resistors from the Gate to the Source are always needed.

        I will start testing with neons and CFL. What wattage CFL? I hope I have enough meters.

        Can I charge batteries too? If so, what size Ah should I start with? 4Ah, 16Ah, 100 Ah...more? Bedini says that RE doesn't care...put as many as you want, it will just take longer. I've got three 12v, 16Ah batteries to make 36v with. Is that sufficient, and how long will that run for testing? Or does the circuit recharge the Primary? I can't remember. I read the whole thread last week but can't remember everything.

        Any suggestions will be most appreciated. Thanks!


        PS - Don't waste your time on those who argue or goad you. Just keep helping those who are friendly and we can all have fun while learning so much great stuff.


        • UFO,

          I was going to coat the fiber and wind it as a coil (instead of copper magnet wire). Are you saying this will not allow RE to flow through the coil?



          • Hello Bob

            Originally posted by View Post

            My 19 AWG quad-filar coil is around a ParCore of 1.5" diameter, 4" outside diameter, and 5.5" tall. It measures 5.3 ohms of resistance. How does this sound? Is the impedance OK? I think that I have the coil direction figured out now thanks to you, Torpex, and Cinan.

            I'm using NTE2397 MOSFETs (x4) in your "mine" circuit with the missing wire added. I am replacing the 555 with the LM393 circuit on Page 12, Message #349, and the voltage regulator with the updated version on Page 9, Message #267. Do I need any resistors between the Gate or Source to the LM393 (like you have the 330 ohm resistors from the Gate, and 15k from the Source for the 555)? I assume the 47k resistors from the Gate to the Source are always needed.

            I will start testing with neons and CFL. What wattage CFL? I hope I have enough meters.

            Can I charge batteries too? If so, what size Ah should I start with? 4Ah, 16Ah, 100 Ah...more? Bedini says that RE doesn't care...put as many as you want, it will just take longer. I've got three 12v, 16Ah batteries to make 36v with. Is that sufficient, and how long will that run for testing? Or does the circuit recharge the Primary? I can't remember. I read the whole thread last week but can't remember everything.

            Any suggestions will be most appreciated. Thanks!


            PS - Don't waste your time on those who argue or goad you. Just keep helping those who are friendly and we can all have fun while learning so much great stuff.

            Hello Bob,

            I hope you've got my message about Carbon Fiber not good for cores-spools.

            According to the spec's of your coil it sounds great, the only thing I see is... to be a Quadfilar of 19 awg looks like too much've mentioned before around 500 meters right?...that into turns should be a lot...
            But it can not harm your system at all, the only inconvenience you may face is that it will spent too fast your batteries for every time you start a "fill" those five hundred meters again...
            Normally the Coil should be between 1.5 to 2.5 Ohms...

            I have not built the LM393 circuit yet, but I figure the 330 ohms should go there after the 100 Ohms common to all Gates..
            Yes, the 47K resistor from gate to ground is your "call back" reset of MOSFET's...the Biasing factor, otherwise they will not turn fully off...and you may play with this values according to your set-up...increasing, but never decreasing this value.
            Related to what batteries...I will start with the lowest Ah values...I assume (according to Ah values) they are lead-acid batteries..and not LiPo's?
            I have tested with lead-acid, it will work also...but will last less..
            No, the system I have not tried to recharge the batteries...I use LiPo's must of times and they last through all my tests just fine..however LiPo's have a very strict rules to be recharged...
            It will charge lead acid but with an additional set up...that includes a charger fed by the coil output...but just test it simple set up by now...and tell Us how it went...I am anxious to hear you!

            Good testing!!

            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Coat the Fiber?

              Originally posted by View Post

              I was going to coat the fiber and wind it as a coil (instead of copper magnet wire). Are you saying this will not allow RE to flow through the coil?

              Hello Bob, I am sorry, I misunderstood you...

              Using Carbon fiber Mesh to build a Core or a Spool to wind regular magnetic wire will not let RE to show up...I thought you were making a core or a spool out of Carbon fiber...
              And now with your last quoted text...I am even more lost and confused...

              Ok...If I understand now...are you going to wind carbon fiber strands and coat them with resin instead of regular magnetic wire?
              If that is what you are doing you will obtain results here that no one have before...Radiant travels through Carbon Fiber thousands of times faster than Hot electricity...However...I can not tell you if Hot will create a strong magnetic field of enough magnitude as to bring in Radiant field...

              I wanted to make that test...but have not been able to find long strands of carbon fiber in spools isolated already...I understand it is used on Heaters Elements applications...but had no luck finding it...

              What are you using to isolate it?, it must be a High Temperature resin...and very flexible...
              The thing is...Radiant travels so fast on fiber that it shorts out in a mesh, even touching both outputs to a carbon fiber piece made out of cylindrical mesh...Now if it is a long piece or bar made out of carbon mesh...not round or cylindrical, it will spark...but it will not die...interesting Eh?

              I have a prior post where I explained my results with carbon fibers...

              PD: Make sure there is not even a tiny piece of fiber exposed without insulation...or it will "jump" its Arc somewhere...and short out coil...that could fry your MOSFET's..!!


              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-12-2012, 12:53 AM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • UFO,

                My coil wires are 500 feet, not meters and 5.3 ohms.

                The carbon fiber tow I bought is 115 yards of continuos fibers. They are not broken and I have looked at them with a magnifying glass...they seem verysmooth on the outside surface. I plan to wind a coil with this. I think that I can apply a fast drying resin/epoxy/etc. as I wind, with time allowed for drying for each layer. I'llsend you the product designation, cost, and where I got it when I find the invoice. I'm excited to see what it will do.

                Good luck, have fun, and keep on truckin',



                • Great material Bob!!

                  Originally posted by View Post

                  My coil wires are 500 feet, not meters and 5.3 ohms.

                  The carbon fiber tow I bought is 115 yards of continuos fibers. They are not broken and I have looked at them with a magnifying glass...they seem verysmooth on the outside surface. I plan to wind a coil with this. I think that I can apply a fast drying resin/epoxy/etc. as I wind, with time allowed for drying for each layer. I'llsend you the product designation, cost, and where I got it when I find the invoice. I'm excited to see what it will do.

                  Good luck, have fun, and keep on truckin',


                  Hello Bob,

                  Wow that is great fiber!, thanks and yes I also want to make that test.
                  I have carbon fiber but it is a mesh, a fabric, to make racing panels and other app..when I pull one strand it is not a solid piece, but many it comes apart very easy...not good for this purposes.
                  Now, if it is naked fiber , test its continuity outside...and see if it is bare fiber.
                  If it is, then every layer is going to be making contact between turn levels of the you will have a whole layer shorted out.

                  I recommend you use a fine strip of kind of wax paper -(I use the type used for electric motors isolation between teeth or poles) one end glued to core , and as you wind you cover each turn of fiber with the paper strip. Meaning same you were going to do between layers but doing it between turns...
                  It is more work, but it will not short out for sure.
                  Resin is a mess, and you are going to loose that will short out even between resin layers by its arc. Trust me

                  If it comes already isolated then disregard all the above and good luck and waiting for your results....and yes definitively I want that fiber...I want to wind Motors with it!!

                  Have a great weekend


                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Zero,

                    I've been getting NTE2397s for $5-6 from Newark Electronics/Element 14.



                    • Carbon Fiber


                      The carbon fiber that I got is called "tow". I got the thinnist they offer which is about 1/32" thick. It is made of 1000 continuous fibers. I got it from: CST Composite Store (800) 338-1278 or

                      I bought: 1k Tow, 115 yds. (for $20)

                      I think you'll like this stuff. Just need to figure out how to insulate it from itself for winding coils. I don't understand your comment that if I epoxy/resin between wires/layers that it will still arc across and short out coil. Why is that?



                      PS -Ignor the disruptors! They don't build, encourage, or help. They only waste everybody's time...words, words, words. Let them start their own thead and watch nobody come to it. They come here because other people come here. People will not go to them, because they area waste of time.


                      • Originally posted by View Post
                        PS -Ignor the disruptors! They don't build, encourage, or help. They only waste everybody's time...words, words, words. Let them start their own thead and watch nobody come to it. They come here because other people come here. People will not go to them, because they area waste of time.
                        Wrong bud! I most certainly build! Study comes first. I'm wasting my time, not yours. I came here because the thread started off like it was going to go somewhere, but didn't (my opinion, I know you didn't ask for it). Not looking for attention....looking for answers mate. There is only one'll figure that one out soon enough.

                        I respond to you not because you come at me directly, you come indirect...smooth criminal...

                        Judge not lest ye be judged.



                        • Thank you Ufopolitics!

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          One of the simplest, but precisely defined concepts of Radiant Energy is on Wikipedia:
                          Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves.

                          Before Nikola Tesla times, Maxwell derived and developed two main paths to analyze-calculate Electromagnetism:

                          1-Symmetrical Systems
                          2-Asymmetrical Systems

                          Symmetrical Systems were the ones "legalized and Adopted" by Classic Physics to our date, the ONLY ones we know so far to develop, calculate, design and build must Electrodynamics-Electromagnetic Systems up to now.
                          Asymmetrical Systems were "Disregarded" by Nobel Prize Scientist Lorentz , financed into this "Enterprise" by John P. Morgan and Thomas Alva Edison.
                          Heaviside and Johnstone Equations backing Up Maxwell Asymmetrical Systems were also disregarded by Lorentz and Einstein.

                          The Energy Conservation Laws Applies ONLY to Symmetrical Systems. NOT to Asymmetrical Systems.
                          The Laws of Thermodynamics also Applies to CLOSED SYMMETRICAL SYSTEMS.

                          Asymmetrical Systems are based on ELECTROMAGNETIC FEEDBACK, or ELECTROMAGNETIC RESONANCE.


                          Regards to All

                          Thank you very much Ufopolitics for your always clear and precise explanation of this very interesting phenomenon and above of all for your patience and your "open-source" spirit!

                          Ciao e grazie ancora da chi capisce poco di queste cose!

                          Last edited by marcoski; 05-12-2012, 03:03 PM.


                          • Thanks Bob

                            Originally posted by View Post

                            I've been getting NTE2397s for $5-6 from Newark Electronics/Element 14.



                            Thankyou for the infomation on the MOSFETS. I have an account with RS so I just grabbed the parts with other orders.

                            However, there is an Element 14 ( previously Farnell ) in Australia and I will have to make a account with them.

                            I found 30-40 IRF740 MOSFETS in a parts box and made a timer circuit with 2 in parallel to test. Is Mothers Day tomorrow but I hope to make the time to test and post up a clip or pics.



                            • E un piacere mio amico

                              Originally posted by marcoski View Post
                              Thank you very much Ufopolitics for your always clear and precise explanation of this very interesting phenomenon and above of all for your patience and your "open-source" spirit!

                              Ciao e grazie ancora da chi capisce poco di queste cose!

                              Ciao Marco come vai?

                              Sono bene felice che, almeno ora, capiate un poco pił...

                              il mio piacere


                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Hello Bob

                                Originally posted by View Post

                                The carbon fiber that I got is called "tow". I got the thinnist they offer which is about 1/32" thick. It is made of 1000 continuous fibers. I got it from: CST Composite Store (800) 338-1278 or

                                I bought: 1k Tow, 115 yds. (for $20)

                                I think you'll like this stuff. Just need to figure out how to insulate it from itself for winding coils. I don't understand your comment that if I epoxy/resin between wires/layers that it will still arc across and short out coil. Why is that?



                                PS -Ignor the disruptors! They don't build, encourage, or help. They only waste everybody's time...words, words, words. Let them start their own thead and watch nobody come to it. They come here because other people come here. People will not go to them, because they area waste of time.

                                Thanks Bob, I will definitively get this fiber!!

                                I don't understand your comment that if I epoxy/resin between wires/layers that it will still arc across and short out coil. Why is that?
                                Ok, if you are just isolating the whole layer, and not turn by will arc between turns, unless you leave a gap between turns and cover with epoxy, if , let's say two turns of naked fiber, are too close to each others it will count as just one turn...they will short.
                                Just like winding a coil with bare wire...not will short out, will not work.
                                Hope you understand me now.

                                I have made several tests with carbon fiber and Radiant...
                                Radiant reacts to this fiber as a Superconductor for Hot electricity, but even faster.
                                I am planning to wind a motor with carbon fiber...but to run it with radiant output...not hot.
                                Just by getting fiber close to a Radiant Spark Arcs to the gap...and getting it further out creates effects in the output as to magnify them.
                                I have build carbon fiber electrodes as spark gap and works better than solid plain carbon brushes, just because it arcs from a bigger gap, and the light is so intense that it will blind you.
                                I have conducted the Dr Chung/J.L Naudin tests on negative resistor...excellent results, very negative resistance values.
                                It crashes to the point of having to reset to zero your system in order to get Radiance back, when you just touch a carbon fiber cylinder with your two radiant output terminals.

                                The only problem I see on Coils is that it offers a lot of resistance to Hot electricity, not to Radiant, however this fact gets your coil very hot...therefore I am not sure if Hot will originate a strong magnetic field needed to bring radiant field in...But trying is the only way to find go for it!!
                                It will be a new approach...and there is nothing to loose as long as you keep reading the Coil Temperature during test.

                                Good testing!!


                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-12-2012, 05:33 PM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

