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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • @Dana and Bob
    Thank you for your kind words, tips and all information you post here
    I will test if 24 volt will generate less heat.
    Appreciate it.

    Was thinking if it would be feasible to drive the coil at his natural resonance frequency so it will dissipate less power..



    • Hot coils.


      I don't like seeing anything heat up, but we are using Hot current to make the magnetic field in the coil in order to draw the RE. So I guess the coil will heat up from that. We want to minimize that, but lately my coil has been running about 20 degrees above ambient temperature.

      Al and the Honorable UFOl,

      At this time I'm not too worried because I'm starting to get some good results with the charging. I posted the data of a test in progress and will now share the final data from that test. When I got back to measure the batteries, the system had already stopped, having run out of input. The Primary was at 7.98v! The charge battery bank was sitting at 37.3v, which was OK because it had started at 31.36v (a gain of 5.94v, not bad). These measurements were made at 9:00PM last night. Today at 3:40PM, I measured them again. The Primary had recovered to 34.42v!!! And the charge bank was at 3.73v STILL. Usually they will loose some just sitting and this was 18 hours loss at all. This is the kind of characteristics we are going to get as we condition the batteries by charging them with RE.

      So,the Primary lost 3.58v and the charge bank gained 5.94v. That's paying 60 to get 100. These two banks are identical (same voltage, amp rating, model and brand...exact. Apples for apples.) They are starting to show signs of getting conditioned. This where real magic starts. It's the batteries, not just the system that makes this spectaular.

      I'm working on modifying my device to use an MJL2119 in the place of my blown MOSFETs while I'm waiting for my parts to come.

      Take care and enjoy,



      • Hello To All!!

        Hello to All!!

        Hey, I am very glad it is all working out for all of You!!...I am really enjoying all this successful testings!!

        @Bob French:

        Yes Bob, charging them batteries with RE , which is a kind of High Frequency current makes wonder when inserted directly on the acid...however have to make starting tests at lower RE Frequencies. Now this is something I wanted to ask you...Did you measure the Hertz at the RE Output?...Its reading is supposed to get higher frequency than Hot field, I have done it with Two Meters to be able to watch both readings to compare...Input and Output Freq. from Hot Cold...
        The thing is the Higher Frequencies of RE De-Sulphates the cells by its type of pulsing currents, and like you've said, as Mr Bedini also crystallize them...I will start using a very old and bad battery to run this test...

        Will love to go to Tennessee and participate in that meeting with you guys...Too bad distance and time is a killer...

        Related to CF isolation I have a special sleeve-spaghetti very fine tubing made of threaded fiberglass, like a cloth, very strong, it comes in different sizes rolls, and stands the heat 'cause its made for motors-generators isolation from the windings to commutator elements...The one I buy is from DELFINGEN, and comes in awg gauge, I have a 20 awg roll NU-AG155C1 #20, I get them in my Wire Motor supplies store. I believe this should be a heck of an isolation for CF, but it will have to be sewn , kind off...with a wire to go through, since Carbon fiber is so soft...

        @Bbem: Man I am so happy you finally got the Lady!!
        Now be patient with Her...she is very "special"...
        The Mosfet's should be very low rates of RdsOn to Milli-ohms also capable of ultra-fast switching and to handle large amperage at pulsed DC ...The Diodes to control flow, should also be Ultra-Fast and the fastest recovery possible...I like the NTE 576/UF505 because they are rated under the 35 nano sec's recovery, and can handle up to 150 Amps and 400 Volts...that's pretty good.

        Welcome aboard!!

        @ OrionLightShip and ZPE,

        Great video ZPE!...
        However ,I have found the RE Field manifests at very center of coil, now, it does it along the vertical line of coil axis...and also at center perpendicular plane related to a normal vertically set rounded and cylindrical Coil...There are ways to make this field form different than this, by the configuration of coil...
        As you increase the frequency, the RE Field expands in this two planes, at a pretty equal distribution...
        But yes, ZPE you are completely right, this exchange of fields have incredible strength, and yet, it has NOT been used for Motor great potential and efficiency that could be achieved...Imagine we get a Free Spin and force from RE Field...
        Well, I have done that Asymmetrical Single Coil , No Steel...Fiberglass...and rotating a very heavy laminated steel armature-rotor...and also magnet get ready...same outputs and more as this coil as it rotates.

        Cheers and Regards to All

        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Hello Larry!!

          Originally posted by larryross View Post
          Hello UFO
          I want to apologize for the last dumb question. I am a 20 year electronic tech and I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around your concept, but the light is coming on slowly. I am 68 years old and retired so I haven't been involved to any extent for a while and do have preconceived notions about electronics, but have a very open mind and know there has to be more than I have been taught.
          I think I have found one of the things I missed. You are not powering the secondary coil with the magnetic flux link between the coils (conventional way to power the secondary), but putting the secondary coil in the circuit in series with the primary and driving it with the back/counter EMF of the primary.
          I am going back and compile your instructions in to a document which will be much easier to follow. Once compiled I will email it to you for critique and proofing.

          Thanks again for sharing

          Hey Larry,

          You do not have to apologize here to me, it is a completely logical question, and You've made it wonderfully displayed. On the contrary, my original circuit posted here, looks like is a complete "anomaly" , to a point "an insult" to many here...or to anyone that have even "light" experience in electronics-electrical circuits...It was also weird to me in the beginning of my findings...and I honestly laughed when I started making my first successful testings that proved I was right. I really could not believe it myself.

          However, from that first time to now...I have completely changed the way I used to look at Electrodynamic Machines...and to All Electromagnetic Fields-Interactions in general taking place in any circuit where they configure a center an Inductor or a Transformer.

          I had to go back to my -by then- "Old Motor Set-Up" and re arrange them accordingly to this new has been a long and hard work...but it was worthy.

          I have also enjoyed to go back an run a "Historical" review of Why this had happened and when in time...along our History...

          There are many great men I had read, that had contributed to answer my Mr. Tom Bearden (Energy from the Vacuum Book and sites)...He dedicated three decades of his life to discover when how and why this happened...I highly recommend his book.
          Another great Man that had inspired me all along was Mr Peter Lindemann...I have read many of his articles and re-posted them in as many sites as I have had access to...including Facebook Groups... I also recommend all the literature and DVD's you could get your hands on from him...

          I also have followed many great scientists related to FE Inventions...I have read their patents...their books...However, the main one I always have followed and admired, not only because his genius inventions...but because He was a great man and a Humanitarian at large..was DR. Nikola Tesla, Rest in Peace...

          Larry Ross, it is a great pleasure and very good to have a person of such an experience in this fields here with Us like You, Larry...and that you could also replicate my findings going by the successful tests done by Bob French, based on the Great circuit rendered here from Mad Scientist...


          I also want to thank Bob French again (I think I will never stop doing it!!)...just for coming back here to show Us all the proof of His testings along with his "upgraded set-up"...Thanks Bob!!

          I say that , just because I know that many here have replicated my circuit...and were very successful (it is a really simple set-up, and with the thousands of experienced people here... it is almost impossible that this far down...just Bob French comes up here?)...Some have approached to me through Facebook and You private messages, to tell me "My Circuit Rocks"...some I have ask them to come here and post it...some did, some never did...But it is totally Ok, is part of "Human Behavior"...I understand them...why they never came back -like You did Bob- to show IT WORKS WONDERFUL !!

          Welcome again Larry, and please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the future...I will be here for You, as all this other great guys here replicating successfully this set-up.

          Warm regards my friend!!



          P.D: Larry, You've asked me about the Motor thread (by the way, I have noticed a lot of new threads related to motors "enhancements" popping out recently?!..coincidence?, I am still working in a Model to show pictures-videos off...It is an Open Model (No Frame Housing covering components), mounted on a piece of wood, front and rear mounts and completely open...made in order to make "exchangeable" all the different types of stators and rotors configurations so that the viewers could have a complete idea of what They could build in a near future...
          Besides that, I am working in two videos I want to release first, One is the lighting of an HID High Discharge Sodium 70 Watts Assembly (with Transformer and starter, no Cap) with just two primary Coil output, one solid steel, and one hollow...
          Then a second video on Isolated Internal Core Secondaries and their magnified output, as the Geometrical planes where they manifest.
          I consider this videos and discussion necessary before moving on to more complex rotating machines will help also to make changes-improvements on existing ones.
          And yes, you are completely right my friend...I try to keep the "normal induction" from Hot not to be "successful" in my secondaries...but like you call it...the B or C EMF Induction...

          Sorry for such a long post...

          Regards again
          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-21-2012, 03:14 AM. Reason: add text
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Delfingen Sleeves

            Originally posted by View Post

            I don't like seeing anything heat up, but we are using Hot current to make the magnetic field in the coil in order to draw the RE. So I guess the coil will heat up from that. We want to minimize that, but lately my coil has been running about 20 degrees above ambient temperature.

            Al and the Honorable UFOl,

            At this time I'm not too worried because I'm starting to get some good results with the charging. I posted the data of a test in progress and will now share the final data from that test. When I got back to measure the batteries, the system had already stopped, having run out of input. The Primary was at 7.98v! The charge battery bank was sitting at 37.3v, which was OK because it had started at 31.36v (a gain of 5.94v, not bad). These measurements were made at 9:00PM last night. Today at 3:40PM, I measured them again. The Primary had recovered to 34.42v!!! And the charge bank was at 3.73v STILL. Usually they will loose some just sitting and this was 18 hours loss at all. This is the kind of characteristics we are going to get as we condition the batteries by charging them with RE.

            So,the Primary lost 3.58v and the charge bank gained 5.94v. That's paying 60 to get 100. These two banks are identical (same voltage, amp rating, model and brand...exact. Apples for apples.) They are starting to show signs of getting conditioned. This where real magic starts. It's the batteries, not just the system that makes this spectaular.

            I'm working on modifying my device to use an MJL2119 in the place of my blown MOSFETs while I'm waiting for my parts to come.

            Take care and enjoy,


            Hello Bob,

            Here is a picture of one of my rotors with this sleeves -I was writing about before- on the wires (the roll in the back ground) that I think could be used to isolate the TOW Carbon Fiber strands...


            Attached Files
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • I live in the Great state of Tennessee

              Bob, I live in Henderson,Tn. 13mi east of Jackson 100mi north of Memphis. Very Glad someone in this study lives close to me.



              • Newbie

                Hi ALL,
                wonderful thread! Can't stop reading since several days. Thanks for all your sharing, lots of open minded and knowledgeabele minds here . Thanks Ufopolitics for givng freely your notion to the community, to the world. It is very much apprecited.
                It is the first time I found basics where we can put hands on in order to engineer them. This will foster lots of other replications like Don's device.

                To introduce myself: My background is electronics - mainly digital. I tried for several month to grasp basics of Don's device and did not succeed. I am eager to learn these basics. Important: I will respect kind behaviour and omit any disturbing arguing! I'd like to act in concert with all of you!

                I will be back after reading all posts. But I'd like to share some notions in advance:

                1. Be careful with carbon fibres! Broken parts enter your flesh and will not come out - unlike glass fibres. Carbon fibres will travel in your body for the rest of your life! Nobody knows where they end up and what they do there. It might be similar to asbestos fibres. Not the chemical material but the size of fibres affect our health. Prevent getting contact with ends of fibres and remove any with forceps thoroughly.

                2. There is one of Don's schematics with this strange voltage devider. Maybe it is a strong requirement to use carbon resistors in order to pass / filter hot and cold!

                3. @Ufo: I like your poetic view! To my understanding SHE is not white but dressed with shimmering and rainbow coloured cloth. But I will not argue about this

                rgds John
                Last edited by JohnStone; 05-21-2012, 11:09 AM.
                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                • Confirmation?

                  Originally posted by ZeropointEnergy View Post
                  Hey UFO,

                  I could not help myself and made a video with a fresh neon bulb.
                  Have you found that after a few mins the neon stops generating the white/purple Radiant flashes and only has the plasma across the 2 legs?

                  Circuit is set to 44Hz at 89% duty cycle TL. I was only running the tests for 2-3 mins to let to NPN transistor cool down. I'm sure I will solder a full astable timer circuit, including the LM317 in the next few days untill the op amp (LM339 is from the UK) and the US parts arrive .

                  Enjoy my friend and looking forward to your comments
                  Plasma Effects in a Neon Bulb due to Radiant Anomolies at 44Hz - 15th May 2012.AVI - YouTube


                  Hey UFO,

                  I just wanted you to clarify what the main circuit variables you want all to replicate are?

                  The simple PWM circuit with a 555 timer is all people need to replicate your experiments with the neon as I did. Therefore, is there a prerequisite for the circuit voltage that you wish?
                  12V is fine to fire an NPN transistor but when I used MOSFET's and stepped up to 24-36V I had to use the LM317 to regulate the voltage to the 555 timer.
                  I have more parts in the mail (hope the NTE products from the US) and if so I will make up a a new PWM circuit with the LM339, or LM393 (8 pin for N-channel FET's is all we need as other side of the LM339 is not used) and then can run at higher voltages without regulation. Do you have a preference for your circuit?

                  And do you want me to post circuits? My test circuit is very close to your original set-up.

                  The Radiant effects I have replicated from this post appeal to me more than charging batteries do and have done this daily for the last year. With these Radiant anomolies that create plasma effects may be an outside experiment . Would be more than I hit batteries with SSG/SS SSG voltages. (only 400-600V with output disconnected at 12V input)
                  Running lights on pure Radiant cold electricity reasonates with me.

                  Analysing the still frames from the Radiant event my conclusion is, Radiant starts oscillating in the two legs as plasma, frequency increases (as seen on DMM on the cold side of the diode) then we obtain the Radiant gas seen in the neon as a white centre with green gas outer shell, Radiant will increase potential between the neons legs creating the purple plasma effect at the correct frequency/oscillations, next we obtain the white flash with orbs seen coming from the metal leg/s in the neon and a finally the red aura is seen at the brightest moment generated from the outside of the neon bulb.
                  This is the way I see the effect and how the digital camera managed to record these anomolies (we only see the Green gas and purple plasma effect with our eyes)

                  Can you confirm this from your experiments?

                  P.S - Discharging capacitors with the stored Radiant energy will generate these same properties. However, the plasma is not contained like in the neon and will appear in the frame as the Radiant gas appears. (if you have the camera a certain distance from the discharge) This is ALWAYS before current flow if you obtain this cold energy in the output.



                  • Ideas

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Hello to All!!

                    @ OrionLightShip and ZPE,

                    Great video ZPE!...
                    However ,I have found the RE Field manifests at very center of coil, now, it does it along the vertical line of coil axis...and also at center perpendicular plane related to a normal vertically set rounded and cylindrical Coil...There are ways to make this field form different than this, by the configuration of coil...
                    As you increase the frequency, the RE Field expands in this two planes, at a pretty equal distribution...
                    But yes, ZPE you are completely right, this exchange of fields have incredible strength, and yet, it has NOT been used for Motor great potential and efficiency that could be achieved...Imagine we get a Free Spin and force from RE Field...
                    Well, I have done that Asymmetrical Single Coil , No Steel...Fiberglass...and rotating a very heavy laminated steel armature-rotor...and also magnet get ready...same outputs and more as this coil as it rotates.

                    Cheers and Regards to All


                    Hey UFO,

                    Thanks for the reply and when I go and have a part machined for my Kromrey this week and I will have a new larger Acrylic coil engineered with a smaller long tube to insert with holes drilled to line up with the bloch wall.
                    This will allow for further experimentation on other concepts you have shared with all here.



                    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                      Hello Cinan,

                      Ever Heard of Asymmetrical Motor-Generator's Stators and Rotors NOT BLDC or Three-Six Phase? No, right?...Well you will soon.

                      Related to the third video: I am still working on it..will release soon, it is about Isolated Secondaries set-up in both planes of Radiant Field: Horizontal and Vertical.



                      Hallo Ufo,

                      sorry for late reply, I was out of town and tmrw will be again off line. There is no net in jungle

                      There are no asymmetrical machines available, and nobody saw them. But yes, you can built one if you want and know how to do it. You are motor builder and I can see that sparkles commutator is really motivating you
                      And I believe you will get good results soon.


                      • Hot components vs frequency and D.C.

                        Hallo all again,

                        overheated coils and transistors are due to low frequency and high duty cycle.
                        The best way is to go with frequency as high as possible and use D.C. to adjust output voltage for light. I have 230VAC system and max voltage on DC side of lamp is around 230V.

                        When I drive my coil from 80Hz slowly up, on 50% D.C. voltage burst is over 450V when I reach around 250Hz. When frequency is going still up, voltage goes down and HOT current as well. I stop dialing frequency on point when 230VDC appears on lamp (after diodes and with capacitor).

                        This voltage peak can easily destroy lamp itself. So I am doing following:

                        Start freq, 80Hz, D.C. 50% -> dialing up -> voltage goes high -> once 230VDC is reached I simultaneously keep dialing freg. UP and D.C down to compensate output voltage. From certain frequency (depends on coil, in my case 1KHz) is significant current drop on HOT side. I can drive 230V/25W incandescent light bulb with 35V/1A. Transistor is cold, coil is slightly warm. So there is around 10W needed for this conversion.

                        I have also small coil and frequency can go up to 100kHz. There are few nodes on the way up, where voltage peaks appear. This coil is driving same lamp, with same intensity, but when frequency is above 15kHz, hot current is going down even more..... I have same output voltage even on 80hKz and around 50% D.C with only 35V.



                        • Better Efficiency

                          As Ufo said, better way how to get more radiant in, is to have two side driver. I've posted this schematics earlier and its simplest way how to do if with N-FET
                          or IGBT. Output will be totally isolated from source and we should get more radiant in.... I don't have time to test it now, but next week will be back and do some experiments.

                          Regarding circuit, its very simple driver and could be connected to any generator source. Input voltage pulse max. 15VDC !

                          Sorry Ufo, but I don't want to do it with P - FET

                          There exist Bedini version vith NPN / PNP and you can find it here : Is this the first selfrunning overunity motor w/o batteries ? Mike?s motor

                          I have also another idea how to separate HOT / COLD generation of pulses and it should have significant hot current drop effect.... Need to do experiment....


                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                            Hi ALL,
                            wonderful thread! Can't stop reading since several days. Thanks for all your sharing, lots of open minded and knowledgeabele minds here . Thanks Ufopolitics for givng freely your notion to the community, to the world. It is very much apprecited.
                            It is the first time I found basics where we can put hands on in order to engineer them. This will foster lots of other replications like Don's device.

                            rgds John
                            Hallo John,

                            so you've finally find this forum too I was so bored in DS thread and almost forgot about it.... It seems like there is no significant progress there and I guess that ZZZ is still throwing crap and pulling people's legs.

                            Ufo did some research here and we'll see where we get. Welcome here and participate




                            • Welcome John Stone!!

                              Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                              Hi ALL,
                              wonderful thread! Can't stop reading since several days. Thanks for all your sharing, lots of open minded and knowledgeabele minds here . Thanks Ufopolitics for givng freely your notion to the community, to the world. It is very much apprecited.
                              It is the first time I found basics where we can put hands on in order to engineer them. This will foster lots of other replications like Don's device.

                              To introduce myself: My background is electronics - mainly digital. I tried for several month to grasp basics of Don's device and did not succeed. I am eager to learn these basics. Important: I will respect kind behaviour and omit any disturbing arguing! I'd like to act in concert with all of you!

                              I will be back after reading all posts. But I'd like to share some notions in advance:

                              1. Be careful with carbon fibres! Broken parts enter your flesh and will not come out - unlike glass fibres. Carbon fibres will travel in your body for the rest of your life! Nobody knows where they end up and what they do there. It might be similar to asbestos fibres. Not the chemical material but the size of fibres affect our health. Prevent getting contact with ends of fibres and remove any with forceps thoroughly.

                              2. There is one of Don's schematics with this strange voltage devider. Maybe it is a strong requirement to use carbon resistors in order to pass / filter hot and cold!

                              3. @Ufo: I like your poetic view! To my understanding SHE is not white but dressed with shimmering and rainbow coloured cloth. But I will not argue about this

                              rgds John

                              John Stone!!

                              It is great to have here great minds and so expert in this fields!!
                              Then it would be a very simple circuit for you to duplicate...which is great, we will see your results hopefully pretty soon...

                              I have worked with Carbon Fibers for a while now...building prototypes that includes Vehicles if it were to harm my health...I would not be here... ..However , I always use protection when I handle Fiberglass /Carbon fibers/Kevlar...
                              Anyways John...We all have to die one day or the other... but thanks for your advice...
                              They also say smoking cigarettes is very bad for your health...and what about all CO2 and other Hydro Carbons being around Us all, for more than One Century?...everything that "moves around" exhales those lethal fumes...?

                              But let's keep on Radiant...hopefully "She" will replace very soon all this ancient and obsolete burning fuels energy supply...

                              Is Ok to see "HER" as of many more colors as you like...I will not get jealous... but remember White is the presence of all colors ..

                              Welcome aboard John!!

                              Warm regards

                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Great Electronics Counseling!!

                                Originally posted by cinan View Post
                                Hallo all again,

                                overheated coils and transistors are due to low frequency and high duty cycle.
                                The best way is to go with frequency as high as possible and use D.C. to adjust output voltage for light. I have 230VAC system and max voltage on DC side of lamp is around 230V.

                                When I drive my coil from 80Hz slowly up, on 50% D.C. voltage burst is over 450V when I reach around 250Hz. When frequency is going still up, voltage goes down and HOT current as well. I stop dialing frequency on point when 230VDC appears on lamp (after diodes and with capacitor).

                                This voltage peak can easily destroy lamp itself. So I am doing following:

                                Start freq, 80Hz, D.C. 50% -> dialing up -> voltage goes high -> once 230VDC is reached I simultaneously keep dialing freg. UP and D.C down to compensate output voltage. From certain frequency (depends on coil, in my case 1KHz) is significant current drop on HOT side. I can drive 230V/25W incandescent light bulb with 35V/1A. Transistor is cold, coil is slightly warm. So there is around 10W needed for this conversion.

                                I have also small coil and frequency can go up to 100kHz. There are few nodes on the way up, where voltage peaks appear. This coil is driving same lamp, with same intensity, but when frequency is above 15kHz, hot current is going down even more..... I have same output voltage even on 80hKz and around 50% D.C with only 35V.


                                Hey there Cinan!

                                As always giving great advices about running the system in optimal conditions!!

                                Yes, I know you do not like either...but for now they have worked out Ok...and still using my Old 555 timer circuit...Have to build me the LM339!!...I envy Bob French that did it!!...(joke)...

                                Definitively We need to work on the pulsations-oscillator system to make it more perfect and less power spent from our side...


                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

