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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Coil

    Hi all,

    My current coil:
    1 ohm and 1.614 mH.

    I forgot to mention I had an error with the wire.
    I mixed 2 types of wire, wire 1 is 5 layers copper and 3 layers aluminum, wire 2 is 8 layers aluminum.



    • @torpex

      Yes, the 393 comparator's input is from pins 2,6 of 555 and reference voltage for the pulse width pot is from pin 5.

      In the video I use plain 5 W car bulb just for testing purposes.
      The caps (in total ~126uF 400V DC/AC) around the coil are to create LC tank circuit in my setup.
      There are two, identical coils (each is wound bifilar-in-series) facing each other with CW-CCW current flow in bucking magnetic configuration.
      Both of them are connected in parallel. lowering the resistance to 1.0 Ohm (0,8 mm wire x 2) with 4,5 mH inductance.
      There is a third coil sandwiched in between the two. Its half as wide as a single bifilar-in-series coil and wound with fine 0,3 mm wire bifilarly.

      Yesterday I connected my coil and fried my driver chip. There must be something wrongly connected there... have to check it one more time.

      So in general the coil is still waiting for treatment


      • Circuit mistake

        To all,

        Dana has brought to my attention that the Voltage Regulator (LM3217) in my combined circuit has a diferent pin out than I drew. This has caused the replication efforts to fail. I will correct this an post it (hopefully today).

        My apologies to all who have been affected. I have no explaination why my unit even works, but I must has hooked it up right by mistake. (?)



        • Hello kEhYo77

          Originally posted by kEhYo77 View Post

          Yes, the 393 comparator's input is from pins 2,6 of 555 and reference voltage for the pulse width pot is from pin 5.

          In the video I use plain 5 W car bulb just for testing purposes.
          The caps (in total ~126uF 400V DC/AC) around the coil are to create LC tank circuit in my setup.
          There are two, identical coils (each is wound bifilar-in-series) facing each other with CW-CCW current flow in bucking magnetic configuration.
          Both of them are connected in parallel. lowering the resistance to 1.0 Ohm (0,8 mm wire x 2) with 4,5 mH inductance.
          There is a third coil sandwiched in between the two. Its half as wide as a single bifilar-in-series coil and wound with fine 0,3 mm wire bifilarly.

          Yesterday I connected my coil and fried my driver chip. There must be something wrongly connected there... have to check it one more time.

          So in general the coil is still waiting for treatment

          Hey kEhYo77,

          I must admit again you have a nice set-up...However, I will tell you what I see that I find it will create trouble...

          The caps (in total ~126uF 400V DC/AC) around the coil are to create LC tank circuit in my setup.
          Are this Caps connected to Input (before diodes) or after (Output)?
          I believe they should be Non Polarized Caps, or they will allow just one flow according to their hook up, basically if you hook them at Input.

          There are two, identical coils (each is wound bifilar-in-series) facing each other with CW-CCW current flow in bucking magnetic configuration.
          Both of them are connected in parallel. lowering the resistance to 1.0 Ohm (0,8 mm wire x 2) with 4,5 mH inductance.
          The other thing I particularly do not like about your description that you have wound Two Bifilar Coils in opposite directions (CW & CCW) then hook them in parallel....That creates an Instant Cancellation of both magnetic fields from Coil A (CW) and Coil B (CCW), resulting in a very "Symmetric" Configuration =Zero EM. That is precisely what we are trying to avoid. And that is the reason the Tesla Bifilar Series Configuration as the Patent connection, does NOT work here either...I've tried that already.

          There is a third coil sandwiched in between the two. Its half as wide as a single bifilar-in-series coil and wound with fine 0,3 mm wire bifilarly.
          According to my tests, all Coils must be wound in the same direction, that includes Secondaries like you have sandwiched between of finer wire...and be careful that secondary will output (depending on # of Turns) a lot of potential (V) and it will definitively Arc...


          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • It is Ok Bob...

            Originally posted by View Post
            To all,

            Dana has brought to my attention that the Voltage Regulator (LM3217) in my combined circuit has a diferent pin out than I drew. This has caused the replication efforts to fail. I will correct this an post it (hopefully today).

            My apologies to all who have been affected. I have no explaination why my unit even works, but I must has hooked it up right by mistake. (?)

            Hey Bob,

            Do not feel bad about it...The LM317 is a resettable transistor...all they have to do is wait til it cools down...or blow it really hard
            This are tests experiments, and mistakes are allowed...


            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Originally posted by larryross View Post
              Hi IndianaBoys
              Thanks for the information.
              It was the Hulda Clark zapper that I replicated. I layed it out and had 50 pc boards made. I could easily modify one to variable and bring it to any frequency I want, but why did you suggest 2.5Khz. I guess I missed the part in your post about the obscure post that Clark made. Where was that post?

              Got to go for now
              Larry, found that quote at this link:

              It is in a document file you have to download. My 2 cents is you would want a 30 khz zapper to do wrist and ankle zapping (switch back and forth) for many hours (some do up to 8 hours straight). Also a 1 khz or 2.5 khz zapper so you can plug in a device called a Zappicator. Dr. Clark developed the Zappicator to treat food. It is also being used to Zappicate the body. The Zappicator penetrates deeper into the body. I recommended this link as they seem to be the most advanced as well as have had the most direct communication with Dr. Clark when she was alive:

              The Zappicator | FreeCoil FC8 Super Zappicator

              The Dr. Clark protocol involves more than just zapping.

              Did you do the different cleanses?

              Dr Clark Cleanse Directions

              Q: Which cleanse do I do first?
              A: Dr. Clark recommended starting with the Digestive Aid Cleanse. It is beneficial to do the Para Cleanse with the Digestive Aid as it will aid in the cleansing process. You can do the Digestive Aid, Para Cleanse, and Kidney at the same time. Just remember that these are very potent herbs. If you begin having difficulties taking them together, slow down and take one at a time.
              Q: Can I do the Liver Cleanse first?
              A: It is never recommended to do the liver cleanse before completing all 3 of the other cleanses. The reason for this is if you purge the toxins out of your liver and do not have clear channels of elimination, you run the risk of simply re-circulating the toxins. This can make you very ill.

              While the Liver Cleanse is the last cleans on this list to do, it does yield the greatest rewards. Personal experience removing thousands of "gall stones". These are not calcified stones but a very hard silly putty like formations. It seems to me as these stones begin to clog the 50,000+ bile ducts many problems begin to form. Over years with reduced or no bile production to assist with the digestion of food many more problems develop. It is amazing the beneficial changes that occur when these stones are removed and the processes are able to perform their functions in a more normal mode.

              Also when considering using a Beck device, Dr. Clark strongly recommended to stay away from them because they also use a negative voltage: Parasites can be killed with a very low voltage. But only if the voltage is 100% POSITIVE OFFSET and if the voltage is varied up and down repeatedly. If the varying voltage becomes NEGATIVE, even momentarily, it supports and maintains their lives.

              UFO Politics, thanks for allowing these communications.

              No survey has been done, but I would suspect that those that do work in the Alternative Energy area are more prone to medical problems as compared to the general population.



              • No Problem at all..

                Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                UFO Politics, thanks for allowing these communications.
                My pleasure Indiana Boys.
                I have also worked on that subject, as putting out Suppressed Cancer Cure Videos...

                CANCER CURE SUPPRESSED | Facebook

                You Tube suppressed video because of Copyrights...I guess Pink Floyd EMI...But I love that song and I ain't changing it...


                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • I cured myself of prostate cancer. Shoot me an email and I'll send you a detailed list of what I took and why.



                  • @Ufopolitics
                    The other thing I particularly do not like about your description that you have wound Two Bifilar Coils in opposite directions (CW & CCW) then hook them in parallel....That creates an Instant Cancellation of both magnetic fields from Coil A (CW) and Coil B (CCW), resulting in a very "Symmetric" Configuration =Zero EM. That is precisely what we are trying to avoid. And that is the reason the Tesla Bifilar Series Configuration as the Patent connection, does NOT work here either...
                    This is just one of the things I want to try. The fields from both coils do not cancel here, they are in opposition as two separate electromagnets, 'compressing' the space between their facing sides with the same magnetic polarity. It is quite different situation from two windings occupying the same space which are connected in series-canceling way CW/CCW.
                    There is a spark so there must be is a spike.
                    Unfortunately I just burnt my last IR2110 driver... I think I'll have to start from scratch with this module. I think the spikes are killing the chip faster then the diodes are able to conduct, although I've got some fast diodes at coil ends STTA512D.
                    And, YES, I had a load connected - a cap, parallel with my little bulb.
                    Maybe there is a short circuit on my board or a bad connection or something...
                    It works great swithing my bulb instead of a coil but with a coil it crashes :/ I have to order now some more ICs...
                    Last edited by kEhYo77; 05-30-2012, 08:07 PM.


                    • Hello kEhYo77

                      Originally posted by kEhYo77 View Post

                      This is just one of the things I want to try. The fields from both coils do not cancel here, they are in opposition as two separate electromagnets, 'compressing' the space between their facing sides with the same magnetic polarity. It is quite different situation from bifilar in series winding where there is canceling between wires on a turn by turn basis.
                      There is a spark so there must be is a spike.
                      Unfortunately I just burnt my last IR2110 driver... I think I'll have to start from scratch with this module. I think the spikes are killing the chip faster then the diodes are able to conduct, although I've got some fast diodes at coil ends STTA512D.
                      And, YES, I had a load connected - a cap, parallel with my little bulb.
                      Maybe there is a short circuit on my board or a bad connection or something...
                      It works great swithing my bulb instead of a coil but with a coil it crashes :/ I have to order now some more ICs...

                      Hello KEhYo77, I am sorry about your crash, it happened to me once in a shorted coil with a bolt-nut I run to hold caps together, by vibration it rubbed off the enamel coat...and touch just two windings in the start...Mosfet's gone..

                      This is just one of the things I want to try. The fields from both coils do not cancel here, they are in opposition as two separate electromagnets, 'compressing' the space between their facing sides with the same magnetic polarity.
                      Ok, I think I understand now what you are doing...Some kind of Walter Russell arrangement I guess?

                      Regards and Cheers

                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Circuit Revised -rev. 2

                        Hello everybody,

                        OK. I think we have this thing fixed. Mine worked all along because...I don't know. But it works.

                        Dana found that I had drawn the pin out wrong in the circuit drawing and I have redrawn it and posted it at the Photobucket site under Bob French's album.


                        I ran a drill motor on the devise yesterday. It ran slow and I didn't turn up the amps much. My MOSFETs got up to 190 degrees and I decided to shut it down. I will need to get more experienced with this and also build a larger devise.

                        I am building the CF coil, but 3/5ths of my heat shrink tubing is the wrong size. 2/5ths was big enough to use, so I have about 100'-150' of CF "wire" wound so far. I may just go ahead and see what a CF coil this size does. (?)

                        I also have ordered some 50K tow and 12' of 2" tape. The tape may be great and easy to use. Just wrap a piece of parchment paper to separate the layers. The tape would make a layer 2" wide, like a 2" braided wire of hundreds of thousands of fibers all running parallel (no crossing each other) for the entire coil. What do you think? This would not be like the fabric where it is going across itself, back and forth. Should be more like braided wire. We'll see and I will post everything.

                        I haven't had time to keep up with all the messages, but has anyone determined just which MOSFET is the best and cheap?

                        I'm tired, having fun, and very optimistic about the near future of this stuff.

                        Have fun,

                        Have you started the motor's thread yet?


                        • Hi UFO

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          Hello Larry,

                          The NTE2397 is Avalanche rated, however, it handles only 40A Pulsed...Yours handles 80A Pulsed, so, that doubling of amperage flow at pulsed, I think compensates for the "Non Avalanche Ratings"...What I would do Larry (I do not know how many you've got), but I will put in parallel at least five or six of them...
                          My 2SK2837 is repetitive avalanche rated... it was zero's IRF460 that was single avalanche rated. I plan to use 6 as you have, but would expect to be able to carry up to 480 pulsed Amps.
                          This brings me to another question... are the amps really high enough in this devise to have to worry about it that much?

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          Regarding the Cancer Cure...

                          There is a Tree that grows only in the Amazons Forest...there is a name of it in English, however that name confuses with other similar resin...
                          In pure Spanish is called Sangre de Grado , in English is called Dragon's Blood...or something like. It is a dark red fluid, and the one imported here are only a low percentage...the best way is to get it directly from the Natives of South America (Perú, Brasil, Ecuador) right from the tree...
                          The doses are 10-15 drops in Fruit Juice...every morning before breakfast.
                          It is a very high healer for bleeding and Ulcers and polyps healing-disappearing...I cure a friend of mine with that product...He was going to have surgery of removal of a piece of Colon...never needed after...Doctor could not believe after making a Scan...

                          The second treatment should be "Uña de Gato" (Cat´s Claw)...but that is a longer time acting deal...the one I mention before is a faster one (One Week) break another week and it's over...
                          The best fruit to use as a juice to dissolve the drops is Papaya.

                          In Thrives site Health, there are also great comments about other alternatives cures, like Vitamin B-17...among others.

                          My Mom and Dad died both of Cancer, They were both treated with Radio-Therapy...and all they did was fried their Brains-Lungs...and reduce their I do NOT recommend Chemo Nor Radio Therapies at matter what Doctors say.

                          Dr Rife frequency list have the numbers, but the application is where it comes to very expensive equipment...Oscillators we could build ourselves, and maybe better than the ones from China...But, making the Copper Rings that you get your body within (Like a Huge Coil)...and are adjustable...that is where the complications comes as spec's and travel ratio of this rings that are the Frequency Transmitters and move through our body area to be treated...

                          Unfortunately, the cures of Cancer and others have become a "Business as Usual" and very profitable market for the "White Mafia"...


                          In my research of Rife I was sure that the initial testing and recording was done using wireless signal transmitted from vacuum tube device. The zapper that I replicated from Clark's zapper used 2 copper tube electrodes that you held in each hand... I have never heard of such coil as you mentioned. I would be interested in where to hind info about this huge coil.
                          Ya the medical and drug business' have no problem watching millions of people die that they could be helping for their big profits. The largest mass murder for money ever in history. There should be mass executions of these murderers and all involved it the cover suppression. Thanks for your info bout Sangre de Grado or dragons blood I will have to see if I can find more info about it.

                          Last edited by larryross; 05-31-2012, 05:02 AM.


                          • Hey Bob!

                            Originally posted by View Post
                            Hello everybody,

                            OK. I think we have this thing fixed. Mine worked all along because...I don't know. But it works.

                            Dana found that I had drawn the pin out wrong in the circuit drawing and I have redrawn it and posted it at the Photobucket site under Bob French's album.


                            I ran a drill motor on the devise yesterday. It ran slow and I didn't turn up the amps much. My MOSFETs got up to 190 degrees and I decided to shut it down. I will need to get more experienced with this and also build a larger devise.

                            I am building the CF coil, but 3/5ths of my heat shrink tubing is the wrong size. 2/5ths was big enough to use, so I have about 100'-150' of CF "wire" wound so far. I may just go ahead and see what a CF coil this size does. (?)

                            I also have ordered some 50K tow and 12' of 2" tape. The tape may be great and easy to use. Just wrap a piece of parchment paper to separate the layers. The tape would make a layer 2" wide, like a 2" braided wire of hundreds of thousands of fibers all running parallel (no crossing each other) for the entire coil. What do you think? This would not be like the fabric where it is going across itself, back and forth. Should be more like braided wire. We'll see and I will post everything.

                            I haven't had time to keep up with all the messages, but has anyone determined just which MOSFET is the best and cheap?

                            I'm tired, having fun, and very optimistic about the near future of this stuff.

                            Have fun,

                            Have you started the motor's thread yet?

                            Hello Bob,

                            Ok..let's see...

                            I ran a drill motor on the devise yesterday. It ran slow and I didn't turn up the amps much. My MOSFETs got up to 190 degrees and I decided to shut it down. I will need to get more experienced with this and also build a larger devise.
                            The Motor requires from 500 to 800 Hz from Hot get it really fast...and of course this depends on Motor spec's...A Drill motor (portable -I hope- like 12-18V Hand held batteries and Permanent Magnets...) should run fine
                            But your system is set for low hertz Bob, it will not go that high on Hertz right, unless you replace the Cap..?

                            Do not force it if you see it will not turn easy and fast...the only thing I have noticed is a kind of delay acting-response in catch up...but after is running it will accelerate beyond factory spec's..and cold temp.

                            Really do not know what to say about the CF Coil...I will hate to cut it...

                            Related to using tape (as insulation)...just make sure tape can stand high temperatures...without melting down...remember CF can turn red hot and still be will be great to make carbon fiber brushes for motors...the only problem would be to find a very high temperature resin and also a good conductor of electricity...the Ferrari Enzo uses Carbon Fiber Disc Brakes...and there should be a material to use, they will be very clean brushes...
                            Now the CF Tape sounds great! will be like a multi strand or multifilar coil, and will save you time instead of using thinner strands , sounds great Bob!

                            What you should do is run a continuity resistance test at both ends of CF strand that you have isolated...and see how many ohms you got there...

                            I am tired also...have to sleep my four hours...


                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Hello Larry

                              Originally posted by larryross View Post
                              Hi UFO

                              My 2SK2837 is repetitive avalanche rated... it was zero's IRF460 that was single avalanche rated. I plan to use 6 as you have, but would expect to be able to carry up to 480 pulsed Amps.
                              This brings me to another question... are the amps really high enough in this devise to have to worry about it that much?
                              That should be a pretty good set-up then Larry...

                              Related to such High Steady Amperage or Current like we all know off, is not the case with this system...but to the actual heavy reversed currents flow, pulsed at very high rates is what rises the general flow strength.
                              See, when we pulse at such high frequencies, the flow or network gets highly "populated" -may I call it- but not by high amperage, which is a steady linear parameter per section, but by very constant and high repetitions of those small currents in a given section of the circuit what creates a "Virtual High Amperage"...However, this "virtuality" will make a "Real" huge hole in any Low Amperage MOSFET...or Diode.

                              In my research of Rife I was sure that the initial testing and recording was done using wireless signal transmitted from vacuum tube device. The zapper that I replicated from Clark's zapper used 2 copper tube electrodes that you held in each hand... I have never heard of such coil as you mentioned. I would be interested in where to hind info about this huge coil.

                              Larry, the big copper rings I was referring to, was the Lakhovsky MWO (Multi Wave Oscillator) ...

                              MWO Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator-Geroges Lakhovsky

                              That was just a link I found on it, but there are much more on line...



                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Successful replication

                                Greetings all:

                                After reversing the LM317 on the pcb (Bob's updated print), four cfl bulbs are burning on my test set.

                                I have 3 caps, (1.0, 0.1, and 0.01 mfd), set up on the pcb so the cap value can be changed by removing and re-soldering a jumper. (Next build will have a rotary switch for this.) Also using 3each, 100K pots for frequency control.

                                My coils are 18ga wire wound on old solder spools and measure around 2 ohms and 3 ohms. The FETs are IRF260N, left over from another project. The high-speed switching diodes that I am using are not as on Bob's drawing and are just a bit slower, but will handle more current. (I'll post the part number later.)

                                So, it's a starting point for me and another successful replication of the information provided by Mr. UFO. Thank you sir. (you too, Bob.)


