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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Make it "Happen"...

    Originally posted by larryross View Post
    Wow I hope I misunderstood your statement here... I thought you already had made it happen.
    Hello Larry,

    Ok, clearing out any "misunderstandings"...

    I was referring to make it happen, as spreading it out to the world, to help me output and disburse this new technology, to help me get it to the right places...and once you understand it perfectly, to helps others to build them without my help. I am not going to be here "forever"...

    Now, for your peace of mind, Larry...related to making it happen, as to build them and have the right results...I have already done it, made it and create them...and they are beautiful...

    So relax and cheer up Larry...

    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Nikola Tesla great words...

      " I work for the future and my contemporaries will not understand me , but one day scientific laws will prevail, laws of nature which secrets I have discovered,... and everything will change , like when you clap with your hands..."

      "The Scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of a planter-for the future. His duty is to lay foundation of those who are to come and point the way"

      Nikola Tesla
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • Hello UFO
        I too can share your vision... this is not something for some few to make a lot of money with, but to benefit mankind world wide. I intend to help others take advantage of your work for their private use and to get them to help others too. The only way this will reach the right people is to keep it away from the wrong people. Good luck to you sir with what you trying to do. I will spread the word and the plans and if I can get the finances I will set up production of kits for those that can't build from scratch and maybe build units for those that can't do it them selves. Those people must be given the chance to benefit too. I have already told several about this, but they think it is like all the others that you hear about and never see.
        First things first I must design build (with you) a motor/generator capable of providing a house hold with all the power needed. Power for transportation is good too, but I think power for the home is first priority. I think that a cold motor and modified hot generator is easiest way to convert cold to be used in the home. You spoke of having designed both motors and generators so you probably already have that done. Just need scaled to purpose.



        • Opinions and Visions...

          Originally posted by larryross View Post
          Hello UFO
          I too can share your vision... this is not something for some few to make a lot of money with, but to benefit mankind world wide. I intend to help others take advantage of your work for their private use and to get them to help others too. The only way this will reach the right people is to keep it away from the wrong people. Good luck to you sir with what you trying to do. I will spread the word and the plans and if I can get the finances I will set up production of kits for those that can't build from scratch and maybe build units for those that can't do it them selves. Those people must be given the chance to benefit too.
          Thanks Larry,

          I know you will share it and help people that would not be able to build them, as many other members here will do also.

          I have already told several about this, but they think it is like all the others that you hear about and never see.
          Time will tell Larry...

          First things first I must design build (with you) a motor/generator capable of providing a house hold with all the power needed. Power for transportation is good too, but I think power for the home is first priority.
          I see your point here and I also agree with you, and appreciate that you will be building it here, that is great!
          Now in the part that I underlined of your statement(but I think power for the home is first priority), I do agree, but it must be seen from two angles...

          First "Angle":

          Building a Generator for a House is a major enterprise Larry, it will take longer and more expensive equipment supplies, parts, etc...According to the way I see it, just one single 10-15 KWatts Generator will require some heavy windings to start from the old core...
          A House contains two main feeders to satisfy its consumption (breaking them in just two for sake of simplicity)
          1- Lighting and Low Power Appliances.
          2- Heavy Duty Appliances, 240V/10-20A
          The first one is a breeze to build, and as a matter of fact, just a nicely built Coil-Oscillator System, with the proper filtering and a nicely built Battery Management System will do it.
          Now, the second one that includes, stoves, ovens, water heaters, washers-dryers, and HVAC (Heating-Ventilation and Air Conditioners including refrigeration) require heavy and steady linear supply outputs. And, this Generators are going to be feeding all the Symmetric Motors in all those, still, Energy would be spent at high rates.
          I know there are many ways to short cut here, like Carbon Fiber Heating Elements and Heater Oscillating circuits plus all the work we could do to enhance the Motors performance in each one...or convert them all, and then get them to feed back to the Source the unused energy which would be the perfect way...but, a Mega Work.

          Second "Angle":

          This is the "Political View"...

          The Household and the Industry Electricity consumption are "regulated" by the Power and Light Companies in the World...They make its electrical production from different sources, like Oil and Nuclear mainly among others at lower levels.

          The Transport Industry represents the major and direct contributor to Oil Companies goes from Gas, Diesel and all the Oil derivatives this Dinosaurs consume burn and leak all over our Planet...
          Do you know how many vehicles filling their tanks and burning oil every minute, we have in all our planet Larry?

          So, from the "Political" and economical point of view to really hit this stinking Energy System...would be from the Transport, my friend...

          But again, as a priority to all of Us, as helping the would be the Household consumption...I agree there also.

          But I will lay down my design...then you may have a brighter idea to make it happen faster...and easier.

          Maybe I am tell me.

          I think that a cold motor and modified hot generator is easiest way to convert cold to be used in the home. You spoke of having designed both motors and generators so you probably already have that done. Just need scaled to purpose.

          You've got it wrong Larry...the Cold Electricity or Cold Motor and Hot modified Generator is not the point to reach...This Motors and Generators I have built run with Hot as well as Cold...and you could have "Both Worlds" in just One Assembly...Just One Motor while running will produce electricity back to Source, hot and cold...not as much as an specifically designed Generator, but they will produce more than its input, which is (by the way) very minimal...meaning, every motor in a given a window motor, a windshield wiper motor, a seat adjustment motor, blower motors..and all the rest, as they turn, they will feed extra electricity back to the source... besides the power train and accessory components driver motors, like: power steering pumps, vacuum pumps (for brake boosters and vacuum AC Controls-Gates) as Air Conditioning Compressors..

          We just get one single vehicle out there that "recharges as it drives" for endlessly miles...and We all won this war Larry.

          Regards my friend

          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-19-2012, 12:14 AM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • UFO,

            I had a very hard time for 2-3 weeks where nothing would work. I was out of MOSFETs and was applying the controllers to a MJL21194. The problem was that I left your NTE576 diodes in the circuit and nothing would work, but I didn't think the diodes would do anything so I never check that. Once I got them out of the circuit I had lift off in a big way. I hope the other controllers will all work now. We'll see.

            I am running a very simple circuit and charging a 200Ah bank of batteries. The Primary holds very well...I think it is getting back-popped from the circuit. It just goes and goes although I am taking 1A, 1.4A, or 1.6A from it. All this is 12v at the moment, but higher voltages are not a problem. The MJL stays pretty cool, about 7-8 degrees above ambient. This unit will charge as much as I want apparently.

            I have MOSFETs now and will get back to your circuit using separate frequency and duty cycle controllers. I hope that this will be more efficient yet.

            Also, I wound a CF coil with a magnet wire coil around it. Then I attached the ends of the CF to a battery and the magnet wire coil to a normal circuit (as described above) with it charging another battery. The circuit worked well, but I got nothing from the charge, no voltage. ? What do you think? Will it possibly work if used with a UFO device (MOSFETs, etc.)? I also tried to put NTE576 to block the current from cycling through the CF coil and back to the battery (Neg. to Pos.). This helped the battery to not drain (as there was a little current shorting through the CF coil), but still nothing happening. Any ideas? We're just getting started with this part...the field is wide open.


            I'm back! And happy to be making progress again.



            • UFO,

              Personally, I vote for getting a small setup first...sort of a large emergency size...something that one could run a small home with lights, refrigerator, and small air conditioner (2 room). Maybe a 2-5hp type of thing. This won't provide a luxurious life style, but it will provide a reasonably comfortable survival for most of the world. This allows anyone to become some what independent of the system that keeps them in debt. Then we can size it up. When cars run this way another step toward freedom is taken.

              I am always working for the basics: water, real food (the key to health, includes herbs,etc.), shelter, transportation, community, beauty, and sex. These are the only things I find in nature...everything else is artificial. If these are attainable w/o being enslaved by others, then mankind can begin to work out a wonderful future w/o the divisions and conflicts so common today.

              My two cents,



              • Hey Bob!

                Originally posted by View Post

                I had a very hard time for 2-3 weeks where nothing would work. I was out of MOSFETs and was applying the controllers to a MJL21194. The problem was that I left your NTE576 diodes in the circuit and nothing would work, but I didn't think the diodes would do anything so I never check that. Once I got them out of the circuit I had lift off in a big way. I hope the other controllers will all work now. We'll see.
                Hello Bob, glad you are back!

                Did you check if diodes were bad? either open or blocked both ways? or connected wrong?

                It don't make sense to me it were just the diodes unless they were bad like I mentioned above...

                I am running a very simple circuit and charging a 200Ah bank of batteries. The Primary holds very well...I think it is getting back-popped from the circuit. It just goes and goes although I am taking 1A, 1.4A, or 1.6A from it. All this is 12v at the moment, but higher voltages are not a problem. The MJL stays pretty cool, about 7-8 degrees above ambient. This unit will charge as much as I want apparently.
                Without diodes the circuit will still run, you are mixing both currents, so it is equivalent to a regular battery charger Bob..

                I have MOSFETs now and will get back to your circuit using separate frequency and duty cycle controllers. I hope that this will be more efficient yet.
                Great Bob!!

                Also, I wound a CF coil with a magnet wire coil around it. Then I attached the ends of the CF to a battery and the magnet wire coil to a normal circuit (as described above) with it charging another battery. The circuit worked well, but I got nothing from the charge, no voltage. ? What do you think? Will it possibly work if used with a UFO device (MOSFETs, etc.)? I also tried to put NTE576 to block the current from cycling through the CF coil and back to the battery (Neg. to Pos.). This helped the battery to not drain (as there was a little current shorting through the CF coil), but still nothing happening. Any ideas? We're just getting started with this part...the field is wide open.


                I'm back! And happy to be making progress again.


                Of course I think CF Coil will work with a "UFO Device"...

                ...just kidding Bob...I have no idea, You let Us know...


                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • Thanks Bob!

                  Originally posted by View Post

                  Personally, I vote for getting a small setup first...sort of a large emergency size...something that one could run a small home with lights, refrigerator, and small air conditioner (2 room). Maybe a 2-5hp type of thing. This won't provide a luxurious life style, but it will provide a reasonably comfortable survival for most of the world. This allows anyone to become some what independent of the system that keeps them in debt. Then we can size it up. When cars run this way another step toward freedom is taken.

                  I am always working for the basics: water, real food (the key to health, includes herbs,etc.), shelter, transportation, community, beauty, and sex. These are the only things I find in nature...everything else is artificial. If these are attainable w/o being enslaved by others, then mankind can begin to work out a wonderful future w/o the divisions and conflicts so common today.

                  My two cents,


                  Agree with you on making a "lite generator unit first"...

                  But my design could be scaled up to anyone's size desires, abilities and requirements...and of course, time and money to build them.

                  Excellent quotes at the end...thanks!


                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Late!

                    Hi all!

                    Sorry I'm late to the party. I have been following along but haven't had time to build until now. Got the circuit built and took it for a test drive. I'm not using the 555 to trigger the mosfets, but a signal generator with adjustable frequency and duty cycle. First run I managed to fry one of the 6 2397s, so I'm running with 5. Started out with a 50% duty cycle and it was just way too much, apparently. Seems to be running fine with 5, and best results with duty cycle under 10%. Haven't hooked up the scope yet or taken any measurements. But now that I'm up and running, it wont be hard.

                    Coil is single strand, 200 ft., 18 awful, ParaCore core.

                    UFO, thanks for all your patience and persistence. You have gotten a nice cult following here and on the private bedini monopole 2 group where a few of us are members. There are quite a few similarities in the circuits. Looking forward to participating!

                    Last edited by greekstile; 06-19-2012, 01:44 AM. Reason: Spelling error


                    • Hi Ufo

                      I usually read read and read because I don't have enough to replicate your inventions, been frustrated for quite a while now, I just wondering if you have a simple design, I hope low cost that I could replicate, if things go well, I go to all my friends, neighbors to borrow money to replicate the real thing. for now I really just want to understand how this system works. thank you and thank you for sharing this to the world. Thank you


                      • PWM Generator

                        I am progressing well with your diagram and have completed A,B and C. I ran short of capacitors and will have them within two days. Each module is on a 2x4 strip board and thay do look cool. I will set them all on a poly board at first until testing is complete. Thanks again.
                        "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                        Nikola Tesla


                        • Kogs Coil

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          Hello Kogs

                          Now, please do not go by calculators but measure your own resistance with a both ends of coil, make sure contacts are very clean.

                          Like I said before, you will be safe above 1 ohm, however the perfect measurement would be a bit over like 1.4 to 1.5 Ohms.

                          You MUST START at Highest resistance on Pot, meaning, Zero Hertz of Oscillations at your output to Coil...then start dialing very slow...with a CFL on the output after first will see a blinking at low hertz (@ 50-100Hz)...a very bright flash pulsing, that is supposed to accelerate the flash frequency as you turn higher on pot...if you do not get any light, turn it off and recheck it, there is something absolutely wrong.
                          Check Mosfet's temperature with an Infrared at all times till you get it working at higher levels (800Hertz and above) and mosfets are just warm...

                          You could start testing the highest resistance coil (to play safe)...then start changing them as your system is working perfect and stable.

                          Good luck and great testing!!


                          G'Day UFO
                          I have measured my coil resistance I used an analogue meter to do so.
                          First I set at 1 Ohm scale and adjusted by holding the 2 leads together and adjusting to read 10 on the Ohm scale (this is what the instructions read for measuring 1 Ohm) the readings are Then taken reading the Ohms using the 10Ohms as zero

                          strands 1 to 6 in series = 1.5 Ohms Here

                          Strands 7 and 8 in series =0.5 Ohms here

                          The red lead is the first strand starting nearest to the center of the coil

                          IF you think this configuration is OK I will try it
                          It is not too much trouble to add another few strands so as to make the secondary coil larger say another 3 or 4 Strands

                          I should have the 2 Oscillators made tomorrow the 555 one and Bob's corrected one I will wait to hear your opinion re the coil before I try them
                          This time I am sure it will run OK

                          I have purchased and received an Infared thermometer

                          Regards Kogs


                          • Supersensonics

                            Ufopolitics and all those contributing,

                            Thank you and keep up the good work!

                            I believe you will see more joining in to replicate when the "How To" information is at their level of confidence to start.

                            A pertinent quote from Christopher Hills "Supersensonics":

                            The attitude of the student must be open-minded, which means forgetting entirely what you know already and learning something new. This is much more difficult than most people think. The true humility required, before nature will reveal all her secrets, is enormous and beyond the achievement of most men. Therefore to work on the purity of our consciousness as we undertake this work on the biological radiations we experience from matter is the main experiment. All others which follow are second to that. If this is kept uppermost it will give the correct attitude automatically and we will become as a child watching in amazement as the book of wonders unfolds both within us and before our eyes.

                            More info about Supersensonics:
                            Goddess Channel :: Dr....

                            Tune into the cosmic intelligence that governs all of nature. This major reference work on the nature of vibration and frequencies that make up everything can be used by anyone. The Universal truths it contains are based both on science, consciousness and spiritual awareness. Supersensonics offers many experiments in developing intuition.



                            • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                              Building a Generator for a House is a major enterprise Larry, it will take longer and more expensive equipment supplies, parts, etc...According to the way I see it, just one single 10-15 KWatts Generator will require some heavy windings to start from the old core...
                              That's why you would buy a $300 generator from harbor freight and use your motor to power it. You think it would be easier to rebuild every motor in every appliance to operate on cold? Most appliances have induction motors and you have said your system won't work in anything but brushed motors. If you constructed a motor for every need (heating, air conditioning, washer and dryer, hot tub, refirg, dish washer, freezer, ceiling fans, blower motors on computers, hard drive motors on computers, fan on heating systems and cooling systems, just to name a few and some which would take more than just one motor as most have timing motors and blower motors also) you would be constructing many different sizes and shape motors to fit each and all would have to have the right output power mounting brackets the right rpms... each home would need dozens of motors and people knowing how to replace them. Sounds pretty major and time consuming and expensive (have you priced DC motors lately) to me. Then you would have to start constructing the HVAC space heaters, ranges, ovens, water heaters, dryer elements. I don't know man I think it might be you that have it wrong. Sorry

                              A House contains two main feeders to satisfy its consumption (breaking them in just two for sake of simplicity)
                              1- Lighting and Low Power Appliances.
                              2- Heavy Duty Appliances, 240V/10-20A
                              The first one is a breeze to build, and as a matter of fact, just a nicely built Coil-Oscillator System, with the proper filtering and a nicely built Battery Management System will do it.
                              Now, the second one that includes, stoves, ovens, water heaters, washers-dryers, and HVAC (Heating-Ventilation and Air Conditioners including refrigeration) require heavy and steady linear supply outputs. And, this Generators are going to be feeding all the Symmetric Motors in all those, still, Energy would be spent at high rates.
                              what matters how much and what rate you use it if it is produced for nothing or near nothing and doesn't harm the planet. A small generator will probably suffice for most homes in 3rd world countries and as they come out from under the thumb of oil they can afford more later.

                              I know there are many ways to short cut here, like Carbon Fiber Heating Elements and Heater Oscillating circuits plus all the work we could do to enhance the Motors performance in each one...or convert them all, and then get them to feed back to the Source the unused energy which would be the perfect way...but, a Mega Work.

                              Second "Angle":

                              This is the "Political View"...

                              The Household and the Industry Electricity consumption are "regulated" by the Power and Light Companies in the World...They make its electrical production from different sources, like Oil and Nuclear mainly among others at lower levels.

                              The Transport Industry represents the major and direct contributor to Oil Companies goes from Gas, Diesel and all the Oil derivatives this Dinosaurs consume burn and leak all over our Planet...
                              Do you know how many vehicles filling their tanks and burning oil every minute, we have in all our planet Larry?
                              I didn't say transportation wasn't important, but human living conditions are more important as far as I am concerned.

                              So, from the "Political" and economical point of view to really hit this stinking Energy System...would be from the Transport, my friend...

                              But again, as a priority to all of Us, as helping the would be the Household consumption...I agree there also.

                              But I will lay down my design...then you may have a brighter idea to make it happen faster...and easier.

                              Maybe I am tell me.

                              You've got it wrong Larry...the Cold Electricity or Cold Motor and Hot modified Generator is not the point to reach...This Motors and Generators I have built run with Hot as well as Cold...and you could have "Both Worlds" in just One Assembly...Just One Motor while running will produce electricity back to Source, hot and cold...not as much as an specifically designed Generator, but they will produce more than its input, which is (by the way) very minimal...meaning, every motor in a given a window motor, a windshield wiper motor, a seat adjustment motor, blower motors..and all the rest, as they turn, they will feed extra electricity back to the source... besides the power train and accessory components driver motors, like: power steering pumps, vacuum pumps (for brake boosters and vacuum AC Controls-Gates) as Air Conditioning Compressors..

                              We just get one single vehicle out there that "recharges as it drives" for endlessly miles...and We all won this war Larry.
                              We are fighting a war? I thought we were trying to help the poor. A motor powerful enough to power the standard car would be more than big enough to power a 65KW hot power generator (more than enough to power the largest home with 2 unites not dozens of them). None of it will be cheap and will be out of the reach of the poorest who need it worse. I fail to see where getting one car on the road that recharges as it drives (that's already been done a couple of times or more) will help these people. I really hope you can see that I am offering constructive words here and not argument. When I complete one of your systems I might see more of your point, but right know these are just my humble opinions.

                              Regards my friend

                              Regards friend UFO
                              Some day you might reveal your real name.


                              • It should work now..

                                Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
                                G'Day UFO
                                I have measured my coil resistance I used an analogue meter to do so.
                                First I set at 1 Ohm scale and adjusted by holding the 2 leads together and adjusting to read 10 on the Ohm scale (this is what the instructions read for measuring 1 Ohm) the readings are Then taken reading the Ohms using the 10Ohms as zero

                                strands 1 to 6 in series = 1.5 Ohms Here

                                Strands 7 and 8 in series =0.5 Ohms here

                                The red lead is the first strand starting nearest to the center of the coil

                                IF you think this configuration is OK I will try it
                                It is not too much trouble to add another few strands so as to make the secondary coil larger say another 3 or 4 Strands

                                I should have the 2 Oscillators made tomorrow the 555 one and Bob's corrected one I will wait to hear your opinion re the coil before I try them
                                This time I am sure it will run OK

                                I have purchased and received an Infared thermometer

                                Regards Kogs

                                Hello Kogs,

                                The one with 1.5 Ohms should work great as a primary.
                                Now you've said they are connected in series, but, I hope you are following same winding direction in all strands.
                                The 0.5 Ohms should work as secondary, not as primary!...However, it will not give you higher outputs than primary.
                                Glad you got an IR Thermometer!

                                Good testing


                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

