Larry, Larry...
Hey Larry,
All I will be doing here in the next weeks-months is just laying out the "Foundations" for others like you to do whatever it pleases your desires!!
When you were mentioning about cold running hot, I never said it could not or should not be done...but telling you there are just better ways to do it...that is all!...And the reason is just because I tried those alternatives, and then other ones that resulted much better...
Everybody reacts different to any given statement...I could say..."sorry, but I've tried that and it does not work..."
and there would be ones who just will not attempt to try...or others who will try, just to prove themselves, or maybe just to think they could make it those guys I like...the ones who do not believe me at all...those are the ones who can make things happen, who could change things around them!
It would be very silly on my side to be fully disclosing something here to the world and "demanding" all of them to be done only "one way", my way...?...for God sake Larry??!!
You could build one of my motors (and I know you will) and then try to run a Generator Head off the all means do whatever you please!
Ok Larry?
Regards and I hope you understood my point.
Related to is just another Anonymous Name like Ewizard, Torpex, Codeboundfuture, Indianaboys, Netica, Thugugly, Farmhand, DadHav,VidBid..etc,etc...Now, the real names like yours here are just a very small group Larry, very reduced number...So maybe could be the fact you may not like Unidentified Flying Objects or UFO's??...
Cheers Larry!!
*Identified Flying Object (IFO)
Originally posted by larryross
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Hey Larry,
All I will be doing here in the next weeks-months is just laying out the "Foundations" for others like you to do whatever it pleases your desires!!
When you were mentioning about cold running hot, I never said it could not or should not be done...but telling you there are just better ways to do it...that is all!...And the reason is just because I tried those alternatives, and then other ones that resulted much better...
Everybody reacts different to any given statement...I could say..."sorry, but I've tried that and it does not work..."
and there would be ones who just will not attempt to try...or others who will try, just to prove themselves, or maybe just to think they could make it those guys I like...the ones who do not believe me at all...those are the ones who can make things happen, who could change things around them!
It would be very silly on my side to be fully disclosing something here to the world and "demanding" all of them to be done only "one way", my way...?...for God sake Larry??!!
You could build one of my motors (and I know you will) and then try to run a Generator Head off the all means do whatever you please!
Ok Larry?
Regards and I hope you understood my point.
Related to is just another Anonymous Name like Ewizard, Torpex, Codeboundfuture, Indianaboys, Netica, Thugugly, Farmhand, DadHav,VidBid..etc,etc...Now, the real names like yours here are just a very small group Larry, very reduced number...So maybe could be the fact you may not like Unidentified Flying Objects or UFO's??...
Cheers Larry!!
*Identified Flying Object (IFO)