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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Larry, Larry...

    Originally posted by larryross View Post
    No UFO sir it isn't you it's me. You have been more than pleasant and congenial, but some of the statements you have made leaves me wondering if this is the technology I am seeking. Some of the things you have given for reasons to not use hybrid hot cold systems seem very trivial to me and easily remedied. Easier to remedy than trying to implement everything cold. If I were to build and implement a cold motor generator I would not be able to use it till I started to change the motors in each appliance then if I tried to use that appliance I wouldn't be able to use anything else till they were all changed to cold or run another set of wiring in my home to use till all appliances were converted. I see changing all motors in all appliances as more like impossible than mega work. If I built your motor to power an off the shelf generator, I would be able to use all my appliances right away.
    In my simple mind I see implementing a free energy technology then make improvements on it as you go (do the best you can with what you got then make it better) and as you find out what the real problems are. If it gets stressed, redesign it.
    Yes I need to learn your system, but I don't need to reinvent the wheel you and Tesla and others have already done. So I will see your system to see if it will work for my visions then I will prototype and engineer scaled devices to meet the needs as I see them. I understood that you are offering this technology for others to use as needed. I will help get it out to the world, but on my own path. I know at least in this country only 1 in 100,000 or less people would have the skills or the tools or the ambition to build what we have build so far and I think we have done the easy part.
    No... you being anonymous doesn't bother me at all. It does however seem not very friendly referring to someone as UFO or UFOPilitics, but I respect your wish to remain anonymous. As for me I am too old to be worried about people knowing who I am. Besides, that info is too easy to obtain anyway.
    Thanks I have never felt like I couldn't pipe in whenever I wanted to... I have however wondered if it were wise for me to post my thoughts.
    I won't be far away so keep up the good work and educate many to build an army of solders for this good and noble cause (you did say it was a war didn't you).

    Best wishes

    Hey Larry,

    All I will be doing here in the next weeks-months is just laying out the "Foundations" for others like you to do whatever it pleases your desires!!

    When you were mentioning about cold running hot, I never said it could not or should not be done...but telling you there are just better ways to do it...that is all!...And the reason is just because I tried those alternatives, and then other ones that resulted much better...

    Everybody reacts different to any given statement...I could say..."sorry, but I've tried that and it does not work..."
    and there would be ones who just will not attempt to try...or others who will try, just to prove themselves, or maybe just to think they could make it those guys I like...the ones who do not believe me at all...those are the ones who can make things happen, who could change things around them!

    It would be very silly on my side to be fully disclosing something here to the world and "demanding" all of them to be done only "one way", my way...?...for God sake Larry??!!

    You could build one of my motors (and I know you will) and then try to run a Generator Head off the all means do whatever you please!

    Ok Larry?

    Regards and I hope you understood my point.

    Related to is just another Anonymous Name like Ewizard, Torpex, Codeboundfuture, Indianaboys, Netica, Thugugly, Farmhand, DadHav,VidBid..etc,etc...Now, the real names like yours here are just a very small group Larry, very reduced number...So maybe could be the fact you may not like Unidentified Flying Objects or UFO's??...

    Cheers Larry!!


    *Identified Flying Object (IFO)
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Excellent video!

      Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

      There is a simple Dynamometer Test Peter Lindemann provides in the above post (he explains how to build the device, shows how to use it and also performs the calculations so everybody can be on the same page when speaking of COP):

      Is that a test you could currently perform with your device?


      Thanks Indianaboys!

      That was an excellent video from Mr Lindemann!!, very well displayed!
      Now, to make that Dynamometer I just need the scales, and I will make the wheel in my problem.
      Any particular store in the US that could carry those scales?

      There is also another way to make a Dynamometer with an Alternator from a car...have you tried that one?

      Thanks again

      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
        Thanks Indianaboys!

        That was an excellent video from Mr Lindemann!!, very well displayed!
        Now, to make that Dynamometer I just need the scales, and I will make the wheel in my problem.
        Any particular store in the US that could carry those scales?

        There is also another way to make a Dynamometer with an Alternator from a car...have you tried that one?

        Thanks again


        No I have not seen how to make a Dynamometer with an Alternator, do you have the plans on how to do that? Please post them if you do.

        Here is a company that provides those kinds of scales. I believe you could go digital and make it a little more accurate.

        Hanging Scales, Spring Scales, Sports Scales

        Jennings / JScale UltraSport V2-30 Digital Utility and Fish Scale
        With a built in tape measure and temperature mode!
        30 kilogram capacity x 0.01 kilogram resolution
        The Jennings UltraSport V2-30 Digital Hanging Fish Scale

        Thanks for your persistence,



        • Thanks!

          Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

          No I have not seen how to make a Dynamometer with an Alternator, do you have the plans on how to do that? Please post them if you do.

          Here is a company that provides those kinds of scales. I believe you could go digital and make it a little more accurate.

          Hanging Scales, Spring Scales, Sports Scales

          Jennings / JScale UltraSport V2-30 Digital Utility and Fish Scale
          With a built in tape measure and temperature mode!
          30 kilogram capacity x 0.01 kilogram resolution
          The Jennings UltraSport V2-30 Digital Hanging Fish Scale

          Thanks for your persistence,

          Thanks Indianaboys!

          I will check them out.
          No, I do not have the Alternator diagrams, but I have seen them, I will also look for them. Below is a video of a guy using one with his motor...

          motorv3alternator1.wmv - YouTube

          Without my "persistence" I would have never, ever reached all my goals, my friend!


          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Tesla secret is a tuff site to get off. To get rid of pop up and get out, hold down Alt key and hit F4 key. First time will get out out of the pop up, second time should get you off the site.
            The Alt + F4 approach is the best way I know of to get out of pop-ups without getting their cookies and whatever else.
            -No disrespect to you, sha5mdmakesure. Good luck with your quest.


            • Kogs Coil

              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
              Hello Kogs,

              The one with 1.5 Ohms should work great as a primary.
              Now you've said they are connected in series, but, I hope you are following same winding direction in all strands.
              The 0.5 Ohms should work as secondary, not as primary!...However, it will not give you higher outputs than primary.
              Glad you got an IR Thermometer!

              Good testing


              G'Day UFO
              I think you are saying that the 1 to 6 strands in series is OK as the primary (Hot) coil and the 7 and 8 th strands in series for the secondary (cold)coil is OK

              When you say "However, it will not give you higher outputs than primary."
              Do you mean that IF I add the secondary 0.5Ohms it will reduce the output?

              So then would it be better to leave the secondary off altogether?

              Or perhaps better Should I add more turns to the secondary probably the same number of turns as the Primary?

              AS I am rebuilding I really want to rebuild for the best output

              I await your comment
              Kindest Regards



              • Primary-Secondary

                Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
                G'Day UFO
                I think you are saying that the 1 to 6 strands in series is OK as the primary (Hot) coil and the 7 and 8 th strands in series for the secondary (cold)coil is OK

                When you say "However, it will not give you higher outputs than primary."
                Do you mean that IF I add the secondary 0.5Ohms it will reduce the output?

                So then would it be better to leave the secondary off altogether?

                Or perhaps better Should I add more turns to the secondary probably the same number of turns as the Primary?

                AS I am rebuilding I really want to rebuild for the best output

                I await your comment
                Kindest Regards


                Hello Ian Koglin,

                What I meant was that the 1.5 Ohms is best for Primary.
                Now your secondary is only 0.5 ohms, I would add to get it closer to 1.0 ohms to get a better output, since they are going to be closer at resonant levels.
                However I would run a couple of tests on secondary by first measuring output at 0.5 Ohms and then have ready the additional strands to add them up and then measure again with same Input to Primary...
                I saw your set-up, and because you have all strands attached through bolted pin connectors it would be easy to make that test.

                Resuming: Add the additional strands to get 0.5 ohms get 1 Amp total at secondary.

                This set up works better when Coils are at closer Resonance values.
                The resistance helps you to estimate similar lengths at both coils, then they are at closer resonant levels...
                Is my "logic" ok John Stone or Larry Ross?

                Let Us know how it went Ian.

                Regards and good testing!

                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • LarryRoss

                  Originally posted by larryross View Post
                  Hi Ian
                  I guess you missed my posts #835 #836... you didn't respond. Hope all is well with you.

                  G'Day Larry
                  I do not have Skype but my wife has and I/ we sent to you a request to add to your contacts
                  My email is
                  Regards Kogs


                  • Dynamometer

                    You talked of how to get a dynamometer. The good news is you do not need to build one by yourself. Some newer excercise bikes (ergometer) have all you need. You can get them as second hand models quite cheap from people who once were shure they can get a body like Schwartzenegger but now sell their equipment because of constant disappointment. These people are willing to sponsor our research.
                    Choose a model with display of WATT. More sophisticated devices transmit their data via wireless link directly to your PC for documentation and they produce nice graphs as well.
                    Just an idea!
                    Last edited by JohnStone; 06-20-2012, 07:27 PM.
                    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                    • Hi All
                      Since the FETs I chose to use has +- 30V gate I have decided to rebuild my oscillator using L272 (dual 40V Op Amps). This will not require any step down voltage for the oscillator and the whole thing can run on 36V. As near as I can tell it will operate within UFO's parameters (time will tell) at least as I know them at this point. Parts ordered... I will post results of finished oscillator.
                      So you all understand, when I said I would back off this, I meant I would back off asking so many questions and posting not leaving the thread. This is too important to me to not pursue it to the end. So for better or worse you are stuck with me (a quieter me ).



                      • Hi Larry.
                        It is strange to see 30V requirement for the gate.
                        What kind of fets did You choose?!?
                        For most of mosfets the gate drive is 10V it even goes down to 5V for logic level fets and it usually goes a bit higher for IGBTs: up to 15V.
                        From the datasheet you will have to examine current/voltage curves for different gate voltages. You'll see that one 12 battery is good enough for driving this setup.
                        But let nothing stop you from applying those 36V to the coil
                        To get good and strong response from the ambient in the form of a BEMF it is required to go higher in voltage/current and shorter in pulse width. Ismael Aviso says that from his experience the pulse should be from 0,02 to 0,05 of a second.
                        Frequency of optimal operation depends on the coil. You can easily expect those oscillations go high in AC voltage. Times TEN! For My coil if I pulse it with 30V DC I get 300V AC!
                        What I do is I pulse the coil manually to do a quick test and watch the scope for response. The ringing of the coil in HF diminishes to zero after a certain period of time. This period is the minimum working frequency.

                        So my advice, if there is a scope nearby, is to check the coil and start slowly, just like Ufopolitics said, but to start from this calculated frequency minimum and go up from there.
                        This way the risk of burnt fets is less. Where for instance at very low frequency your pulse width can be waaay to wide...

                        Any pulse generator retaining pulse width independently from frequency changes would be more helpful.


                        P.S. My ultra fast 1200V IGBTs and 600V Schottky diodes for the ultra fast forward bridge arrive tomorrow!
                        Can't wait...
                        Last edited by kEhYo77; 06-21-2012, 05:38 PM.


                        • This Guy Has The Idea Very Simple And Well Defined...

                          Unification Coil Energy Boost w/ Solar Assistance - YouTube

                          He uses a small 12V Batt, assisted with a small solar cell...pulsing a Coil with a very simple 555...and obtaining 30 V mosfet's, just a very low signal directly from IC...
                          However He does mention the circuit could be enhanced to higher outputs by use of mosfet's...
                          Excellent demo, I thought it would be useful for those starting on this set up.


                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • You've got it right!

                            Originally posted by kEhYo77 View Post
                            Hi Larry.
                            It is strange to see 30V requirement for the gate.
                            What kind of fets did You choose?!?
                            For most of mosfets the gate drive is 10V it even goes down to 5V for logic level fets and it usually goes a bit higher for IGBTs: up to 15V.
                            From the datasheet you will have to examine current/voltage curves for different gate voltages. You'll see that one 12 battery is good enough for driving this setup.
                            But let nothing stop you from applying those 36V to the coil
                            To get good and strong response from the ambient in the form of a BEMF it is required to go higher in voltage/current and shorter in pulse width. Ismael Aviso says that from his experience the pulse should be from 0,02 to 0,05 of a second.
                            Frequency of optimal operation depends on the coil. You can easily expect those oscillations go high in AC voltage. Times TEN! For My coil if I pulse it with 30V DC I get 300V AC!
                            What I do is I pulse the coil manually to do a quick test and watch the scope for response. The ringing of the coil in HF diminishes to zero after a certain period of time. This period is the minimum working frequency.

                            So my advice, if there is a scope nearby, is to check the coil and start slowly, just like Ufopolitics said, but to start from this calculated frequency minimum and go up from there.
                            This way the risk of burnt fets is less. Where for instance at very low frequency your pulse width can be waaay to wide...

                            Any pulse generator retaining pulse width independently from frequency changes would be more helpful.


                            P.S. My ultra fast 1200V IGBTs and 600V Schottky diodes for the ultra fast forward bridge arrive tomorrow!
                            Can't wait...

                            Yes, exactly that, very short pulses on our side...wider Off Times, and the highest in V of our pulses...the more we all get out from Radiant...
                            Great news that you are getting those HV you would be able to see it yourself.

                            Good testing


                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Originally posted by kEhYo77 View Post
                              Hi Larry.
                              It is strange to see 30V requirement for the gate.
                              What kind of fets did You choose?!?
                              You must be relatively young.

                              For most of mosfets the gate drive is 10V it even goes down to 5V for logic level fets and it usually goes a bit higher for IGBTs: up to 15V.
                              From the datasheet you will have to examine current/voltage curves for different gate voltages. You'll see that one 12 battery is good enough for driving this setup.
                              But let nothing stop you from applying those 36V to the coil
                              To get good and strong response from the ambient in the form of a BEMF it is required to go higher in voltage/current and shorter in pulse width. Ismael Aviso says that from his experience the pulse should be from 0,02 to 0,05 of a second.
                              Frequency of optimal operation depends on the coil. You can easily expect those oscillations go high in AC voltage. Times TEN! For My coil if I pulse it with 30V DC I get 300V AC!
                              Yes I understand the voltage can be raised through transformer, but the current goes down by the same times ten. Unless radiant is different... that, I haven't been able to experiment with to date. So then you end up with high voltage, high frequency, low current that I haven't seen any mention of being able to do any conversions of yet. To date the only things I have seen powered by the device that is truly bringing in radiant are high voltage high frequency very low current devices. I know there is much more to learn, but I can't of course speak to those yet.

                              What I do is I pulse the coil manually to do a quick test and watch the scope for response. The ringing of the coil in HF diminishes to zero after a certain period of time. This period is the minimum working frequency.

                              So my advice, if there is a scope nearby, is to check the coil and start slowly, just like Ufopolitics said, but to start from this calculated frequency minimum and go up from there.
                              This way the risk of burnt fets is less. Where for instance at very low frequency your pulse width can be waaay to wide...

                              Any pulse generator retaining pulse width independently from frequency changes would be more helpful.


                              P.S. My ultra fast 1200V IGBTs and 600V Schottky diodes for the ultra fast forward bridge arrive tomorrow!
                              Can't wait...

                              Hi kEhYo77
                              I guess you might be new to the thread and haven't read all the previous pages as my choice of the Toshiba 2SK2837 FET was posted and discussed a few pages back. I chose it (there may be better choices) because of the price of $1.80 each compared to $5.00 to $6.00 for the recommended plus shipping. Second reason is the fact that the power dissipation is higher than that of the recommended FET (many were having problems blowing their FETs even with the relatively low current requirements) and the max volts were higher and the max current was higher too. If I need more power dissipation I could go with the FDL100N50F which can dissipate 2500W.
                              So with a little luck and memory recall from many years back I should be able to make it work.
                              My oscillator circuit has separate frequency and duty cycle adjustments and one can be changed without effecting the other + it also has a complimentary output.



                              • Sometimes the simplest things go by without noticing them...

                                I wanted to share something with you all...

                                It is not a secret, most of Us know it...

                                Most of times We complicate things...we try to make them so clever, thinking they will perform much better...that we distract completely from noticing the very original and very simple roots of everything around Us...

                                And relating to my set up, I will explain...

                                The 555 chip, working in Astable mode, is the simplest and cheaper circuit you guys could everywhere on the net...and it works as I have repeated here to exhaustion, as a matter of fact, I have wrote that I have not made the other great circuits yet...However, most of you try to go FIRST, the clever and complicated ways...before trying a nickel and dimes circuit that is proven to work, at least to show my point here...
                                The video I posted above proofs that is so simple!
                                And please do not take me wrong, I do agree with improving a circuit, to make it excellent in performance and more adjusting parameters...that is just awesome...BUT...Why don't try first with the simplest 555 chip??!!...and THEN, move on to complicated set-ups.

                                The same thing, exactly the same, has happened with Electrodynamics...and you all will realize it when I post the blue prints...The principle, the basics are sooo simple!!, that I know you will laugh, like I did once I got them running....and ask yourselves...Why didn't I think of it before!!??...Well, we were all very busy complicating things...

                                This includes all of all generations in line...piled one after the other...for over 130 years.

                                And I can NOT include everybody here, speaking like no one has done it...There are many who have done it...but they either sold his souls to Money and Greed...or they silenced them all this time...

                                I hope We all could teach a lesson to ourselves for other generations to come not to follow this "Negative to Evolution" process...

                                Regards to all

                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

