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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Hi Dana,
    Board size: It is a guess and shurely can be done if necessary. If you need more space it's OK so you can measure and debug more easyly.

    Transistors: I did not build this driver stage myself but it is a known standard circuit. Standard transistors like BC307 or similar with a max. current of 1A / 40V should be ok.

    Blocking caps on power lines: If you intend to build it absolute dead failsafe use 10µ+1µ+100n+1n. The smaller caps shall be as close as possible to the power pins. These caps supply sudden currents where wires still bother to start with current supply. I often place the smaller caps (100n, 1n) on the bottom of the board in order to get as short wires as possible to the power pins. The 1µ and 10µ may be placed more distant.
    But in most cases a 1µ and 100n will be suffitient and at regulators 10µ and 100n. At opamps 100n only.
    I decide by guess only conforming the expected current and steepness of pulses. But never omit a 100n at ICs and 1µF at regulators - minumum requirement!
    Sorry there is no undoubtable rule for this as it can be decided ultimately by HF measurements only for every specific setup.

    FET driver: Please stand by until I reworked my schematic. I will supply a 3rd suggestion with NE555 as driver as well. This circuit will be the easiest to build. All drivers shall be attached very near to the gate.
    rgds John
    Last edited by JohnStone; 06-22-2012, 09:31 PM.
    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


    • Originally posted by prochiro View Post
      The circuit is a fet driver with booster presintes by John Stone in post #841.
      The only way to know about these things is to build and compare results. So far I have full control of everything in a rock solit setup up to 24 volts.
      Dana I was referring to winding carbon tow. I would like to know what you have tried so I don't waste time trying the same thing. What size are you using... 2k 4k 6k 12k? What have you tried to do to insulate it? Or is it Bob that is playing with it?



      • Hello all
        There is one thing I never fully understood about winding mulitfilar. If you wind 100 turns of quadfilar and you connect them parallel, will you have the magnet field of 100 turns or of 400 turns assuming the same current in each coil. This should allow you to put more total current through the winding than if you wound 400 turns of singlefilar and with lower voltage, because the 400 turn single winding would have higher resistance. Anyone have any info on this or a link.

        Last edited by larryross; 06-23-2012, 03:52 AM.


        • Larry

          Bob and I have been working on the carbon but bob has been doing all the physical work. He will try to answer tomarrow as he is working overtime this week and has not been able to do much.

          With four 100 turn wires you will get about four times the power over the 400 single wire due to resistance loss, ect.. The magnet field is proportional to this power so more power = more field strength. Primary voltage level is the big factor if wanting a strong field also. Many have made dozens of coils because we were told that the coil must match your system. The truth is almost any coil or configuration will work as long as you tune your system to the coil. UFO is correct about the OHMs thou.
          "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
          Nikola Tesla


          • Hi Larry,
            you ask questions many skilled persons would like to have an answer for. I will tell you how I sort these items in my mind.
            First of all - humans are not able to fully understand the reality. This is a notion uttered from great scientists (not me)! We use thinking models in order to have the feeling of understanding. Some models are true, others are partly true and can explain many effects but are misleading at others. Other pictures are basically wrong.
            Take the model of electric current and traveling electrons. This explains alot but mislead from fully understanding our OU effects.

            Conforming standard knowledge the turns of a coil * amps gives the magnetic field strength. This model helps understanding a small set of effects like standard coils.
            But think further. We have losses increasing with thinner and longer copper wire. But these losses are absolutely not related to the magnetic field. If you had zero resistance and infinite long wire you could generate any strength of magnetic field with one single electron.
            I understand the basic approach of Newman motor in this sense.
            And I believe that we need to be open for these type of effects at Ufo's setups.
            And if it is true that electricity contains a "cold" component ignoring resitances then we have to account for amp*winding / ignore resitance / count for copper mass and harvest the gain.

            Same with multiplying the strands of a winding.
            Conforming general knowledge it reduces the resitance only by increasing surface and mass of copper. The toatal amp * windings gives the magnetic field.
            • What about Tesla's hint of copper mass having an effect?
            • Does anybody know if multiple strands modify the effects we are after in profoundly?
            • What about assymetric windings. We never can wind multiple strands perfectly and symmetrically! Do we have displacement currents between these windings not being perfectly the same? Do we have internal oscillations not being seen outside?
            • What about the notion of Leedscalnin stating that current is of symmetric nature - we have two opposing flows of different types of - whatever it is.
            • What about corroded copper wire surface. CuO is a semiconductor and there is a patent out there where the inventor states that electrons (if there is such a pet at all) travel with superluminal speed in semiconductor layers - without any known reason (no extra energy input). Conversely when they return to the copper structure they slow down contributing extra energy at secondary. And CuO is one of the semiconductors having a poor effect. The inventor gives hints ot platings havening x100 and more of gain.
              So a poor boy from Bangladesh or Nigeria using corroded copper wire from scrap might light his house while we "civilized" guys take brand new shining copper wire and make perfectly symmetrical coils - and we fail perfectly .

            A bunch of unknown effects added to general knowledge to explore.

            Let's start with known knowledge being wide open for any observed facts being new. Let's play like children who do not say "yes I konw....". They play with the reality available and explore whereever a door opens. The bible gives this hint for exploring the faith but I think this hint is of general value for living beings.
            rgds John
            Last edited by JohnStone; 06-23-2012, 12:06 PM.
            Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


            • Kogs new setup

              Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
              Also all my next coils will be wound contiguausly not as single strands
              G'Day UFO et al
              I have finished re building my coil By adding another 4 layers/Strands I configured as per my Option 1
              The secondary I have set out nearest the core being 5 strands measured with digital multimeter.87Ohms and the analogue meter set zero before measurement 1Ohm
              The primary coil is the last 7 strands closest to the core they measured with the digital meter is 1.43 with the analogue meter is 2 Ohms
              My setup is here

              I tested the Oscillator before connecting to the coil I did this by using a small SLAB 12.98v connected to the voltage regulator

              You can see the the Voltage regulator works input 12 96v output is 11.39 it is here

              The 555 Oscillator which does not seem to work is here

              I tested it by applying the 12.98v to the Regulator the output going to the input of the Oscillator which is 11.39v I set the digital multimeter to hertz and then the duty cycle but on each occasion it did not show anything

              I checked all components starting with the pot it was OK then going from each leg of the timer I checked for continuity by reading the ohms to each component right through each wire land they all checked OK The value of the diodes, the ones from legs 6,7 were both 475 and the one parallel with the missing Movistor is 441

              The lands even though they seem to be broken that is because the wire land's are woven through the board to steady them.

              I really do not know where to or how to check the operation of the 555 timer (it was a new one)
              I would appreciate some help as to what I can do
              Kindest regards


              • Coil Strands in parrallel

                Originally posted by larryross View Post
                Hello all
                There is one thing I never fully understood about winding mulitfilar. If you wind 100 turns of quadfilar and you connect them parallel, will you have the magnet field of 100 turns or of 400 turns assuming the same current in each coil. This should allow you to put more total current through the winding than if you wound 400 turns of singlefilar and with lower voltage, because the 400 turn single winding would have higher resistance. Anyone have any info on this or a link.

                G'Day Larry
                If you wind a multifilar coil and measure the ohms for each strand they will be the same value, now if you now solder them together all the strands at each end and then measure the Ohms they will be less Ohms they are calculated the same as parallel resistors there is less resistance and the current can flow much faster.
                On my Rick's 10 coiler I did this with the total 79 strands on the 10 coils and the ohms was less than 0.05 Ohms( John Bedidn says that the ohms of the sum of all the coils should be = or lower than the battery resistance and it would seem like a dead short)



                • Bifilar Coils...

                  Originally posted by larryross View Post
                  Hello all
                  There is one thing I never fully understood about winding mulitfilar. If you wind 100 turns of quadfilar and you connect them parallel, will you have the magnet field of 100 turns or of 400 turns assuming the same current in each coil. This should allow you to put more total current through the winding than if you wound 400 turns of singlefilar and with lower voltage, because the 400 turn single winding would have higher resistance. Anyone have any info on this or a link.

                  Hello Larry,

                  First, Thanks John Stone for your great posts, I like your reasoning, your logic analysis, is excellent, I just will love to see thousands of John Stones around this Planet and basically in this Thread.

                  Larry, like I mentioned before to you...think first on the Electromagnetic field...
                  When you wind multiple (more than one) strands of wire, you reduce resistance, that is a fact of normal electricity simple calculation...But, mainly you increase the Magnetic Field Potential in each turn, by several conductors simultaneously pulsing out the same direction,the projected field gets to be sent to space in a larger and stronger spectrum, and using very little resistance, which means much less expense on our side, and that is a great advantage to any of our OU developments.


                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • 555 Timer...

                    Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
                    G'Day UFO et al
                    I have finished re building my coil By adding another 4 layers/Strands I configured as per my Option 1
                    The secondary I have set out nearest the core being 5 strands measured with digital multimeter.87Ohms and the analogue meter set zero before measurement 1Ohm
                    The primary coil is the last 7 strands closest to the core they measured with the digital meter is 1.43 with the analogue meter is 2 Ohms
                    My setup is here

                    I tested the Oscillator before connecting to the coil I did this by using a small SLAB 12.98v connected to the voltage regulator

                    You can see the the Voltage regulator works input 12 96v output is 11.39 it is here

                    The 555 Oscillator which does not seem to work is here

                    I tested it by applying the 12.98v to the Regulator the output going to the input of the Oscillator which is 11.39v I set the digital multimeter to hertz and then the duty cycle but on each occasion it did not show anything

                    I checked all components starting with the pot it was OK then going from each leg of the timer I checked for continuity by reading the ohms to each component right through each wire land they all checked OK The value of the diodes, the ones from legs 6,7 were both 475 and the one parallel with the missing Movistor is 441

                    The lands even though they seem to be broken that is because the wire land's are woven through the board to steady them.

                    I really do not know where to or how to check the operation of the 555 timer (it was a new one)
                    I would appreciate some help as to what I can do
                    Kindest regards

                    Hello Ian,

                    According to the picture of Oscillator close up...I do not see you are connecting leg 8 to Vcc Positive 12V?, I only see the Tantalum cap connected to earth (ground). I see you have pin 1 to ground, and I also see Pin 4 getting Vcc positive from regulator from R68...but can not see positive from regulator feeding the 555 Leg 8. Could you tell me about this?


                    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-23-2012, 02:18 PM.
                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • @Iankoglin

                      Hello Ian,

                      In your Regulator, according to LM317 it is suppose to output somwhere around 12.80 V or so...Yours is outputting only 11 something...chack it...check that your voltage regulator does not dropp to lower values under load, that is very important to add to it a 12 volt bulb, and watch it.
                      Second, the diodes at 555 (legs 6-7) between pot should be 1N4148 or similar, they are signal diodes...and I see a couple of big body rectifiers (like the NTE576) that are "too heavy" for that job...should use the crystal smaller ones since this side is low voltage...

                      That is so far what I see...


                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Thanks Guys
                        You have answered what I already know and stated in my question, but UFO got closest. I was really asking about the ratio difference of the magnetic field in comparison between the 2 winds With the same current. I know it will increase simply from being able to get more current (current x number of winds) with less voltage, but that is an efficiency issue.
                        I have 2 14 foot lengths of 25 strand 22AWG magnetic wire bundled and ready to wind. I had considered using a 2" core, but since the wire is already cut, I figured I it would be better to use a smaller diameter core so I can get more turns for the length of wire. Thoughts?



                        • Larry...

                          Originally posted by larryross View Post
                          Thanks Guys
                          You have answered what I already know and stated in my question, but UFO got closest. I was really asking about the ratio difference of the magnetic field in comparison between the 2 winds With the same current. I know it will increase simply from being able to get more current (current x number of winds) with less voltage, but that is an efficiency issue.
                          I have 2 14 foot lengths of 25 strand 22AWG magnetic wire bundled and ready to wind. I had considered using a 2" core, but since the wire is already cut, I figured I it would be better to use a smaller diameter core so I can get more turns for the length of wire. Thoughts?

                          Hello Larry,

                          Thanks, I knew what your questions were...
                          Now going to Coil...please measure first start and end terminals resistance, before winding...making sure you will have over one ohm resistance.
                          Second, use a core that will allow you to add later on another finer wire secondary core within...a 2 inches are a great diameter for this...


                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                            Hello Larry,

                            Thanks, I knew what your questions were...
                            Now going to Coil...please measure first start and end terminals resistance, before winding...making sure you will have over one ohm resistance.
                            Second, use a core that will allow you to add later on another finer wire secondary core within...a 2 inches are a great diameter for this...


                            Finer wire secondary would indicate to me that you expect to get much less current out of the secondary (I thought small power in and big power out not just small voltage in and big voltage out)... so where do we pick up a usable out put current to drive a load?
                            I thought that would come with the radiant in the secondary coil.
                            Sorry for all the questions again... just trying to keep things straight in my head.



                            • Hello Larry

                              Originally posted by larryross View Post
                              Finer wire secondary would indicate to me that you expect to get much less current out of the secondary (I thought small power in and big power out not just small voltage in and big voltage out)... so where do we pick up a usable out put current to drive a load?
                              I thought that would come with the radiant in the secondary coil.
                              Sorry for all the questions again... just trying to keep things straight in my head.

                              Hello Larry,

                              I know it is very hard for you to "let go" your learned knowledge for so many years...which is totally fine with me...I understand that fact perfectly clear. However, I should tell you to get "ready" to see "things" that your knowledge would not be able to explain very your upcoming testings, plus when you see My Motors at work...very soon.

                              Radiant transfers without the requirement of a big E Frame of laminated steel between Primary-Secondary...but just by adding a very center core of solid steel treated to accept very fast electromagnetic switching of polarities.

                              If you get a pretty well built and robust multifilar coil as primary, you automatically derive from it a sufficient output to run a light load, plus all other secondaries of equal or more wires just wound over or within that primary that will also output power out. That was referring to Primaries and Secondaries within same core space (wires with wires without an Insulated core wall, I call them Non Insulated or Non Isolated Secondaries).
                              Now, when you wind, let's say 4000 to 8000 turns of 33 awg wire in an insulated core , separated physically from Primary and insert it WITHIN your Robust Primary...then you will get a very High Frequency current that will shock you....that will produce a heavy spark that will burn your skin...and that it will melt any meter you connect to it trying to measure its amperage or voltage...and here is where you must use a HF Cap Bank to store it...then send it to a regular electrolytic bank, to be used as heavier load output feeding. It contains Heavy Currents, not only High Voltages. However, I know this fact contradicts regular physics and electrical knowledge, where current have to be "sacrificed" in order to output Higher, you test it, and let me know if this current is not strong enough...

                              The way I see this system could be set as a static generator.

                              1-Primary and Non Isolated Secondaries could feed lighter loads and should be calculated accordingly to demanded input from them.
                              2-Isolated Secondaries Output could be transformed via HF-Electrolytic Caps to feed Higher Loads.

                              Linear Amperage of low cycle (50-60Hz) typical electricity (as we all know it) is replaced in HF Current by very higher and much faster repetitions of same currents at extremely higher levels of oscillations due to the Electromagnetic Resonance or Magnetic Feedback of very strong spectrum magnetic fields. This is a fact test it and let me know.

                              I thought we all will have a "quieter Larry"...but I think that is impossible in a Scientific mind like yours...


                              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-23-2012, 06:10 PM.
                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Hello Larry,

                                Finer wire secondary would indicate to me that you expect to get much less current out of the secondary (I thought small power in and big power out not just small voltage in and big voltage out)... so where do we pick up a usable out put current to drive a load?
                                Radiant energy is not measured in volts and amps the radiant event has a naturally growing nature instead of the destructive nature of our hot current. The amount of energy gathered from radiant energy from what I have read and feel I understand is about frequency and volts instead of our usual amps and volts.

                                I hope I am not leading anyone astray but to give you an image of what we are doing is we creating a balloon of magnetic field (which stretches the aether) and before the balloon gets completely filled we cut the source of power. The aether which was expanded by this balloon of magnetism then quickly collapses closing itself on our coils. Due to the movements of the oscillation in the aether (expanding and collapsing) we are able to allow a induction of energy into our coil to occur, but instead of moving magnetism that we normally use for induction this is moving aether. A different kind (or manifestation rather) of current than we are accustomed to.

                                The auto-intensification action is a little hint to some of the actions Tesla describes while dealing with this energy, you can find it in his speeches, papers and notes. Usually with titles like, high frequency currents (Which are not AC a very often overlooked fact).., electrical phenomena, dissipation of electrical energy, etc.,
                                Aether Flow -- The True Electric Current?

                                Much of this is analogous to a heat pump, aether is a compressible gas that once isolated from our hot current (Some kind of filtering or what i really think, is it's a pre-decompression, a liquid to gas transition, re-enabling us to compress the aether itself) Once we have this purified gas-like aether we are able to use it in our analogous heat pumping process to capture some of the excess energy from our environment by compressing and decompressing the aether in the correct places to transfer the byproduct energy (captured and released through compress/decompression) to other parts of the circuit.
                                Joule heating - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Some final things to add to the last paragraph..
                                Our tools for working with the aether are inductors and condensers, ALL elements of a circuit have elements of capacitance and inductance (When we get to the stage of building passively oscillating circuits then this may be of the most importance to understand and make use of).
                                Capacitance (condensers) push inward between points of differing potential, inductance expands outward due to the currents (traveling around the wire).
                                These are our compression and decompression stages, resonance is possibly a method of making it efficient (probably a required for any OU)

                                Eric Dollard - "Introduction to Dielectric and Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings" - Section 12
                                "12) ANOTHER FORM OF ENERGY APPEARS
                                Through the rapid discharge of inductance a new force field appears that reduces the rate of
                                inductive E.M.F. formation. This field is also represented by lines of force but these are of a
                                different nature than those of magnetism. These lines of force are not a manifestation of current
                                flow but of an electric compression or tension. This tension is termed voltage or potential

                                This new form of energy Eric refers to may be the aether compression I'm attempting to explain, he sees it as a compressed potential, same as the article "Aether Flow - The True Electric Current?"

                                I don't want to keep going like this so I am stopping here. I hope I didn't confuse anyone or get too much of this wrong I would hate for Ufopolitics to be upset with me.

                                I think I am on the right track though and I also think what we need to figure out to actually understand and use the process to it's fullest is how the compression and decompression work and what exactly is the excess energy in our aetheric 'heat' pump, that we wish to obtain from the environment.

                                I think there are a lot of people out there with the answers, we just need to put them together for the rest of us to figure out and use, and hopefully they can present there ideas better than I do.

                                Best wishes,

