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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • You are perfectly FINE, Codebondfuture!

    Hello to All,

    Thanks Codeboundfuture!, your explanation is great, plus your links also...and quotes from Tesla.

    It happens very similar to your Baloon example...I will try to explain it the way I see it...with the Balloon...can I borrow it?...

    Ok, we inflate our balloon, which is our magnetic field projection into the Aether Space. by doing this we are invoking, provoking the aether space, exciting it, stimulating it, aligning it in an atomic magnetic way.
    As our pulse drops down to zero magnetic value at zero time...our balloon compresses to an exactly "Zero Space"...leaving in its previous volume-spectrum limits a very strong "Magnetic Vacuum" ...Then, the already aligned magnetically Aether space is practically "Dumped" into that balloon "used to be" space...and that occurs exactly in the center of our coils and the surrounding space to it.
    Now, according to the simple magnetism laws that we all know...a North pole will attract a South...and viceversa... ...So the Aether around Our Balloon Space had originally an opposed magnetic structured configuration...Right?
    So, when it takes our "Empty Magnetic Space" at Time is Opposed to our original "used to be" magnetic polarity config...therefore, it creates an opposed current flow to ours...

    This process repeats itself "religiously" at every nanosecond of our On-Off Pulses...creating a flow of both currents.

    Thanks a lot for the Balloon...Codeboundfuture!!
    You could have it back I played enough!..

    Regards to all

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-23-2012, 07:04 PM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • I am sorry UFO, but you really didn't understand my question fully. I will try to make a more detailed question. I will work with badly rounded numbers for simplicity.
      I have one coil that is wound 24 fillar and all 24 strands are wired parallel. Lets further say that the 24 filar wind took 16 turns to equal the 400 turns of a single strand of my other coil. Now let's say we get X field strength with the 400 turns at 1 amp. OK and we all agree that a parallel connected wire has the same effect as a parallel resistor, because that is what you in effect have. Each wire will carry 24th of that in put 1 amp. So with the 24 filar coil you would have 1/24th amp turns instead of 1 amp turn from the single strand thus 1/24th the magnetic flux.
      I think we can all agree to everything so far right? Now my question... tadaaa if (disregarding any effecienties [watts]) you have 1 amp traveling through each coil, does the 24 filar carrying 1 amp per strand (not 1/24th amp) create a stronger magnetic field than the single strand 400 turn coil carrying 1 amp?

      Last edited by larryross; 06-23-2012, 08:09 PM.


      • Hello Larry,

        Not to interject, again, but this time I think I can give you an answer.

        Your 24-filar parallel wire simply has less resistance so more current can flow for a given voltage. One direct benefit of this is more magnetism with less copper. I think another thing that is useful but not necessarily used yet is the higher inductance to lower resistance means that that coil would oscillate faster (less resistance; impedance; for oscillations this would be it's stiffness) and more stored energy (magnetism, which for oscillations, can be thought of as its weight or more importantly, size).

        Nothing special happens until we disconnect our source battery by shutting off the MOSFET, in which the voltage I believe jumps up just like a normal inductive spike (same rules apply; switch open speed, switch open resistance, conductor resistance, inductance, and the closed circuit resistance) due to 'infinite' resistance at switch opening but now due to free oscillations and diodes we can capture it (as unidirectional pulses, or impulse current; Tesla's "High frequency currents" is a very ambiguous phrase). The separation of our hot current (self destructing) and the magnetic resonance seem to have very important roles in the harvesting and use of the energy, as demonstrated.

        Briefly touching on the balloon allegory again, the magnetism is our bubble or means of capture of the aether, so if we make it bigger and make it oscillate faster we get more voltage and faster oscillations, so more power on the cold side.

        Less ohms, more amperage, more magnetism.
        Less ohms, less impedance, faster oscillations.

        Please excuse me Larry if I have repeated anything too much or missed the point even. I know you already understand most of this and I do not doubt better than I do. I just wanted to try to bring everything together for yourself, others and me.

        Best wishes,


        • Larry...

          Originally posted by larryross View Post
          I am sorry UFO, but you really didn't understand my question fully. I will try to make a more detailed question. I will work with badly rounded numbers for simplicity.
          I have one coil that is wound 24 fillar and all 24 strands are wired parallel. Lets further say that the 24 filar wind took 16 turns to equal the 400 turns of a single strand of my other coil. Now let's say we get X field strength with the 400 turns at 1 amp. OK and we all agree that a parallel connected wire has the same effect as a parallel resistor, because that is what you in effect have. Each wire will carry 24th of that in put 1 amp. So with the 24 filar coil you would have 1/24th amp turns instead of 1 amp turn from the single strand thus 1/24th the magnetic flux.
          I think we can all agree to everything so far right? Now my question... tadaaa if (disregarding any effecienties [watts]) you have 1 amp traveling through each coil, does the 24 filar carrying 1 amp per strand (not 1/24th amp) create a stronger magnetic field than the single strand 400 turn coil carrying 1 amp?



          I understood your question perfectly well from the beginning...however, I will answer again from your new simplified question.

          My answer is an ABSOLUTE NO, it will not make a difference 1/24 th Amp...versus 24 that coil.

          I will keep repeating to you, to the point of , please, begging you, to think FIRST on Magnetic Field Strength and NOT in the Electrical Field, Nor the Electrical Parameters Flow, point of view.

          The Amperage, as you are looking at, you think that a higher amperage will produce a stronger magnetic field....Negative Larry, will not.
          The Amperage works within an enclosed conducting loop to run loads within a loop...when it comes to Pulsed DC in Open Loops, it really is absolutely "nada", nothing...remember that linear amperage works based on demanded load requirements...example...You could install a 120V/65Watts CFL into the AC line that is 10-15 Amps Linear within the Sine-wave...This lamp amperage is 0.54 Amps...However, it will turn on without blowing will only use 0.54 out of the AC Main...even being 15 Amps...understand my point here?

          Now related to our coil...same example as could add 1 amp for each strand of wire adding up to 24 Amps(which is an exaggeration of power, but, for sake of simplicity and calling your same numbers)...right?
          Now the same exact thing that the CFL did...our coil will do...take ONLY the required amperage to produce that Magnetic Field...the rest is completely useless, it will stay will do absolutely nothing. However, if you close that loop (stop pulsations) and feed coil linearly 24 amps with a very low 1 Ohm resistance...well, you know what will happen right?...Fourth of July Fire works galore!

          I run my set-up all times with LiPo 36 Volts 6.3 Amps...I set an Amp meter on my input...and the most that coil takes is 0.6 to 0.8 amps, Bifilar 18 gauge, so it is actually down to approx to 0.3 to 0.4 per strand orf wire...and some extreme lighting like the HID Bulb I have a video takes 1 to 1.5 amps out of the Six point three (6.3 Amps) batteries have, it has never, ever taken batteries to exhaustion nor close to full amperage capacity (you can not empty below 2.9 each cell on LiPo's or will ruin them, and they are very expensive!)...understand?

          A stronger magnetic field does NOT require such a high amperage to evolve, to develop in a strong fashion...we could do it with low amps...low volts and very thick awg and multifilar coil, by pulsing at higher rates low resistance of one (1) ohm. Why try other ways?...if it works like this Larry..??

          Run your 24 filar coil...use a 6-7 amps battery 36 volts...pulse it and get a piece of solid steel bar inside of its core, holding it with your hand...then come back here and tell me if it is not strong enough.

          Another thing Larry, I love to answer to your posts, but really we are both wasting a precious time by making this long posts...and the thing is...I have done all this testings already...You have NOT, so, we can not argue from the same leverage of knowledge on this issue...and it makes me feel uncomfortable to be "playing a Guru role here" answering all your doubts, when you could very easy make this tests and find out by yourself, and your own equipment and then run your own conclusions... That is the purpose of most people here right?...Replicate and share results...some have success, some don't...but that's life...

          And the worst part is that I know I could write here to exhaustion, trying to explain to you the bests ways I could...and still...I will not satisfy your doubts...Am I right or wrong here Larry?

          So, please make your tests first...then I will love to hear your opinions and discuss about them.

          Regards Larry


          P.D: Radiant Field interaction with our Hot field have a balancing point, that occurs at resonance levels of certain time working within same frequencies oscillations...that is the saturation of requirement for amps-volts according to load demand...after that, unless you unbalance or higher the load...amperage will remain seated at same point-levels.
          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-23-2012, 09:35 PM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Originally posted by larryross View Post
            I think we can all agree to everything so far right? Now my question... tadaaa if (disregarding any effecienties [watts]) you have 1 amp traveling through each coil, does the 24 filar carrying 1 amp per strand (not 1/24th amp) create a stronger magnetic field than the single strand 400 turn coil carrying 1 amp?

            I sincerely appreciate every ones patients and going over other info which I was able to glean some info from. I thank UFO and Matt for their time and effort, but I didn't see an answer to my question. The question lays in my last sentence. If I have not asked it right then please forgive me and I will research further. Matt thanks for the balloon analogy it did help, but I am still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept and how it can be used. I can only hope UFO can bring some light to it as we move into the utilization phase.

            I am slowly gaining on the circuit. All you other guys have long since finished yours. I am constructing the heat sink now and got my 12V dc to dc converter yesterday. Need to do a coil... I am asking about the coil winding, because I cut the 24filar wires for my reciprocating electric motor a couple years ago and had hoped I could use them, but I have 2 and it would take 5+ to get over one ohm on them. Guess I will buy more wire and go for a quadfilar instead.

            I have a 130V 3000W variac and everything needed to rectify and filter the output. Is there any reason I shouldn't use it for my 36V power supply?



            • Quadfilar...

              Originally posted by larryross View Post
              I sincerely appreciate every ones patients and going over other info which I was able to glean some info from. I thank UFO and Matt for their time and effort, but I didn't see an answer to my question. The question lays in my last sentence. If I have not asked it right then please forgive me and I will research further. Matt thanks for the balloon analogy it did help, but I am still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept and how it can be used. I can only hope UFO can bring some light to it as we move into the utilization phase.

              I am slowly gaining on the circuit. All you other guys have long since finished yours. I am constructing the heat sink now and got my 12V dc to dc converter yesterday. Need to do a coil... I am asking about the coil winding, because I cut the 24filar wires for my reciprocating electric motor a couple years ago and had hoped I could use them, but I have 2 and it would take 5+ to get over one ohm on them. Guess I will buy more wire and go for a quadfilar instead.

              I have a 130V 3000W variac and everything needed to rectify and filter the output. Is there any reason I shouldn't use it for my 36V power supply?

              Larry it definitively will require 1 Ohm Minimum, no choice.
              A quadfilar will do perfect.
              Why not use an AC Power source for 36 volts?
              I will remind you that in replications everything must be very close to identical (you've said it yourself)...A Battery bank is best choice for this purposes because it shows consumption very clear, by attaching a meter to batt ends...a steady AC Source will not.


              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Kogs new setup

                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                Hello Ian,

                According to the picture of Oscillator close up...I do not see you are connecting leg 8 to Vcc Positive 12V?, I only see the Tantalum cap connected to earth (ground). I see you have pin 1 to ground, and I also see Pin 4 getting Vcc positive from regulator from R68...but can not see positive from regulator feeding the 555 Leg 8. Could you tell me about this?


                G'Day UFO
                I was thinking through the night and came to the conclusion that when I soldered the connector for the 555timer I covered over the circuit where I had 2 jumpers drawn one Pin2 to pin6 and pin4 to pin8 Like I said on a previous post "it's probably the nut on the end of the soldering iron"

                I will check out these things this afternoon

                Thanks again regards


                • Using Batteries verses Power supply

                  Originally posted by larryross View Post

                  I have a 130V 3000W variac and everything needed to rectify and filter the output. Is there any reason I shouldn't use it for my 36V power supply?

                  G'Day Larry
                  I have been experimenting/learning for the last 5 or so years and all that time I have found that using batteries for the power source has always been the best when playing around with Radiant energy it is like a gas and is everywhere it will even if things are tuned right will recharge the source battery if and when it is conditioned properly


                  • Kogs

                    Get that thing gggooooiiiiiinnnngggggggggg.
                    "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                    Nikola Tesla


                    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                      I understood your question perfectly well from the beginning...however, I will answer again from your new simplified question.

                      My answer is an ABSOLUTE NO, it will not make a difference 1/24 th Amp...versus 24 that coil.
                      My question was not about 1/24th amp versus 24 amps, but rather 1 amp versus 1 amp in 2 different coil configurations.

                      I will keep repeating to you, to the point of , please, begging you, to think FIRST on Magnetic Field Strength and NOT in the Electrical Field, Nor the Electrical Parameters Flow, point of view.
                      I do not wish you to repeat. When I got my degree it was extremely difficult for me to understand the conventional electronics, but I stayed with it and graduated with honors. Now to erase all thinking at my age and reprogram it is even more difficult. To me magnetic field and electric field have a correlation and I can't think of one with out the other so questions keep coming up. As far as amperage and number of turns is how you calculate magnetic field strength. So yes increasing amperage through a coil will increase the magnetic field as will increasing the number of turns. So where did I miss the open loop thing... all circuits and diagrams I have seen so far are closed loops. If you pulse a coil your input power will be diminished (related to pulse width) just like a pulsed voltage regulator this in my mind will decrease magnetic field in the primary.

                      The Amperage, as you are looking at, you think that a higher amperage will produce a stronger magnetic field....Negative Larry, will not.
                      The Amperage works within an enclosed conducting loop to run loads within a loop...when it comes to Pulsed DC in Open Loops, it really is absolutely "nada", nothing...remember that linear amperage works based on demanded load requirements...example...You could install a 120V/65Watts CFL into the AC line that is 10-15 Amps Linear within the Sine-wave...This lamp amperage is 0.54 Amps...However, it will turn on without blowing will only use 0.54 out of the AC Main...even being 15 Amps...understand my point here?

                      Now related to our coil...same example as could add 1 amp for each strand of wire adding up to 24 Amps(which is an exaggeration of power, but, for sake of simplicity and calling your same numbers)...right?
                      Now the same exact thing that the CFL did...our coil will do...take ONLY the required amperage to produce that Magnetic Field...the rest is completely useless, it will stay will do absolutely nothing. However, if you close that loop (stop pulsations) and feed coil linearly 24 amps with a very low 1 Ohm resistance...well, you know what will happen right?...Fourth of July Fire works galore!

                      I run my set-up all times with LiPo 36 Volts 6.3 Amps...I set an Amp meter on my input...and the most that coil takes is 0.6 to 0.8 amps, Bifilar 18 gauge, so it is actually down to approx to 0.3 to 0.4 per strand orf wire...and some extreme lighting like the HID Bulb I have a video takes 1 to 1.5 amps out of the Six point three (6.3 Amps) batteries have, it has never, ever taken batteries to exhaustion nor close to full amperage capacity (you can not empty below 2.9 each cell on LiPo's or will ruin them, and they are very expensive!)...understand?
                      Even running your 7hp motor?
                      I have experience with Lipos as I build and fly rc airplanes. I have great respect for them and it would worry me to use them as you do. I know you have had good luck using and I hope that continues otherwise you could burn down your shop. As for me Murphy is always riding my shoulder so if it can happen it will happen.

                      A stronger magnetic field does NOT require such a high amperage to evolve, to develop in a strong fashion...we could do it with low amps...low volts and very thick awg and multifilar coil, by pulsing at higher rates low resistance of one (1) ohm. Why try other ways?...if it works like this Larry..??

                      Run your 24 filar coil...use a 6-7 amps battery 36 volts...pulse it and get a piece of solid steel bar inside of its core, holding it with your hand...then come back here and tell me if it is not strong enough.
                      Not a good test for magnetic field strength. Even if it were I couldn't tell you if it were strong enough, basically because I don't know what strong enough is.

                      Another thing Larry, I love to answer to your posts, but really we are both wasting a precious time by making this long posts...and the thing is...I have done all this testings already...You have NOT, so, we can not argue from the same leverage of knowledge on this issue...and it makes me feel uncomfortable to be "playing a Guru role here" answering all your doubts, when you could very easy make this tests and find out by yourself, and your own equipment and then run your own conclusions... That is the purpose of most people here right?...Replicate and share results...some have success, some don't...but that's life...
                      I know you have done it and I haven't this fact is exactly why I am asking you. If I had done it there wouldn't be any reason for me to ask now would there be?
                      I know... that is why I backed off before, but here I am again sorry.
                      If it is that hit and miss weather it can be replicated then it is going to be a problem spreading it, because many don't have the knowledge and tools I have and if I can't do it then well....

                      And the worst part is that I know I could write here to exhaustion, trying to explain to you the bests ways I could...and still...I will not satisfy your doubts...Am I right or wrong here Larry?
                      My questions have nothing to do with doubt, but about learning and clarification. Should I not be on here for a long period of time I either have found reason to doubt you or I am dead.
                      You do keep repeating mostly the same thing with each answer and have my answer somewhere in there or you completely miss my question so I have to ask it again. I am not saying you are trying to evade my question, but I guess it gets lost in your answer. So again I will try to back off and just watch for a while and try to get my circuits and coil finished. I don't want to make anyone mad at me.

                      So, please make your tests first...then I will love to hear your opinions and discuss about them.


                      P.D: Radiant Field interaction with our Hot field have a balancing point, that occurs at resonance levels of certain time working within same frequencies oscillations...that is the saturation of requirement for amps-volts according to load demand...after that, unless you unbalance or higher the load...amperage will remain seated at same point-levels.

                      You don't need to reply to any of this.


                      • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                        Larry it definitively will require 1 Ohm Minimum, no choice.
                        A quadfilar will do perfect.
                        Why not use an AC Power source for 36 volts?
                        I will remind you that in replications everything must be very close to identical (you've said it yourself)...A Battery bank is best choice for this purposes because it shows consumption very clear, by attaching a meter to batt ends...a steady AC Source will not.


                        OK you are wight UFO I have a digital watt meter that tells consumption very accurately, but lead acid batteries are expensive (and I won't use lipos like you do even though I have lots of them I couldn't explain burning down our property to my wife) so maybe in a couple of months I might be able to buy 3 lead acid batteries. I try to use what I have if I can... you know poor people have poor ways. I could build a cement block bunker for them of course that would take up a lot of room on my bench. I'll look into making a smaller one out of fire bricks.

                        Last edited by larryross; 06-24-2012, 12:18 AM.


                        • Success. Ah-h-h-h.

                          To UFO et al,

                          Got my MOSFETs and built everything back according to the circuit that I have posted in Photobucket (Bob French's album)...and it works.

                          I am planning on working with the CF tonight as the first attempt was zip.

                          My SSWC (which I will post) runs very well on 12v and charges like gangbusters using one MJL21194 and a coil of two wires, 150' each of 18AWG, about .8 ohms.


                          Bedini's machines de-suphate and condition the batteries and turns them into OU devices increasing their capacity and chemical properties. They will accept a charge faster and deliver more longer. A 35Ah battery will become like a 65Ah battery. I assume that this technology with the MOSFETs will probably do the same, as we are still hitting the batteries with radiant spikes. Do you know if the batteries are being conditioned, or not?

                          Lov'n it,



                          • Larry

                            Money or the lack of it has nothibg to do with it. Bob is living in a plywood 8x20 foot box covered with cement. No power, wood heat, no gas or running water.I also can not just go out and buy wire whenever I want. Others are living in a travel trailer, ect. But all of us know the answer to your question. Why. Because when we had your question, we took anything appart we could get our hands on for some wire and we did what UFO asked....WE DID THE TESTS. One picture is a thousand words and in this case two or three thousand words. Make a scale (small) coil out of anything in the format that you are asking and measure it. We have all done this and why do you think you can learn this without doing the tests????? I have been in other groups on other projects that if someone asked what you one would respond because you want us to do the work and hand you the report. I feel your education is not helping you at all and it is not helping us also. It takes about three hours to make this circuit and a coil. You have spent much more on questioning every thing all the way thru. Just do it. This is how you will get your answers. Test you question on a sloppy coil using scrap wire the way we have all learned this.
                            Dana I have said what I wanted to and will not respond to you about this again. Just relax...
                            Last edited by prochiro; 06-24-2012, 05:14 PM.
                            "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                            Nikola Tesla


                            • Hey Larry,

                              So where did I miss the open loop thing... all circuits and diagrams I have seen so far are closed loops.
                              I think you're talking about this.
                              Nothing special happens until we disconnect our source battery by shutting off the MOSFET, in which the voltage I believe jumps up just like a normal inductive spike (same rules apply; switch open speed, switch open resistance, conductor resistance, inductance, and the closed circuit resistance)
                              The open circuit is between our source charge (batteries) and our collector coils, the MOSFETs go open-switch and the current is forced to stop flowing due to the diodes blocking the flow of our hot current from entering the cold side, so like normal when a switch opens in a circuit containing inductors and flowing current the voltage spikes to make up for it.

                              Although we don't have Tesla's genius, we do have some of the stuff he left behind for us to figure out. Oh, and we have MOSFETS and diodes so we are not forced to be as clever nor daring as Mr. Tesla.

                              Hope this helps.
                              Best wishes,


                              • Mu-Metal

                                I was riding my bicycle the other day when I remembered Mu-metal, and maybe this is the wrong direction but it's interesting stuff. It has an extremely high magnetic permeability [20,000u - 50,000u].

                                Here is a magnetic permeability chart Permeability (electromagnetism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Here is the Wikipedia article Mu-metal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I noticed it mentioned that it has a crystalline structure that is done in a special annealing process that uses hydrogen for the atmosphere (probably means little to us other than don't break it ).

                                You can find it in computer hard drives, from all the way back before the 80's, the seeking arm is based into it (on the side of the arms bearings where the arm is not completely over the disk).

                                I'd like to know what some of you think or maybe you could try it, I'll be getting to it myself soon, I will let you know.

                                Best wishes,

