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My Motors got me to Tap into Radiant Energy

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  • Theoretical question about pulsing motors

    Kogs had pointed out a place that prints PCBs. I see Don H. has been successful in making them. And the evolution of the circuits in this thread has been used demonstrate and instruct us on how to generate Radiant Energy. I am in the process of dissecting the multiple circuits and may try the demo with the neon bulb using a motor coil posted on Ufo's My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines, and want to do the Monster Driver with arduino for bigger motors I plan to build, but want to also use it to experiment on the Happy motor and finding Radiant energy tests. So I think you can do it all with the arduino and monster driver combo.

    But I am wondering what would happen if we look at pulsing in sync with rpms and moreover in sync with commutator elements. It goes to the heart of whether Radiant Energy is fast, or needs to be coaxed out by slowing down, or whether it is best tapped by a Back EMF decay time, taught by conventional electronics training to be 5/SqRt(LC) or whether RE is just being obtained due to action within a given coil, or whether there is cross-inductance going on. Lots of possibilities. I have not gotten around to trying to figure out the inductance and self-capacitance of an asymmetric motor coil yet to even know if we are ball park in frequency range of 30Hz, as Dana (prochiro) suggests. However, an extra pulsing duty cycle added to the current design, probably easy with arduino could be used to find this out experimentally.

    I would propose that the basic frequency of pulsing be linked to rpm X number of commutator elements. For an Imperial this would mean pulsing around 90KHZ. The primary duty cycle would be applied to each pulse. A secondary duty cycle would be to then match the say the 30HZ signal. In a 25% duty cycle at 30HZ with a motor at 3000 rpm, means that the motor brush set that the signal is applied to, the motor just did a full 25 revolutions with power on and 75 rpm coasting. All I can say is wow if the brush set is loafing 75% of the time and it still out puts the power AT reduced amperage. But if the same effect can be obtained by supplying pulses within pulses, at the commutator level, imagine what that might do to power consumption
    Last edited by sampojo; 05-12-2013, 05:23 AM.
    Up, Up and Away


    • @sampojo
      You are correct in that thinking. However, the Arduino has two types of timing. The first is the slowest and is the one we are using because of the offset in pulse starting times. We can modify the pulsed as necessary for our needs. The much faster method uses internal timers and software to create the square waves automatically from the register. This works well for one of the waves but I have not to date found a way to delay the other two or four or six waves as necessary. The internal timer will do three signals at the same time with different frequency and or duty cycle but they all start at same time and then each goes its length and restarts at there own pace. There is no order and method to keep them from overlapping that I have found. I have been getting deeper into the internal register controls and still think that it can be done. There are several issues that must be overcome before we can use frequencies over 2K.
      1. Each internal timer pin control uses several output pins, at least one more than the simple code method. The only Arduino that may handle that many PWM pins is the Mega.
      2. To get four or six output pins we would need two internal timers of the same speed. The Arduino's have only one vary high speed and two lower speed timers. This means that we must use the two slower timers and use two signals from each for the four banger and all three signals for Cornboy 555. All these must also have code to space them out without overlap.
      3. With that 90K plus Hz, the code must be vary small. This is maybe easier in out case as once the timers are set, they run automatically and do not take program time. We must have however enough code to change freq/duty and possibly some accuracy checking code. At 90K that does not leave much time for much code.

      We probably will overcome these things but it takes time and if in fact the Arduino will do all that.

      There is another method that will do this but will involve multiple Arduino's. One for pure primary signal creation and others for control of signal timing offsets. With all the other boards and such that we are already using, that just adds more parts. We can leave that idea on the backup burner until we exhaust all other methods.

      Again, you are spot on with your post but we need one or two other people with Arduino PWM technology under there belt. Do you have some ideas concerning some of these issues? If you do, spit it out and we can then go to the mountain top. Keep up with your thinking......
      "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
      Nikola Tesla


      • @ Sampojo
        So that you can understand better

        3000 RPM = 50 turns per second
        30Hz with the quad is actually 120 on times

        Now, Explain why this happens....
        On a two brush system, much better performance comes from one linear feed and one 50% duty feed rather than two linear feeds.?

        The crazy lady likes some excitement, maybe. With one linear and three pulsing line inputs, how much more crazy can it get.?
        "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
        Nikola Tesla


        • Yes...It will get really crazy...

          Originally posted by prochiro View Post
          @ Sampojo
          So that you can understand better

          3000 RPM = 50 turns per second
          30Hz with the quad is actually 120 on times

          Now, Explain why this happens....
          On a two brush system, much better performance comes from one linear feed and one 50% duty feed rather than two linear feeds.?

          The crazy lady likes some excitement, maybe. With one linear and three pulsing line inputs, how much more crazy can it get.?

          Hello Dana, Hello All,

          As We develop this nice Tech...which have many options to be tested and developed...We will get to final conclusive results together...and be able to improve and improve...till they all become Perfect Machines.

          On this Dual Pulse it will render great results...but it could get you will realize that the more points in the whole 360º to be pulsed off time...the better the results.

          Pulsing at 180º is kind of far away from does not creates a Solid, closer point Vortex of sequential robust forces around the real electromagnetic Vortex-Spiral...The Reason is due to Tangential and other Centrifugal Acceleration Forces, generated right at those pulsing points...and resumes in a "Substitution Racing" (not sure if right name...but are those Olympic Race where first, starting runner carries a torch or be delivered to a second runner...and so on) this forces need to be order that a space delay does not create a acceleration.

          We could look at this Two Vortexes in order to understand this Technology better...

          1-One Virtual Vortex that we create electronically by our controllers-pulsers and your nice Arduino codes... ...we could actually see it clearly, by LED's per channel as the "Monitor Screening"...even though, our sight/vision is limited at high pulses-frequencies...where they seem like a steady fast blinking lights...we loose the light pattern speed...but is there, and we all know it by looking at a scope...or by using Infrared Spectrum LED's Transmitters instead of plain light...and recording-monitoring it through a High Def/High Speed Shutter Capacity Video Camera.

          2-The Second Vortex is a Real/Physical one, Electromagnetically driven and very Dynamic, it obeys to the First Virtual Electronically generated one...However, the propulsion on this Vortex, because of being assisted by mass-inertia and other gravitational forces... will keep accelerating in ascension through time ...this makes it faster and much stronger "in crescendo" per Milli-Second of operation , therefore, with much less effort on first Virtual Vortex... as Machine develops longer working times...the second real Vortex will reach endless mechanical attributes.

          In a near future, I will be preparing some Diagrams to pulse our Three Poles and Multiples of Three... with a Three Brush System...that way we will be apart by only 120º and not 180º...Our Virtual Vortex will be much stronger and accurate...while we will have more accelerating Tangential Forces at Rotor...a more robust Virtual Vortex,, imagine how the Real One at Rotor would manifest..

          So, Dana...since you already build such a nice working code for two...can you build it for a Three Chanel System without much complications?

          They will be superb Machines, ranging from small to big scale...and they would be able to achieve impossible performances to be reproduced by the Symmetrical we will finally leave behind this old locked in time model...


          And Yes, Cornboy...Your beautiful Machine already have this no need to modify it further...your Machine have the Strongest Virtual Vortex ever build so, be very proud of it...And remember, Your Machine has also a Stator Virtual Vortex...besides the Brush Pulsed, Fasten your seat belts friend...

          I recommend You make a nice LED's Monitoring Screen Circuit, positioned at each Stator and at each Brush ...this way you could "read" how your Two Virtual Vortexes are aligning/synchronizing... as what speed spectrum are be compared with the Real Rotor Vortex read by your Tachometer...

          As also...You should, and I know you will......Test with just Three Inputs aligned at 120º check your Output through the other three Gates.

          Regards to All

          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Next item on my agenda

            will be the circuit, Arduino and all. Given the power generation possibility Dana shows, my little 10-pole motor should do at least a 100 watts extra! I sure would like to get an operating prototype going, and then start some big stuff, maybe approach an local electric motor company. I have been involved with programming for safety critical real-time civil and military aviation systems, and have programmed in several languages, so I am really looking forward to this arduino language. Looks like PLC programming made easy with a PC interface.

            But I need a running 4-stator motor first. Mounting magnets now but I need to bore out the motor body for a few hundredths of an inch rotational clearance. Then wind, and done.

            I always thought Ufo might get 200% or so and thought that obviously if you drove an asymmetric generator, you would get a more handsome return. I have to apologize for my lack of faith in Ufo in his leading us to pulsing and just hook up a genhead I mean really, I am doing some math here and I don't even want to put it down in black and white, they look that fantastic.

            Hey I just graduated to Senior Member
            Last edited by sampojo; 05-14-2013, 05:10 AM.
            Up, Up and Away


            • Trust.

              Originally posted by sampojo View Post
              will be the circuit, Arduino and all. Given the power generation possibility Dana shows, my little 10-pole motor should do at least a 100 watts extra! I sure would like to get an operating prototype going, and then start some big stuff, maybe approach an local electric motor company. I have been involved with programming for safety critical real-time civil and military aviation systems, and have programmed in several languages, so I am really looking forward to this arduino language. Looks like PLC programming made easy with a PC interface.

              But I need a running 4-stator motor first. Mounting magnets now but I need to bore out the motor body for a few hundredths of an inch rotational clearance. Then wind, and done.

              I always thought Ufo might get 200% or so and thought that obviously if you drove an asymmetric generator, you would get a more handsome return. I have to apologize for my lack of faith in Ufo in his leading us to pulsing and just hook up a genhead I mean really, I am doing some math here and I don't even want to put it down in black and white, they look that fantastic.

              Hey I just graduated to Senior Member

              Congrats Sampo, although you shouldn't be so happy about being called a senior.

              When i come across someone offering advice, and help like UFO has, i first apply the filter, "Follow the Money Trail", and he has refused point blank to accept donations etc., you can't put your trust in anything better than that.

              Warm Regards Cornboy.


              • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                Hello Dana, Hello All,

                As We develop this nice Tech...which have many options to be tested and developed...We will get to final conclusive results together...and be able to improve and improve...till they all become Perfect Machines.

                On this Dual Pulse it will render great results...but it could get you will realize that the more points in the whole 360º to be pulsed off time...the better the results.

                Pulsing at 180º is kind of far away from does not creates a Solid, closer point Vortex of sequential robust forces around the real electromagnetic Vortex-Spiral...The Reason is due to Tangential and other Centrifugal Acceleration Forces, generated right at those pulsing points...and resumes in a "Substitution Racing" (not sure if right name...but are those Olympic Race where first, starting runner carries a torch or be delivered to a second runner...and so on) this forces need to be order that a space delay does not create a acceleration.

                We could look at this Two Vortexes in order to understand this Technology better...

                1-One Virtual Vortex that we create electronically by our controllers-pulsers and your nice Arduino codes... ...we could actually see it clearly, by LED's per channel as the "Monitor Screening"...even though, our sight/vision is limited at high pulses-frequencies...where they seem like a steady fast blinking lights...we loose the light pattern speed...but is there, and we all know it by looking at a scope...or by using Infrared Spectrum LED's Transmitters instead of plain light...and recording-monitoring it through a High Def/High Speed Shutter Capacity Video Camera.

                2-The Second Vortex is a Real/Physical one, Electromagnetically driven and very Dynamic, it obeys to the First Virtual Electronically generated one...However, the propulsion on this Vortex, because of being assisted by mass-inertia and other gravitational forces... will keep accelerating in ascension through time ...this makes it faster and much stronger "in crescendo" per Milli-Second of operation , therefore, with much less effort on first Virtual Vortex... as Machine develops longer working times...the second real Vortex will reach endless mechanical attributes.

                In a near future, I will be preparing some Diagrams to pulse our Three Poles and Multiples of Three... with a Three Brush System...that way we will be apart by only 120º and not 180º...Our Virtual Vortex will be much stronger and accurate...while we will have more accelerating Tangential Forces at Rotor...a more robust Virtual Vortex,, imagine how the Real One at Rotor would manifest..

                So, Dana...since you already build such a nice working code for two...can you build it for a Three Chanel System without much complications?

                They will be superb Machines, ranging from small to big scale...and they would be able to achieve impossible performances to be reproduced by the Symmetrical we will finally leave behind this old locked in time model...


                And Yes, Cornboy...Your beautiful Machine already have this no need to modify it further...your Machine have the Strongest Virtual Vortex ever build so, be very proud of it...And remember, Your Machine has also a Stator Virtual Vortex...besides the Brush Pulsed, Fasten your seat belts friend...

                I recommend You make a nice LED's Monitoring Screen Circuit, positioned at each Stator and at each Brush ...this way you could "read" how your Two Virtual Vortexes are aligning/synchronizing... as what speed spectrum are be compared with the Real Rotor Vortex read by your Tachometer...

                As also...You should, and I know you will......Test with just Three Inputs aligned at 120º check your Output through the other three Gates.

                Regards to All


                Hello UFO, and all, you must be a mind reader, UFO pol, i was going to ask Dana and Hitby to do a three code, i know it is simple stuff but as you know i am computer and electronically " Challenged".

                Member Shylo's suggestion of hooking a transformer to reverse radiant flow has me itching to try. I have a 3kva 240v isolation transformer, several MOT's, and a homemade attempt at a resonate transformer, with a powdered iron 2" dia core split in the middle, and with paralled tertiary coil output, will try to post pic.

                Adjusting output brushes, close and far away to input brushes, while running with load could be fasinating to all.

                Of course UFO, i will have frequency readings at as many places as

                The MAG3 i have built is beautiful, but don't look too close, it has a lot of hand made scars, the sort of thing Mass production can iron out.

                Yep, visual where ever possible, i will have neons on monsters to tell when reverse spiking is reaching high levels, like our mate Machine.

                Speaking of Mates-Friends, hope all is well JS.

                Warm Regards Cornboy.




                • Cornman, Impressive!

                  You have been on this trail for a while I can see. gonna go superhiway soon maybe, huh?
                  Up, Up and Away


                  • 36

                    Originally posted by sampojo View Post
                    You have been on this trail for a while I can see. gonna go superhiway soon maybe, huh?

                    Hello Sampojo, I had briefly read FE Tesla books about 30 yrs ago, so there was always a seed in the background, but life and Kids took over big time.

                    I started down the FE rabbit hole about 2.5 yrs ago when my wife of 36 yrs decided she wanted to do her own thing, and left, so i started to spend time on the computer at night.

                    ( 36 yrs---- 36 poles Spooky heh )

                    I have a new and wonderfull partner now, funny how things go.

                    Superhighway ? well don't know about that!

                    Warm Regards, Cornboy.


                    • Basics.

                      Just a quick question electro guys, when looking for diodes for reverse flow, say around 1200v 30Amp around 50Ns, What is the difference between a switching diode and a soft recovery diode, and which is best for our purpose.

                      This may be a basic question, i only have a basic understanding of electronics.

                      Thanks Cornboy.


                      • Coils configuration


                        I made three coils, I have read in earlier posts that multifilar coils works better but I had mixed results.
                        coil 1) single 18 AWG 156 feet on a 2 in PVC tube
                        coil 2) double 18 AWG coiled parallel (at the same time) 200 feet on a 2 in PVC tube
                        coil 3) Three individual 18 AWG 200 feet on a 2 in PVC tube, coiled one on top of each other.

                        using diode UF505 and IRF740 mosfet

                        The coil 1 offered the best results, able to light two 23 watt CFL at about 550HZ

                        while the other two (bigger) coils barely lights the CFL at a much lower frequency ( 250hz or so) higher frequency would just extinguish the lights.

                        Also reducing the duty cycle would just decrease the lights and increasing the DC would increase their intensity. Therefore I am wondering if I am getting any radiant at all.
                        can you help me make it work ?

                        I am also working on devarnishing some rotors..

                        PS. Also I have been able to get that green light effect..

                        Last edited by lerameur; 05-16-2013, 05:07 PM.


                        • Mag3

                          Greetings Cornboy please pardon my ignorance,but what is a MAG3? It kind of looks like an "alien coil" but im not at all sure. Thanks Al Sollid


                          • Mag3

                            Originally posted by asollid View Post
                            Greetings Cornboy please pardon my ignorance,but what is a MAG3? It kind of looks like an "alien coil" but im not at all sure. Thanks Al Sollid

                            Hello A Sollid, the MAG3 is an asymmetric motor i am building from scratch.

                            It is based on Member UFO's design, on his asymmetric motor thread, "My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines", on the principle of Tesla's, The Magnificence of 3, 6, 9,. So i just simply called it the MAG3.

                            If you would like to know more i suggest you read UFO's thread, maybe it would be eaiser if you searched thread for MAG3, or all posts by Cornboy.

                            Hope this helps

                            Regards Cornboy.

                            PS. the coil in previous post is my attempt at building a resonate transformer, to power another project i was working on, i will perhaps be using it on the reverse flow from MAG3 for testing purposes.
                            Last edited by Cornboy 555; 05-17-2013, 01:04 AM.


                            • Hello Lerameur

                              Originally posted by lerameur View Post

                              I made three coils, I have read in earlier posts that multifilar coils works better but I had mixed results.
                              coil 1) single 18 AWG 156 feet on a 2 in PVC tube
                              coil 2) double 18 AWG coiled parallel (at the same time) 200 feet on a 2 in PVC tube
                              coil 3) Three individual 18 AWG 200 feet on a 2 in PVC tube, coiled one on top of each other.

                              using diode UF505 and IRF740 mosfet

                              The coil 1 offered the best results, able to light two 23 watt CFL at about 550HZ

                              while the other two (bigger) coils barely lights the CFL at a much lower frequency ( 250hz or so) higher frequency would just extinguish the lights.

                              Also reducing the duty cycle would just decrease the lights and increasing the DC would increase their intensity. Therefore I am wondering if I am getting any radiant at all.
                              can you help me make it work ?

                              I am also working on devarnishing some rotors..

                              PS. Also I have been able to get that green light effect..

                              Hello Lerameur,

                              There MUST BE something wrong in your Coils windings when you add Second and Third to the First Coil (that worked)

                              It is very important to have in mind that ALL Coils (when you are winding One on Top of the Other) They all MUST BE WOUND with EXACTLY same directions of windings.

                              If You do one CW...and the Second will be canceling the Hot Magnetic fields between them...or weakening to almost a zero resultant....Therefore Radiant Field will not be generated at the Off Times.

                              Could you post a Diagram of how are you connecting them with diodes and between them and Oscillator?

                              It will help me a lot to see that.


                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Magnificence of 3

                                Originally posted by asollid View Post
                                Greetings Cornboy please pardon my ignorance,but what is a MAG3? It kind of looks like an "alien coil" but im not at all sure. Thanks Al Sollid
                                This is a phrase coined by our illustrious leader Ufo. It refers to the most powerful design he has posted so far. You may find it first presented HERE. It is the design cornboy jumped on with 2 feet as you may notice.

                                There is a tremendous amount of material, real science, in these threads. Read them all, and save every page.

                                I have a reference document I have made to help me understand things. I will be changing it as I assimilate more material myself.
                                Up, Up and Away

